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Наталья Васильевна Зайцева

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Все публикации пользователя Наталья Васильевна Зайцева

  1. Разработки учителей к учебникам New Millennium English

    Хочу поделиться разработкой задания к уроку по теме "My favourite animal", New Millennium-5 Choose the right word: My favourite animal is a bear. Bears are (big/small) and dangerous animals. Bears live in the (jungle/ forests) in Russia and in America. They are (brown/yellow). They have got a (long/ short) tail and 4 (legs/wings). They like berries, fish and honey. Bears can run, jump, (climb/swim) well but they can’t climb trees. I like bears because they are clever, beautiful and (strong/funny). Есть хорошая разработка урока с презентацией. Обращаться zaitsevana@mail.ru
  2. Чтение сложных текстов - как помочь ученикам

    Спасибо большое за интересную информацию! Есть подборка интересных текстов по теме "Exotic Festivals" по учебнику New Millenium English-10 с разработанными заданиями к ним и презентацией к уроку. (возможна отправка дополнительно) Worksheet Task 1 Read some information about four exotic festivals. For questions 1-5 choose from the festival (A-D). One question is extra. Which festival: is very spectacular but depends on the weather much is associated with old eating tradition was organized to help people in need was named after a famous person involves much music and dancing Task 2 Work out the words in bold: English word Russian equivalent 1. charity 2. cоme up with the idea 3. spectator 4. anniversary 5. in honour of 6. sap 7. live music 8. contest 9. have roots 10. motto A годовщина B происходить (иметь корни) C девиз D соревнование E живая музыка F в честь G сок (дерева) H зритель I благотворительность J выдвигать идею Task 3 Read the texts again and decide if these statements true or false. Put T\F 1. Red Nose Day is held only in London. 2. More than half of the money from selling clown noses is gone to charity. 3. Balloon Fiesta was organized by the local businessman. 4. At the anniversary of Balloon Fiesta spectators watched unusual balloons. 5. Maple Syrup Festival dates back to the times of colonization. 6. It was white people who showed the Indians how to make syrup. 7. Notting Hill Carnival lasts for a week in August. 8. The most important part of this festival is selling souvenirs. A For one day every two years, Britain goes crazy. People all over the country (even police officers and teachers) wear red noses and do silly things. It’s Red Nose Day – the day when doing really stupid things can raise loads money for charity. It was British comic Lenny Henry who came up with the idea. Other comics liked the idea and in 1985 a special organization – Comic Relief - was set up. Since it first started, Comic Relief has raised over 300 million pounds by involving the public and celebrities in fun events. The symbol of this festival is the clown nose. It costs 1 pound and at least 70 p go to charity. Each year a different red nose is sold. Since 1985 there have been all kinds of noses- from boring plain ones to the ones that stuck their tongues out. There are usually a lot of funny events all over Britain on Red Nose Day. On March 14th people take part in fun runs, sit in bath tubs full of baked beans, go backwards, dye their hair or shave their hair off… So Red Nose day is comic but very serious. All the money raised on Red Nose Day goes to poor and disadvantaged children in Britain and in Africa. B If you love stories by Jules Verne and have always dreamt of going for a ride in a hot air balloon, England is the country for you. Every August England celebrates the biggest hot air balloon festival in Europe. This festival takes place in Bristol and is called the Bristol Baloon Fiesta. The festival was founded in 1978 by Don Cameron, the owner of the world’s largest balloon company. Only 27 balloons took part in the first balloon Fiesta. The Fiesta was sponsored by local business and each sponsor was given a balloon to display their advertising banner. Over the years, the Fiesta has grown to become Europe’s largest hot air balloon festival enjoying crowds of delighted spectators. This year the balloon Fiesta has celebrated its 30th anniversary. The show started on the 7th of August and lasted 4 days. Alongside traditional round shape there were also so called special shapes which are balloons in the form of different objects and characters such as cartoon characters and cars. Of course, the main condition for the festival is the weather, as you all know, is England’s worst enemy. C Do you know what a maple leaf is? Of course you do! It’s on the Canadian flag. Sugar maple trees give the Canadian their favourite sweet: maple syrup. Canadians like it so much that they even have special celebrations in honour of this sweet drink – Maple Syrup Festival. The boiling of sap to make maple syrup is one of the oldest traditions in Canada. It was taken from the native people of North America who taught the white settlers how to make maple syrup. In the early days of colonization, it was their only sweetener. The boiling of sap was very hard work, but an exciting time too. Today, there are maple syrup festivals all over Canada. They usually starts at the beginning of March and last from three to six weeks. During the festival you can see sap coming from trees and help cook syrup in a «sugarhouse» (a special cabin in the forest). You can listen to live music and take part in funny contests. And you can eat lots of delicious maple products. It’s a treat unlike any other. D Every August London is home to the great Notting Hill Carnival – the second largest carnival in the world. It is a fantastic event which is open to everyone and is absolutely free! The carnival has been held on the last weekend of August since 1966. This great festival has its roots in the Caribbean, especially Trinidad where pre-Lenten carnival has been held. In the 1950-60s many Trinidads emigrated to Britain. Life was hard for them and one day they decided to organize a street procession in Notting Hill. Today’s festival has many of the original elements of the Trinidad carnival. The most popular elements are the costume parade, the calypso and soca bands. The other thing that the Carnival is famous for is food. You can try goat curry, fried bananas, coconut juice and the legendary jerk chiken. The motto of the Notting Hill Carnival is «Every spectator is a participant», so tourists and visitors are invited to join in and dance.