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An activity-based approach to teaching young learners


1 094 просмотра

Hi all,I am trying to find out some advantages (or maybe some disadvantages?) of using an activity-based approach to teaching English to children.1. Provides "whole learning" context for language.2. Suits mixed ability groups.3. Provides a highly motivating contex.4. Encourages social interaction and peer teaching.Can you add any more?

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It highlights the importance of effective classroom management


Absolutely! It is the key point here. It is both an advantage and a disadvantage! It is a challenge. Old habbits die hard. It is difficult to change the way you have been teaching for years.

But how to start these changes in the classroom?

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well, about disadvantages

1. May be difficult to organise in the language classroom

2. Requires a lot of preparation time

3. May require co-operation from other teachers


I agree. Besides, I guess there is one more disadvantage: it requires a kind of confidence to take risks with discipline at the lessons.

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