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Все публикации пользователя Starosta87

  1. Практическая работа 4 В онлайн сервисе Quizlet создала flashcards для изучения зимних видов спорта https://quizlet.com/239906512/winter-sports-diagram/ Использовала их со своими учащимися 9 классов в процессе подготовки к Заданию 3 (монологическое высказывание) Устной части ОГЭ. Task 3. You are going to give a talk about sport. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than2 minutes (10 - 12 sentences). Учебник "ОГЭ Английский язык Тренировочные тесты" под редакцией Е.Н. Солововой (Тест 2 стр.21) Издательство "ТИТУЛ" 2017 Сервис отличный! Заучивание новой лексики проходит непринужденно. Все слова проиллюстрированы яркими фотографиями. Есть аудио сопровождение и тренажер для отработки правописания. И что особенно порадовало, так это тестовые задания, где ученик может отслеживать уровень освоения новой лексики. Очень рекомендую этот сервис!https://quizlet.com/latest
  2. Прошла следующие курсы: 1) Sensavis Digital Storytelling 2) Introduction to Skype in the Classroom 3) Teach Student-Led Computer Science Advocacy Сертификаты и значки Microsoft получены https://yadi.sk/i/Q4kWlOmW3PWLiN
  3. Добро пожаловать в беседу "Подготовка к ОГЭ/ЕГЭ по английскому языку" https://join.skype.com/jRwggzTe1oOP
  4. Как раз хотела спросить по поводу ответа на вопрос How old are you? Девочка произносит одно предложение - I am 14 years old. А что тут еще сказать? Зачем описывать свой день рождения? Это же не относится к теме.
  5. Здравствуйте, уважаемые коллеги. Хочу предложить вашему вниманию вариант ответа к Заданию 2 (условный диалог-расспрос) по Устной части ОГЭ 2017 из Демоверсии ФИПИ, опубликованной на сайте http://smashtrash.ru Ответы были подготовлены и озвучены моей ученицей, которая планирует в этом году сдавать английский язык. Чтобы их прослушать, перейдите по ссылке в конце поста. Очень хотим услышать мнение экспертов ОГЭ / ЕГЭ о качестве ответов и максимально возможных баллах на экзамене. Хочется подойти к экзамену с хорошими знаниями. Учтем в процессе подготовки все рекомендации и критические замечания. Task 2 You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question. Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Dolphin Sports Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about doing sports in our region. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started. Electronic assistant: How old are you? Student: I am 14 years old. Electronic assistant: How many times a week do you do sports? Student: To tell the truth, I am not very good at doing sports. Sometimes I go cycling with my friends at weekends. And of course, I have got three PT classes a week at school and I think it is quite enough for me. Electronic assistant: What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region? Student: Well, I think volleyball is the most popular sport with teens in our region. Practically everyone knows the rules of this game. It can be played both indoors and outdoors. Volleyball competitions often take place in our region. And I am very proud that our men’s team “Belogorie” won the title of Russian Champion eight times. Electronic assistant: What sports facilities are available in the place where you live? Student: The thing is that I live in a small village that’s why there is a lack of sports facilities here. Nevertheless we have got a stadium and a new sports center where people can do different workouts, play football, volleyball and tennis. Also there are sports grounds near each school. Unfortunately we haven’t got a swimming pool in my settlement. Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to keep fit? Student: Without any doubt, keeping feet is very important for your body. If you do regular exercises, you can stay healthy, attractive and flexible for a long time. You can also increase your energy levels and improve your mood and memory. Electronic assistant: What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit? Student: To my mind, the best way to keep fit is to do regular exercises, no matter what they are: jogging, yoga or riding a bike. Secondly, you should eat healthy food and drink lots of water. Last but not least, you should sleep enough. Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Read more: http://smashtrash.ru/podgotovka-k-ogye/ogye-2017-ustnaya-chast-demonstracionnyy-v.html#ixzz4VqFjudXh
  6. Я вставила в запись гиперссылку, теперь видео открывается на канале YouTube.
  7. Подскажите, пожалуйста, как правильно вставить в запись ссылку на видео? Я его не вижу в своей записи.
