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Все публикации пользователя Любомира

  1. Уважаемые коллеги, вот наконец все экзамены позади, наступили долгожданные летние каникулы и вместе с ними образовалась масса свободного времени. С удовольствием продолжаю работу по созданию каталогов видеоресурсов к Enjoy English. Сегодня, наконец, закончила и выкладываю каталог дополнительной видеоинформации к учебнику Enjoy English для 10 класса. Unit 1. Start anew Section 1. Start anew - Где найти видео рассказ подростка о его первом дне в школе после каникул? Почему некоторым подросткам не нравится ходить в школу, не нравится учиться? Какие проблемы в школе их беспокоят? Какие недостатки есть в системах образования Великобритании, США и России? Какими были школы Британии во времена королевы Виктории? Какие из старых школ сохранились и сейчас? http://www.clipsyndicate.com/video/playlis...ited&wpid=0 - a video about the first day at New York City schools in 2009 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x97m87_un...efused-s_school - how an American teenager refused schooling - high school students and an expert discuss the issue of teen stress - some advice for parents on how to help your child cope with school-related stress http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2Az3ScdY9k - how high school students identify stress - a simple, practical guide to managing stress in high school - an opinion on the reform of the British Educational Systemhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AK_11KajyY - a video film about American schools in the 21th century, part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl1VlJoQ560...feature=related - a video film about American schools in the 21th century, part 2 - How well is the Russian school system working? What problems is it facing? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_S-bQdJdgU - a video story about Victorian Schools http://www.teachers.tv/videos/3184 - in this film a year 5 class explore a small Victorian town and interact with the demonstrator inhabitants, they also experience a school lesson as it would have been in 1900 http://www.teachers.tv/videos/48901 - a year 5 class experience what life would have been like in a Victorian school Section 2. What's in? - Существует ли dress code в школах Британии и др. стран? Какая униформа существует в школах разных стран? Каково отношение самих подростков к школьной форме? Каковы аргументы «за» и «против» школьной формы? Какая одежда и обувь были в моде у подростков в прошлом столетии? Что носят подростки сейчас? http://vimeo.com/3312934 - video interviews of two professors and students about what they wear and why http://www.5min.com/Video/Helping-a-Child-...iforms-25153893 - helpful tips to help parents and their child adjust to wearing school uniforms http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzYwMDg3NjA=.html - photos of Korean school uniform http://www.teachers.tv/videos/1424 - controversy over religion and dress code in a Birmingham school - pros and cons of school uniforms - fashionable new clothes for teenagers http://www.teachers.tv/videos/33487 - a video on how year 7 students take part in a cross-curriculum fashion project - Teen Fashion Show New York City 1945 - the 2010 Teen Fashion Show Section 3. Are you keen on sports? - Как привлечь подростков к занятиям спортом? Где найти дополнительную видеоинформацию об истории Олимпийских игр? Когда состоялись первые Олимпийские игры? Кто был основателем олимпийского движения? На каких стадионах проходили олимпийские соревнования? Какие виды спорта являются олимпийскими? Где посмотреть видео с Олимпийских игр 2008? Где найти видео о церемониях открытия Олимпийских игр в разных странах? http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4301138/talking_to_teens/ - TV gives advice for parents on how they can connect with their teenagers by participating in their favorite sport or activity - in this video the long and storied history of the Olympic Games is outlined - 10 interesting facts about the Olympic Games - the birth of Olympic Games, a look at the very roots of the Olympics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC0p7qtZRk4...feature=related - a video list of Olympic Stadiums http://www.olympic.org/uk/passion/museum/index_uk.asp - a virtual tour of Olympic Museum. Also on this site you can find descriptions of all Olympic sports and animated cartoons demonstrating the sports and providing basic information about the rules and the games http://www.nbcolympics.com/video/share.html –online video from the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games – a video about Olympic Opening Ceremonieshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtmOWEMWlc4 — the secret of Olympic symbol 2012 Section 4. Where words fail... - Как музыка может помочь в обучении языку? Какие музыкальные жанры существуют? Кто из композиторов и музыкантов является самыми известными в тех или иных жанрах? Где найти музыку гимнов разных стран? http://www.teachers.tv/videos/3411 - a video film on how a language teacher combines both music, especially rap, and language to make his lessons efficient and interesting http://www.teachers.tv/videos/28242 - how one can use music as a device to teach English http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-LK-7pluQA - Great classical music composers, Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ee8F3olCLM...feature=related - Great classical music composers, Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjrN8mN6kj0...feature=related - Great classical music composers, Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULseDit9xM4...feature=related - Great classical music composers, Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxGfjbx_UIk...feature=related - Great classical music composers, Part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr44p1d38eU...feature=related - Great classical music composers, Part 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k1D89DV1M0...feature=related - Great classical music composers, Part 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5MKPRUVJR8...feature=related - Great classical music composers, Part 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPQdIHLDncs...feature=related - Great classical music composers, Part 9 - a short video about genres of jazz music - 25 greatest jazz soloistshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls1RPu_qo4M - a video list of rock genres http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twVpwzkEKb4 - top 10 most popular pop singers in the 2000s http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=66...f+Great+Britain – world’s anthems Section 5. Where does time go? - Что означает понятие time management? Где найти советы для подростков, как разумно планировать свое время? Как может учитель эффективно управлять своим временем? http://www.teachers.tv/video/3108 - an expert in time management provides a student with tips on how to plan her time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKo8QWNBM3s – a video lecture on time management for University Students http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9gqcA20V0E – a helpful video for parents on how to teach a child time-management skills http://www.videojug.com/film/homework-time-management-tips — an expert gives you his top homework time management tips http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8...390995049350082 - a 7-minute guide to time management for teachers Progress check - Где найти видео, фото об экстремальных видах спорта? – an extreme sports videohttp://freakymartin.com/2008/05/08/10-most...orld-16-photos/ - 10 most dangerous sports in the world in photos — extreme sports gone wrong Unit 2. Talking on family matters Section 1. Exploring your family - Какое место в жизни семьи занимают семейные традиции? Где найти рассказы о семейных традициях? Как можно исследовать историю своей семьи? http://video.about.com/entertaining/Thanks...y-Tradition.htm - a video about Thanksgiving family traditions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxhkWOy21ss - several women tell about their family traditions http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-trace-...-family-history - how to trace your family history, step by step instructions http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/s...ppt-powerpoint/ - basic genealogy steps for teens to trace their family trees Section 2. Family room - Почему происходят конфликты между братьями и сестрами? Что является причиной таких конфликтов? Как разрешать эти конфликты? Что советуют психологи по этому поводу? http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/sib...rivalry/6sufhjd - how to deal with sibling rivalry http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/how...rivalry/6s3iwc6 - how to recognize and deal with sibling rivalry Section 4.Family disagreements —Каковы причины конфликтов родителей и детей? Какие советы и рекомендации дают психологи подросткам и их родителям, чтобы избежать проблем в семье и как с ними справиться, если они есть? Конфликтовали ли родители с детьми в прежние времена и как эти конфликты разрешались? http://www.videojug.com/interview/parentin...family-conflict - What is a conflict? How to prevent and resolve it? - seven keys to resolving family conflictshttp://videos.howstuffworks.com/health/hum...vior-videos.htm - 10 quick and easy ways to resolve sibling and parent-child conflicts http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3...06882005314199# - a 1950s video film shows a conflict between six teenagers and their respective parents http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3...738418417139546 - how to manage teen conflict Section 5. Days to remember - Какие свадебные традиции существуют в разных странах? Где увидеть видео традиционных и современных свадеб? - traditional Indian ceremony wedding video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUnB-LuRYzc - modern Chinese wedding customs - Indonesian wedding customs - a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony - a Greek wedding ceremonyhttp://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9lqkl_br...orld_shortfilms - brides from around the world http://rt.com/prime-time/2010-08-09/russia...traditions.html - traditions of a Russian wedding Unit 3. Civilisation and progress Section 1. Learning from the past — Какие цивилизации самые древние? В чем загадка древней цивилизации Майя? Где найти дополнительные видеоматериалы о них? Как выглядел доисторический человек? Каковы этапы человеческой эволюции? Как выглядел народ называемый «пигмеи», где и когда они жили? http://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-Anci...D-500-117504497 - learn about Ancient Civilizations: 10000 BC - AD 50 - a journey to ancient civilizationshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FouEo7yDxU...feature=related - patterns of ancient civilizations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgWPIK7jBls - a short video on a few aspects of the Mayans and their culture http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1344667/human_evolution/ - a video about the evolution of mankind - this amazing video clip shows the evolution of our species from ape man to neanderthal http://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-Huma...s-Ago-117556121 - learn about human evolution from 4000000 years ago in this educational video - a film about pygmies from the 1930s - one more video about one of the oldest populations in the world, pygmies Section 2. Progress and development — Где найти дополнительную видеоинформацию об истории техники и изобретений? Какие изобретения за всю историю человечества стали самыми известными? Где найти видео лучших изобретений 20-го века? Как меняется планета Земля вследствие воздействия на неё человека? Как проходит церемония вручения Kyoto Prize? - this video describes the evolution in the technology of washing machines, irons and stoves and its effect on the work of women in the house - top 10 inventions of the 20th century http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh9JMrCzcf4 - top 30 inventions of all time - a musical video about human impact on the worldhttp://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=175439 - how humanity affects the environment - a school project on human impact on the environment - the video clips from the 2009 Kyoto Prize Presentation Ceremony held at the Kyoto International Conference Center Section 3. Man-made wonders of the world? - Где получить дополнительную видеоинформацию о Stonehenge, Панамском канале, Транссибирской магистрали, Hoover Dam, English Channel Tunnel? http://www.bugbog.com/travel-videos/englan...enge-video.html - an informative video on the construction of Stonehenge, with links to a map, and pictures of Stonehenge - a short video film from NationalGeographic «Secrets of Stonehenge» - a quick look at Stonehenge and the technology behind it http://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-the-...-Canal-38365794 - a short video about the Panama Canal http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4...59945477124907# - Panama Canal - What is It? Learn about its history http://www.livevideo.com/video/51478D60AAE...nama-canal.aspx - live webcam views of Panama Canal - Trans Siberian Railway video journey, Part 1 - Trans Siberian Railway video journey, Part 2 - Trans Siberian Railway video journey, Part 3 - Trans Siberian Railway video journey, Part 4 - Trans Siberian Railway video journey, Part 5 - Trans Siberian Railway video journey, Part 6 - Trans Siberian Railway video journey, Part 7 - Trans Siberian Railway video journey, Part 8 - Trans Siberian Railway video journey, Part 9 - Trans Siberian Railway video journey, Part 10 - Trans Siberian Railway video journey, Part 11 - Trans Siberian Railway video journey, Part 12 - the Hoover Dam - a video from National Geographic - explore the Hoover Dam in one minutehttp://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-the-...Tunnel-38365730 - learn about the Channel Tunnel - a short video on the English Channel Underground Tunnel — a video report of Saturday 19 December 2009 when four Eurostar trains stopped inside the Channel Tunnel. – a car drive through the Eurotunnel car-train in February 2008 from Calais (F) to Folkstone (UK) Section 4. Robots of the future - Когда были созданы первые роботы? Где сейчас используют роботов? Какова роль роботов в будущем? Какие современные и уникальные технологии будут использоваться в будущем? Как эти технологии смогут изменить жизнь человека? Как можно представить себе дом будущего? Как он будет выглядеть? Какими современными техническими приспособлениями он будет наполнен? - history of roboticshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QulYhGMjdvM...feature=related - robots of the future http://www.teachers.tv/videos/robot-challenge - a video on how students from South Yorkshire build a robot for a US competition – a video on the best future technology of 2007 – amazing future technology from Japan – this is a short video on ”Technology in the future” made by a college studenthttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8046659.stm — a video about Microsoft's «future home» - how the company plans to incorporate technology into more areas of life – General Electric future concept for kitchen Unit 4. The world of opportunities Section 1. Away from home - Где найти видеоинформацию о Students' Exchange program? Какие впечатления у студентов, обучающихся за границей по обмену? http://edition.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/vide...change.cnn.html — this video reports on the oldest student exchange program in Europe http://www.usyd.edu.au/current_students/st...nge/index.shtml — a video clip on Students' Exchange program at the University of Sydney - a video on how the U.S. builds bridges to Africa through the African Student Exchange Programhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh7eMUe7_9g - a Students' Exchange program in Australia — a funny video about how a Pakistani student goes on an Exchange Program to the USA Section 2. From here to there - Где найти видео об истории Лондонского метро? Где посмотреть схему Лондонской подземки? Где посмотреть видео о том, как функционирует метро в Лондоне? Какие города являются самыми дорогими в мире? - the complete video story of London's underground in 4 partshttp://www.wired.com/video/london-undergro...red/21529385001 - a 5 minute video about the London underground http://www.evtv1.com/player.aspx?itemnum=2522 - a story of the London underground http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZlzF_kSA_g - BBC video about the London Underground Map - London Tube signs - the London Undreground (Train announcements)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lR-Y41QgVg - the World Top 15 Expensive Cities - World's most expensive cities Section 3. Manners make the man — Каковы сейчас традиции и правила поведения за столом? Где найти видеоматериалы по этой теме? Как правильно ходить в гости в разных странах? Где найти образцы запрещающих знаков? Где посмотреть примеры забавных знаков и объявлений? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etmAfOhix4Q - an instructional video on table manners and proper etiquette at the dinner table http://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-Tabl...quette-83227367 - learn about table manners http://www.5min.com/Video/Basic-Table-Mann...ourse-140618735 - basic table manners — the main course - bad table manners - good table mannershttp://www.expertvillage.com/video-series/...e-etiquette.htm - 8 dinner etiquette videos http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-be-the-perfect-guest - how to be a perfect guest http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xalj2e_ho...ty-guest_school - some main tips on how to be a good party guest - watch this video to learn the aim of each safety sign - the biggest collection of very funny signs on a video Section 4. Culture shock — Что означает понятие «culture shock»? Как правильно вести себя за границей? Каковы основные правила вежливости в чужой стране? - this video is about cross-cultural adaptation and culture shock, several foreign students share their perceptions of their experiences in the U.S. - a funny video of cultural differences between Korea and the USA http://www.geobeats.com/ - guided video tours and reviews of travel destinations around the world, recommendations of travel etiquette
  2. Уважаемые коллеги, сентябрь почти прошел, удалось втянуться в работу, немного разгрестись с бумагами-программами-планированием-отчетами и нсова села за подбор полезных ссылок и сайтов. Предлагаю дополнительную информацию для учителей и учеников к учебнику New Millennium English для 9 класса, надеюсь, что пригодится вам и вашим ученикам. Unit 1. People with personality Lesson 1-2. What we look like — Как описать внешность человека? Какие приемы для этого существуют? Где можно найти различные ресурсы по теме «Внешность»(план урока, упражнения , видео)? Какая лексика используется при описании внешнего вида человека? Где посмотреть примеры такого описания? http://www.wikihow.com/Describe-a-Person&a...ical-Appearance — an article on how to describe a person's physical appearance http://www.isabelperez.com/appear.htm — words and expressions to write a description of appearance, an example of such a description http://www.eslflow.com/describingpeoplelessonplans.html — ESL lesson plans for teaching about appearance, descriptions and describing, appearance and personality vocabulary http://www.learnenglish.de/basics/appearances.htm — how to describe someone in English http://www.esolcourses.com/content/exercis...ll/gapfill.html — adjectives for describing appearance — online exercise http://www.yourdictionary.com/esl/Fashion-...esson-Plan.html — fashion and appearance lesson plan http://www.eslprintables.com/buscador/busc...20people#thetop — describing people resources ( Power Point, worksheets, exercises) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkczqhtkumk — a video guide to how to describe people's appearance http://festival.1september.ru/articles/531059/ - active vocabulary, exercises and examples of appearance descriptions Lesson 3-4. What we are like — Как описать характер человека и какую лексику при этом можно использовать? Где найти описание тех или иных черт характера? Где взять план урока по этой теме?Где можно найти примеры описания характера человека? http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/schemes2/..._mff/mff17/17q3 - how to describe traits of character http://www.johnsesl.com/templates/vocab/character.php - adjectives used to talk about a person's character http://cte.jhu.edu/techacademy/web/2000/ko...ctertraits.html — list of character traits with definitions http://www.yourdictionary.com/esl/ESL-Desc...esson-Plan.html — describing people lesson plan http://www.school97.ru/metod/index.php?SEC...ELEMENT_ID=3025 — examples of character descriptions written by russian students http://www.tinfoil.com/cj/chara.htm — samples of descriptions of character traits http://www.childrens-educationalbooks.com/...ter-traits.html – list of character traits with their meanings and descriptions Lesson 5. The person I admire — Где найти рассказ/сочинение, написанное подростком, о человеке, которым он восхищается? http://www.directessays.com/viewpaper/102388.html — an essay on «The person I admire the most» http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/42383.html — an example of an essay on «The person I admire» — an essay «Famous people and the person I admire the most» http://www.allfreeessays.com/topics/the-person-i-admire/0 — essays on «The person I admire» for students — a sample of an essay on «The one who I admire» Lesson 6. What is friendship? - Где найти рассказ подростка о его лучшем друге?Какие проблемы взаимоотношений существуют между родителями и подростками? Какие самые распространенные претензии родителей по отношению к детям и наоборот? Где найти советы психолога, как разрешать конфликты родителей и детей? Должны ли родители вмешиваться в отношения подростка и его друзей? http://www.maturita.cz/anglictina/bestfriend.htm – a short story about the best friend, written by a pupil http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2004/10/13/221835/39 – a student’s essay ”My Best Friend” http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/82505.html – a collection of ”My friend” essays http://www.wholefamily.com/aboutteensnow/r...each_other.html — an article on how the relationship between teens and their parents is changed when they struggle to define their own roles in life http://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/News/Teenage...oryID=news-poh3 — information about how teenagers appreciate relationships with their parents http://www.thefunplace.com/guild/teen01.html — an article about relationships between parents and children in the US http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/05...-their-parents/ - interesting information about relationships of teenagers and their parents in Canada http://www.more4kids.info/598/improving-pa...-relationships/ - advice for improving the relationship between parents and teens http://swain.ces.ncsu.edu/content/RelationshipParentsTeens — some strategies for parents on how to strengthen relationships between them and their child http://www.byparents-forparents.com/rebuil...rust-part1.html — pieces of advice on how to rebuild trust between parents and teens http://alcoholism.about.com/b/2009/05/28/r...ng-problems.htm — some useful information about how good relationship with parents can prevent teens drinking problems http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...your.html?cat=7 — some recommendations for teens on how to improve their life by improving relationship with parents http://www.socialpacks.com/2007/12/13/9-ti...th-the-parents/ - 9 tips to improve a child's relationship with the parents http://fatherhood.about.com/od/dadsandteen...n_friends_2.htm — information for parents about what friendship means to their teen http://www.enotalone.com/article/9765.html — an article on how parents should treat their teen's friends Unit 2. Our fragile world Lesson 1-2. What has changed — Какие основные экологические проблемы существуют во всем мире? Как эти проблемы влияют на развитие человечества? Как научить подростков заботиться об окружающей среде? http://www.lenntech.com/environmental-problems.htm — list of environmental problems and related issues http://www.essortment.com/all/whataresomeen_rqvf.htm — what some environmental problems are and how we can help http://www.lilith-ezine.com/articles/envir...l-Problems.html — an aticle about 7 major environmental problems http://library.thinkquest.org/26026/Enviro...ms_article.html - information about environmental problems and how they affect humanity http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2007...6/climatechange — the article tells how environmental failures 'put humanity at risk' http://www.takecareofyourshare.com/ - a website dedicated to environmental protection http://www.members.tripod.com/nature210/id2.htm —simple suggestions for kids and teens to help pervent environmental problems http://www.dse.vic.gov.au/thesustainables/ten.htm — 10 things we can do to save the planet Lesson 3. Teens and bins — Почему сегодня многие люди, а особенно подростки, мусорят на улицах? Как заставить подростков соблюдать чистоту и не сорить? Какие штрафы и наказания существуют в Великобритании и её провинциях за бросание мусора на улице? Как противоборствуют этому в разных странах и какие службы для этого существуют? Как в разных странах сортируют и перерабатывают мусор? Какие мусорные баки установлены на улицах различных городов, где посмотреть их изображения? http://www.falkirk.gov.uk/services/corpora...rop_litter.aspx — research into teenagers' attitudes to litterring http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=2076780 — an article about litter, its hazard to health, why people and especially teenagers drop litter http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12...litter-bin.html — an article about an interesting way to make teens not litter http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/animals/...000/2743625.stm — how the problem of dropping litter is solved in Britain http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news...k-up.4811618.jp — an article from Yorkshier Evening Post about how to make teens not drop rubbish on the city's streets http://www.expressandstar.com/2009/04/10/b...es-in-sandwell/ - what punishment for litter offences exists in one of the British cities http://news.scotsman.com/litter/Litter-war...over.3326346.jp — information about fines dished out for offences such as littering and dog fouling in Scotland http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/n...ast/7274751.stm — a brief article on how pupils are fined for dropping litter in Wales http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/chat/you...000/3707597.stm — how should litter louts be panished — what young people from different countries think about it http://www.litterheroes.co.uk/ - this website is for people who want to do something about litter http://community.adn.com/node/141511 — an article on how one copes with city's litter in one of American states http://www.wildlifetrust.org.uk/facts/litter.htm — how litter is recycled http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/litter-bins.html —photos and images of litter bins Lesson 4-5. We care - Как борются с мусором в других странах? Как долго сохраняется мусор в природе? Где найти информацию о Гринпис? Где найти интерактивные игры про экологию для детей и подростков?