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'Find someone who'


798 просмотров

'Find someone who' is an activity which is quite common in many language classrooms. Have you heard of it? Have you used it before?It is usually fun and easy but a little bit noisy to run in the classroom. And it is absolutely nessessary at an on-line course to organise group work or buddy groups as Americans say. Sometimes tutors just put names in groups for this or that task.What is better: let Ss make groups or make them work in an exact group?Do you have any ideas how you can use this with your learners? I would adapt it to suit them and their language needs in different situations/grammar themes/topics.

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It is a highly learners centred activity. Just for example, such a personalised task can be set up: ss write individually


3 things that they enjoy doing


3 people that are important to them


3 places that they’ve been to / would like to go to


3 things they did last weekend


3 things they own which are important to them


3 items of clothing that they like – what is their ‘history’?


or any other question you think will be appropriate with this very group of students.


After that they can do such a smart mingle activity that I really like to do with any level and age learners as Find someone who... It always works!

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