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She was sitting on a bench. She had got wet through because of the heavy rain. She felt sad and offensive. “Why has he acted like this? Why has he abandoned me?” responsible for the one he has tamed.

She had had quite the other life until she met him. What was her previous life like? She tried to remember. And little by little her thoughts and memories carried her away into the past some month before.

She was quite happy then surrounded by her nearest and dearest. How merrily and carelessly they were spending their time. Of course she was rebuked for her franks sometimes but was never really punished. At that time she didn`t even realize what great happiness it was just to be loved for nothing special.

All of a sudden HE appeared. All her life changed crucially. She had to move to his place. At the very beginning she was sure he adored her. He told her sweet words, forgave her pranks, and spent all his time with her. But then unexpectedly everything went wrong. She had an opportunity of seeing him only nearly in the morning and late at night. He was spending weekends somewhere without her. They were not hanging out together in the park anymore. He stopped telling her tender words. Sometimes he seemed taking no notice of her. She was fully ignored. More and more often she was in a melancholy mood.

The rain was getting stronger. She was shivering but not with cold. She was shivering with reactions of the morning.

Everything was starting as usual: breakfast, his gloomy face, silence. He was at the window looking out. She was in the doorway looking at him. Suddenly it seemed to her that he turned towards her calling her gently. A great joy made her rush towards him. And just at that moment a crash was heard: his favourite vase fell down and smashed to smithereens. She stood paralyzed with terror, her heart sank.

He angrily turned to her. How he abused her! How loudly he shouted! She wished the earth could swallow her up. “I`m not guilty. It`s not my fault. I haven`t done it purposely,” she thought pressing herself into the armchair where he made her sit down. After a while he calmed down, smiled at her and they went for a walk for the first time after many days. What a joy! A hope that everything would be all right, appeared in her heart. But, alas, she was mistaken.

She stayed sitting on the bench. He had gone away leaving her alone without saying a word. She was crying her heart bitterly. But nobody saw her tears because of the pouring rain. “Why? Why? Why could he act like this?” The little white kitten was pondering over the event again and again.

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