Где найти примеры школьных проектов, посвященных защите окружающей среды? http://www.coral.org/node/3916 - information on how long it takes trash to biodegrade. Did you know that it takes 400 years for a plastic sandwich bag to biodegrade? http://cleanupday.org/education.htm - information about annual California coastal cleanup day http://shea20020.tripod.com/trash/trash.htm - an American tells about the differences between trash disposal in the USA and Germany http://www.ehow.com/about_4568299_nonbiode...able-trash.html - brief information about non-biodegradable trash http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenpeace - an encyclopaedia entry about Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org/international/ - the website of Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org/international/fungames/games - online games to help children learn about ecology http://www.itu.int/osg/spuold/wsis-themes/...nvironment.html – examples of ICT- projects dedicated to environmental protection Lesson 6. Space garbage – Где найти информацию о том, сколько тонн космического мусора вращается вокруг земли? Что рассказывают астронавты о случаях столкновения с космическим мусором? Как проходит жизнь на борту космического корабля? http://www.space.com/spacewatch/space_junk.html – an article about space junk, the full list of garbage in space and who put it there http://www.redorbit.com/news/space/6465/ab..._orbiting_earth — do you know how many tonnes of space garbage are orbiting the Earth? Read this article to find out. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123672891900989069.html — the article on how to get rid of all that orbiting space junk http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/04/sh...bris-images.php — shocking space debris images http://thefutureofthings.com/column/6513/t...ce-garbage.html — this article describes stories of collision between spaceships and space garbage http://news.scholastic.com/scholastic_news...n-in-space.html — what children think about how to clean up the space junk which is circling the Earth http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/living/index.html - NASA’s website telling about living in space, including interactive games and activities http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forkids/kidsc...lash/index.html - NASA kids’ club: interactive information about living in space Unit 3. Learning to learn Lesson 1-2. What do we learn for? - Где найти рассказы подростков об их планах на будущее после окончания школы, об их будущей карьере? http://skola.amoskadan.cz/s_aj/ajhtm/at/at11.htm — an essay on «My future plans» http://www.sciaga.pl/tekst/15659-16-my_future_plans — thoughts of a student from Poland about his future plans http://www.gvsu.edu/clas/index.cfm?id=F7BB...21BD313D17430A5 — future plans of some pupils Lesson 3. What do we learn? - Какими были школы Британии в 19 веке и раньше? Какие из старых школ сохранились и сейчас? Каким стали школы Британии сегодня? Какова система образования в Великобритании? Какую школьную форму носят подростки? Какие учебные предметы существуют в школах Британии? Где найти пример расписания в английской школе? Где найти рассказ подростка о его школе, школьной жизни? http://www.nettlesworth.durham.sch.uk/time...an/vschool.html - what Victorian schools used to be like http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Ho...ren/schools.htm - Victorian schools described by modern British children http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_education_in_England - encyclopaedia entry about the history of education in England http://www.know-britain.com/general/educat..._england_1.html - a short article about some old schools that still survive in modern Britain http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...on/schools.html - frequently asked questions about English schools, answered by English schoolchildren http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/ou...ol/schools.html - English schoolchildren tell about their school http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761553...ed_kingdom.html - encyclopaedia article about education in Great Britain http://www.eng.umu.se/education/ - a website dedicated to education in Britain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_uniform - encyclopaedia entry about school uniforms http://www.archivist.f2s.com/bsu/Bsu.html - pictures of different uniforms in British schools http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/ou...ol/uniform.html - English schoolchildren tell about their school uniform http://www.archivist.f2s.com/bsu/Miscel.htm - pictures of the most famous English school uniforms http://histclo.com/Schun/gar/pants/short/su-specs.html - information about school uniforms in English comprehensive schools http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...s/subjects.html – brief information on what subjects British children learn at school http://www.blurtit.com/q699898.html - a typical timetable from an English and a Welsh school http://www.princeville.bradford.sch.uk/hom...ecurriculum.htm - a Yorkshire school curriculum http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_6...400/6685425.stm – children comments on what they like about their school http://www.bbc.co.uk/switch/slink/sexlovel...life/hell.shtml – an American student describes how bad the situation at her school is http://kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/school/hate_school.html# - some advice for kids – what to do if you don't like school Lesson 4-5. How do we learn English? - Где найти советы, рекомендации людям, изучающим английский язык? Какие методы изучения иностранного (английского) языка существуют? Как улучшить свои языковые навыки? Какие упражнения можно использовать для улучшения языковой памяти? http://www.omniglot.com/language/index.htm — a collection of advice, suggestions, tips and techniques for learning languages http://www.moving-overseas-guide.com/learn...n-language.html — different ways and general tips to help learn foreign languages http://www.staff.city.ac.uk/~ra939/advice.php — how can you improve your linguistic skills — advice for learning languages http://blog.fitbrains.com/tag/brain-exercise/ - some information about memory, a practical application of brain health to our life and some tips and exercises to improve our language memory http://esl.about.com/od/intermediateenglis...udy_english.htm – a short introduction on how to study English effectively Lesson 6. Exam fever - Какие экзамены сдают в школах Великобритании? Что включает в себя GCSE examination? Как эффективно подготовиться к экзамену? Как справиться с волнением и стрессом во время экзамена и в период подготовки к нему? –information about the UK public examination system http://www.britishcouncil.org/usa-educatio...2-education.htm – an article about the main differences between the UK and the US education systems, including information on the national curriculum, grading and examinations http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/3499119.stm – an article about English school exams system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Certi...ndary_Education - encyclopeadia entry about GCSE qualification http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/english/ - index for GCSE English exams http://www.bmb.psu.edu/courses/psu16/troya...ls/examprep.htm — some recommendations on how to prepare for exams http://how-to-answers.blogspot.com/2009/02...-for-exams.html —successful methods for preparing for examinations http://www.albany.edu/main/features/2004/1...xams/exams.html — expert tips to prepare for exams http://www.ehow.com/how_4612514_prepare-ex...short-time.html — instructions on how to prepare for exams in a short time http://www.ehow.com/how_2068098_survive-exam-stress.html — some steps to survive exam stress http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/he...ams-479370.html — doctor's advice on how to prepare and survive exams efficiently http://www.soon.org.uk/problems/exams.htm — how to survive examination stress, advice and help for all students Unit 4. Our varied land Lesson 1. A local profile – Где найти примеры рассказов, эссе, проектов о своем родном городе? http://www.elanguages.org/view_pagecontent...d=r35362#r35362 – an international project with a few stories about two Bulgarian towns and one city from Scotland http://palcwriting12.blogspot.com/2008/01/...wn-stories.html - students from China, Korea, Japan, Poland and Afghanistan tell about their home towns http://welcome-to-my-town.com/ - a collection of the thoughts of what makes a town great from ordinary people living in ordinary towns in many countries that are very special to them http://articles.famouswhy.com/craiova_-_my_native_town/ - a story about the town of Craiova, Romania Lesson 2-3. Special people, special places – Где найти информацию, видео о молодой российской певице Пелагее? Чем знаменит Краснодарский край? Где найти фотографии, историю церкви Покрова на Нерли близ Владимира? Какие места в России самые привлекательные для иностранных туристов? Какие города, помимо Москвы и Петербурга, стоит посмотреть в России? http://english.pelagea.ru/biography/ - the official site of Pelageya http://www.russiajournal.com/node/15197 – an interview of Pelageya for the Russian Journal – video from a concert of Pelageyahttp://www.kommersant.com/p-84/r_428/Krasnodar_Territory/ - an article about Krasnodarsky Kray, includes information about its history, resources, ecology, economy, culture and arts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_the...ion_on_the_Nerl – a short encyclopeadia entry about the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl http://tour.vladimir.ru/bpnerl.htm – the page includes links to photographs and descriptions of the Intercession Church on the river Nerl http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guid..._in_russia.html - ten places to visit in Moscow and St. Petersburg as recommended by a tourist http://www.123independenceday.com/russian/...s-to-visit.html - recommendations on cities to visit in Russia http://www.traveltips24.com/Central_Russia.htm - a travel guide to cities and regions of central Russia http://www.comintour.com/tours/popular/rus_major/ - a programme of a tour of central Russia Lesson 4-5. The paradoxes of Russia – Где прочитать впечатления иностранцев об их пребывании в России, о русских людях, о российских национальных особенностях? http://www.gsom.pu.ru/en/international_con...udents/st_tips/ - foreign students' impressions of Russia http://ezinearticles.com/?Impressions-of-R...a&id=135796 – a foreigner's impression of Russia http://www.friends-partners.org/oldfriends...s/Arnstein.html – what a foreigner thinks about Russia, Russian people, Russian lifestyle http://www.x-plane.org/home/furo/travels/russia/russia.html - a Swedish tourist tells about a trip to Russia http://faculty.umf.maine.edu/~erb/russia97.htm - a trip to Russia in 1997 http://www.foldabikes.com/CurrentEvents/St...Russia2004.html - a trip to Russia in 2004 http://www.unr.edu/geography/GAIN/material...trip_story.html - a 12-year old girl’s trip to Russia http://triptorussia2008.blogspot.com/ - a trip to Russia in 2008 Lesson 6. Traditional pastimes – Какие наиболее традиционные способы проведения свободного времени существуют в России? http://www.russian.net/nationalpastimes.htm – a short article about national Russian pastime http://russiacentralasiatravel.suite101.co...e_russian_banya – information about one of the most popular Russian pastimes – the Russian banya http://www.un.int/russia/new/MainRoot/newr.../fishhunten.htm – a short illustrated article about two old Russian traditional pastimes – hunting and fishing Lesson 7. Check your progress – Где найти информацию о городе Дудинка? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dudinka — a short encyclopeadia entry about the town Dudinka Unit 5. Let's travel to Australia! Lesson 1-2. Booking a trip – Где найти основную экономико-географическую информацию об Австралии? Чем знаменит Австралийский континент? Какие главные достопримечательности Австралии стоит посмотреть? На какие штаты и территории поделена Австралия и какие города являются их столицами? Где найти информацию о Сиднее и его достопримечательностях - Sydney Harbor Bridge, Sydney Opera House, Botanic Gardens? Где узнать о столице Австралии Canberra, о городе Melbourne, о скале Uluru? Где прочитать забавные факты об Австралии? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia - encyclopaedia entry about Australia http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107296.html?pageno=1 – information about Australia – geography, history, politics, government, economy, population, statistics, culture, religion, languages, largest cities... http://www.csu.edu.au/australia/ - a guide to Australia – essential information about this country http://www.aguidetoasia.com/australia/trav...o-australia.php – tourist attractions and places of interest in Australia http://www.tsiholidays.com/australia/touri...-australia.html – here you can explore the more famous together with the less known attractions and events in Australia http://goaustralia.about.com/cs/australia/...attractions.htm – the most popular sights worth seeing in Australia http://australia.shopsafe.com.au/australia...attractions.htm - Australia’s natural attractions directory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_and_te...es_of_Australia - encyclopaedia entry about the states and territories of Australia http://www.australianexplorer.com/australian_cities.htm – here you can find out all you ever need to know about Australian cities, states and territories http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Capital_Territory - encyclopaedia entry about Australian Capital Territory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canberra - encyclopaedia entry about the capital of Australia, Canberra http://www.visitcanberra.com.au/ - then official site of Canberra - a guide to what to see, what to do and where to stay http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney - encyclopaedia entry about Australia's largest city, Sydney http://www.sydney.com.au/ - information on Sydney’s sights, historic buildings, harbour, getting around and other resources http://www.bridgeclimb.com/ - a virtual tour of the Sydney Harbor Bridge http://www.bridgeclimb.com/theBridge/default.htm – a short illustrated history of the Sydney Harbor Bridge, includes links to facts and statistics http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/art...dneyoperahouse/ - an article about the Sydney Opera House, one of the most recognisable images of the modern world http://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/ - the Sydney Opera House official site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Botanic_Gardens,_Sydney - encyclopaedia entry about Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney http://www.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/ - information about Botanic Gardens of Sydney http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melbourne - encyclopaedia entry about Melbourne http://www.visitmelbourne.com/ - the official travel website for international visitors to Melbourne, find out about destinations, accommodations, festivals and events http://www.outback-australia-travel-secret...-australia.html – this is what you need to know about Uluru http://www.buzzle.com/articles/fun-facts-a...-australia.html – fun facts about Australia Lesson 3. ”Boarding Games” - Где найти информацию о структуре и об основных службах аэропорта? Какие аэропорты самые крупные в Европе и мире? Где взять информацию и где посмотреть сайты крупнейших аэропортов Британии, Австралии и России? Какие мировые компании-авиаперевозчики самые успешные? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airport - encyclopaedia entry about the airport , its structure and services http://www.flyingabroad.co.uk/biggest-and-...-the-world.aspx – the biggest and busiest airports in the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World's_busiest_airport – information about the world's busiest airports http://www.atwonline.com/channels/routesAi...?articleID=1319 – Europe's biggest airports http://www.world-airport-codes.com/uk-top-20-airports.html – the 10 biggest UK airports (by total passenger numbers) in 2002 http://www.heathrowairport.com/ - the official Heathrow airport website - live flights times, arrivals and departure, news and advice http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Heathrow_Airport - encyclopaedia entry about London Heathrow airport http://airfare.bootsnall.com/cheap-flights-to-australia.html – brief information about airports in Australia http://www.sydneyairport.com.au/Sacl/ - the official site of Sydney airport providing flight, airline and travel information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney_Airport - encyclopaedia entry about Sydney airport http://ezinearticles.com/?Guide-to-Russian...&id=2049802 – a guide to Russian airports http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domodedovo_In...ational_Airport - encyclopaedia entry about Domodedovo International airport http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheremetyevo_...ational_Airport - encyclopaedia entry about Sheremetyevo International airport http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airline – information about what an airline is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World's_largest_airlines – a list of world's largest airlines http://money.cnn.com/2005/06/02/pf/goodlif...lines/index.htm – 10 world's best airlines according to CNN Lesson 4-5. Accommodation – Где найти информацию с описаниями и иллюстрациями о том, какие разновидности отелей существуют? Какие отели являются самыми крупными в Британии, Австралии и России? Где посмотреть фотографии комнат, в которых останавливались знаменитости и как можно забронировать такой номер в гостинице? Как заказать номер в гостинице в любой точке мира по интернету? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Hotel_types - encyclopaedia entry about hotel types with their descriptions and illustrations http://ezinearticles.com/?Different-Types-...&id=2519245 – a short article about different types of hotels http://www.visitbritain.co.uk/accommodation/ - accommodation in Britain, types of accommodation, Britain's largest hotel listing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotels_in_London - encyclopaedia entry about hotels in London, list of Five-Star hotels in London http://www.asiarooms.com/australia/index.html – information about Australia hotels by city http://www.breakingtravelnews.com/news/art...009070908271965 –information about Australia's largest hotel http://www.besthotelsrussia.com/ - an overview of hotels in Russia by city with descriptions, photos and prices http://www.fivestaralliance.com/luxury_hot...ssia/index.html — 8 luxury hotels in Russia http://www.askmen.com/top_10/travel_200/23...ten.html— a list of the top 10 famous hotel rooms where celebrities or famous politicians have stayed, their history and photos, instructions how to try to make reservations at each of them http://www.hotel.com.au/ - how to reserve a hotel accommodation online around the world Lesson 6. First impressions – Где прочитать впечатления иностранцев о поездке в Австралию? http://www.delsjourney.com/travels_2001-02...f_australia.htm – some impressions of an American of Australia http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/australia/impressions/ - impressions of a student from California of Australia http://www.peacescholarship.idp.com/recipi...simas_page.aspx — a story on how a law student from Kabul studied in Australia and her recollections and impressions of this country Unit 6 What's in the news? Lesson 1. Short and sweet – Что такое mass media? Какие средства массовой информации бывают? Какое положительное и негативное воздействие оказывают СМИ на подростков? Как можно использовать СМИ в образовательных целях? Где найти информацию о broadsheets, tabloids? Где найти подкасты, созданные для подростков? Где найти информацию и краткие описания основных профессий в сфере mass media ? Где можно посмотреть смешные газетные заголовки? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_media - encyclopaedia entry about mass media http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-mass-media.htm – brief information about what mass media is http://ezinearticles.com/?Types-of-Mass-Media&id=1311276 – an article on types of mass media http://www.buzzle.com/articles/different-t...mass-media.html – a short article on different types of mass media http://maxibona.wordpress.com/2007/10/23/m...and-influences/ - information about types of mass media and its positive and negative influences http://hubpages.com/hub/Mass-Media-Influence-on-Society – links to information about mass media and its ifluence on society and particularly on young people http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/ma/Mass_media – kids encyclopaedia entry about mass media http://www.childdevelopmentinfo.com/health...ens_media.shtml – information for parents to help children and teenagers use various forms of mass media reasonably http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadsheet - encyclopaedia entry about broadsheets http://mytop3.net/Top-10-Broadsheet-Newspa...In-The-USA.aspx – top 10 broadsheets in the USA http://www.world-newspapers.com/uk.html – links to the websites of newspapers, magazines and news of different countries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabloid - encyclopaedia entry about tabloids http://www.tabloidmedia.co.za/faq.php – brief information about tabloids, some tabloids online http://www.britishcouncil.org/sr/serbia-li...ers-tabloid.htm – links to UK tabloids, online news and reference resources http://www.podfeed.net/tags/Teens – podcasts focusing on topics for teenagers http://www.libsuccess.org/index.php?title=Podcasts_%26_Teens - a list of podcasts created by teens http://www.podcastdirectory.com/genre/inde...ormatword=Teens – most popular teen podcasts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reporter - encyclopaedia entry about a reporter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photographer - encyclopaedia entry about a photographer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journalist - encyclopaedia entry about a journalist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartoonist - encyclopaedia entry about a cartoonist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Editing - encyclopaedia entry about editing and an editor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copy_editing - encyclopaedia entry about copy editing/ a copy editor (sub- editor) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correspondent - encyclopaedia entry about a correspondent http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_presenter - encyclopaedia entry about a news presenter (a newsreader) http://www.alphadictionary.com/fun/headlines.html – a collection of funny newspapers headlines collected by students of Columbia School of Journalism http://www.oddee.com/item_96156.aspx – 20 funniest newspaper headlines ever Lesson 2. What? Where? When? Why? Lesson 3-4. What makes a good story? - Как написать газетную статью? Где найти советы и рекомендации по этому поводу? Где прочитать статьи, написанные подростками для газет и журналов? http://newspaper-journalism.suite101.com/a...wspaper_article – a guide to writing a newspaper article http://www.ehow.com/how_2002073_write-newspaper-article.html – a short instruction on how to write newspaper articles http://www.galaxy.bedfordshire.gov.uk/webi...w_newspaper.htm – step by step guide to a good newspaper article http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/reso...per_article.cfm – lesson plan on writing a newspaper article http://www.jhuapl.edu/education/elementary...forstudents.htm – project for students ”Let's write a newspaper story” http://www.teenink.com/About/FAQ.php – the website of a magazine where all articles are written by teen authors who are students at school http://www.ypress.org/ - children's news network featuring articles written by teens http://www.teennewspaper.com/ - this teen newspaper offers the best teen news online written entirely by teens http://home.comcast.net/~majerus-collins/homepage.htm – an online newspaper by teens and for teens focused on teen problems Lesson 5-6. Read our latest issue... - Где посмотреть сайты британских газет? http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/ - Scotland on Sunday www.guardian.co.uk – The Guardian www.express.co.uk – The Daily Express http://www.theherald.co.uk/ - The Herald www.independent.co.uk – The Independent www.mailonsunday.co.uk – The Mail on Sunday www.observer.co.uk – The Observer www.thescotsman.co.uk – The Scotsman www.spectator.co.uk – The Spectator www.dailymail.co.uk – The Daily Mail www.thesun.co.uk – The Sun www.sunday-times.co.uk – The Sunday Times www.thetimes.co.uk – The Times Lesson 7. Check your progress – Где найти дополнительную информацию о самолете Конкорд? