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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем Valentina1231

  1. Step 8

    Get feedback from the whole class on how Mog might ruin Christmas Day.


     Step 9

    Tell the students to watch the film and compare their predictions with what actually happens to Mog. Pause at 02:40.





    Step 10

    Get students to describe what happened to Mog and what Mog did.


    Step 11

    Ask your students what they think is going to happen to the Thomas family now and what they are going to do to celebrate Christmas Day.


    Step 12

    Now show the rest of the film and ask your students if they like the ending.


    Step 13

    Pause at the caption “Christmas is for sharing”. Ask your students if they agree with this message and give examples of how we can share at Christmas.
