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In a hotel

Алексей Конобеев

1 035 просмотров

This morning I had breakfast in the lobby bar and then went to the lift to go upstairs to my hotel room.

Well, there was a small crowd waiting for the lifts. The first people standing next to the doors were 4 women. They were discussing something. Meanwhile, the lifts weren't coming. I looked at the indicator and realised that no one had bothered to press the button to call the lifts

So I did that and almost immediately one of the lifts came. The women goty in, still chatting. They were discussing some man. I got in as well, and two more men

I pressed the button for my floor, one of the men pressed the button for a lower flor. The women kept talking, never looking our way

The lift stops, one of the men goes out. When the doors were already closing, one of the women said loudly: Oh, we're getting out! And they all rushed out. The doors closed, and when the lift was starting to go up, I heard one of the women say rather loudly outside: But where ARE we?

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Is it possible to happen to men?)))

Why not! A week ago a man-taxi-driver turned off the right road and went on for some distance. My little daughter said at gaze: I think we've lost. The driver woke up and saw what he was doing. It appeared he was driving home

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Is it possible to happen to men?)))

Why not! A week ago a man-taxi-driver turned off the right road and went on for some distance. My little daughter said at gaze: I think we've lost. The driver woke up and saw what he was doing. It appeared he was driving home

was he sleeping?!!!

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Is it possible to happen to men?)))

Why not! A week ago a man-taxi-driver turned off the right road and went on for some distance. My little daughter said at gaze: I think we've lost. The driver woke up and saw what he was doing. It appeared he was driving home

was he sleeping?!!!

Fortunately not! Just deep in thought

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