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concorde - encyclopaedia entry about the Concorde aeroplane http://www.concordesst.com/ - information on fleets, history and tecnical specification of Concorde with plenty of pictures Unit 7. What's your line? Lesson 1. A job for life – Какие профессии сегодня самые популярные в мире? Какие профессии по данным на текущий год наиболее популярны в Америке, Канаде и Великобритании? Какие сферы деятельности наиболее привлекательны сегодня для молодежи в России? Где найти краткие описания профессий, упоминающихся в уроке, их достоинства и недостатки? Какие профессии считаются самыми опасными? http://www.articlesbase.com/college-and-un...ay-1045280.html – an article about the most popular professions of today http://www.jabulela.com/politics-business/...rofession-today – a list of the most popular professions today http://www.fastcompany.com/articles/2007/0..._jobs_2007.html – a list of top jobs in 2007 http://www.alec.co.uk/free-career-assessme...lar-careers.htm – the top ten most popular careers for 2009 in the US, Canada and the UK http://bd.english.fom.ru/report/cat/az/P/p...ssion/eof992504 – what spheres of activities are popular among today's young people in Russia http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-waiter.htm – an article about the profession of waiter/waitress http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nursing - encyclopaedia entry about nursing as a profession http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/3...onal.html?cat=2 – what does it take to become a professional ballet dancer? http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/g...ved/4202488.stm – what it takes to become a professional footballer http://www.searchbydegree.com/bus-driver-career.html – advantages and disadvantages of the bus driver’s job http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journalist - encyclopaedia entry about a journalist http://www.classesandcareers.net/education...dangerous-jobs/ - a rating of the 10 most dangerous jobs http://www.askmen.com/top_10/entertainment...op_10_list.html - another list of ten most dangerous professions Lesson 2. Choosing a job – Где найти профессиональные советы подросткам и их родителям о том, как выбирать будущую профессию? Где прочитать рассказы, эссе подростков о планах на будущее, о выборе карьеры, профессии? http://careerplanning.about.com/cs/choosin...ight_career.htm – tips to help choose a right career http://www.howtochooseacareer.com/ - a free professional article written for those who need help in choosing career http://choosing-careers.suite101.com/artic...e_a_career_path – four ways to decide what career is right for a person http://homeschool-graduation.suite101.com/...choose_a_career – how to help a teen choose the right career – advice for parents http://careerplanning.about.com/od/advicef...and_Parents.htm – career advice for children, teens and parents http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=125989 – my future job/career essay http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/100304.html – an essay ”My future goals” http://www.freeessays.cc/db/18/erk48.shtml – an example of essay on choosing a career Lesson 3-4. College vs.work – Где найти информацию о системе образования в Великобритании, США и России? http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761553...ed_kingdom.html - encyclopaedia entry about education in Great Britain http://www.usastudyguide.com/overview.htm – an overview of the American system of education http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_the_United_States - education in the United States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about the system of education in Russia Lesson 8. Express yourself – Какие существуют самые смешные и необычные профессии? http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2009/01/26/am...t-unusual-jobs/ - America's most unusual jobs http://www.bspcn.com/2007/10/19/top-10-mos...ollege-degrees/ - top 10 most unusual college degrees Unit 8. Making your day out fun Lesson 1. Taking a break – Как проводят выходные в Британии? Чем занимаются подростки в выходные дни? Где найти рассказы о проведенных выходных, написанные школьниками? Как проводит свой weekend американский президент? Как традиционно проводят выходные дни россияне? http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/finance/edmun...their-weekends/ - information on how British kids spend their weekends http://x-msg.net/culture-and-society/its-t...nd-breaks.html/ - an article on how to return to traditional British weekends http://www.englishdaily626.com/junior_english_essays.php?059 – a student’s story about a week-end http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ns/weekends.htm - what people like doing at the week-ends in Britain. http://www.essayforum.com/3_2895_0.html - an essay about a week-end and its analysis http://www.timolson.com/babythinkessays.htm - stories of a very unusual week-end, written by students http://www.theadvertiser.com/article/20090...dential-pastime — an article on how Barack Obama tackles traditional presidential pastime http://www.russian.net/nationalpastimes.htm – a brief article about national Russian pastime Lesson 2-3. Theme parks – Что можно делать в amusement park? Какие самые знаменитые и самые необычные amusement parks и где посмотреть их сайты? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amusement_park - encyclopaedia entry about amusement parks http://www.kennywood.com/# - website of Kennywood amusement park http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Amus...arks_in_England – amusement parks in England http://www.lightwatervalley.co.uk/ - Lightwater valley amusement park http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alton_Towers - encyclopaedia entry about Alton Towers amusement park http://www.altontowers.com/ - official website of Alton Towers amusement park http://www.professionaltravelguide.com/Edi...-Park-Vacations - top 10 amusement parks in the USA http://www.themeparkinsider.com/reviews/ - theme parks ratings and reviews http://www.forbes.com/2002/03/21/0321feat.html - the world’s best amusement parks in a 2002 Forbes article http://www.cracked.com/article_15955_9-mos...ound-world.html - the strangest amusement parks in the world Lesson 4. Something for everyone – Где найти допонительную информацию о the Wimbledon Tennis Museum, the Haynes Motor Museum, the State Museum of Bread Baking? Какие музеи самые необычные и оригинальные? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wimbledon_Lawn_Tennis_Museum - encyclopaedia entry about the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum http://aeltc2009.wimbledon.org/en_GB/about/museum/index.html – the official website of the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haynes_Intern...al_Motor_Museum - encyclopaedia entry about the Haynes International Motor Museum http://www.haynesmotormuseum.com/home/index.html – the website of the Haynes International Motor Museum, which is the UK's largest exhibition of cars from around the world http://www.russianmuseums.info/M165 – a brief information on the State Museum of Bread Baking in St Petersburg http://www.tourism-review.com/article/1651...ms-in-the-world — the most unusual museums in the world http://www.travelvivi.com/the-most-eccentr...ums-of-britain/ - the most eccentric museums of Britain http://www.sixwise.com/newsletters/06/08/0...ing-museums.htm – 12 most unusual and interesting museums in the USA http://listphobia.com/2009/05/07/10-most-a...museum-designs/ - 10 most artistic and unusual museum designs Lesson 5-6. How to make it attractive? - Как ходить в музеи и как правильно вести себя там? Какие музеи самые популярные, самые посещаемые в мире? Как можно совершить виртуальное путешествие по музеям и выставочным залам? http://www.ehow.com/how_2008952_museum-date.html – some tips and recommendations on how to go on a museum date http://www.ehow.com/how_2054160_behave-museum.html — instructions on how to behave in a museum http://www.helium.com/items/785282-museum-...g-an-art-museum —8 guidelines for how to behave when visiting an art museum http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5...ide.html?cat=16 — the most visited world’s museums http://www.forbestraveler.com/best-lists/m...eums-story.html — America's 25 most visited museums according to Forbes http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?sid=aB0...mp;pid=20601088 — a short article about the world's most visited museums http://www.diddit.com/list-lfzdzx/americas...d-museums-2009/ - America's 10 most visited museums in 2009 http://www.historicnewengland.org/resource...exhibitions.htm - online historical exhibitions in New England http://icom.museum/vlmp/world.html - links to museum websites worldwide http://americanhistory.si.edu/ - website of the National Museum of American history, with online exhibitions http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/exhibits/ - online exhibits in the Museum of the history of science Lesson 7. Check your progress – Где найти дополнительную информацию о читальном зале Британского музея? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Museum_Reading_Room - encyclopaedia entry about the British Museum Reading Room http://www.britishmuseum.org/the_museum/hi...ading_room.aspx — a brief history of the Reading Room of the British Museum Unit 9. Books Lesson 1-2. Do you like reading – Какие книги для подростков сейчас популярны? Какие книги советуют подросткам читать учителя в Англии, США и Канаде? Где найти в Интеренете бесплатные книги для детей? http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/bestsellers/books/69 - list of the currently most popular children’s books (updated hourly) http://www.ucalgary.ca/~dkbrown/authors.html - links to information about popular modern and classic authors on the web http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Amer...n's_writers a list of American children’s writers http://www.teachersfirst.com/100books.cfm - a list of 100 books recommended by an Education association for children http://www.booktrustchildrensbooks.org.uk/Recommended-Books - books recommendations and reviews from ”booktrust”, UK http://www.ucalgary.ca/~dKBrown/lists.html - several lists of recommended books, compiled in Canada http://childrensbooks.about.com/od/toppicks/Top_Picks.htm - lists of recommended books by age and topic http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/buildingachildrenslibrary - books recommended for the children’s library by The Guardian newspaper, by age categories http://teenadvice.about.com/cs/toppicks/tp/aatp080502a.htm – top 10 favourite books written by teens about teen life http://www.bygpub.com/books/tg2rw/books.htm – a list of 25 great book to read for teenagers http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=s...p;x=15&y=16 – a collection of books about teens life http://www.laurenbaratzlogsted.com/html/books_for_teens.html – reviews of some popular books for teenagers http://gardenofpraise.com/childlit.htm – classic literature – online books for kids and teens http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page - free e-books http://www.bookloons.com/HANDHTML/teens.html – book reviews, contests and online reading for teens Lesson 3. Bookworms – Где найти биографию и библиографическую информацию Роальда Даля ? Где прочитать рецензии, написанные подростками на роман ”Матильда” и другие его произведения? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roald_Dahl - encyclopaedia entry about Roald Dahl http://www.biblio.com/author_biographies/2...Roald_Dahl.html — books of Roald Dahl — bibliography and list of works http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/roald_dahl_biography.htm — a short biography of Roald Dahl http://www.roalddahlfans.com/index.php — a fan website dedicated to Roald Dahl, for everyone from young readers to school teachers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matilda_(novel) – encyclopaedia entry about Roald Dahl’s Matilda http://www.ciao.co.uk/Reviews/Matilda_Roald_Dahl__5288310 — read 16 reviews of «Matilda» by Roald Dahl http://www.roalddahlfans.com/books/matirev1.php — one more review of «Matilda» in The New York Times http://www.allreaders.com/topics/Topic_6176.asp —detailed Roald Dahl’s books’ reviews Lesson 4-5. Book reviews – Как написать рецензию на книгу? Где получить рекомендации об этом? Где найти рецензии, написанные подростками? http://www.ehow.com/how_4425387_write-book-reviews.html – some tips on how to write book reviews http://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/review.html – this handout will help you write a book review http://teacher.scholastic.com/writewit/bookrev/ - this online activity invites student to plan, draft, revise and publish a book review http://library.queensu.ca/research/guide/b...views/how-write – step by step instructions on how to write a book review http://www.spaghettibookclub.org/title.php - book reviews written by children http://www.bookreviewsbykids.com/archive/r...archivelist.htm - book reviews written by children http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/books/ - book reviews written by children from a British school http://www.cool-reads.co.uk/ - reviews written by 14-15-year olds Lesson 6. The craft of poetry – Где найти советы о том, как написать стихотворение, поэму? Где прочитать стихотворения, написанные подростками? Что такое limerick? Как писать лимерики и где найти их образцы? http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Poem - step by step instructions on how to write a poem http://www.ehow.com/how_2045041_write-poem.html — some more tips on how to write a poem http://www.buzzle.com/articles/writing-poe...ite-a-poem.html — how to go about writing a poem? Read this article to find out. http://www.loriswebs.com/youngpoets/ - a collection of poetry written by young children and teenagers aged from 5 to18 http://www.shavick.com/teenagepoems.htm – a collection of teenage poems from all over the world http://www.fun4children.com/poems.html – poems, rhymes and stories written by children http://www.stonesoup.com/poems – a collection of poems by children including audio versions http://www.poetry-online.org/limericks.htm - limericks online http://www.gigglepoetry.com/POETRYCLASS/li...ontesthelp.html – an article on how to write a limerick http://www.brownielocks.com/Limericks.html - a collection of limericks Unit 10. Healthy body, healthy mind Lesson 1. A way of life? – Какие существуют основные правила здорового образа жизни для тинейджеров? Какие рекомендации дают врачи о том, как следовать этим правилам и как избежать проблем со здоровьем? Что советуют врачи по поводу здорового питания? Что должен кушать подросток, чтобы быть здоровым? http://life.familyeducation.com/teen/healt...html?detoured=1 — information for teenagers about healthy life, healthy nutrition, expert advice for teens on their emotional and physical health http://kidshealth.org/teen/ - doctors' advice and information about teen health, relationships and growing up http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Health/TeenHealth/index.html — links and articles about physical and mental health of teens http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/ho...ention/285.html — answers to teenagers’ questions about how to avoid problems with health and what to do http://www.teengrowth.com/ - all about teens health — recommendations, pieces of advice, information, tests, quizzes http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopi...2162&np=292 — a site dedicated to teen health and healthy eating http://www.youngwomenshealth.org/healthyeating.html — guide and tips for teenagers about healthy eating http://www.essortment.com/all/teachingteensh_tuws.htm — an article on how to teach teens about healthy eating Lesson 2-3. Eating at school – Какую еду рекомендуют брать школьнику с собой в школу? Где найти примерное меню школьной столовой в Британии, США? Каковы достоинства и недостатки fast-food? Какие аргументы «за» и «против» еды, приготовленной дома? Как диета влияет на здоровье подростков? Где найти пример сбалансированной диеты для подростка? Какие продукты самые низкокалорийные и полезные? Какие витамины и сколько калорий содержится в тех или иных продуктах? http://www.sportsdietitians.com.au/asset/1...h_Box_Ideas.pdf - ideas for healthy school lunches to pack in a lunchbox http://southernfood.about.com/cs/lunchboxi...chool_lunch.htm - recipes of lunches for lunchboxes http://www.northlan.gov.uk/education+and+l...+lunch+box.html – ideas on a healthy packed lunch http://www.pwcs.edu/menus - a school lunch menu from an American school http://www.myschoollunch.co.uk/hampshire - school lunch menus in a British school, with pictures http://www.artipot.com/articles/312417/adv...of-fastfood.htm — what advantages anf disadvantages of fast-food http://helpguide.org/life/fast_food_nutrition.htm — tips for healthy eating at fast food restaurants http://www.ehow.com/how_4456740_save-money...estaurants.html — useful information on how to save money eating at restaurants http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16084487/ - this article examines if eating at home is good for our health http://www.healthykids.nsw.gov.au/topics/2005.html – an article about the advantages of eating at home http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living...lescence1.shtml — an article about teenagers and diets http://www.ichr.uwa.edu.au/media/938 — information about how western diets have an influence on teens’ health http://www.annecollins.com/teen-weight-los...lthy-eating.htm —tips for teenagers on healthy eating and weight loss http://www.kidzworld.com/article/2818-diet...ice-eating-tips — answers to some children's common questions relating to healthy eating, dieting and losing weight http://www.ehow.com/how_2075301_help-teen-diet.html — some tips to help a teen follow a healthy diet http://www.women-workout-routines.com/a-go...-for-teens.html – an example of a diet for teenagers http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/vitamin.html — information about main vitamins and minerals and in what food they are found http://www.healthchecksystems.com/vitamins.htm — what vitamins and minerals are available from the natural foods we eat http://life.familyeducation.com/teen/foods/48523.html — useful information about calories and teenagers’ nutritional needs Lesson 4. It's time you got started – Какие самые популярные способы поддержания стройности среди подростков? Где найти информацию о том, какие спортивные упражнения сколько калорий сжигают? http://teenadvice.about.com/library/weekly/aatp123101b.htm – top picks for get fit activities http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Fit-As-a-Teenager — an article about how to get fit as a teenager http://www.alive.com/1862a5a2.php?subject_bread_cramb=160 — a beginner's guide to getting fit and healthy http://www.reuters.com/article/pressReleas...008+PRN20080115 — 10 great ways for teens to stay fit http://www.fitwatch.com/database/searchexdb.html —how many calories are burned during different activities
  3. Уважаемые коллеги! Спешу поделиться новым созданным каталогом дополнительной информации к учебнику Enjoy English для 11 класса. Наверное, не все из того, что нашла в интернете к этому учебнику, смогу сейчас сама использовать на уроках, т.к. информации очень много, а времени как всегда не хватает уложить все необходимое и интересное в формат урока. Ну ничего, пригодится на будущее... Может быть и вам, уважаемые коллеги, что-то из этой информации пригодится. Unit 1. What do young people face in society today? Section 1. World languages: local and global? - Где найти информацию о том, как распространялся английский язык в мире? Где взять интерактивные карты, показывающие, где используется английский язык? Какие самые популярные и наиболее распространенные в мире языки? Где взять видео с примерами различных акцентов английского языка? Какие заимствования из русского языка в английский и из английского в русский существуют? Какие заимствования пришли в английский из других языков? Какой язык называется Globish English? Кто говорит на этом языке и где он используется? Где найти список официальных языков разных стран? Какие языки международного общения существуют? Какие самые популярные и наиболее распространенные в мире языки? Какие диалекты есть в английском языке? Кто такой полиглот? Где найти истории о людях, которые владеют многими языками?Какие советы по изучению языков дают преподаватели и ученые-лингвисты? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_English - encyclopaedia entry about English as a global language http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/routesofenglis...x_noflash.shtml - a story about how English kept spreading in the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_count...ficial_language - a list of countries where English is an official language http://lazarus.elte.hu/~guszlev/gb/english.htm - an interactive map and detailed information about English-speaking countries http://teacherslove.blogs.sapo.pt/16034.html - a worksheet with print-out flags of English-speaking countries http://www.ling.gu.se/projekt/sprakfragela...-i-varlden.html — list of the top 10 languages that are the first languages for nearly half of the world's population, information about world's language families http://learnalanguageortwo.blogspot.com/20...s-in-world.html — brief information on the most widespread languages in the world http://listverse.com/2008/06/26/top-10-mos...s-in-the-world/ - top 10 most widely spoken languages in the world http://sonletay.vox.com/library/post/world...-languages.html — a brief article about the world's most popular foreign languages – a short video tour of 21 accents of English from UK to Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, France, Australia, New Zealand and North America. – a video sample of Standard British (RP) accent – a video sample of Standard American accent – a video sample of Cockney accent – a video sample of Australian accent – a video sample of Indian accenthttp://www.evaeaston.com/rel/rel1.html – an article about connections between the Russian and English vocabulary http://www.lingref.com/cpp/hel-lex/2005/paper1353.pdf – an article about Russian borrowings in English http://www.askoxford.com/globalenglish/borrowings/?view=uk — brief information with examples from Oxford dictionaries on borrowings into English http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~kemmer/Words/loanwords.html - major periods of borrowing in the history of English http://www.krysstal.com/borrow.html - the list of words in the English language that have been borrowed (loaned) from other languages http://als-alexander.org/globish.htm– what is the “globish” language? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globish - encyclopaedia entry about Globish English http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/21/arts/21i...ume22.html?_r=1 – an interesting article from New York Times on Globish English http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_official_languages – a list of official languages of sovereign countries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International...iliary_language - encyclopaedia entry about International auxiliary languages http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_diale...nglish_language – list of dialects of the English language http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/dialectsofenglish.html – full information illustrated by examples on dialects of English http://www.ling.gu.se/projekt/sprakfragela...-i-varlden.html — list of the top 10 languages that are the first languages for nearly half of the world's population, information about world's language families http://learnalanguageortwo.blogspot.com/20...s-in-world.html — brief information on the most widespread languages in the world http://listverse.com/2008/06/26/top-10-mos...s-in-the-world/ - top 10 most widely spoken languages in the world http://sonletay.vox.com/library/post/world...-languages.html — a brief article about the world's most popular foreign languages http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multilingualism#Polyglots - encyclopaedia entry about what multilingualism is, who polyglots are, the most famous polyglots http://www.iqscope.com/greatest-polyglot.html - brief information on the world's greatest polyglot linguist http://www.omniglot.com/language/index.htm — a collection of advice, suggestions, tips and techniques for learning languages http://www.moving-overseas-guide.com/learn...n-language.html — different ways and general tips to help learn foreign languages http://www.staff.city.ac.uk/~ra939/advice.php — how can you improve your linguistic skills — advice for learning languages Section 2. Living in a global village — Как расшифровать понятие «глобализация»? Каковы её положительные и отрицательные стороны? Что пропагандирует движение анти-глобалистов? Какие их самые масштабные акции? Где прочитать дополнительнаую информацию о Д.Хворостовском, Э.Пресли, Битлз, М.Матье? Люди каких рас и национальностей живут в Великобритании? Какова статистика иммиграции в страны Великобритании? