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Все публикации пользователя zulfiyatastemirova

  1. Keep one word and drop the other

    happy life
  2. Keep one word and drop the other

    mouse potato-тот, кто проводит свободное время, просиживая в интернете или играя в компьютерные игры
  3. Change one letter

  4. Keep one word and drop the other

    pocket money
  5. Change one letter

  6. Keep one word and drop the other

    toy car
  7. Keep one word and drop the other

    computer science
  8. Keep one word and drop the other

    couple together
  9. Keep one word and drop the other

    long way
  10. Keep one word and drop the other

    country house
  11. Change one letter

    parried I have changed only one letter
  12. Keep one word and drop the other

    main meal
  13. Keep one word and drop the other

    good manners
  14. Keep one word and drop the other

    the first lady
  15. Change one letter

    decider :)/> I have changed only one letter .[
  16. Keep one word and drop the other

    qualified teacher
  17. Keep one word and drop the other

    trouble crew
  18. Keep one word and drop the other

    short hair
  19. Keep one word and drop the other

    jazz singer
  20. Keep one word and drop the other

    city sign
  21. Keep one word and drop the other

    foreign languages
  22. Change one letter

  23. Keep one word and drop the other

    classical music
  24. Keep one word and drop the other

    first name
  25. Keep one word and drop the other

    sweet potato