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Teddy McArdle

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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем Teddy McArdle

  1. Are these two ok??




    Everyone considers me as a little bit crazy. They are not able to understand my passion roaming the vast Russian landscape. They can not accept that I’m seeking my place in life. I reject most of conservative values and try to find out what is important for me. My searches led me to read lots of literature: philosophy, psychology, anthropology etc. Books marked me to embark on new style of life. I perceive a literature as a catalyst for my transformation. My friends and I were profoundly marked by seminal works of Nietzsche, Sartre, Camus, Fromm, Marx and others. These great writers prompted us to look for new ways of living. I have always believed in my intelligent prowess and because of it I’ve always carried out my own decisions. Of course, many things haven’t paned out, but I’m strongly going through my way. All of my life mistakes are like drafts for my future big success.





    “This is my favorite spot” said Neo. It was the literary program. Neo likes reading. The program looks like a big library. In particular, there are only philosophy books. Neo has always challenged an ignorance. Neo has always been credited with making people free.

    The focal point of Matrix is controlling people. Neo made a history when he won an agent and started a fight against the machines. Lots of young men were named after him. They get animated when they are listening about his adventures.

  2. Hi! New story. Check it, please. What's about articles? It's very difficult to understand for me.



    I have a friend. He and his wife are newlyweds. His wife emotes very strongly when he’s fooling around with other women. She has a strict upbringing, so she can’t accept that her husband can love somebody else. At the same time he hates the fact she keeps in touch with couple men from her job. There is no an(?) admiration, no a(?) tenderness and a(?) fondness in their relationships. Each of them is an outstanding person. But their marriage led them to this dire situation. They are troubled by themselves. Both of them forget when they were delighted and happy. They feel solely an (?) indignation and a(?) contempt towards each other. Finally this couple will withdraw into a lonely shell, will be imprisoned in their marriage. They think it is their due being the one for their partner. The consequence of it is a(?) lack of happiness and a(?) deep depression.

  3. Hi! If it's not bother you, please check for mistakes. Thanks.



    Everyone considers me as a little bit crazy. They are not able to understand my passion roaming the vast Russian landscape. They can not accept that I’m seeking my place in life. I reject most of conservative values and try to find out what is important for me. My searches led me to read lots of literature: philosophy, psychology, anthropology etc. Books marked me to embark on new style of life. I perceive a literature as a catalyst for my transformation. My friends and I were profoundly marked by seminal works of Nietzsche, Sartre, Camus, Fromm, Marx and others. These great writers prompted us to look for new ways of living. I have always believed in my intelligent prowess and because of it I’ve always carried out my own decisions. Of course, many things haven’t paned out, but I’m strongly going through my way. All of my life mistakes are like drafts for my future big success.





    “This is my favorite spot” said Neo. It was the literary program. Neo likes reading. The program looks like a big library. In particular, there are only philosophy books. Neo has always challenged an ignorance. Neo has always been credited with making people free.

    The focal point of Matrix is controlling people. Neo made a history when he won an agent and started a fight against the machines. Lots of young men were named after him. They get animated when they are listening about his adventures.

  4. Hey guys! As I've said I'm learning English by making little stories with new words and phrases. Please, check it and fix my mistakes (in particular, articles). Thanks a lot!



    “This is my favorite spot” said Neo. It was the literary program. Neo likes reading. The program looks like a big library. In particular, there are only philosophy books. Neo has always challenged an ignorance. Neo has always been credited with making people free.

    The focal point of Matrix is controlling people. Neo made a history when he won an agent and started a fight against the machines. Lots of young men were named after him. They get animated when they are listening about his adventures.

  5. Hi everyone! Could you help me? I'm learning English by creating small stories with new words and phrases. I need somebody to check my story and fix some mistakes. I mean grammar and other stuff. Thank you. (By the way, I'm troubled with articles).

    Here's the story:



    There was a guy named Tyler and Tyler was paranoid about the Fight club. One day when he was flying to the New York he hooked up with a guy named Jack. They hit it off immediately. Tyler liked Jack and Jack liked Tyler. Tyler told Jack, “The bottom line is I want to create a Fight club!”. “My gut tells me it’ll be awesome!” Jack said. But Tyler was in dire situation. He had no money, he had no job and he wanted to set up the Fight club. He felt a powerful animosity towards job and money. He couldn’t stand the work. But he needed money for the Fight club. He waned to have his cake and eat it too.