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalization - encyclopaedia entry about Globalisation http://www.globaleducation.edna.edu.au/glo...offonce/pid/178 — the main facts about globalisation http://www.globalisationguide.org/ - the key questions on globalisation http://www.darkseptemberrain.com/ideas/advantages.htm — advantages and disadvantages of globalisation http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/pro...ation-3507.html — pros and cons of globalisation http://www.buzzle.com/articles/pros-and-co...balization.html — an article about pros and cons of globalisation http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talking_point/4534519.stm — BBS NEWS article where the effects of globalisation are discussed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-globalization_movement - encyclopaedia entry about Anti-globalisation movement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_demon...e_globalization — list of demonstrations against globalisation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitri_Hvorostovsky - encyclopaedia article about D.Hvorostovsky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elvis_Presley - encyclopaedia article about Elvis Presley http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mireille_Mathieu - encyclopaedia article about Mireille Mathieu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles - encyclopaedia article about the Beatles http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...nationality.htm — what are the national identities of the people living in Britain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Nat..._United_Kingdom — nationality of people from the United Kingdom http://www.sovereignty.org.uk/features/articles/immig.html — a history of immigration to Britain http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-51...outside-EU.html — some statistical information on how many immigrants enter Britain every day http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_t...gdom_since_1922 - encyclopaedia entry about immigration to the united Kingdom since 1922 to these days Section 3. Are you aware of your rights? - Что провозглашает конвенция ООН по правам ребенка? Где найти информацию о UNESCO, о её деятельности и структуре, о работе UNESCO в России? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on...ts_of_the_Child - encyclopaedia article about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/everychildmatters/s...ghtsofthechild/ - what rights the Convention gives children and young people http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/crc.htm - text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNESCO - encyclopaedia entry about UNESCO, its structure, activities http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=...ECTION=201.html – the official site of UNESCO http://www.unesco.ru/eng/ - the webpage of UNESCO Moscow Office Section 4. Participating in society — Кто из политических деятелей являются самыми знаменитыми и влиятельными в мировой истории? Где найти биографическую информацию о людях, перечисленных в этом уроке? http://www.thefamouspeople.com/political-leaders.php — the webpage presents biographical sketches of some of the most famous political leaders of all times http://printerinkcartridges.printcountry.c...er-politicians/ - seven of the most famous brother politicians http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt - encyclopaedia entry about Franklin D. Roosevelt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Thatcher - encyclopaedia entry about Margaret Thatcher http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Gorbachev - encyclopaedia entry about Mikhail Gorbachev http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana,_Princess_of_Wales - encyclopaedia entry about Diana, Princess of Wales http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indira_Gandhi - encyclopaedia entry about Indira Gandhi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Beckham - encyclopaedia entry about David Beckham http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irina_Slutskaya - encyclopaedia entry about Irina Slutskaya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fyodor_Dostoyevsky - encyclopaedia entry about Fyodor Dostoevsky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare - encyclopaedia entry about William Shakespeare http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mstislav_Rostropovich - encyclopaedia entry about Mstislav Rostropovich http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elena_Obraztsova - encyclopaedia entry about Elena Obraztsova http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konstantin_Tsiolkovsky - encyclopaedia entry about Konstantin Tsiolkovsky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_Plisetskaya - encyclopaedia entry about Maya Plisetskaya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihail_Chemiakin - encyclopaedia entry about Mihail Chemiakin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn - encyclopaedia entry about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._R._R._Tolkien - encyclopaedia entry about J.R.R.Tolkien http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Tolstoy - encyclopaedia entry about Leo Tolstoy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonid_Roshal - encyclopaedia entry about Dr. Leonid Roshal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Nobel - encyclopaedia entry about Alfred Nobel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Likhachov - encyclopaedia entry about Dmitry Likhachov Section 5. Feeling safe - Как долго сохраняется мусор в природе? Как в разных странах сортируют и перерабатывают мусор? Что провозглашает Киотский протокол? Какие правила дорожного движения существуют в Англии, Америке и России для автолюбителей и для пешеходов? Какие законы приняты в разных странах по поводу использования мобильных телефонов во время вождения? http://www.coral.org/node/3916 - information on how long it takes trash to biodegrade. Did you know that it takes 400 years for a plastic sandwich bag to biodegrade? http://cleanupday.org/education.htm - information about annual California coastal cleanup day http://shea20020.tripod.com/trash/trash.htm - an American tells about the differences between trash disposal in the USA and Germany http://www.ehow.com/about_4568299_nonbiode...able-trash.html - brief information about non-biodegradable trash http://www.wildlifetrust.org.uk/facts/litter.htm — how litter is recycled http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Protocol - encyclopaedia article about the Kyoto Protocol http://www.carbonify.com/articles/kyoto-protocol.htm — what is the Kyoto Protocol? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4269921.stm — all facts about the Kyoto Protocol http://www.justlanded.de/english/UK/Articl...eral-Road-Rules — General Road Rules in the UK http://www.trafficsignsandmeanings.co.uk/t...t-rules-uk.html – Traffic Light Rules in the UK http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTrans...ycode/DG_070108 - general information, rules and safety advice for pedestrians http://www.justlanded.com/english/USA/Arti...rian-Road-Rules – pedestrian road rules in the USA http://www.mnweekly.ru/national/20070830/55271376.html – Russia's new road rules http://www.russia-ic.com/travel/ideas/309/ - an article on Russia drivers versus pedestrians http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_phones..._driving_safety – an article on mobile phones and driving safety http://www.cellular-news.com/car_bans/ - listing of countries and US states that have banned the use of a mobile phone when driving http://www.is4profit.com/business-advice/i...es-driving.html – the most frequently asked question about using of mobile phones while driving in the UK http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2008...teen_cells.html – an article on how US teenage drivers ignore the state law about using cell phone while driving Progress check — Где найти дополнительную информацию о китайской системе письма? Каковы значения китайских иероглифов? Когда и как отмечается День Прав Человека? http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0857298.html — brief information about the Chinese writing system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Written_Chinese - encyclopaedia article about the Chinese writing system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_character - encyclopaedia article about Chinese characters http://www.omniglot.com/writing/chinese.htm — Chinese script and language http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Rights_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Human Rights Day http://www.ohchr.org/EN/AboutUs/Pages/HumanRightsDay.aspx — brief article about Human Rights Day from the UN official site Unit 2. The job of your dreams Section 1. Choosing a profession - Где прочитать рассказы, эссе подростков о планах на будущее, о выборе карьеры, профессии? Какие профессии сегодня самые популярные в мире? Какие профессии по данным на текущий год наиболее популярны в Америке, Канаде и Великобритании? Какие сферы деятельности наиболее привлекательны сегодня для молодежи в России? Какие существуют самые смешные и необычные профессии? Где найти профессиональные советы подросткам и их родителям о том, как выбирать будущую профессию? http://skola.amoskadan.cz/s_aj/ajhtm/at/at11.htm — an essay on «My future plans» http://www.sciaga.pl/tekst/15659-16-my_future_plans — thoughts of a student from Poland about his future plans http://www.gvsu.edu/clas/index.cfm?id=F7BB...21BD313D17430A5 — future plans of some pupils http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=125989 – my future job/career essay http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/100304.html – an essay “My future goals” http://www.freeessays.cc/db/18/erk48.shtml – an example of an essay on choosing a career http://www.articlesbase.com/college-and-un...ay-1045280.html – an article about the most popular professions of today http://www.jabulela.com/politics-business/...rofession-today – a list of the most popular professions today http://www.fastcompany.com/articles/2007/0..._jobs_2007.html – a list of top jobs in 2007 http://www.alec.co.uk/free-career-assessme...lar-careers.htm – the top ten most popular careers for 2009 in the US, Canada and the UK http://bd.english.fom.ru/report/cat/az/P/p...ssion/eof992504 – spheres of activities popular among today's young people in Russia http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2009/01/26/am...t-unusual-jobs/ - America's most unusual jobs http://www.bspcn.com/2007/10/19/top-10-mos...ollege-degrees/ - top 10 most unusual college degrees http://careerplanning.about.com/cs/choosin...ight_career.htm – tips to help choose a right career http://www.howtochooseacareer.com/ - a free professional article written for those who need help in choosing career http://choosing-careers.suite101.com/artic...e_a_career_path – four ways to decide what career is right for a person http://homeschool-graduation.suite101.com/...choose_a_career – how to help a teen choose the right career – advice for parents http://careerplanning.about.com/od/advicef...and_Parents.htm – career advice for children, teens and parents Section 2. What happens after school? - Как строится система высшего образования в Великобритании, Америке , России? Какие университеты самые знаменитые в мире? Какие самые престижные ВУЗы в России? Где найти биографическую информацию о знаменитых людях, изображенных на фото? Как функционирует система профессионально-технического образования в разных странах мира? http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/...n-Great-Britain — the system of higher education in Great Britain http://www-db.in.tum.de/teaching/ws0809/hs...age/higher.html — types of higher education in the UK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_educat...e_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about higher education in the United States http://www.laspau.harvard.edu/grantee_guid...cademic_usa.htm — more information about higher education in the United States http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/...ation-in-Russia — a short article on the system of higher education in Russia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University - encyclopaedia entry about the university http://www.rediff.com/getahead/2004/dec/15sd1.htm – the world's top 10 universities http://i.cs.hku.hk/~tse/topten.html – lists of the most famous universities in the UK, USA Australia, Canada and in the world http://www.hust.edu.cn/english/link/overse...siantop100.html — Russia's Top 100 Universities http://www.4icu.org/ru/ - list of top Colleges and Universities in Russia by web popularity ranking http://worldranking.blogspot.com/2009/07/t...-in-russia.html – a list of top universities in Russia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Lucas - encyclopaedia entry about George Lucas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Disney - encyclopaedia entry about Walt Disney http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eileen_Collins - encyclopaedia entry about Eileen Collins http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Hanks - encyclopaedia entry about Tom Hanks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilary_Swank - encyclopaedia entry about Hilary Swank http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ross_Perot - encyclopaedia entry about Henry Ross Perot http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vocational_education - encyclopaedia entry about vocational education, system of vocational education in different countries Section 3. Final assessment - Какие экзамены сдают в школах Великобритании, России? Как эффективно подготовиться к экзамену? Как справиться с волнением и стрессом во время экзамена и в период подготовки к нему? Что означает понятие time management? Где найти советы для подростков, как разумно планировать свое время? Где найти рассказ подростка о том, как он проводит свой день? –information about the UK public examination system http://www.britishcouncil.org/usa-educatio...2-education.htm – an article about the main differences between the UK and the US education systems, including information on the national curriculum, grading and examinations http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/3499119.stm – an article about English school exams system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_...te_examinations — an article on the Unified State Examination in Russia http://www.bmb.psu.edu/courses/psu16/troya...ls/examprep.htm — recommendations on how to prepare for exams http://how-to-answers.blogspot.com/2009/02...-for-exams.html —successful methods for preparing for examinations http://www.albany.edu/main/features/2004/1...xams/exams.html — expert tips to prepare for exams http://www.ehow.com/how_4612514_prepare-ex...short-time.html — instructions on how to prepare for exams in a short time http://www.ehow.com/how_2068098_survive-exam-stress.html — some steps to survive exam stress http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/he...ams-479370.html — doctor's advice on how to prepare and survive exams efficiently http://www.soon.org.uk/problems/exams.htm — how to survive examination stress, advice and help for all students http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_management - encyclopaedia entry about time management http://www.education.com/reference/article...ime_Management/ - advice for teens on time management http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/parents/resources/time.html – educational resources for “Time Management” http://www.teensadvisor.com/teen-schooling...management.html – some tips for teenagers for taking control of their time and organasing their life http://www.helium.com/knowledge/151015-how...to-work-on-time – 13 articles on how to teach time management to teens http://teen-discipline.suite101.com/articl...t_for_teenagers – 5 easy tips to help teens manage their time better http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/88776.html –an essay on “A day in my life” http://www.coursework.info/AS_and_A_Level/...ife_L31661.html –a teenager tells about one day of his life Section 4. Are there any alternatives to modern technology — Какие сегодня существуют варианты дистанционного обучения? Каковы достоинства и недостатки дистанционного обучения, обучения с использованием электронных технологий? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-learning - encyclopaedia entry about e-learning, its goals and benefits, history, technology http://www.about-elearning.com/e-learning-...advantages.html – e-learning: advantages and disadvantages http://www.dso.iastate.edu/asc/academic/el.../advantage.html – pros and cons of e-learning http://www.ehow.com/about_4743220_advantag...-elearning.html – types of e-learning, its advantages and disadvantages http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance_education - encyclopaedia article about distance education (distance learning) http://www.onlinedegreezone.com/distance-l...sadvantages.php - advantages and disadvantages of distance learning http://www.distance-learning-college-guide...e-learning.html – what are the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning? http://www.fask.uni-mainz.de/user/kiraly/E...pe3/vonach.html – pros and cons of distance learning Unit 3. Heading for better new world? Section 1. How dependent are you on modern technology? - Какие современные и уникальные технологии будут использоваться в будущем? Как эти технологии смогут изменить жизнь человека? Как можно представить себе дом будущего? Как он будет выглядеть? Какими современными техническими приспособлениями он будет наполнен? Где посмотреть видео на тему «Дом будущего»?Как будет выглядеть автомобиль будущего? Чем он будет оборудован? http://www.futureforall.org/ - a website for all ages dedicated to future technologies: nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive, artificial intelligence, the effect of future technologies on society http://www.newsoffuture.com/technology/ - future news in technology - first tourist heading for Mars, beam yourself around the world with telebeamer, will the paralyzed be able to walk in the future? http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-ga...re-technologies – top 5 future technologies http://www.usnews.com/money/business-econo...energy-use.html – 5 future technologies for homes http://www.technologyawards.org/future_technology/ - how future technologies will be improved in comparison with the ones we have today http://www.gaj-it.com/5127/technology-and-...tions-for-2050/ - a look into the future: the year 2050, possible future technology and gadgets http://www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2007/11..._the_future.htm - a look at what scientists are working on today to bring into your homes tomorrow. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8046659.stm — a video about Microsoft's «future home» - how the company plans to incorporate technology into more areas of life http://i.abcnews.com/WN/SmartHome/story?id...9570&page=1 - what our future lifestyle will look like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_car_technologies - encyclopaedia entry about future car technologies http://www.wired.com/autopia/2009/01/1st-pre-product/ - illustrated information about one of the future cars http://www.diseno-art.com/car_future.html – predictions about the future car Section 2. Extraordinary minds - Где взять дополнительную информацию к фотографиям и иллюстрациям урока? Кого считают гениями всех времен и, в частности, 20-го века? Каких детей называют гениями? Где найти дополнительную информацию о них, в каких областях они себя проявили? Есть ли такие дети в наше время? Существуют ли у родителей проблемы с такими детьми? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thames_Tunnel - encyclopaedia entry about the Thames Tunnel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifton_Suspension_Bridge - encyclopaedia entry about Clifton Suspension Bridge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maidenhead_Railway_Bridge - encyclopaedia entry about Maidenhead Railway Bridge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isambard_Kingdom_Brunel - encyclopaedia entry about Isambard Kingdom Brunel http://www.brunel.ac.uk/about/history/ikb – biography of I.K.Brunel with links to his major works http://www.kyrene.k12.az.us/schools/brisas...ventor/main.htm - biographies of inventive genius of all times http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/1900.html - geniuses of the 20th century, the events that shaped the 20th Century http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_prodigy - encyclopaedia entry about child prodigy http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=1303853 – an article on what child geniuses are like as adults http://hubpages.com/hub/10-Amazing-Child-P...ies-Across-Time – 10 amazing child prodigies across time http://science.discovery.com/top-ten/2009/...-prodigies.html – top 10 child prodigies of all times http://www.oddee.com/item_96629.aspx – 10 extraordinary child prodigies of our time http://www.ehow.com/how_2155856_spot-child-prodigy.html – how to spot a child prodigy http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?...p;sec=lifefocus - child prodigies – two sides of genius Section 3. Science or fraud? - Какие самые знаменитые открытия были сделаны в 20-ом веке? Где найти истории, фотографии, видео-наблюдения НЛО? Какие исследования проводят ученые в этой области? Где найти бесплатные IQ — tests в режиме онлайн? http://www.unesco.org/bpi/science/content/press/anglo/6.htm — scientific discoveries of the 20th century http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites...20/part10a.html — a guide to scientific inventions and discoveries of the 20th century http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ufo#Research - encyclopaedia entry about UFOs http://www.uforc.com/ - the website of UFO research center (USA) http://alien-ufo-research.com/ - alien and UFO pictures, videos, stories, sightings and news http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/UFO_research — UFO research project http://www.free-iqtest.net/ - an online IQ test to get your IQ score http://www.intelligencetest.com/ - a free online IQ test - take this 10-minute quiz and get your score and testing results automatically http://www.iqtestfree.net/ - calculate your IQ for free Section 4. To clone or not to clone? - С чего началась история клонирования? Каковы главные её этапы? Кто был первым клоном? Где найти истории, фотографии, видео о клонировании? Каковы аргументы «за» и «против» клонирования человека? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloning - encyclopaedia entry about cloning http://library.thinkquest.org/20830/Framel...ing/longdoc.htm — the history of cloning http://atheism.about.com/library/chronolog...sci_cloning.htm - timeline of cloning history - how the science of cloning has developed over the past century http://www.ehow.com/about_5019077_history-cloning.html – brief history of cloning http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0YU...5/ai_n17208683/ - significant events in the history of cloning http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolly_(sheep) - encyclopaedia entry about the first clone – sheep Dolly http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Huma...i/cloning.shtml – cloning fact sheet http://www.newser.com/tag/8392/1/cloning.html - find news stories, facts, pictures and video about cloning http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_cloning - encyclopaedia entry about human cloning http://www.philforhumanity.com/Human_Cloning.html – reasons for and against human cloning http://www.globalchange.com/noclones.htm - reasons against cloning – video and articles http://www.gm.org/gm-organisms/arguments-a...t-human-cloning – arguments against human cloning http://www.indianchild.com/human_cloning.htm – cloning information, cloning ethics Section 5. Old or modern: Medicine as a new technology — Какие пищевые продукты считаются генно-модифицированными? Аргументы «за» и «против» генно-модифицированных продуктов? Какие существуют основные правила здорового образа жизни для тинейджеров? Какие рекомендации дают врачи о том, как следовать этим правилам и как избежать проблем со здоровьем? Что советуют врачи по поводу здорового питания? Что должен кушать подросток, чтобы быть здоровым? Какие нанотехнологии используются в области медицины сегодня и как они могут помочь в будущем? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetically_modified_food - encyclopaedia entry about genetically modified food http://www.aaenvironment.com/GM.htm — a short article on what genetically modified foods are http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...lly.html?cat=22 — advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified rice http://socyberty.com/issues/are-gm-foods-really-necessary/ - an article on whether GM foods are really necessary http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/gen...-cons-6346.html - genetically modified foods: pros and cons http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetically_m...d_controversies — an article on genetically modified food controversies http://life.familyeducation.com/teen/healt...html?detoured=1 — information for teenagers about healthy life, healthy nutrition, expert advice for teens on their emotional and physical health http://kidshealth.org/teen/ - doctors' advice and information about teen health, relationships and growing up http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Health/TeenHealth/index.html — links and articles about physical and mental health of teens http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/ho...ention/285.html — answers to teenagers’ questions about how to avoid problems with health and what to do http://www.teengrowth.com/ - all about teens health — recommendations, advice, information, tests, quizzes http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopi...2162&np=292 — a site dedicated to teen health and healthy eating http://www.youngwomenshealth.org/healthyeating.html — guide and tips for teenagers about healthy eating http://www.essortment.com/all/teachingteensh_tuws.htm — an article on how to teach teens about healthy eating http://www.nanomedicinecenter.com/article/...gy-in-medicine/ - What is the role of nanotechnology in medicine? How will nanotech be used in medicine in the future? Section 6. Modern technologies and the environment — Какие основные экологические проблемы существуют во всем мире? Как эти проблемы влияют на развитие человечества?