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English For Pleasure

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We all have been in love, at least one time. We love the feeling of being wanted, of being cared for, of being taken for just the way we are. There have been times when we believe that we are in love, but sometimes we seem that we fall out of it. There have been times when we love this feeling and after some time it seems to wear out.

So what love is actually? Is love wishing for someone always, wanting to be with someone? Can you love someone without the assurance that you may not be able to be with that person? I had been in love, when I was a schoolboy and when I spent more and more time with her, I realized what love is actually?

Love is a lot more than just wanting to be with that person. It is also more than just to be with that person forever. It is wishing for happiness. It is love to someone so much, that nothing can ever break this union. It is the trust that someone loves you more than anything else and you love someone more than anything else.

Love is waiting for the day when you are about to meet her but still not feeling bad when she can`t spend this time with you. Love is the trust that someone will never ever lie to you. Love is when someone doesn`t have to prove to you always that she loves you. That`s what she made me realize, that`s what my love to her is, and that`s what love is actually.

And what is love for you?

Continue the phrase, pleasе, love is…

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Love is when we can trust each other.

Love is when we can discuss different topics.

Love is when we can silent being together and it`s comfortable.

Love is when feeling very bad you can look into his eyes and understand that everything is OK.

Love is when you feel him and he feels you how long the distance between you wasn’t.

Love is when you looking in his eyes feel what he feels.

Love is when you understand everything without any words.

Love is when we love without “IF”.

And the main phrase for me about love is the next. Love is when you want happiness for him.

And don`t forget that love is the roof of the house which walls are made of friendship.

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