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Irina Starovoytova's Blog

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How I feel about writing an educational blog.


849 просмотров

I guess I should write about the course progress and how I feel about it.

First of all it is absolutely nessessary for any educator to be not only a trainer but a trainee as well, isn't it? Very useful. I am taking two courses (face-to-face and online) run by British Council, but I also need time for work, family, friends, my social life... Too hectic!

To find inspiration I probably need to read something of that kind.

Here is the address of my former educator Michael Krauss. http://michaelkraussmusings.blogspot.com/

I took his class in 2008. It was my first experience in taking an online professional development course. I really liked it but I didn't write any blogs, just did other kinds of reflection.

Learning Technologies Teacher training course is delivered 100% on-line in the virtual learning environment Moodle and I like it more than the one I studied in Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon, USA. It is easier to deal with.

By the way, we are going to use VLE Moodle to create our school courses. I think it is very ambitious. Taking in concideration the fact that any work must be paid. Not sure that teachers should always have extra work as if it is their hobby, you know.

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