Как научить подростков заботиться об окружающей среде? http://www.lenntech.com/environmental-problems.htm — a list of environmental problems and related issues http://www.essortment.com/all/whataresomeen_rqvf.htm — what some environmental problems are and how we can help http://www.lilith-ezine.com/articles/envir...l-Problems.html — an article about 7 major environmental problems http://library.thinkquest.org/26026/Enviro...ms_article.html - information about environmental problems and how they affect humanity http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2007...6/climatechange — this article tells how environmental failures 'put humanity at risk' http://www.takecareofyourshare.com/ - a website dedicated to environmental protection http://www.members.tripod.com/nature210/id2.htm —simple suggestions for kids and teens to help prevent environmental problems http://www.dse.vic.gov.au/thesustainables/ten.htm — 10 things we can do to save the planet Section 7. Let's get digital — Как появился Интернет? Каковы польза и вред Интернета? Где найти советы родителям как научить ребенка пользоваться Интернетом без ущерба для здоровья? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the Internet http://www.historyoftheinternet.com/ - a chronological history of the Internet from 1843 to the present day http://www.buzzle.com/articles/advantages-...s-internet.html – the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet http://essayinfo.com/sample/essay/71/ - an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet http://www.free-computer-tips.info/tutoria...f-internet.html – an article about the facilities of the Internet, its main advantages and disadvantages http://www.healthjockey.com/2009/06/13/how...ct-your-health/ - how the Internet and computers affect our health http://kidshealth.org/parent/positive/family/net_safety.html – information for parents on how to teach a child to use the Internet without harm to his/her moral and physical health http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/course/ - a free BBC's course teaching you everything you need to know about the Internet Unit 4. Where are you from? Section 1. City versus country — Какие самые комфортные места для жизни на земле? Какие преимущества и недостатки жизни в большом городе и жизни за городом? http://images.businessweek.com/ss/09/04/04..._live/index.htm — the world's best places to live 2009 http://moving.about.com/od/whymove/a/best_places.htm - the world's best places to live http://www.rferl.org/content/Wheres_The_Be...es/1861387.html – where the best place to live is http://www.forbes.com/2009/04/27/cities-be...es-to-live.html – world's 20 best places to live according to Forbes http://www.citymayors.com/features/quality_survey.html – the best cities in the world to live in http://dedunu.wordpress.com/2007/11/10/adv...-and-city-life/ - an opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of the village life and city life http://www.helium.com/items/1605153-advant...ing-in-the-city – an article on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city http://www.helium.com/items/1554558-the-pr...tter-to-live-in – a collection of articles on whether it's better to live in the city or the country Section 2. What hobbies do you prefer? - Какие хобби предпочитают современные подростки? Чем они увлекаются? Бывают ли у них какие-то необычные хобби, увлечения? Как подростки в разных странах предпочитают проводить свое свободное время? http://parentingteens.about.com/od/teenhob...een_Hobbies.htm - some resources to involve a teen in a hobby http://www.squidoo.com/greathobbiesforteens – great hobbies for teenagers http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Are-Great-H...&id=3154512 – what are the best hobbies for teens? http://blog.worldvillage.com/family/coin_c..._and_teens.html — an article about coin collecting that my be a great hobby for children and teens http://ezinearticles.com/?Hobbies-for-Teen...s&id=939238 - hobbies for teen girls http://www.helium.com/knowledge/12329-hobb...s-for-teenagers - 5 articles on hobby ideas for teenagers http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2...has.html?cat=46 - an article about teen knitting, which is becoming more and more popular not only with girls, but with guys too http://www.ask.com/questions-about/Teen-Hobbies — 15 questions and answers about teen-hobbies http://www.buzzle.com/articles/list-of-hob...-interests.html – lists of hobbies and interests according to age, sex, personality, family background, region, education, etc http://hobbies.suite101.com/article.cfm/un..._unique_hobbies – a short article about an unusual and unique hobby http://www.essortment.com/hobbies/eggcarvecarvin_scqu.htm – an article about one more unique hobby http://bd.english.fom.ru/report/cat/societas/sport/ed022508 — the results of a public opinion poll about teenagers' free time activities in Russia http://en.kioskea.net/actualites/us-teens-...-actualite.php3 — information about how US teens spend their free time http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/153960/ - a short article about how some teenagers from Sanford spent their free times http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1098365.html — an article on how some Israel teens spent the summer break volunteering http://family.samhsa.gov/set/freetime.aspx — how teenagers spend their time with friends, advice for parents on how to control them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS-loHuJx4I - what is trainspotting and why do people do it? http://www.wikihow.com/Go-Trainspotting - how to go trainspotting http://www.ehow.co.uk/info_8684038_train-spotting-beginners.html - Train Spotting for beginners Section 3. My circle of friends - Что думают подростки о дружбе? Как подростку научиться приобретать друзей и дружить? Где найти рассказ о своем лучшем друге/подруге? Возможна ли настоящая дружба между мальчиком и девочкой? Где прочитать высказывания знаменитых людей о дружбе? Как быть хорошим другом? Проблемы любви и дружбы у подростков? http://kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/sch...d_comments.html — what it means for teens to be a friend, teens’ short stories about their friends http://www.teengrowth.com/index.cfm?action...ID_article=1342 — some advice for teens about making and keeping friends http://www.maturita.cz/anglictina/bestfriend.htm – a short story about the best friend, written by a pupil http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2004/10/13/221835/39 – a student’s essay “My Best Friend” http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/82505.html – a collection of “My friend” essays http://www.blurtit.com/forandagainst/can_a..._boy_and_a_girl — people's views on the problem of friendship between a boy and a girl http://www.theromantic.com/lovequotes/friendship.htm — famous friendship quotes http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Friend — some ways on how to be a good friend http://behavioural-psychology.suite101.com...friends_forever — information about health benefits of friendship and 6 ways to be a good friend http://teenadvice.about.com/library/teenqu...dfriendquiz.htm — a quick and easy quiz to figure out what kind of friend you are http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Makes-A-Goo...?&id=745680 — an article about what makes a good friend http://teenadvice.about.com/od/loveladysad...riendsvlove.htm — some advice for teens on how to choose between love and friendship http://www.helium.com/knowledge/143172-the...-and-friendship – several articles on what difference between love and friendship http://www.ehow.com/way_5241480_love-advice-teenagers.html – love advice for teenagers http://articles.student.com/life/nightlife...ove-possibility – a short article on whether teen love is possible Section 4. East or West? - В чем особенности западного и восточного мировосприятия и почему они так отличаются друг от друга? Как современные технологии влияют на нашу жизнь? Можно ли представить её без них? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_world — encyclopaedia entry about the Western world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_culture - encyclopaedia entry about Western culture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_world - encyclopaedia entry about the Eastern world, its culture http://www.readnrock.com/?p=51 — Why Asian and Western people are so different? Here are some funny examples in pictures. http://www.term-papers.us/ts/ic/tvh224.shtml — an essay on how technologies have made our life easier but more dangerous http://edition.cnn.com/2005/TECH/10/27/hum...ails/index.html — several stories from different people about how technology is changing their lives http://ezinearticles.com/?How-Technology-I...&id=3207616 — an article on how technology improves our lives Section 5. Keeping traditions — Где найти информацию об обычаях и традициях разных стран? Какое место в жизни семьи занимают семейные традиции? Как поддержать старые семейные традиции и создать новые? Где найти рассказы о семейных традициях? Где прочитать рассказы о самых запомнившихся моментах школьной жизни? Как называется выпускной бал в разных странах и как такие мероприятия проводятся? http://library.thinkquest.org/C004179/customs.htm — a review of customs and traditions in different countries http://www.worldweddingtraditions.com/ - wedding traditions and customs in different countries http://www.soon.org.uk/country/christmas.htm — Christmas traditions around the world http://www.helium.com/knowledge/109952-gui...erent-countries — guide to birthday traditions in different countries http://www.123newyear.com/newyear-traditions/ - New Year traditions of different countries http://library.adoption.com/articles/creat...traditions.html –some suggestions for creating family traditions http://www.americanfamilytraditions.com/ - this website is dedicated to American family traditions http://www.foreverfamilies.net/xml/article...traditions.aspx – an article about what family traditions mean, some ideas of new family traditions http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2004/9/25/55639/6635 – a student’s essay about his family http://www.teenink.com/nonfiction/all/arti...mily-Tradition/ - a teen's story about his family traditions http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/91210.html – example of an essay on “My Family” http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/quest/2...10902810300.htm — a story on «My life at school» http://livesstrong.blogspot.com/2009/03/hi...l-memories.html — high school memories http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prom - encyclopaedia entry about a prom (graduation party), how this event is held in different countries
  4. Дорогие друзья, я сама работаю по учебникам Enjoy English, и мне очень понравилась идея собрать дополнительные материалы из Интернета к каждому уроку. Надеюсь, те материалы, которые я собрала, вам пригодяться. Болшое спасибо Алексею Конобееву за советы и помощь по электронной почте. Дополнительная информация к Enjoy English – 3 кл Lesson 4 Где найти картинки с изображениями продуктов для скачивания? Как английские дети представляют себе food pyramid? Где найти дополнительные интерактивные упражнения для выполнения в компьютерном классе или дома? http://www.esl-kids.com/flashcards/food.html - downloadable pictures of foods http://englishwell.info/uploads/taginator/Nov-2012/english-lesson-food-and-drinks.jpg - pictures of food http://www.languageguide.org/im/food/eng/ - online picture dictionary of food http://www.manythings.org/vq/ma-food.html - online food names quiz http://www.clipartguide.com/_search_terms/food.html - pictures of foods http://kidshealth.org/kid/talk/kidssay/com...food_guide.html - children’s ideas about a food pyramid and what shape it should be www.mes-english.com/worksheets/flashcards/food.php - free exercises, worksheets and wordsearches about food http://excellence.qia.org.uk/page.aspx?o=142276 - exercises to do with food which include: Name the food, Write a few sentences about your favourite food, Find food words that are singular and plural, Place the food items in the categories, Complete the food words and place them in alphabetical order http://www.tolearnenglish.com/cgi2/myexam/...riture_multiple choice, matching and scrambled words online exercises for different levels http://www.manythings.org/vq/ma-food.html - short online vocabulary quiz with pictures http://www.ehow.com/how_2182301_kids-eat-healthy-foods.html - recommendations for parents on how to make children eat healthier food www.culinary.net/.../FeatureDetail.aspx?ID=2087 – recipes and a list of healthy foods for children Lesson 7 Где найти готовые ролевые игры про овощи и фрукты? Где найти информацию об истории некоторых овощей и фруктов? Как можно использовать овощи и фрукты на уроке и во внеурочной работе, какие поделки можно из них сделать? http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/language...ruit-vegetables - exercises to teach children about fruits and vegetables http://www.plantscafe.net/modules/b_book_engl_t3_m7.pdf - role plays about fruits and vegetables http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/fruit-crafted-animals/ - toys to make from fruits http://blog.lorla.com/funny/funny-and-beau...egetables-arts/ - pictures and ideas from toys to make from fruits and vegetables http://www.enchantedlearning.com/themes/fruit.shtml - poems about fruits, games and printable activity sheets http://www.kinderstart.com/foodandnutritio...vegetables.html information about the history of common fruits http://www.first-school.ws/activities/nutrition/fruits/basket.htm - printable activities for a lesson about fruits Lesson 13 Какой длины может быть неделя? Почему в современной неделе 7 дней? откуда появились названия дней недели и что они означают? Какой же все-таки день недели первый? почему в Англии первый день недели – воскресенье, а в России – понедельник? http://www.indepthinfo.com/weekdays/index.shtml - the history of the week: why we have a seven-day week, why the days of the week have their names http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Week - who and when had a 6, 8, 9, 10 and even 20-day week? http://www.webexhibits.org/calendars/week.html - what day of the week was a certain date? What is the first day of the week and why? Lesson 14 Какие имена домашних животных популярны в Англии? Как можно назвать домашнего любимца по-английски? http://www.agilitybits.co.uk/names/pop_2008.html - popular dog names http://www.bowwow.com.au/top20/index.asp - 20 most popular cat names http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_ten..._pets_in_the_US - the ten most popular pets in the USA http://www.infoplease.com/spot/petnamespot.html - 10 most popular pet names http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/3500882/R...-than-dogs.html - reptiles become more popular pets than dogs in 2008, as this article states Lesson 18 Что советуют родителям в Англии давать с собой школьникам на ланч? Как лучше все это упаковать? Что именно и как готовят родители для своих детей на ланч в Англии? Какой ланч полезен для здоровья школьника? Чем кормят детей в английских и американских школах? Сколько стоят школьные обеды в Англии и в США? http://www.sportsdietitians.com.au/asset/1...h_Box_Ideas.pdf - ideas for healthy school lunches to pack in a lunchbox http://southernfood.about.com/cs/lunchboxi...chool_lunch.htm - recipes of lunches for lunchboxes http://www.childrensfoodtrust.org.uk/resources/packed-lunch-menus-and-recipes – ideas on a healthy packed lunch http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=52713 - 15 healthy foods to pack in a school lunch http://www.pwcs.edu/menus - a school lunch menu from an American school http://www.myschoollunch.co.uk/hampshire - school lunch menus in a British school, with pictures http://www.johndonne.southwark.sch.uk/page/?title=Healthy+School+Packed+Lunches&pid=39 - healthy school packed lunch ideas Lesson 19 А в каких странах, на каких континентах какие животные живут? Почему они живут именно там? Where do animals live ? http://www.billybear4kids.com/animal/whose.../the-world.html - information about animals and types of climate and regions where they live http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ns/animals.html - animals native to England http://www.readinga-z.com/newfiles/levels/...malslived.html/ - Where Animals Live is an informational book that presents various animals and the places in which they live. The text and illustrations provide a way to introduce early readers to the concept of habitats. The book can be downloaded http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0768522.html - list of animals according to continents Lesson 22 Как детям вести здоровый образ жизни? Какие упражнения и планы уроков можно использовать чтобы научиться здоровому образу жизни? Где взять дополнительные интерактивные упражнения? http://www.justrun.org/JR_for_kids/fitness...section5254.htm - 5 rules for living a healthy life http://www.healthykids.nsw.gov.au/ - ideas and activities for healthy life for children http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopi...289&id=2146 – advice on personal hygiene for children http://www.livestrong.com/article/104096-games-teach-kids-personal-hygiene/ - games to teach children about hygiene http://kids.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Printable_Material_on_Hygiene_for_Children - printable materials to teach about hygiene http://www.nourishinteractive.com/nutrition-games/childrens-educational-healthy-food-games - online games to teach about health and healthy food Lesson 26 Чем увлекаются дети в Англии? Какие хобби популярны? Какие хобби были популярны у детей в 19-м веке? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/2181963.stm - what are popular hobbies and how much do they cost? A 2002 news report on the most expensive children’s hobbies http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/victorian_britain/children_at_play/ - children's games and hobbies in Victorian Britain http://victorian.world.sw.tripod.com/id4.html - more Victorian games http://www.ancestryaid.co.uk/boards/family-history-genealogy-information/9595-victorian-hobbies-pastimes.html - Victorian hobbies and pastimes http://fun.familyeducation.com/slideshow/board-games/48954.html?page=2 - popular 10 classic board games for children Lesson 28 Какие традиции празднования Рождества и Нового Года существуют в других странах? Как празднуют Рождество английские дети? Где можно найти готовые материалы для распечатывания и работы с детьми? http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/xmas/calendar/index.html#calendar – Christmas traditions around the world http://projectbritain.com/Xmas/index.html - British Christmas traditions http://www.teachersfirst.com/getsource.cfm?id=8393 – more English Christmas traditions http://www.dltk-holidays.com/xmas/printables.htm - printable activities for Christmas lessons http://www.first-school.ws/theme/printables/holidays/christmas.htm - printable activities for Christmas http://www.teach-nology.com/worksheets/misc/christmas/ - Christmas worksheets http://www.mes-english.com/flashcards/christmas.php - Christmas flashcards http://www.dltk-holidays.com/xmas/songs.html - Christmas songs and plays, including sheet music for some songs Lesson 34 Где можно найти рассказ английского ребенка о его семье? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ons/family.html - a 10-year old boy tells about his family and what he does during the day Lesson 39 Как празднуют день рождения в Англии и в других странах? Откуда появились эти традиции? Как называются различные юбилеи в Англии? http://www.kidsparties.com/TraditionsInDif...ntCountries.htm - birthday traditions from different countries http://www.theholidayspot.com/birthday/traditions - birthday traditions around the world http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/a-present-day-birthday/5085.html - a birthday in Britain Lesson 42 Как пишут адрес в англоязычных странах? Какие есть правила для написания адреса? Какие почтовые индексы используются в Англии? Сколько стоит послать письмо и как долго оно будет идти в Великобритании? http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/postal.html - guide to postal addresses, typical addresses in the English-speaking and other countries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_postcodes - information on postal codes in the UK http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/jump1?c...;mediaId=400028 – website of the Royal mail Lesson 46 Как оформлять e-mails? Как можно использовать переписку по электронной почте для обучения? Как можно найти друзей по переписке для школьников? Как можно организовать межшкольные проекты со школами из других стран? http://www.english-for-techies.net/Q%20&am...ting-emails.pdf - advice on how to write e-mails Here are some websites where you can find penpals: www.interpals.net, www.mylanguageexchange.com, www.eun.org, http://www.globalclassroom.org/, http://www.iearn.org/, http://members.ozemail.com.au/~penpals/index.html http://www.iwaynet.net/~jwolve/school.html http://www.europa-pages.com/school_form.html http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/ http://www.pen-friends.net/england.html http://www.pen-friends.net/wales.html http://www.pen-friends.net/scotland.html http://www.pen-friends.net/ireland.html http://www.ipfeurope.com http://www.europa-pages.com/penpal_form.html Lesson 53 Где взять дополнительные картинки с названиями частей тела? Где взять интерактивные упражнения чтобы изучить названия частей тела по-английски? Почему роботы называются роботами? Когда появились первые роботы? Как используются роботы сейчас? http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learning...arnitv194.shtml - a picture with parts of the body and their names http://www.britishcouncil.org/kids-topics-human-body.htm - interactive exercises to teach children about parts of the body http://www.apples4theteacher.com/word-find...f-the-body.html - online and printable word search games http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/vocabulary/body-parts - simple online vocabulary exercises to practise names of parts of the body http://iteslj.org/cw/2/tm-body.html - an interactive online crossword on parts of the body http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_...s_p/english.htm - a very quick interactive game: children need to drag words to the pictures of the parts of the body they denote http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/our_bodie...g/Introduction/ - interactive whiteboard word-and-picture matching activity http://robotics.megagiant.com/history.html - a brief history of robotics http://robotics.megagiant.com/history.html - a brief history of robotics: when the first automatons appeared, what famous automatons there were etc http://www.ehow.com/list_7474914_robots-used-today.html - what robots are used today? http://idahoptv.org/dialogue4kids/season10/robots/facts.cfm - robots facts for children Lesson 56 Где взять интерактивные упражнения чтобы научить детей говорить время по-английски? http://www.teachingtime.co.uk/ - interactive games for telling the time http://www.mrmyers.org/Math_Mania/Math_Gam...Clock/clock.htm http://www.time-for-time.com/swf/myclox.swf - an interactive clock with time shown on the analogue clock, on the digital clock and written in words http://www.fi.edu/time/Journey/JustInTime/contents.html - lesson plans, print materials and online activities to teach children about time
