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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем avtuhova

  1. Огромное спасибо Вам за критику. Очень Вам признательна. Ваше мнение для меня очень важно. Действительно, на ошибках учатся, а не на комплиментах. Но мне бы хотелось узнать, действительно ли такая работа совсем не наберет баллов?

  2. Ну вот получается высмеяли работу.Тогда ответьте на вопрос: " Зачем отдельные издательства выпускают сборники для подготовки к ЕГЭ? Чтобы действительно помочь или для личной наживы? Я имею в виду,хотя бы тренировочную тетрадь к выполнению части С на ЕГЭ( автор- М.А.Бодоньи). На мой взгляд, там можно чему- то поучиться, хотя бы выучить клише. Просмотрите на досуге и оставьте комментарий. Интересно узнать Ваше мнение.

  3. Some people maintain the idea that if a person really knows a foreign language he has no problems with working as an interpreter. Others believe that you have to have special skills for that job.


    I agree with the point of view that not everyone who has learned a foreign language can work as an interpreter. Firstly, an interpreter should not only be an expert in languages, but also have a thorough knowledge of other aspects of life as they work with people from different cultures and social groups. Secondly, interpreters should be physically strong to work under much stress. Thirdly, it is essentially important for an interpreter to have a good vocabulary. Every language has colloquial words, idioms which are hard to understand without good knowledge.


    However, some people think that you will not have great difficulties with working as an interpreter if you know language well and practice daily. First of all, you have no problems with understanding both languages (your native language and a foreign one). If you understand something in one language you can easily translate it into another. Besides, everyone who knows a foreign language has some kind of translation experience and easily can manage with this work.


    Personally I, think that daily practice and knowing only a language cannot help you because you have to know the types and peculiarities of translating. This profession requires such skills as listening, reading, speaking and writing.


    All in all, interpreters should have deep knowledge not only in a foreign language but in other aspects of our life. ( 249 слов)

    Сколько баллов можно получить за такое эссе?

  4. The text is written in American English. Right? We see practice as a verb.


    people maintain the idea that > have an idea


    he has no problems > he or she has no problem


    people from different > people of different backgrounds and


    be physically strong > be fit


    essentially important > greatly/particularly important (essential is already important)


    have a good vocabulary > have a wide active vocabulary


    words, idioms > words and idioms


    know language well > speak the languages well (four times more frequent)


    Personally I, > Personally, I/Personally I


    knowing only a language > only speaking two languages


    have to know the types and peculiarities of translating > you should master the art of interpreting


    This profession requires such skills > Interpreters are required to have such skills as listening and speaking. An interpreter is a person whose job is to translate what someone is saying into another language.


    All in all, > It's not on my list of transitional devices. It is used mainly in fiction and magazines. Its usage is decreasing.


    aspects of our life > aspects of life


    Your English is good. But there is still room for improvement.

    Thank you very much. We'll try to correct the mistakes.

  5. Здравствуйте! Помогите, пожалуйста оценить работу моей ученицы. Буду признательна за Вашу оценку. Заранее спасибо!

    Comment on the following statement.

    A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter.


    Some people maintain the idea that if a person really knows a foreign language he has no problems with working as an interpreter. Others believe that you have to have special skills for that job.


    I agree with the point of view that not everyone who has learned a foreign language can work as an interpreter. Firstly, an interpreter should not only be an expert in languages, but also have a thorough knowledge of other aspects of life as they work with people from different cultures and social groups. Secondly, interpreters should be physically strong to work under much stress. Thirdly, it is essentially important for an interpreter to have a good vocabulary. Every language has colloquial words, idioms which are hard to understand without good knowledge.


    However, some people think that you will not have great difficulties with working as an interpreter if you know language well and practice daily. First of all, you have no problems with understanding both languages (your native language and a foreign one). If you understand something in one language you can easily translate it into another. Besides, everyone who knows a foreign language has some kind of translation experience and easily can manage with this work.


    Personally I, think that daily practice and knowing only a language cannot help you because you have to know the types and peculiarities of translating. This profession requires such skills as listening, reading, speaking and writing.


    All in all, interpreters should have deep knowledge not only in a foreign language but in other aspects of our life. ( 249 слов)

  6. Огромное спасибо организаторам за проведение такого замечательного конкурса. Конечно, было бы неплохо узнать свои недочеты, над чем следует больше работать, на какие моменты стоит обратить внимание. Было бы неплохо, если бы все это вы написали мне в личку. Всех победителей поздравляю с победой,творческих успехов и реализации всех поставленных целей Вам, уважаемые коллеги. И конечно же, всех- всех с наступающими новогодними праздниками.


  7. Нет, Ваш электронный адрес. Поскольку у Вас мало сообщений (надо 5), Ваша личка не работает. а я бы хотела Вам написать лично. Если Вы не против, конечно.


    Пишите. Скажите, пожалуйста, а я правильно отправила свою работу на конкурс?

  8. Не могли бы Вы написать мне в личку через профиль? :D/>

    А что конкретно Вам написать? Отправить свой материал еще раз? Видеофайл или все вместе с конспектом, биографией и самоанализом?