  8. Я записала небольшой видео урок в виде презентации "ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Устная часть. Задание 2" Попыталась вмонтировать в видео таймер обратного отсчета времени, чтобы максимально приблизить ситуацию к экзаменационной. Дорогие коллеги! Хотелось бы услышать критические (и не очень) замечания по этому видеоролику.
  9. То есть, так же, как и ЕГЭ? Спасибо за разъяснения. Подскажите, пожалуйста, в каких нормативных документах прописана процедура сдачи ОГЭ? (С правилами сдачи ЕГЭ я знакома). Несколько учеников изъявили желание попробовать свои силы в сдаче английского языка в 9 классе в этом учебном году (2016 - 2017).
  10. Во время подготовки он игнорировал советы и замечания учителя и не уложился в отведенное время.
  11. Радислав Петрович, уточните, пожалуйста, устная часть ОГЭ по английскому языку сдается в отдельный день, или обе части (письменную и устную) дети сдают в один день? P. S. На сайте fipi не нашла ответа.
  12. Да, к сожалению, один мальчик с очень беглым английским растерялся, как раз в задании №3 и выполнил его на 10 баллов. Но зато русский сдал на 100! И поступил на факультет иностранных языков.
  13. so I think, it is great to enjoy your leisure time with your nearest and dearest in such a place I asked the girls a permisssion to take their picture because I liked the style they were dressed up Скажите, пожалуйста, а эти фразы не подойдут в качестве выражения личного отношения к событиям на фото? Согласна, что в образце слишком много информации, которую можно опустить. Во время подготовки к устной части мы с учениками рассматриваем разные варианты: подробное описание с мелкими деталями и основные факты. Затем выбираем те предложения, которые соответствуют плану задания и стараемся уложиться в отведенное время. В этом году у меня сдавали 4 человека ЕГЭ по английскому. Устную часть сдали 2 человека на 20 баллов, 1 - на 19, 1 - на 18. Думаю, это неплохой результат. Все поступили в желаемые вузы.
  14. Это то, как я вижу ответ на задание №3 устной части. К сожалению, не получилось загрузить фото. Но его можно посмотреть, перейдя по ссылке. На этой странице есть и другие ответы к заданиям Устной части. Буду признательна за советы и критику. Всегда открыта для общения!
  15. Speaking Part 2016 Task 3 · when and where the photo was taken · what/who is in the photo · what is happening · why you keep the photo in your album · why you decided to show the picture to your friend You have to talk continuosly, starting with: I've chosen photo number... Sample answer (photo № 1) I've chosen photo number 1. · You know, I like travelling. I took this photo in one of the beautiful parks in Edinburgh when I was on my trip to Scotland two years ago. It is quite amazing, isn't it? · In the foreground of the photo you can see two girlfriends spending their free time hanging around. They might study or work together. They seem to be in a good mood. They both are wearing all Scottish style suits. Moreover, the girl on the left has got an incredible hat which perfectly matches the rest of her clothing. The most stunning thing that caught my eye was her hair done in dreadlocks. In her right hand she is carrying a black handbag made of leather. · In the background of the picture there are a lot of green trees with bushy (thick) crown. It was early September and it happened to be a very warm and sunny day. But nevertheless some people put on their jackets because the weather is very changeable and unpredictable on the British Isles. The man on the right who is wearing a checked shirt might be a tourist because he has got a blue backpack. As you can see at this particular moment the place is not overcrowded, so I think, it is great to enjoy your leisure time with your nearest and dearest in such a place. · I keep this picture in my album to recollect the pleasant moments of my journey to Scotland · I asked the girls a permisssion to take their picture because I liked the style they were dressed up and I decided to show it to you because you are also keen on wearing unusual and freakish hats and maybe, the picture will give you some new ideas. · That is all I wanted to say. (обязательная фраза для экзаменатора, свидетельствующая о завершении коммуникации) Read more: http://smashtrash.ru/govorenie/egye-2015-ustnaya-chast-zadanie-3.html#ixzz4KDGyApcY
