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The day off


1 335 просмотров

Megan woke up and stretched with pleasure. It was her day off. That`s why she didn’t have to hurry anywhere and could stay in bed a bit longer than usually. But she wouldn`t sleep any more.

She got up and went up to the window. The sky was grey. The clouds were big and dark-grey. “It is going to rain,” – she thought. Smiling to the sky and to herself the girl went to the kitchen.

There was an empty tea jar on the table. “I forgot to buy some tea yesterday evening,” – Magan whispered. “So my plans for today`s morning change: I’ll take the shower and go to the shop.”

Magan leisurely walked through the supermarket. Nothing prevented her from thinking about the recent events. She broke up with her boyfriend Jack. It happened a week ago. Suddenly they both understood that their relations had reached a deadlock.

Standing in front of a shelf she tried to decide which tea to choose. She looked from one pack of tea to another. After 20 minutes a pack of black Earl Grey tea was in her basket.

“Now I should choose something delicious for tea.” She went on her journey through the supermarket. And with it she continued her thoughts.

Frankly speaking there was nothing to be sorry for but… But she felt miserable. It sometimes feels so when you’ve parted with someone who had been a part of your life. But it was not good to be sad. Soon everything will change. The loneliness couldn’t last forever.

She decided to have the evening to herself: she would drink tea with sweets, listen to her favourite music and chat with her friends on the phone. And Mary would certainly come round in the evening. Mary was her best friend and a jolly girl who had decided to take Magan under her wing. Mary likes chocolate cakes and sweets with nuts.

With the first drops of the rain Magan ran into her flat. “Hooray! Just in time!” – she thought putting her bags on the table. The rain was gaining strength, beating against the window louder and louder. She turned the radio on. They were playing a song by Madonna.

“Rain, wash away my sorrow, take away my pain” – she sang along with the famous singer.

The kettle boiled. Megan made her fragrant tea, took some sweets and sat comfortably on the window-sill.

There was a park in front of her house. Some people with umbrellas were hurrying to their dry and cosy homes along the paths.

Suddenly Megan saw her. She was sitting on a bench. She had got wet through. Megan`s heart was down with pity.

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