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English For Pleasure

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The 1st of September 2009


1 057 просмотров

I got up at 6 o`clock and I immediately began to prepare my breakfast, my clothes. I slept very badly at night, because I worried about my first meeting with my class and other pupils. I have missed them for a long time, during my holidays.

When I came to school, I got a lot of best wishes and congratulations from my colleagues, pupils, parents with this famous holiday. Some of them presented me flowers. It was great! I was very glad.

At 9 o`clock the line, dedicating to Day of Knowledge began. There were congratulations from our director, pupils, and the members from our local administration of the village. They also gave some presents to the pupils from the first form.

After the line I and my pupils met on the Lesson of Knowledge. I told them some interesting stories from our life, gave the information about their duties this year. Some minutes later came the 7th form with their teacher and congratulated me and gave a present with the past birthday. It was a surprise for me. I didn`t know about it, but it was very pleased for me.

Some minutes later I gave my first lesson in the 8th form. It is our “the biggest” form in our school. There are only four pupils there. At the beginning of the lesson we congratulated each other with this main holiday and then started working.

My second lesson was in the 6th form. The pupils were very glad to see me and me, too. We began working with the topic “Appearance”. And I also played with them. They liked my lesson very much.

It was my first day at school this school year.

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