  16. Всем доброго дня! Сегодня хочу предложить для анализа сочинение ученицы 9 класса. Тема для сочинения взята из пособия для подготовки к ЕГЭ - 2014 под редакцией Музлановой Е. С. C2 Comment on the following statement. Lots of people enjoy celebrating holidays. However, for some people a holiday is just a day off. What is your attitude to celebrations? Which way of celebrating holidays do you find more enjoyable? Write 200 – 250 words. Use the following plan: - make an introduction (state the problem) - express your personal opinion and give 2 – 3 reasons for your opinion - express an opposing opinion and give 1 – 2 reasons for this opposing opinion - explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion - make a conclusion restating your position A lot of people cannot imagine their life without celebrating holidays while others consider them to be a waste of time. As the English proverb says “Many men, many minds”. There are a lot of different holidays in our country. They can be national, religious, professional and family holidays. To my mind, such holidays as New Year’s Day, Christmas or Easter are the family reunion holidays when we sit together at a festive table and give presents to one another. If you are lucky enough, you can take part in some international carnivals in Brazil, the UK or Italy. All people who come there – black, white, old, young, tourists and locals – show their personal freedom, tolerance and feel themselves an integral part of the global community. Moreover, participating in these holidays you can eat some national food, learn to play exotic musical instruments or dance national dances. So, every country tries to preserve their traditions through a certain holiday. On the contrary, some people consider holidays to be a waste of time. They are very disappointed with long queues and overcrowded places. Sometimes adults cannot help overeating on holidays. Apart from this, not everyone can afford to buy a decent present. I think they are not quite right because it is not only presents that really matter. People enjoy the spirit over a holiday season. It is also much more important to have a nice time with close friends and relatives. All in all, I believe that we should celebrate holidays and keep up our customs and traditions.
  17. Спасибо огромное за подробный анализ работы и за полезные ссылки и рекомендации. Учитывая все советы, попытались доработать данное письмо. Если Вас не затруднит, посмотрите, пожалуйста новый вариант. Хочется получить максимальный балл. Volokonovka Russia 27/02/ 2014 Dear David, Nice to hear from you again. It’s great you’ve decided to continue your studies at the university. (22) I think it’s a bit unnatural for children to speak French instead of the mother tongue. But education in the 19th century was quite different from what we have got today. When a child was four or five years old, parents invited a French governess to their house.Kids were not allowed to use Russian at all and only rich noble families could afford to have home tutors. (90) As for me I wouldn’t fancy to study in such a boarding school because your personal freedom was very restricted there. (111) By the way, what are you going to study at the university? Is it situated in your home town? Can foreigners apply to this university? Best wishes. Love, Victoria (140)
  18. Здравствуйте, все участники этой темы. Здорово, что общими усилиями мы сможем помочь нашим детям подготовиться достойно к экзамену. Предлагаю для обсуждения работу, выполненную моей ученицей 11 класса. Задание из пособия для подготовки к ЕГЭ Солововой Е. Н. Буду признательна всем за разбор и оценку этой работы. Для нас это важно, так как девочка из небольшого посёлка собирается поступать в один из Московских вузов. C1. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend David who writes: … Thank you for the book you sent me about the Lyceum years of Pushkin and his friends. I’m glad it was in English. My elder sister is reading it now. Isn’t it amazing that all the 10-year-old boys could read, write and speak French before they got to the Lyceum?! Was home education typical for all kids under 10 in Russia in the 19th century? Would you like to study in a boarding school like Pushkin’s Lyceum? Next week I am planning to apply to a University. Write a letter to David. In your letter - answer his questions - ask 3 questions about the University he is going to apply to Write 100 – 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. Volokonovka Russia 23/02/ 2014 Dear David, Thanks for your letter. It’s great you’ve decided to continue your studies at the university. (20) You know, education in 19th century was quite different from what we have got today. When a child was four or five years old, parents invited a French governess to their house. She lived together with the family and spent most of the time teaching children good manners, giving classes and playing with them. Kids were not allowed to use Russian at all. But only rich noble families could afford to have home tutors. (94) As for me I wouldn’t fancy to study in such a boarding school because your personal freedom was very restricted there. (115) By the way, what are you going to study in the University? Will you get scholarship? Is there a dormitory in the university campus? (139) Write me soon. Love, Victoria (144)