  5. Добрый день, дорогие учителя! В будущем учебном году начинаю работать в старших классах по учебникам New Millennium English. Для меня это будет достаточно новый опыт, т.к. ранее я по этим учебникам не работала, но слышала много положительных отзывов о них. Поэтому я решила сразу сейчас, пока есть время и возможность, облегчить себе работу в течении учебного года, создав каталог дополнительных интерент- ресурсов. Решила поделиться своей работой и с вами, уважаемые учителя. Сегодня выкладываю дополнительную информацию к учебнику New Millennium English для 8 класса. Unit 1. A teenager's world. Lesson 1.Holiday time — Где найти рассказ английского школьника о летних каникулах? Как проводят дети первый день в школе после каникул? http://www.pep.com.cn/ge/xszx/xzxk/200408/...0828_118407.htm - a Chinese student describes his/her summer holidays http://www.louisself.com/summer-holidays-part-1-160808 - an English boy tells about his summer holidays (continued here: http://www.louisself.com/node/43) http://www.bbc.co.uk/birmingham/students/2.../holidays.shtml - an older student tells about her trip to Milan http://www.englishdaily626.com/junior_english_essays.php - a child tells about the first day of school http://www.stmaryscambridge.co.uk/myfristday/index.php - five children tell about their first day at a new school http://thinkubator.ccsp.sfu.ca/FirstDayOfSchool - a student’s story about the first day in a Canadian school Lesson 2. The «thumb generation» - Как расшифровать понятие «thumb generation»? Какие современные технологии существуют в мире и каковы их польза и вред для подростков? Какие самые популярные хобби у современной молодежи? Какие хобби были популярны в 19 веке в Англии? http://www.boundlessline.org/2008/01/the-thumb-gener.html – a short article about the thumb generation http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/1891920.stm – brief information on how constant use of mobile phones changes the shape and dexterity of children' fingers and thumbs http://www.palmspringslife.com/Blogs/The-L...umb-generation/ - some intersting facts about the «thumb generation» http://edition.cnn.com/2005/TECH/10/27/hum...ails/index.html – commentaries on how modern technology have changed some people' lives http://h.ua/story/5404/ - an article about the advantages and disadvantages of technological revolution http://www.shvoong.com/humanities/h_philos...logy-good-evil/ - brief information on whether modern technology does more harm than good http://www.uberarticles.com/articles/Artic...t-teens-/173497 — an article on how modern technology affects teenagers http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/2181963.stm - what are popular hobbies and how much do they cost? A 2002 news report on the most expensive children’s hobbies http://www.allkids.co.uk/kids_pages/kids_activities.shtml - a collection of webpages and sites dedicated to popular children’s activities and hobbies http://www.ancestryaid.co.uk/boards/histor...s-pastimes.html - popular Victorian hobbies Lesson 3. A brainy teenager — Где найти информацию и изображения частей мозга человека, каковы функции каждой из этих частей? Где взять интеллектуальные упражнения, головоломки, загадки, чтобы сохранить мозг в хорошей форме? Где можно найти упражнения для улучшения языковой памяти? http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/kinser/Structure1.html – illustrated information about brain structures and their functions http://library.thinkquest.org/J002391/functions.html – information with images for children about the human brain and its parts http://www.eruptingmind.com/structures-of-the-brain/ - a brief description with illustrations of the major parts of the brain http://www.thebrainwizard.com/brainfacts/facts – discussions about the brain and recent discoveries in brain science http://www.increasebrainpower.com/brainexercises.html – a collection of brain exercises to keep the brain fit http://www.healthcareadministrationdegree....ises-and-games/ - 100 tools, exercises and games to stimulate the brain http://blog.fitbrains.com/tag/brain-exercise/ - some information about memory, what is a practical application of brain health to our life and some tips and games to improve our language memory http://kids.niehs.nih.gov/braint.htm – brainteasers, puzzles and riddles for children http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/brain_teasers.htm – a collection of brain teasers, logic links, optical illusions, etc Lesson 4. School days - Где найти рассказ подростка о его школьной жизни, школьных событиях, школьных друзьях? Какие проблемы существуют у подростков в школе и что их беспокоит? Какие советы дают психологи о том, как разрешить эти проблемы? Какие типы школ существуют в Англии, США, России? http://www.somervillevoices.org/2009/05/28...senior-friends/ - a short about friends , written by a teenager http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-...-Radcliffe.html – the famous British long-distance runner, Paula Redcliff, tells about herself and her school life http://www.videojug.com/interview/school-friends – video advice of psychologist Carly Raby about school friendship http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/school/middle...ol/mentors.html – teenagers discusst advantages and disadvantages of school life http://livesstrong.blogspot.com/2009/03/hi...l-memories.html – the story of a teenage girl in Iraq, her school daily life, days of suffering and success http://kidshealth.org/kid/misc/school_comm..._RelatedArticle – some commentaries about what children feel about going back to school http://pediatrics.about.com/od/schoolperfo...ce_Problems.htm – a website dedicated to school performance problems http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-923/peer.htm – some information and pieces of advice on how to help children to overcome peer relationship problems http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...dren.html?cat=5 –information about commonly overlooked reasons children have problems in school http://www.howtodothings.com/health-and-fi...r-problems.html – some recommendations for parents on how to solve children's behavior problems http://www.brainboxx.co.uk/a3_aspects/page...emsolvekids.htm – problem-solving skills for kids http://parentingteens.about.com/od/highsch...teen_issues.htm - a detailed article about 10 school problems parents of teens face and what to do about them http://www.desjardins.com/en/particuliers/...conseils/trucs/ - advice for parents on guiding their teens through school http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...on/schools.html - frequently asked questions about English schools answered by English schoolchildren http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/ou...ol/schools.html - English schoolchildren tell about their school http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761553...ed_kingdom.html - encyclopaedia article about education in Great Britain http://www.usastudyguide.com/overview.htm – an overview of the American system of education http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_the_United_States - education in the United States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about the system of education in Russia Lesson 5-6.What is it like being a teenager? - Какие основные проблемы существуют у подростков Британии, России и США? Какова система экзаменов в школах Великобритании?Какая школьная форма есть в Англии? Где найти рассказы детей о своей школьной форме? Где найти фотографии школьной формы? Какие молодежные течения существуют и чем увлекаются подростки в Британии? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-47...ved-Europe.html – an report saying that British teens are the worst-behaved in Europe http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...eenagediary.htm – children tell about teenagers’ life in the UK http://www.teenissues.co.uk/ - 110 articles on problems that teenagers face in the UK http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4096091.stm – an article about British teenagers’ problems with alcohol http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11...ons-Europe.html – a short article with comments about 'chronic' drinking problems of British teenagers http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-...uth-517134.html – a report reveals the crisis among British teens caused by addiction to alcohol and drugs http://nota.triwe.net/teachers/tolstikova/students14.htm – a girl from Russia tells about teens' problems in our country http://www.troubledteensadvice.com/ - online advice for troubled teenagers and troubled teens’ parents http://youthvoices.net/life-usa-education-...elf-esteem/4072 – a student's essay about problems of self-esteem among teenagers in the USA http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Dangers-of-T...&id=2326194 – an article about the dangers of drug addiction among teens in the USA –information about the UK public examination system http://www.britishcouncil.org/usa-educatio...2-education.htm – an article where you can find out the main differences between the UK and the US education systems, including information on the national curriculum, grading and examinations http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/3499119.stm – an article about English school exams system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_uniform - encyclopaedia entry about school uniforms http://www.archivist.f2s.com/bsu/Bsu.html - pictures of different uniforms in British schools http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/ou...ol/uniform.html - English schoolchildren tell about their school uniform http://www.archivist.f2s.com/bsu/Miscel.htm - pictures of the most famous English school uniforms http://histclo.com/Schun/gar/pants/short/su-specs.html - information about school uniforms in English comprehensive schools http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EmoTeen – information about EMO teens http://www.london.gov.uk/young-london/teen...ories/index.jsp – top stories about what young people in London are fond of Lesson 8. Designing a website — Где найти адреса сайтов для тинейджеров? http://www.bbc.co.uk/birmingham/teens/2002.../websites.shtml – useful websites for Birmingham teens http://kidshealth.org/teen/ - a website dedicated to teens health http://www.teenadvice.org/ - a website where teens can find and give advice on their problems http://ask.reference.com/web?q=Fun+Website...dir&o=10601 – a collection of links to fun sites suggested by teenagers http://www.teensadvisor.com/teen-magazines...a-websites.html – links to the most popular teen website in Canada http://www.coolwebsites.ca/Teen%20Life/ - a list of cool websites for teenagers Unit 2. Shop around. Lesson 1. A shopping trip - Где найти информацию о денежной системе Великобритании, Америки, России? Как и когда появилась европейские деньги? Какова история кредитной карты и чека?Какие системы оплаты существует в Великобритании? Где найти сайты крупнейших магазинов Великобритании? http://www.royalmint.com/ - official website of the Royal Mint http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pounds_sterling - encyclopeadia entry about the history of British money http://www.businessballs.com/moneyslanghistory.htm - information about the history of British money, money slang expressions and origins http://www.usmint.gov/index.cfm?flash=yes – official website of the United State Mint http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_dollar - history of the US dollar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_ruble - a brief history of Russian currency http://www.cbr.ru/eng/bank-notes_coins/ban...e=1997_10re.htm – Russian coins and banknotes, pictures and history from the Central bank of the Russian Federation http://www.usmint.gov/kids/coinNews/theEuro.cfm - information about European money for children, games, cartoons and other activities http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro - encyclopaedia article about the history of Euro http://www.euro-dollar-currency.com/eu_member_states.htm – brief information on EU member states http://inventors.about.com/od/cstartinvent...redit_cards.htm – an article about the invention of credit cards http://www.thehistoryof.net/history-of-credit-cards.html – the history of the credit card http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheque - encyclopaedia entry about cheques http://www.chequeandcredit.co.uk/informati..._of_the_cheque/ - the history of the cheque http://www.electronic-payments.co.uk/epayment_index.jsp – brief information about electronic payment methods http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...tions/shops.htm – illustrated information on shops and stores in England http://www.marksandspencer.com/ - the website of the UK’s largest chain store ”Marks and Spenser” http://www.harrods.com/harrodsstore/ - the website of Harrods, a famous department store in London http://www.tesco.com/ - one of the most popular trade names in Britain Lesson 2-3. How do they feel? - Какая одежда и обувь модна сейчас у современных подростков? Где посмотреть сайты молодежной моды? http://www.catalogs.com/clothing/teen/index.html – links to the catalogues of teen fashion http://www.shoebuy.com/teens-fashion-shoes.htm - an e-store for teen fashion shoes – pictures and descriptions http://www.lovetoknow.com/top10/teen-clothing.html – top 10 teen clothing websites– pictures and descriptions http://teenfashionclothes.com/index.php?ze...amp;ASKFEED_URL – teen fashion – pictures and descriptions Lesson 4. «Unforgettable» presents — Какие самые популярные подарки среди тинейджеров? Какие самые необычные подарки существуют в мире? Как найти неординарный подарок для своего друга/подруги? Где найти рассказы подростков о подарках, которые им запомнились как очень удачные или неудачные? http://ezinearticles.com/?Ideas-For-Teen-Gifts&id=364833 — some ideas for teen gifts http://www.kidsexercise.co.uk/GreatGiftsfo...eKidsTeens.html – what can one present to active kids or teenagers http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gi...ens-425530.html – gift guide for teenagers http://www.baronbob.com/ - a website for unusual and funny gifts http://www.buzzle.com/articles/unusual-gif...est-friend.html – some unusual gift ideas for a best friend http://www.gapersblock.com/fuel/archives/bestworst_gifts/ - a few short stories about the best or worst presents people have ever received http://equisearch.com/horses_care/farm_ran...y_gifts_112308/ - readers' stories about the best holiday gifts in their life http://www.helium.com/knowledge/173951-hum...worst-gift-ever — 10 humor articles about the worst gift they have ever been given Lesson 5. The power of advertising - Где узнать об истории рекламы? Когда появились первые рекламные объявления? Где найти забавные рекламные объявления, рекламные вывески? Где взять информацию об истории телевидения? Где найти пример программы Британского телевидения? Какие телеканалы для молодежи существуют? Какие способы убеждения покупателей используются в рекламе и как они действуют? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advertising - encyclopaedia entry about advertising http://www.mediaknowall.com/Advertising/history.html – a short history of advertising http://www.popular-pics.com/Category?categoryId=7 — a collection of funny advertisements http://www.billboard-outdoor.com/tag/funny...door-billboard/ - some examples of funny billboard and outdoor advertisements http://www.graphicsarcade.com/funny_pictur...y_pictures.html - a collection of funny advertisements http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_television - encyclopaedia entry about the history of television http://www.askkids.com/web?q=History+of+Te...p;o=0&l=dir – links to the websites of history of television for children http://www.tvguide.co.uk/ - programmes of all UK TV channels http://www.lyngsat-address.com/tv/Europe.html – websites of TV cnannels from all over Europe http://www.dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/Enterta...ision/Stations/ - links to websites of TV channels for kids and teens http://webserve.govst.edu/pa/Advertising/adv.htm – what persuasion techniques in TV advertising exist and how they work http://www.ethicalmarkets.com/2008/10/17/c...ing-be-ethical/ - an article about the ethics of advertising Lesson 6. Pocket money — Как подростки в разных странах тратят свои карманные деньги? Каково мнение родителей сколько денег на карманные расходы достаточно для ребенка и должны ли подростки сами их зарабатывать? Где найти полезные советы для подростка, как и на чем экономить? http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/language...ey-pester-power http://www.merinews.com/catFull.jsp?articleID=15752512 –”Pocket money and teenagers”, how much money is enough for children http://www.parentlineplus.org.uk/index.php?id=844 – some information about how parents set pocket money and how they monitor what their child buys http://www.finlandforthought.net/2007/10/1...dic-colleagues/ - how Finish teenagers use their pocket money http://www.helium.com/items/1393219-should...their-own-money – 29 essays on whether older children should earn their pocket money http://youthdevelopment.suite101.com/artic...ement_for_teens – useful information on money management for teens Unit 3. Insight...out! Lesson 1-2. Discover yourself – Где найти информацию о palm reading? Как научиться гадать по линиям руки? Что такое хиромантия? Где найти онлайн гадания по руке? http://www.ofesite.com/spirit/palm/palm.htm – illustrated information about palm reading http://www.handanalysis.com/ - information on hand analysis http://www.wikihow.com/Read-Palms – some tips on how to read palms http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiromancy - encyclopaedia entry about chiromancy http://traditionalhealing.suite101.com/art...rsonality_types – information on how palm reading describes 4 personality types http://www.handresearch.com/online-palmistry-reading.htm – free online palm reading Lesson 3. It's cool! - Где найти информацию об истории моды? Где взять информацию о том, какие бывают стили в одежде? Какая молодежная мода существует в Англии и России? Какие самые популярные молодежные бренды? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clothing - encyclopaedia entry about clothes, their functions, styles,origin and history http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/fashions.html – a history of fashion from 1920 to present day with videos http://www.wikihow.com/Category:Personalit...and-Youth-Style –find youth related articles about different personality types and about fashion and style for teens and kids http://teenfashion.about.com/ - a webpage dedicated to teen fashion http://teens.lovetoknow.com/Category:Teen_Fashion - links to webpages on teen fashion in Britain http://www.teenvogue.com/industry/fashionw...stinina?slide=1 — an article about Kira Plastinina, a 15-year-old fashion designer from Russia http://www.apparelsearch.com/Wholesale_Clo...mes_clothes.htm – a list of popular clothing brands http://www.esl-lab.com/clothing/clothingrd1.htm — listening exercises on «Clothing Styles» Lesson 4. Are you a party person? - Как организовать вечеринку для подростков? Где найти идеи, чтобы помочь детям интересно провести время? http://www.wikihow.com/Category:Teen-Parties – a lot of tips on how to organise a teen party http://www.buzzle.com/articles/teen-parties/ - links to webpages dedicated to organising teenager party activities http://www.ehow.com/about_4579730_teen-parties.html – information for parents about teen parties http://www.bbc.co.uk/parenting/family_matt...enparties.shtml – what requires special attention when organising a teen party http://www.teenpartyideas.com/ - some teen party ideas Lesson 5. Tame your time - Где найти рассказ подростка о том, как он проводит свой день? Что означает понятие time management? Где найти советы для подростков, как разумно планировать свое время? http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/88776.html –an essay on ”A day in my life” http://www.coursework.info/AS_and_A_Level/...ife_L31661.html –a teenager tells about one day of his life http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_management - encyclopaedia entry about time management http://www.education.com/reference/article...ime_Management/ - advice for teens on time management http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/parents/resources/time.html – educational resources for ”Time Management” http://www.teensadvisor.com/teen-schooling...management.html – some tips for teenagers for taking control of their time and organasing their life http://www.helium.com/knowledge/151015-how...to-work-on-time – 13 articles on how to teach time management to teens http://teen-discipline.suite101.com/articl...t_for_teenagers – 5 easy tips to help teens manage their time better Unit 4. People who stand out. Lesson 1-2. Everybody knows them – Где найти краткую биографическую информацию о Кутузове, Петре Первом, Сурикове, Пугачевой? Где взять биографии Диснея, певца Shaggy, Н.Михалкова, Ч.Чаплина, А.Макаревича, Ш.Коннери, В.Высоцкого? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Kutuzov - encyclopaedia entry about Mikhail Kutuzov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_the_Great - encyclopaedia entry about Peter the Great http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasily_Surikov - encyclopaedia entry about Vasily Surikov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alla_Pugacheva - encyclopaedia entry about Alla Pugacheva http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Disney - encyclopaedia entry about Walt Disney http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaggy_(musician) - encyclopaedia entry about Shaggy (Jamaican-American reggae singer) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_Mikhalkov - encyclopaedia entry about Nikita Mikhalkov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Chaplin - encyclopaedia entry about Charlie Chaplin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Connery - encyclopaedia entry about Sean Connery http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Vysotsky - encyclopaedia entry about Vladimir Vysotsky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrey_Makarevich - encyclopaedia entry about Andrey Makarevich Lesson 3. Who is a hero? - Где найти биографии знаменитых людей Ю.Гагарина, В.Кличко, Б.Уиллиса, А.Солженицына? Где найти информацию, примеры ролевых моделей для тинейджеров? Как сформировать у подростка позитивную ролевую модель? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Gagarin – encyclopaedia entry about Yuri Gagarin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitali_Klitschko - encyclopaedia entry about Vitali Klitschko http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis - encyclopaedia entry about Bruce Willis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn - encyclopaedia entry about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn http://managing-youth-workers.suite101.com...odels_for_teens – 10 ways on how to build up positive role models for teens http://fashionmarketing-vogue.blogspot.com...-teenagers.html – a brief article about influence of role models on teenagers purchasing habits http://www.articlesbase.com/article-tags/r...odels-for-teens — a collection of article about role models for teens Lesson 4. Record breakers, Lesson 5. Give it a try – Где найти информацию о книге рекордов Гиннеса? Каковы самые необычные рекорды, зарегистрированные в этой книге? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinness_World_Records - encyclopaedia entry about the Guinness book of World Records http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/ - the official website of Guinness World Records http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/record...stest_time.aspx — examples of unusual skills from Guinness World Records Lesson 6.Age doesn't matter – Где найти истории о детях, которые в критической ситуации проявили настоящий героизм? Какие награды и премии вручают таким детям в разных странах? Где найти советы и рекомендации для подростков о том, что делать и как вести себя в экстренной ситуации? http://www.myhero.com/myhero/hero.asp?hero=childheroes – several stories about children who are heroes http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7775600.stm – an article on how Prince Harry presented medals to 10 children who had displayed bravery and kindness, or struggled against an illness or disability http://gvctemp01.virtualclassroom.org/qual...rave/index.html – information about the National Bravery Awards for children in India http://911forkids.com/ - the webpage of 911 for kids, contains information on disaster and emergency preparedness and response training as well as other helpful resources Lesson 7. Check your progress – Где найти информацию о Will Smith, Nadezda Pavlova, Keanu Reeves, Oleg Gazmanov? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Smith - encyclopaedia entry about Will Smith http://www.geocities.com/vienna/studio/9859/ - information about Nadezhda Pavlova http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keanu_Reeves - encyclopaedia entry about Keanu Reeves http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleg_Gazmanov - encyclopaedia entry about Oleg Gazmanov Unit 5. Thinking outside the box. Lesson 1. How creative are you? - Когда были сделаны самые знаменитые изобретения? Какие интересные истории связаны с изобретателями? Где найти информацию о Д.И.Менделееве и его открытии? http://inventors.about.com/od/inventorsalp...larinventor.htm - most popular famous inventions and their dates http://inventors.about.com/od/famousinvent...s_Invention.htm - famous inventions with A-to-Z lists, famous invention timelines, and history essays. http://www.indianchild.com/inventions.htm - some well-known inventions and discoveries timeline http://www.suelebeau.com/inventions.htm - inventions, inventors and their impact on the world http://library.thinkquest.org/J002039F/toppage1.htm - information about inventions suitable for students by language level http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitri_Mendeleev - encyclopaedia entry about Dmitri Mendeleev http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodic_table - encyclopaedia entry about Periodic System of Mendeleev http://www.rsc.org/education/teachers/lear...p/mendeleev.htm - interesting facts about invention of Periodic Table (System) Lesson 2. Are you in your right mind? - Где найти информацию о теории brain dominance (right/left hemispheres)? Где взять brain dominance онлайн-тесты? http://painting.about.com/od/rightleftbrai...Right_Brain.htm – a simple explanation of right/left brain theory and its relevance http://brain-dominance.blogspot.com/ - an article about Brain Dominance Inventory http://frank.mtsu.edu/~studskl/hd/learn.html –information on how Hemispheric Dominance influences learning styles http://www.web-us.com/brain/braindominance.htm - Hemispheric Dominance Inventory test http://www.ipn.at/ipn.asp?BHX – Brain Dominance online-test http://library.thinkquest.org/C0110299/int....php?brain_test – a Brain Dominance test Lesson 3. Guessing game – Где найти правила, примеры игр на угадывание (guessing games)? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guessing_game - encyclopaedia entry about guessing games, their varieties and descriptions http://www.familytlc.net/issues/april2009/games_13_7043.html – rules of a guessing game to practise vocabulary http://www.travelgames.co.uk/guessing_games/index.shtml - travel guessing games http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/try/acti...-guessing-games – examples of word guessing games Lesson 4-5. A clever invention – Где найти информацию об изобретении и изобретателях предметов быта (посудомоечной машины , пылесоса, стиральной машины, холодильника, микроволновой печи, электрочайника и т.д.) Какие самые знаменитые изобретения 20 века и когда они были сделаны? Что изобрели женщины? http://web.mit.edu/invent/iow/cochrane.html – a brief article about Josephine Cochrane, the inventor of the first dishwashing machine http://www.alincolnlearning.us/dishwasher.html – an illustrated information about Josephine Cochrane and her invention http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_cleaner - encyclopaedia entry about the vacuum cleaner, its history and inventors http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/vacleaner.htm – a chronological history of the vacuum cleaner http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washing_machine - encyclopaedia entry about the washing machine, its history and milestones http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refrigerator - encyclopaedia entry about the refrigerator, its history and types http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventio...efrigerator.htm – the chronological history of the refrigerator http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_oven - an illustrated encyclopaedia entry about the microwave oven http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/microwave.htm - – a chronological history of the microwave oven http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul.linnell/sso/kettles.html – an illustrated history of the electric kettle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kettle - encyclopaedia entry about the invention of the electric kettle http://inventors.about.com/od/kstartinventions/a/kitchen.htm — the history of kitchen appliances http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/a/twentieth.htm – a brief chronological history of technological and scientific inventions of the 20th century http://hubpages.com/hub/inventions20century – 20 significant inventions of the 20th century http://www.productcoach.com/invention/famo...