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A taste of America

Алексей Конобеев

969 просмотров

There are people who believe that traditional American food is burgers and hotdogs. There are also those who say that there is no national cuisine in the USA. None of these people are actually right. True, burgers are popular in the USA as a convenient way of having a quick meal, just about as popular as sandwiches are in the UK. Still this is certainly not the only dish that the USA can offer. In fact, there are several distinctly different regional cuisines in the USA. While people in the South, particularly in Texas, are famous for their fried foods, high in fats, someone from the North will offer you a very light low-calorie breakfast. Also, you eat differently in the East and in the West of the USA. Also, immigrants from many countries bring their own traditional recipes and open their restaurants everywhere. Buffalo wings, tacos, nachos, Cesar salad, all sorts of dips, fajitas, caramel apples, pumpkin pies, meatloaf - there are lots and lots of dishes that have a distinctly American flavor.


One of the easiest dishes to cook in Russia is meatloaf. There are many ways of cooking it and many families have lots of different recipes. Here's the one that I use:


To make meatloaf you'll need the following ingredients:

700 gr Minced meat

a can of sweet corn

some soy or Worcestershire sauce

some ketchup

one large onion

herbs (I use fresh parseley or dill, but dry herbs will do just fine)

one egg

breadcrumbs if the minced meat is too juicy


Cooking method:

Mix all the ingredients together to form a smooth substance that will keep its shape like a loaf of bread. Put it into a baking form and bake in the oven until ready. I sometimes line the form with rashers of bacon and cover the meatloaf with bacon too, but this is for those who like a crunchy meat crust on this dish. Tastes great with grilled vegetables or boiled new potatoes or just with boiled vegetables. Serve and enjoy.

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It is interesting to see young Russians write of America. I am 50 years old and live in the US, and one of my dreams has always been to go to Russia. Even as a young adult, I loved things Russian -- the literature, the national character,....

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It is interesting to see young Russians write of America. I am 50 years old and live in the US, and one of my dreams has always been to go to Russia. Even as a young adult, I loved things Russian -- the literature, the national character,....

Hi, that's interesting to hear. Russia is certainly a country very rich in history and culture, but you may find some things rather different from what you're used to seeing at home, and certainly very different from some of the stereotypes. By the way, what is your idea of the Russian national character? I've been trying to find a research or at least a survey, but have not been able to find anything interesting so far.

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