    Tyler had an intimate relationship with crazy bitch Marla. But at the same time she was fooling around with Jack. Tyler turned a blind eye to their relationship. Jack couldn’t stand her, he hated her, he decided she was not he was looking for. Marla felt betrayed. She called everyday to Jack. She threatened him. But Jack didn’t bow to this pressure. He didn’t budge. He was too worldly at relationships with women. Marla couldn’t get past it. She tried to kill herself with a poison. But Tyler saved her.

    Marla, Tyler and Jack didn’t have any relatives. So they created their own family. They were soul mates. They loved each other. This love was deep and unconditional. Their roots were intertwined. But Tyler knew that no matter how you slice it society won’t accept it. Tyler has never been a people-pleaser. He has always stood up for his believes. In their eyes it was unacceptable. Publicity perceived this relationship as wrong and naughty. Marla, Tyler and Jack have tried breaking it off but the force was bigger and stronger than they were imaging. They couldn’t break away. The government, the society belittled them. But Marla, Tyler and Jack stuck it out. They knew they will be better off together. Marla and Tyler were frightened by the government’s threats so they got custody on Jack and he became their son.

    One day Tyler asked Jack to hit him as hard as he could. Jack said, “Oh no dude, I wash my hands of this”. So Tyler took it upon his self and hit Jack. Jack wasn’t very picky about his looks so he started to fight with Tyler. Jack was very strong-willed. He wanted to win the fight. But Tyler took things the wrong way and put out the gun. He pointed it on Jack. Many people around were frightened to meddle. Everyone got an eyeful on Tyler and Jack. Everyone hesitated to do something. That’s how the Fight club was set up.

    The first rule of the Fight club was everyone had to fight in the buff. And the first home task was to streak around and to fight with everyone. But the tragedy was happened. The big guy named Bob was spotted by police at the Times Square when he was fighting with everyone. And police shouted him at the head. All members of Fight club were unsettled. Fight club and police never crossed paths again.

    But Tyler had an obsessive idea, he wanted to blow the Wall Street. Every member agreed with Tyler, only Jack nixed this idea. Everyone reprimanded Jack, everyone criticized his behavior. But Jack stood up to them. He refused this idea.

  6. Словари предназначены не для пополнения словарного запаса (ментального лексикона), а для понимания слов в текстовом или ситуативном контексте. Я не знаю ни одного случая успешного овладения английским языком "по словарю". Важно пользоваться яыком в коммуникативных ситуациях и овладевать коммуникативными стратегиями "выкручиваться" в случае коммуникативных затруднений. Коммуниативный процесс - это постоянное принятие решени о том, как и что сказать, а не демонстрация заученных слов. Что касается одноязычных и двуязычных словарей, то здесь все зависит от уровня владения языком. Если словарный запас невилик, то лучше пользоваться одноязычным словарем и прочно связать иностранное слов с его точным значением (переводом). Если словарный запас позволяет, полезно создавать ассоциации иностранного слова с его синонимами или синонимичными выражениями. Таким образом можно расширить свои экспрессивные возможности.


    Thanks for attention.

  7. Присоединяюсь отчасти к предыдущему оратору. Пользуюсь одноязычным словарем. Но в голове все равно постоянно ищу аналог слова на русском. Правильно ли? Или не нужно связывать два языка? Спасибо.

  8. :) Hi there!!

    Мне почему-то нельзя самому открывать тему
    , пишу здесь. Мне 23 года. Собираюсь переезжать в деревню, хочу там устроиться учителем английского в местной школе. У самого уровень знания - upper, может около advanced, имею техническое образование. Никогда не преподавал, но думаю у меня получится. Есть огромное желание.

    Вопрос: что нужно конкретно знать, чтобы вести уроки английского? В том смысле, что есть какие-то определенные программы обучения или я могу сам произвольно составлять тематику занятий? Надо ли идти в ПедИнститут на дообучение или можно ограничиться курсами английского языка? В общем, как себя подготовить к этому?

    Буду очень благодарен за советы!