-inventors.html – a list of famous women inventors and their famous inventions http://inventors.about.com/od/womeninvento...n_Inventors.htm - links to articles about famous women inventors Lesson 6. Inventions you might want – Где можно найти информацию, изображения самых необычных или глупых изобретений? За что вручается международная премия Ig Nobel Prize? Кто победители этой премии? http://students.ou.edu/R/Basil.G.Rayan-1/ - a few pictures of some pretty useless inventions http://www.flickzzz.com/2007/10/stupid-inventions.html – a photo collection of stupid inventions http://bestofstupid.com/more-stupid-funny-invention/ - some images with descriptions of the most stupid and funny inventions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ig_Nobel_Prize - encyclopaedia entry about IgNobel Prize http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4318888.stm — an article about IgNobel prize and its winners Lesson 7. Check your progress – Где найти информацию об изобретении телефона, компакт-диска, радио, портативного персонального компьютера, азбуки Морзе, микрофона? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invention_of_the_telephone - encyclopaedia entry about the invention of the telephone http://www.chevroncars.com/learn/odds-ends/telephone-facts - some fun facts about the telephone http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_disc - encyclopaedia entry about the compact disc http://web.mit.edu/invent/iow/russell.html - a brief article about the compact disc inventor James T.Russell http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invention_of_radio - encyclopaedia entry about the invention of the radio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_device - encyclopaedia entry about mobile devices http://www.nccw.net/mobile-internet/history-of-the-pda.html – a brief history of the hand-held computer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_F._B._Morse - encyclopaedia entry about Samuel F.B.Morse http://www.buzzle.com/articles/history-of-morse-code.html – a brief history of Morse Code http://www.the-microphone-guide.com/invent...microphone.html –the invention of the microphone Unit 6. It feels like home Lesson 1. Home, sweet home – Какие типы домов существуют в мире? Какие модели домов наиболее распространены в Англии? Где найти информацию и изображения igloo, log cabin, skyscraper, tent, caravan (travel trailer), houseboat, palace, wigwam? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_house_types – a list of house types with links to their descriptions http://www.propertyinvestmentproject.co.uk...ypes-of-houses/ - illustrated information about the most common types of houses in England http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ns/houses/main/ - the main types of houses in England, with brief descriptions http://listphobia.com/2008/11/10/10-most-u...s-of-the-world/ - 10 most unusual houses of the world http://weburbanist.com/2008/02/10/10-amazi...eative-designs/ - 10 amazing tree-houses from around the world http://www.bukisa.com/articles/37063_10-un...round-the-world – 10 unique houses from around the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igloo - encyclopaedia entry about the igloo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log_cabin - encyclopaedia entry about the log cabin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skyscraper - encyclopaedia entry about the skyscraper http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tent - encyclopaedia entry about the tent http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travel_trailer - encyclopaedia entry about the travel trailer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houseboat - encyclopaedia entry about the houseboat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palace - encyclopaedia entry about the palace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wigwam - encyclopaedia entry about the wigwam Lesson 2-3. The place where you live - где взять фотографии современных английских домов и комнат? Где взять готовые описания комнат? Где можно найти описания и изображения старинных английских домов? http://www.findaflat.com/ - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency http://www.homefromhome.co.uk/?gclid=COCBx...CFRC7Zwod4WhooA - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency http://www.e-architect.co.uk/modern_houses.htm – information + images of modern houses http://www.e-architect.co.uk/england/english_houses.htm - information + images of English houses http://travel.webshots.com/album/530973905vqxewc – a collection of photos of aristocratic historical and classical English houses and gardens http://www.housemouse.net/houseplanmonth0802.htm – a plan with description of a 19th century English cottage Lesson 4. Your life – your space - где можно взять рассказ английского школьника о его комнате? http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/34506.html – a sample of an essay on the theme ”My room” http://www.studyworld.com/newsite/reportes..._Room-40646.htm – an example of the description of the room http://www.furman.edu/inted/viewentry.cfm?id=57 — the description by teenager of his room http://www.urticator.net/essay/6/655.html — the history of a room Где найти статистику по количеству жилого пространства на человека в разных странах (как США, Канаде, так и Японии и Китае)? http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/english/...0918_80499.html - living floor space in China http://books.google.ru/books?id=MdYOAAAAQA...lt&resnum=1 – living floor space in developing countries Lesson 5. Workspace – Где найти изображения по комплектации и дизайну рабочего места школьника? Какие рекомендации дают психологи, учителя подросткам о том, как максимально удобно организовать свое рабочее место? http://www.furniture-for-small-spaces.com/teen-desk.html – an example of a teen’s desk http://www.childrensdesks.com/ - pictures of modern children's desks http://www.furniturebuzz.com/category.asp?type=student — online shop for student desks for school and home http://searchwarp.com/swa435702-How-To-Org...School-Desk.htm — some tips on how to organize your school desk http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-Out-Your-School-Desk —advice on how to clean out your school desk http://classroom-management-tips.suite101....learing_clutter — strategies to teach students how to organize their desks Unit 7. Being together Lesson 1. Sakubona! Many happy returns! - как празднуют день рождения в Англии и в других странах? Откуда появились эти традиции? Что принято дарить на день рождения в Англии и других странах? http://www.kidsparties.com/TraditionsInDif...ntCountries.htm - birthday traditions from different countries http://www.theholidayspot.com/birthday/traditions - birthday traditions around the world http://www.ukpartyshop.co.uk/birthday_anni...traditions.html – history of birthday traditions and anniversaries in Britain http://www.gettingpersonal.co.uk/birthday-...thday-gifts.htm –a collection of birthday gifts from UK http://www.giftsnideas.com/gifts/send-birthday-gifts-to-usa – some ideas for birthday gifts in USA http://www.giftsnideas.com/gifts/send-birt...gifts-to-canada - some ideas for birthday gifts in Canada Lesson 2-3. Who cares who hears me? - Когда появился мобильный телефона? Кто его изобрел? Для чего люди используют мобильный телефон? Каковы аргументы ”за” и ”против” использования мобильного телефона? Нужно ли запретить использовать мобильные телефоны в школах? Как мобильный телефон может помочь в качестве средства обучения? Как использование мобильного телефона влияет на здоровье людей, и в частности, на здоровье подростков? Что необходимо учитывать при покупке мобильного телефона? Бывают ли жалобы на мобильные телефоны? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_phone - encyclopaedia entry about the mobile phone http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/mobilephone.htm – a brief history of the invention of the mobile phone http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Advantages-a...&id=2246629 — what the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones are http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4...100/4579159.stm – comments of children on whether mobile phones should be banned in school http://www.helium.com/knowledge/21033-the-...ones-in-schools – 20 cases against cell phones in schools http://www.scotland.gov.uk/News/Releases/2007/02/08131122 — an article about the use of mobile phones in Scottish schools http://teaching.mrbelshaw.co.uk/index.php/...learning-tools/ - 20 ideas for students to use their mobile phones as learning tools http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_phone_...tion_and_health - encyclopaedia entry about mobile phone radiation and health http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/314363.stm – an article about the impact of mobile phones on health http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4163003.stm – an article where experts warn of potential health risks of mobile phones for small children http://www.safekids.co.uk/MobilePhoneHarmChildren.html - some information on whether mobile phones can harm children http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/index/your_w...bile_phones.htm – some recommendations on what to consider before buying of a mobile phone http://www.choicefoodforkids.com.au/blog3/mobilepremium — complaints about mobile phones Lesson 4. Embarrassing situations - Где найти рассказы подростков о смешных, нелепых ситуациях, случившихся с ними в школе, дома, на улице? Какие советы дают психологи о том, как не попадать и как достойно выйти из нелепой ситуации? http://stories.teenfx.com/Embarrassing_Stories.html – some embarrassing stories written by teens http://theteenmagazine.tripod.com/TeenMagazine/id9.html – a few embarrassing stories from Teen Magazine http://www.teenmag.com/seen-in-teen/why-me/- a collection of embarrassing stories from teens http://www.indiaparenting.com/parentingteens/data/041.shtml –advice for parents on how to avoid embarrassing your teen http://www.answerbag.com/articles/How-to-G...33-45c2adb773c8 — instructions on how to get over an embarrassing situation http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/menta...ial_phobia.html — anarticle about social phobia among teenagers and how to help such children Lesson 5. I don't belong – Как ребенку справиться с проблемой перехода в новую школу? Где найти рассказ подростка о его новом классе, новых одноклассниках? Существует ли проблема запугивания детей в школах Великобритании? Что психологи советуют родителям, чьи дети подверглись запугиванию в школе? Как посоветовать ребенку вести себя, чтобы избежать таких ситуаций в школе? http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_5...100/5347140.stm –advice given by a 15-year-old girl for anyone starting a new school http://www.kidzworld.com/article/14681-dea...e-my-new-school – a story about moving to a new school and some tips for avoiding problems in the new class http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/20...eforyoungpeople - advice to young people who can encounter bullying http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2002/11/15793/13831 - advice for parents and families, whose children may encounter bullying http://www.bullying.co.uk/- a British anti-bullying charity http://autisminnb.blogspot.com/2009/02/hel...pink-today.html - an article about anti-bullying day http://www.cary-memorial.lib.me.us/bullyweb/metimes.htm - a story about what a school can do to stop bullying http://www.bullying.co.uk/links/antibullying_websites.aspx - a list of anti-bullying websites http://stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov/kids/ - what children can do to stop bullying Lesson 6. They are human too. - Где взять рассказы подростков, как позитивные, так и негативные, об их школьных учителях? http://www.etni.org.il/bestteacherever.htm — children stories about their favourite teacher http://www.oppapers.com/essays/My-Best-Teacher-Award/141700 — an essay «My best teacher award» http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6004784 — a short story about an English teacher from Wokingham who changed her pupil's lives http://content.hccfl.edu/faculty/john_tayl...rs/tr_eme7.html - an essay about the worst teacher http://www.kiwibox.com/article/20064 — a short story about the worst and the most unfair teacher in his life, written by a teenager Unit 8. Investigation in progress. Lesson 1-2. Detectives — Где найти информацию о самых знаменитых писателях детективного жанра? Какие самые знаменитые детективные романы? Кто из героев детективов классической и современной литературы являются самыми популярными и известными? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detective_fiction - encyclopaedia entry about the genre of detective fiction http://detective-stories.classic-literature.co.uk/ - detective stories from classic online library http://www.topmystery.com/detectives.html – the most famous detectives in mystery fiction http://www.mysterynet.com/books/testimony/collins.shtml – an article about Wilkie Collins, ”the father of the detective novels” http://www.unc.edu/~rdtowery/detective_novel.htm – a website dedicated to the evolution of the English detective novel http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/detective...detectives.html – a list of famous fictional detectives and their authors Lesson 3. Coin collection. Lesson 4. Glydocalm. - Где найти информацию о работе Британской полиции? Какие подразделения есть в её составе и как они распределены территориально? Какие звания существуют у Британских полицейских? Где найти информацию о самых знаменитых кражах в истории? Какие необычные кражи случались в наши дни? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_polic..._United_Kingdom – a list of police forces in the United Kingdom http://www.met.police.uk/ - the website of London Metropolitan Police http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/1524955.stm — an article about Britain's part-time police force http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_police_ranks - encyclopaedia entry about police ranks of the United Kingdom http://eu.pravo.hr/_download/repository/PO...EAT_BRITAIN.ppt — the presentation «Police powers in Great Britain» http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_theft - encyclopaedia entry about art theft, famous cases of art theft http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/3590106.stm — an illustrated articles about the greatest heists in art history http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime...ous-536421.html — an article from «The Independent» about burglaries of rich and famous people http://www.bloggernews.net/13655 — an article about one of the most unusual thefts http://www.ledburyreporter.co.uk/news/loca...ft_from_garden/ - a brief report about an unusual theft from a garden Lesson 6. Join the Agatha Christie Club – Какие существуют основные правила написания детектива? Где найти советы о том, как написать детективный рассказ? http://gaslight.mtroyal.ca/vandine.htm – 20 rules for writing detective stories http://fictionwriters.wordpress.com/2008/0...etective-story/ - 6 main rules for writing a detective story http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Write-a-Detective-Story –advice on how to write a detective story Unit 9. The blue planet. Lesson 1. A report on water.- Как происходит круговорот воды в природе? Где найти иллюстрированную информацию, видео на английском, чтобы рассказать об этом явлении? http://www.usgvmwd.org/images/Water_cycle.pdf – a presentation on ”Water cycle” http://www.ec.gc.ca/Water/en/nature/prop/e_cycle.htm – brief illustrated information about the hydrologic cycle http://www.naturegrid.org.uk/rivers/waterc...ycle-intro.html – online exploration of the water cycle http://www.ehow.com/video_4753966_what-water-cycle.html – video explanation of the water cycle Lesson 2. Crystal-clear wonder – Где найти информацию о мировых запасах пресной воды? Сколько литров воды в день на человека приходится в разных странах? Какая самая дорогая bottled water? Где взять информацию, фотографии об озере Байкал? Как устроены водохранилища? Какое водохранилище самое большое в мире? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_resources - encyclopaedia entry about awter resources http://www.greenfacts.org/en/water-resources/ - more scientific facts on water resources http://www.un.org/waterforlifedecade/ - information about the International Decade for Action ”Water for life”2005-2015 http://www.gomestic.com/Consumer-Informati...he-World.109220 – top 3 the most ridiculously expensive bottled waters in the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Baikal - encyclopedia entry about the Lake Baikal http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/754 - information about the Lake Baikal from UNESCO http://www.waytorussia.net/Baikal/ - tourist guide to the Lake Baikal http://www.irkutsk.org/baikal/ - photographs of the Lake Baikal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reservoir - encyclopaedia entry about water reservoirs http://forums.govteen.com/showthread.php?t=183700 – brief illustrated information about the world's largest water reservoir Lesson 3- 4. Dive into the deep – Где найти сайт National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth? Где взять информацию о крупнейших аквариумах Великобритании, Америки, Канады? http://www.national-aquarium.co.uk/ - the website of the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Mari...arium,_Plymouth - encyclopaedia entry about the National Marine Aquarium http://www.vanaqua.org/home/ - the website of Vancouver Aquarium in Canada http://www.public-aquarium.com/ - a list of the best public aquariums in the USA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_aquarium - encyclopaedia entry about public aquariums http://www.aquariauk.com/ - an article with links to the sites of public aquariums of the United Kingdom Lesson 5. Taming water – Какие самые крупные наводнения происходили в истории человечества , в частности, в России и странах Европы? Какие типы наводнений различают? http://www.articlesbase.com/home-security-...ory-485371.html – top 10 the most devastating floods in history http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood - encyclopaedia entry about floods and their types Lesson 6. Oceans of adventure – Где найти информацию о самых знаменитых яхтсменах, совершивших кругосветные путешествия? Где можно узнать об Ellen MacArthur, Федоре Конюхове и их путешествиях? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumnavigation - encyclopaedia entry about circumnavigation and notable circumnavigators http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellen_MacArthur - encyclopaedia entry about Ellen MacArthur http://www.ellenmacarthur.com/default.asp?section=content — the official website of Ellen MacArthur http://konyukhov.ru/eng/ - the official website of the Russian circumnavigator Fedor Konyukhov Unit 10. Dreams, dreams Lesson 1-2. Why people dream – Где найти сочинения подростков о том, кем они мечтают (мечтали в детстве) быть? Кем в детстве мечтали быть знаменитые люди? http://skola.amoskadan.cz/s_aj/ajhtm/at/at11.htm – a teenager's essay on future plans and career choices http://www.peerpapers.com/essays/My-Future/37419.html?topic – an essay ”My future” http://www.sa.sdsu.edu/SCHOLARSHIP/essay-samples.html – sample essays about scholarships http://www.ehow.com/about_4577462_famous-p...e-homeless.html – life histories of some famous people who once were homeless and their dreams at that time http://www.eatliver.com/celebrities-kids/index.html – a collection of photos of famous people as children http://www.eatliver.com/celebrities-kids/ - photos of famous people as children http://www.doublex.com/section/life/secret...ms-famous-women - short stories about secret childhood dreams of famous women http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/Celebr...6420&page=1 – childhood aspirations of famous women Lesson 3. Dreams we have at night - Где найти интересные факты о сновидениях, толковании снов? Каковы причины ночных детских страхов? Что психологи советуют делать родителям, чтобы помочь ребенку избавиться от детских страхов и как с ними бороться? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream - encyclopaedia entry about dream http://listverse.com/2007/11/14/top-10-ama...s-about-dreams/ - top 10 amazing facts about dreams http://www.thesecretsofdreams.com/All-Abou...ir_Meaning.html – fun facts about dreams and their meaning http://www.awakening-intuition.com/Dreamss...stingfacts.html – some interesting facts about dreams http://www.dreammoods.com/ - an online guide to dream interpretation http://www.sleeps.com/ - information on dreams, dreaming and dream analysis http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/ho...common/566.html – information on nightmares and night terrors in children dreams http://www.ehow.com/how_1660_avoid-getting-nightmares.html – instructions on how to avoid getting nightmares http://spiritwatch.ca/borzel.htm – an article about nightmares and night terrors Lesson 4. Daydreamers – Что делает ребенка излишне мечтательным? Каковы причины излишней детской мечтательности? Где найти советы психолога о том, как помочь подросткам, страдающим от излишней мечтательности? http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/news/2742/da...problems-faster – an article about abilities of daydreamers to solve problems faster http://www.psychologies.co.uk/Self-knowled...eveal-about-you – this article examines what a man's daydreams reveal about him http://www.helium.com/items/391126-what-yo...s-say-about-you – a collection of articles on ”What your daydreams say about you” http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=273075 – an article on what makes teenagers daydream http://www.kidstroubles.com/daydreamers.html – some reasons of a child's daydreaming Lesson 5. Chase your dream - Как воспитать в подростке уверенность в себе, в своих силах? Где найти истории о том, как ребенок претворил свою мечту в жизнь, как его мечта стала реальностью? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assertiveness — a short encyclopaedia entry about assertiveness http://www.businessballs.com/self-confiden...sertiveness.htm — an article on how to help build, boost and develop self-confidence and assertiveness — 10 videos about assertivenesshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A2998551 — an article about assertiveness and assertiveness training http://www.mtstcil.org/skills/assert-intro.html — a test + some information about building your assertive skills http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/artic...%20true_1049309 — a brief article on Justin Timberlake making a Dutch teen's dreams come true http://www.dailytrojan.com/news/for-one-te...-true-1.1099132 — the story of one student whose dream comes true http://www.kval.com/news/local/22851489.html — a story about how Olympic dreams come true for paraplegic 14-year-old girl
  6. Проект нового Федерального Перечня

    Это не та Вербицкая) Президент РАО - Вербицкая Людмила Алексеевна, а автор учебника АЯ - Вербицкая Мария Валерьевна. Они однофамильцы ))
