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English For Pleasure

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My Summer Holidays


1 247 просмотров

These summer holidays I dedicated to preparation for the Pedagogical Conference. This idea came to my mind when I saw the document from our Committee of Education by my school director. And also she suggested me to take part in it. I didn`t want, but at the last moment I agreed.

First of all, I thought about my topic. There were no ideas in my mind, everything about I thought was told some years ago or last year. I was searching for something new. The thoughts left my mind. Then I remembered my best friend, I asked him to help me with the topic. He agreed with pleasure. He suggested me some of themes and then I began to formulate my future topic of the report. After it my friend gave me some recommendations how and what I can write about. The main aim of my work was to make interesting my report in order to attract my listeners` attention.

My work began from the searching material in the Internet and books. It took one week to find an interesting and useful material. Then I had to print and read it carefully. After this work I began writing. In some days my report was ready and I sent it to my friend for reading. He sent me it back some days later with the list of recommendations what I must change in my report. My work continued and in some time I made a new verse of my report. Then I decided to make a presentation of some useful points of my report and I did it.

The work finished some days before the Conference. I had to connect with the Committee of Education. I rang, but that who was responsible for this work didn`t answer. This situation repeated every day. At last I found out that I wouldn`t take part in the Conference. Some other participants were chosen. I was so disappointed. I spent a lot of time for making report and also a lot of forces. But some minutes later I thought: “I can present my report on the English teachers` forum, isn`t it?

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