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Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

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I have a cat sly as a fox

It hides all things i give in box.

The more it has,

The more it wants.

Have you ever met such cat sly as a fox?  

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The cat decided the championship to watch,

In order not be late he bought a golden watch.

But on the way

they gone away.

So confused cat had to buy another watch.

Изменено пользователем Dzyliya

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The cat was walking in the park.

He had a jar with magic mark

"Who drinks this juice

 Will always be in use" 

Nobody wanted it so the cat watered the bark.

Изменено пользователем Dzyliya

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The "Titul" had announced an unusual contest.

The cat had idea and great interest.

He wanted to write a limerick himself

He read all the books from mother's big shelf.

The wise cat wanted to be one of the best!

Изменено пользователем Dzyliya

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The cat decided the championship to watch,

In order not be late he bought a golden watch.

But on the way

they gone away.

So confused cat missed the match.


Dzyliya, в этом стихотворении во 2 и 5 строчке не рифмуются слова :)  Спасибо огромное за Ваше творчество!

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The cat was walking in the park.

He had a jar with magic mark

"Who drinks this juice

 Will always be in use" 

The cat gave drink to old,strange duck.


В этом стихотворении та же самая ситуация :)

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Отличный лимерик, только нужно немного поправить рифму во второй строке. Она должна рифмоваться с первой и пятой строкой. 

Еще есть две недели до окончания конкурса, время есть. 

Удачи Вашей ученице! 


Большое спасибо, Аня  подправила немного рифму:


There is a well-fed cat

Who wants to lose his «fat»

It always makes him smile

When he leads sports lifestyle

That's why this cat is fond of sprat


Сафронова Анна, 11 класс

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There lived an unusual old cat named Alan

Who worked in the publishing house Macmillan.

He had never been abroad

But he had a magic sword.

Once he woke up far away in Oran.


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There lived a cat who made up a dictionary,

As for him in the world there was no boundary.

Once he wanted to fly a balloon

To have a rest till the next afternoon.

But he couldn't do it, he lost his salary. 



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There lived a cat who gained much weight,

He wanted to lose it but it was too late.

Anyway he went to the sea to swim,

He spent so much time on the rim.

"I'm doing wrong, I need to buy a bigger plate!"


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There lived a cat called His Majesty
Who was always very, very so thirsty.
Once water went away from his kingdom,
But the cat did not lose his wisdom.
A new self-made tap saved from calamity.



Изменено пользователем Yekayekaterina

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There lived a cat Bobby

Who had a funny hobby.

He used to sit on a dry twig

Dreaming about a curly wig.

In general, all that looked dauby.


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There was a tall slim cat,

Who liked her little red hat.

She was so nice

And delighted everyone`s eyes.

Could not part with her little red hat.

Шляпки бывают разные: черные, белые, красные... :):D :) 

У меня получился вот такой лимерик про шляпку:

There lived a kitten without a bed,

A kind girl offered her head,

What a nice, fluffy hat!

She’s never dreamt of that!

Nothing can be suggested instead.


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One cat in the flat lost his balloon,

He tried to get it from the ceiling till noon.

A soap bubble he planned to swallow

And the balloon to follow.

Ready! Steady! He is flying soon.


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There was a busy, young lady from New York,

Whose cat didn`t give her in the computer work.

He wanted to use his brains

In different computer games.

It drove her berserk, she took a knife and a carving fork.




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There lived a tomcat in Surrey,

Who didn’t eat meat, no way!

No fish! Only greens!

He is seen on TV screens,

He advertises vegetable puree.


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There was a cat from Scone,

        Who liked talking on the phone.

         Once called a frog,

         Scolded like a dog,

         Nobody had spoken in such a tone!


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There lived a cat, a real ghost buster,

Nobody could run anywhere faster.

He also jumped here and there,

Looked for ghosts everywhere.

Once he jumped on the head of the master.


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There was a kitten from Main,

Who once tried to hide from rain.

It was not a long race

To find a dry place…

He went to faraway Africa by train.


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There lived kangaroo cats in the world

Who had their tails very curled.

They jumped all day long,

Their tails produced loud dong.

All they just wanted was to be twirled. 


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Лимерик (поэзия)
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Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Традиционно лимерик имеет пять строк, построенных по схеме AABBA, причём в каноническом виде конец последней строки повторяет конец первой!!

Dzyliya, в этом стихотворении во 2 и 5 строчке не рифмуются слова :)  Спасибо огромное за Ваше творчество!


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Dzyliya, в этом стихотворении во 2 и 5 строчке не рифмуются слова :)  Спасибо огромное за Ваше творчество!


Лимерик (поэзия)

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Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии.Традиционно лимерик имеет пять строк, построенных по схеме AABBA, причём в каноническом виде конец последней строки повторяет конец первой. 

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It's a kitten under his umbrella

Who for breakfast had Nutella.

The falling rain makes him sad,

So, there is nothing to add.

He is waiting for Cinderella.


Изменено пользователем Yekayekaterina

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There lived a cat in a café 

Not very far from the subway.

Once he ordered tea mate,

Instead he got coffee latte.

All it happened in cold Norway.


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It's a majestic cat on the throne,

Yesterday he lost his phone.

He ordered his servants to search,

All of them went to the church.

After 10 days they brought him a bone. 


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