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Scottish food

Алексей Конобеев

875 просмотров

Years ago I used to hear from my English friends that food in Scotland is indigestible and not tasty at all. Every time I heard it I thought of English food and I couldn't possibly imagine how bad Scottish food must be if it was no good even as compared with English meals.This summer was my first chance to try a Scottish breakfast in Edinburgh and to see for myself whether my English friends were right.

A full Scottish breakfast differs from a full English breakfast only in a few details. It normally consists of eggs (fried, scrambled or boiled, the choice is yours), bacon (and bacon in Scotland is cut thicker than in England), a few mushrooms, fried whole, a spoonful or two of baked beans, a slice of black pudding (looks and tastes like a spicy blood sausage) and a bit of haggis. Since it was mainly haggis that I heard of as the worst bit of a Scottish meal, I was interested in trying it. Haggis is made from minced sheep's "pluck' (that is, liver, heart and lungs), onions, spices and the mixture is boiled in the sheep's stomach. The taste resembles a spicy liver sausage, only it has a harder texture. To tell you the truth, I found haggis quite tasty and often had it afterwards.

On its own, haggis can be served as a main course. In this case it is served with "neeps and tatties" (mashed turnips and potatoes, which come in layers" the bottom grey layer is haggis, the middle honey yellow layer is turnip, and the upper layer is mashed potatoes).

But another Scottish meal which impressed me was the traditional porrige with a "wee dram".

The most famous Scottish drink is whisky. You will find lots of local distilleries in Scotland, some are famous locally, others are well-known nationwide and internationally. And a 'wee dram" is a small shot of whisky ("wee" meaning "small" in gaelic). So porrige with a wee dram is in fact a bowl of porridge, served with cream and a small portion of whisky which you are supposed to put in your porridge. I had it only once, and decided that it really wasn't my cup of tea.

But all in all food in Scotland is lovely, if different from what we are used to in our country.

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Very interesting! I agree with your friends that Scottish food is very specific (especially porridge with a wee dram :huh: ). Not every person can eat and digest it, but on the other hand it is fool of calories and you won't feel hungry for a long time!!!

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Very interesting! I agree with your friends that Scottish food is very specific (especially porridge with a wee dram :huh: ). Not every person can eat and digest it, but on the other hand it is fool of calories and you won't feel hungry for a long time!!!

Oh yes, I think it is rich in calories. But at the same time the cream helps to get rid of the watery taste of oats and the whisky added some spicy touch. Although, as I said, I wouldn't want to have such breakfasts every morning! ;-)

Something I did not mention in the post is the seafood there. Since there is a long coastline and lots of fishing going on, you can easily get freshly-caught trout, salmon, sea bass, sea bream, scallops, lobsters and langoustines no matter where you are in Scotland. So this gives a nice culinary touch to any journey there.

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