  7. Уважаемые коллеги! Размещаю новый каталог видеоресурсов к учебнику Enjoy English для 9 класса. Здесь вы можете найти дополнительную страноведческую видеоинформацию, видеосоветы и рекомендации для подростков и их родителей, онлайн-съемки,виртуальные туры, интересные видеофакты о Великобритании, США и России, видео, созданные школьниками и учителями и много другой дополнительной видеоиноформации по темам учебника. Дополнительная видеоинформация к учебнику Enjoy English для 9 класса Unit 1. Families and Friends: Are we happy together? Section 1. Holidays are a time for adventures and discoveries – Где найти дополнительную видеоинформацию о Великой Китайской Стене, Стоунхендже, пирамиде Хеопса, Эйфелевой башне, Голливуде? - construction of the Great Wall of China - National Geographic video www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKzFnhN8o04&feature=related - the Great Wall of China video travel www.metacafe.com/watch/720255/great_wall_a_short_film_about_the_great_wall_of_china/ - a short educational film about The Great Wall of China www.bugbog.com/travel-videos/england-stonehenge-video.html - an informative video on the construction of Stonehenge, with links to a map, and pictures of Stonehenge - a short video film from National Geographic «Secrets of Stonehenge» - a quick look at Stonehenge and the technology behind it www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-the-Great-Pyramid-of-Giza-38365690 - learn about the Great Pyramid of Giza www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/educational/watch/v7029830fmqyZPXf - a BBC video on building the Great Pyramid www.suziemanley.com/inside_cheops.htm — a virtual tour inside the Great Pyramid — the history of the Eiffel Towerwww.france24.com/en/20090331-eiffel-tower-gets-birthday-makeover-120-years-paris-gustave-icon-france - how the Eiffel Tower celebrated its120th anniversary and got new makeover www.earthcam.com/france/paris/ - unique views of the Eiffel Tower from the Earth Cam www.youtube.com/watch?v=SchWYRSD1v0&feature=related - Disney's Hollywood Studios overview - a report about Warner Bros Hollywood Studio - here's a quick tour of Paramount Studio of Hollywood Section 2. Family and friends? No problem! - Каковы причины конфликтов родителей и детей? Какие советы и рекомендации дают психологи подросткам и их родителям, чтобы избежать проблем в семье и как с ними справиться, если они есть? Конфликтовали ли родители с детьми в прежние времена и как эти конфликты разрешались? Где найти видео-советы о том, как подростку научиться приобретать друзей и дружить? Как научиться быть хорошим другом? www.videojug.com/interview/parenting-resolving-family-conflict - What is a conflict? How to prevent and resolve it? - seven keys to resolving family conflictsvideos.howstuffworks.com/health/human-behavior-videos.htm - 10 quick and easy ways to resolve sibling and parent-child conflicts video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3645806882005314199# - this 1950s video film shows the conflict between six teenagers and their respective parents video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3645806882005314199#docid=-2775738418417139546 - how to manage teen conflicts www.ehow.com/video_4975093_be-good-friend.html– a free video on friendship skills with tips from a psychologist – video advice on how to make friends in high schoolwww.howcast.com/videos/613-How-To-Be-a-Good-Friend – a video on how to be a good friend Section 3. Is it easy to live apart from the family? - Как установить хорошие отношения с соседом по комнате в общежитии? Какие конфликты между подростками в таких случаях происходят и как их разрешить? www.5min.com/Video/How-to-Live-with-Your-College-Roommate-38353778 - how to live with your college roommate www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6PUB6BoMVM - a guide on learning how to resolve common roommate conflicts - some advice you need on how NOT to live with someone else in college Section 4. Spending time together — Как подростки предпочитают проводить свое свободное время? С какого возраста подростки имеют право получать водительские права? Какие самые популярные, знаменитые и какие самые дорогие марки автомобилей? - a quite humorous but instructional 1950s film detailing how teenagers should spend their free time – a short video telling how teenagers spend their free time playing in a jazz orchestra - a compelling look into the Driving age in the United States, and why we should increase the driving age to a more appropriate age — should the United States raise the driving age?www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4433138n — driving age debate in the USA www.xtranormal.com/watch/3392171/ - a video on teen driving age - the world's most famous carswww.youtube.com/watch?v=oo1AmSl7-EM&feature=related - the most expensive cars in the world in the year 2010, by Forbes magazine Section 6. Do you mind video and TV? - Где найти видеоинформацию о создании телевидения, его истории и эволюции? Как можно посмотреть передачи различных телеканалов в режиме онлайн? Как телевидение влияет на психическое здоровье общества и особенно подростков? Где прочитать историю мультипликации? Как создаются мультфильмы? — the origins of television - the evolution of TVbeelinetv.com/ - free online television channels from around the world www.chooseandwatch.com/ - thousands of free online TV channels: Sports, Movies, Music, News, Entertainment, Shows, etc/ - how television affects our brain chemistry - how TV affects children - a short overview of how television affects our children animatedcartoons.blogspot.com/ - history of cartoons with video clips to watch online - how Walt Disney cartoons were made — how animated films are made Unit 2. It's a big world! Start travelling now! Section 1. Why do people travel? - Какие места на Земле самые загадочные и непредсказуемые? Где посмотреть в режиме онлайн-съемки видео самых красивых мест на земле? Где найти дополнительную информацию о Бермудском треугольнике? Где найти видео информацию о трагедии Титаника? Какие фильмы были сняты на эту тему? www.wired.com/video/mystery-spots/19837698001 — a video tour of the world's mysterious places www.camvista.com/- live webcam views of the some of the world's favourite places www.earthcam.com/ - this network of live webcams offers a comprehensive search engine of internet cameras from around the world www.cnbc.com/id/30584321/The_World_s_Best_Places_To_Live_2009 — a slideshow of the world's best places to live-2009 with brief descriptions www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSpqVpfFTAI — video about a mystery of the Bermuda Triangle abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=7163464&page=1 - six mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpaqmow4WCQ — a slide show about the history of the Titanic and its tragedy - this video contains a lot of very old pictures of the Titanic, and even two short original films www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJp7Wd6Af2A - James Cameron winning an Oscar for «Titanic» www.metacafe.com/watch/472777/titanic/ - a video on the film “Titanic”(1997) by J. Cameron www.google.ru/search?hl=ru&newwindow=1&tbs=vid:1&q=“Titanic”(1953)+by+J.+Negulesco+&btnG=Поиск&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= - a video version of “Titanic”(1953) by J. Negulesco in 10 parts Section 2. Is it easier to travel nowadays? - Какие аэропорты являются самыми крупными в Европе и мире? Какие правила существуют в аэропорту? Что запрещено ввозить в те или иные страны? Какими знаниями должен обладать каждый путешествующий за границу? - the greatest and busiest airports in the worldabclocal.go.com/wabc/video?id=7364069 - how Obama announced new airport security rules www.videomeli.com/video/7W-Rje-mKi4/how-to-get-through-airport-security-quickly.html - how to get through airport security quickly, and more videos on airport security in different countries Section 3. Is travelling worth the effort and money? - Где найти список самых дорогих городов мира? www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7g8Mszi5lM - top 50 most expensive cities (city night views) - why Moscow is the most expensive city in the world - top most expensive and cheapest European citieswww.youtube.com/watch?v=ba4HezWKTSY - the most expensive cities in the world Section 4. We are in a global village? - Где найти интересные факты о Великобритании, США? Как выглядят государственные гербы Великобритании, США и России? www.5min.com/Video/Five-Facts-about-the-United-Kingdom-284060885 - 5 interesting facts about the United Kingdom www.5min.com/Video/Five-Facts-about-the-United-Kingdom-284060885 - 5 interesting facts about the USA - the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom - the Great Seal of the United States - the coat of arms of the Russian Federation Unit 3. Can we learn to live in peace? Section 1. What is conflict? - Что такое конфликт и какова природа конфликта? Почему люди часто спорят друг с другом? Какие конфликты бывают? К чему приводят конфликты? Какие существуют способы избежать конфликта? Как разрешить конфликт? Какие конфликты бывают в школе? Где посмотреть анимационную версию драмы Шекспира «Ромео и Джульета»? Какие основные экологические проблемы существуют во всем мире? Как эти проблемы влияют на здоровье и развитие человечества? Где найти видео, созданные школьниками и учителями о том, как заботиться об окружающей среде? - a video presentation on conflicts, this slide show includes: the definition of conflict, symptoms and causes of conflict, 5 methods to handle conflict, group conflict and causes, etc. videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/26525-conflict-at-school-jordans-story-video.htm - an example of a school conflict videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/26526-conflict-at-school-using-adult-communication-skills-video.htm - how to resolve a conflict at school using adult communication skills videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/26529-conflict-at-school-nicoles-story-video.htm - one more example of a school conflict videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/26531-conflict-at-school-negotiation-and-compromise-video.htm - how negotiation and compromise can lead to a solution of a conflict www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr1gk9nwTYY - BBC Shakespeare Animated Tales — Romeo and Juliet, part 1 www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig1-P-YQSxo&feature=related - BBC Shakespeare Animated Tales — Romeo and Juliet, part 2 www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU98mtZSkmg&feature=related - BBC Shakespeare Animated Tales — Romeo and Juliet, part 3 ourenglishclassblog-cef.blogspot.com/2009/11/blog-post_8833.html - a video about environmental problems ecological-problems.blogspot.com/2009/03/what-global-warming-is-all-about.html – an article + video about one of the main ecological problems, global warming – this video created by a student for school presentation provides many pictures and some general facts of the effects of air pollution video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-992846077964504309# - a video for students about global environmental issues www.savetheplanetsong.org/ - a video and a song created by two teachers from Illinois, dedicated to saving the planet www.yourdiscovery.com/video/ways-to-save-the-planet-wind-turbines/ - watch some videos on “Ways to Save the Planet” from Discovery Channel Section 2. Conflict resolution — Почему происходят конфликты между братьями и сестрами? Что является причиной таких конфликтов? Как разрешать эти конфликты? Что советуют психологи по этому поводу? www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/sibling-rivalry/6sufhjd - how to deal with sibling rivalry www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/how-to-recognize-and-deal-with-sibling-rivalry/6s3iwc6 - how to recognize and deal with sibling rivalry Section 3. Be tolerant and you will prevent conflicts — Какова деятельность ООН? Что провозглашает Декларация Прав Человека? - a short cartoon documentary about the UN and its mission, part 1 - a short cartoon documentary about the UN and its mission, part 2www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pby1KngOhBY - a short film about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights www.youtube.com/watch?v=epVZrYbDVis - the Universal Declaration of Human Rights animation Unit 4. Make your choice, make your life Section 1. It's time to think about your future career - Как выбрать подходящую профессию? Какие профессии будут самыми популярными в новом тысячелетии? Где посмотреть видео-интервью подростков об их планах на будущее, о том, какой они видят свою будущую профессию? Как люди представляют работу своей мечты? Как эффективно подготовиться к экзамену? Как справиться с волнением и стрессом во время экзамена и в период подготовки к нему? Где найти видео-советы и рекомендации о том, как правильно написать резюме и сопроводительное письмо? Какая работа для школьников существует в США? В каких сферах деятельности подростки имеют право работать? Как подростку найти работу на летнее время и почему найти такую работу в Америке становится все труднее? — video advice on how to choose a future careerwww.youtube.com/watch?v=xNeIVqaIQeY&feature=related — top careers of the future www.teachers.tv/video/24605 - a video of a Year 10 pupil, who explains how she is planning to undertake further education in law and run her own business www.teachers.tv/video/24604 - in this video podcast a Year 10 pupil speaks of his aspirations of being a wealthy accountant teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=47535&title=Dream_Jobs_CareerNoodle_com - a short video where working professionals speak about their dream jobs – here's advice of a psychologist on how to prepare for an exam effectivelywww.youtube.com/watch?v=GHx9xEhRM6k&feature=related – the Exams Doctor answers a question about how to cope with exam stress www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_dgBS67U3s&feature=related – some tips on how long to revise for exams and when to take a break www.teachers.tv/video/32627 – an exam expert shares some time-saving tips and expert advice with teachers on how to help students handle GCSE exams, before, during and after this day www.teachers.tv/video/26935 – how volunteer students from Years 12 and 13 at the West Yorkshire college help the Year 11s prepare for GCSE examinations and advise on issues such as exam technique - teenagers describe how they prepared themselves for their GCSCs, overcame stress and built the confidence to sit their examswww.ehow.com/video_4908857_write-cv-student.html - video instructions for students on how to write a curriculum vitae www.videojug.com/film/how-to-write-a-cv-2 - step by step video instruction on how to write CV www.videojug.com/film/how-to-write-a-cv-2 - free video advice on writing job application letters studio5.ksl.com/index.php?nid=54&sid=10575565 - a manager of Salt Lake County Youth Employability Services has some tips to help teens land a summer job www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5066875n - how american teenagers struggle to find jobs - watch this video on how to find a summer job www.ksl.com/index.php?sid=6756575 - how a summer job on the road may be dangerous for teens batavia.ynn.com/content/all_news/rochester/507827/summer-job-season-for-teens-not-looking-bright/ - why are summer jobs for teens becoming harder to come by? Section 2. Why are stereotypes harmful? - Что входит в понятие «стереотип»? Какие бывают стереотипы? Каковы самые распространенные стереотипы ? Какие существуют стереотипные представления о разных странах и национальностях? jeffreyhill.typepad.com/english/files/Stereotypes.ppt - a presentation «Stereotypes» blogoscoped.com/country-stereotypes/ - a photo gallery of common stereotypes of what people in different countries look like - a funny video about national stereotypes Section 3. Are extreme sports fun to you? - Какие виды спорта считаются экстремальными? Где найти видео, фото об экстремальных видах спорта? – an extreme sports videofreakymartin.com/2008/05/08/10-most-dangerous-sports-in-the-world-16-photos/ - 10 most dangerous sports in the world in photos — extreme sports gone wrong Section 4. Do you have the right to be different? - Где найти дополнительную информацию о Битлз? Почему они до сих пор так популярны? www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIF-1kkN6d0&feature=related - a brief history of the Beatles, part 1 www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRe4nN79hq0&feature=related - a brief history of the Beatles, part 2 video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5423521123942137101# - the Beatles and Beatlemania in the early 1960's - 25 symptoms of Beatlemania
  8. Полностью согласна с Вами, Татьяна Геннадьевна) Фигурное катание, по моему мнению, самый краивый, эстетичный и изящный из всех зимних видов спорта. Любовь и восхищение фигурным катанием появилась у меня ещё в детстве, когда смотрела соревнования с родителями по телевизору, да и сама умею неплохо кататься на коньках) так что я тоже однолюб Вчера с удовольствием посмотрела выступление российской команды в командном зачёте, наши фигуристы молодцы, положили хорошее начало. Главное, чтобы хватило духа не растерять этот заряд до конца соревнований) будем продолжать болеть в субботу )))
  9. Добрый вечер, уважаемые коллеги! Время образовавшихся в этом году, удлинненных осенних каникул не прошло для меня зря. Успела собрать и каталогизировать дополнительную информацию к учебнику Enjoy English для 10 класса. Пока ещё сама не успела ею воспользоваться, но решила выложить её на форуме, может быть кому-то уже сейчас что-то пригодиться. Дополнительная информация к учебнику Enjoy English для 10 класса Unit 1. Start anew Section 1. Start anew - Как подготовиться к возвращению в школу после каникул? Как сделать это событие приятным? Где найти рассказ подростка о его первом дне в школе после каникул? Почему некоторым подросткам не нравится ходить в школу, не нравится учиться? Какие проблемы в школе их беспокоят? Где найти информацию о системе образования в Великобритании, США и России?Где найти рассказ подростка о его школе, школьной жизни? Какими были школы Британии в 19 веке и раньше? Какие из старых школ сохранились и сейчас? Где найти информацию об истории образования в России и др. странах? http://au.reachout.com/find/articles/going...er-the-holidays – information, suggestions on how to make going back to school after holidays easier http://www.ehow.com/how_4703792_return-sch...iday-break.html – how to prepare children to return to school after holidays http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...pg2.html?cat=25 – tips for helping a child return to school after a long holiday, vacation or illness http://www.englishdaily626.com/junior_english_essays.php - a child tells about the first day of school http://www.stmaryscambridge.co.uk/myfristday/index.php - five children tell about their first day at a new school http://thinkubator.ccsp.sfu.ca/FirstDayOfSchool - a student’s story about the first day in a Canadian school http://www.netmums.com/olderchild/Refusing...ool_Teens.1862/ - why teens refuse to go to school http://www.helium.com/knowledge/67675-moti...t-want-to-learn — a collection of articles on why teenagers don't want to learn http://kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/sch...ool_stress.html — what stresses teens out about school? http://kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/school/hate_school.html# - advice for pupils – what to do if you don't like school http://www.webmd.com/balance/stress-manage...ngers-in-school - a short article on how teen stress at home lingers in school http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761553...ed_kingdom.html - encyclopaedia entry about education in Great Britain http://www.eng.umu.se/education/ - a website dedicated to education in Britain http://www.usastudyguide.com/overview.htm – an overview of the American system of education http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_the_United_States - education in the United States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about the system of education in Russia http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_6...400/6685425.stm – children’s comments on what they like about their school http://www.bbc.co.uk/switch/slink/sexlovel...life/hell.shtml – an American student describes how bad the situation at her school is http://www.nettlesworth.durham.sch.uk/time...an/vschool.html - what Victorian schools used to be like http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Ho...ren/schools.htm - Victorian schools described by modern British children http://www.know-britain.com/general/educat..._england_1.html - a short article about some old schools that still survive in modern Britain http://www.sras.org/news2.phtml?m=410 — a short history of public education in Russia from Peter I to the present http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_education_in_England - encyclopaedia entry about the history of education in England http://www.chesapeake.edu/library/EDU_101/eduhist.asp — the history of education in America Section 2. What's in? - Откуда пришло понятие dress code? Каков dress code в школах Британии и др. стран? Какая униформа существует в школах Великобритании, Америки, Канады, Австралии и России? Какое отношение самих подростков к школьной форме? Каковы аргументы «за» и «против» школьной формы? Какая одежда и обувь модна сейчас у современных подростков? Где посмотреть сайты молодежной моды? Какая молодежная мода существует в Англии и России? Какие самые популярные молодежные бренды? Какие самые популярные молодежные журналы о моде? Какие вопросы задают подростки о моде, о стиле, о современной одежде? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dress_code - encyclopeadia entry about dress code http://www.dresscodeguide.com/ - dress code guide, selection a dress code for details of correct attire http://www.boardingschools.co.uk/boarding_...ls_uniforms.htm – a short article about school uniform http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/management/atoz/u/uniform/ - a guidance to schools of England on school uniforms and related policies http://www.schoolsecurity.org/resources/uniforms.html – an article on how school uniforms and dress code can improve the school climate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_uniform - encyclopaedia entry about school uniforms in different countries http://www.archivist.f2s.com/bsu/Bsu.html - pictures of different uniforms in British schools http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/ou...ol/uniform.html - English schoolchildren tell about their school uniform http://www.archivist.f2s.com/bsu/Miscel.htm - pictures of the most famous English school uniforms http://histclo.com/Schun/gar/pants/short/su-specs.html - information about school uniforms in English comprehensive schools http://www.greatschools.net/find-a-school/....gs?content=121 - an article about a problem with school uniforms in the USA http://www.schooluniforms.com/ - a complete illustrated catalogue of all types of uniforms for schools of the USA http://histclo.com/Schun/country/us/schunus.html - information about American school uniforms http://histclo.com/Schun/country/can/schuncan.html – information about school uniforms in Canada http://www.topmarks.ca/collection/ - images of Canadian school uniform http://histclo.com/Schun/country/oz/schunoz.html – information about school uniforms in Australia http://www.focusuniforms.com.au/focusUniforms/ - pictures of Australian school uniforms and accessories http://histclo.com/Schun/country/rus/rsuc-sov.html - information about school uniforms in the Soviet Union http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20050825/41225976.html – an article on why school uniforms are coming into fashion again in Russia http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/pro...forms-1248.html - find out some of the advantages & disadvantages of school uniform http://www.pubarticles.com/article-pros-an...1244682823.html – how producers of school uniform consider all its pros and cons http://education.newarchaeology.com/agains...ol_uniforms.php – facts against school uniforms http://educationalissues.suite101.com/arti...s_pros_and_cons – an article on whether schools should require students to wear uniforms http://www.catalogs.com/clothing/teen/index.html – links to catalogues of teen fashions http://www.shoebuy.com/teens-fashion-shoes.htm - an e-store for teen fashion shoes – pictures and descriptions http://www.lovetoknow.com/top10/teen-clothing.html – top 10 teen clothing websites– pictures and descriptions http://teenfashionclothes.com/index.php?ze...amp;ASKFEED_URL – teen fashion – pictures and descriptions http://www.wikihow.com/Category:Personalit...and-Youth-Style – youth related articles about different personality types and about fashion and style for teens and kids http://teenfashion.about.com/ - a webpage dedicated to teen fashion http://teens.lovetoknow.com/Category:Teen_Fashion - links to webpages on teen fashion in Britain http://www.teenvogue.com/industry/fashionw...stinina?slide=1 — an article about Kira Plastinina, a 15-year-old fashion designer from Russia http://www.apparelsearch.com/Wholesale_Clo...mes_clothes.htm – a list of popular clothing brands http://www.esl-lab.com/clothing/clothingrd1.htm — listening exercises on «Clothing Styles» http://www.teenvogue.com/ - the site of Teen Vogue magazine, here a teen can find all about teen fashion, ask a question and get qualified advice http://www.seventeen.com/ - a teen fashion magazine with the latest fashion, beauty, dating and health tips http://www.cosmogirl.com/ - an online version of the magazine for teenagers Cosmo Girl Section 3. Are you keen on sports? - Какие виды спорта существуют в мире? Где найти краткую информацию об истории спорта? Какую роль играют занятия спортом в жизни человека и, в частности, в жизни подростков? Как заниматься спортом без вреда здоровью? Какие советы по этому поводу дают тренеры и врачи? Где найти истории о том, как занятие спортом изменило жизнь человека? Какие виды спорта самые необычные? Где найти информацию об истории Олимпийских игр? Когда состоялись первые Олимпийские игры? Каковы символы Олимпийских игр, когда появились олимпийские кольца, флаг? Кто был основателем олимпийского движения? Где посмотреть видео с Олимпийских игр 2008? Где найти видео о церемониях открытия Олимпийских игр в разных странах? Когда состоятся первые Юношеские Олимпийские Игры? Где найти информацию об Алексее Немове? Какой скандал произошел с нашим гимнастом на Олимпийских играх в Афинах? http://library.thinkquest.org/C0128343/kinds_of_sports.htm - pictures and basic descriptions of different kinds of sports http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sports - a list of sports by category with links to entries about each of them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_sport - a brief history of sport http://ezinearticles.com/?Sport-in-Our-Life&id=1336339 — a short article on what sport means in our life http://www.summeractivitiesforkids.co.uk/s...-for-teens.html – information about the importance of sport activities for teenagers http://www.examiner.com/x-11080-SF-Parenti...ll-a-teens-days – useful information on how sport can help teens to fill days http://www.more4kids.info/359/advantages-o...orts-and-teens/ - this article explores the advantages of sports for teenagers http://www.raisingkids.co.uk/fea/fea_77.asp – some advice for parents on how to persuade a teen to take up sport http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FK...63/ai_78477085/ - a short article about the advantages and disadvantages of doing sports for teenagers http://kidshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/sp...ort_safety.html – some advice for teens and their parents about how to preserve health when playing sports http://teens.lovetoknow.com/High_School_Sports – a webpage dedicated to high school sports http://leadership.weei.com/boston/sports/l...success-part-ii — a story about how doing sports helped a man to form his character http://www.collegesportsscholarships.com/a...tion-sports.htm — several essays on how sports have affected a person’s life http://www.allfreeessays.com/topics/import...ports-in-life/0 — a collection of essays about the importance of sport in life http://bestofstupid.com/weird-unusual-sports/ - illustrated information about weird and unusual sports http://www.olympic.org/uk/games/ancient/index_uk.asp# - the history of Olympic Games from the International Olympic Committee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_Games - encyclopaedia entry about Olympic games http://www.olympic.org/uk/passion/museum/index_uk.asp - a virtual tour of Olympic Museum. Also on this site you can find descriptions of all Olympic sports and animated cartoons demonstrating the sports and providing basic information about the rules and the games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_symbols - encyclopaedia entry about Olympic symbols (Olympic rings, Olympic emblem, Olympic flag, etc) http://www.janecky.com/olympics/rings.html – what do the Olympic rings signify? http://www.cviog.uga.edu/Projects/olymphlx/answer.htm – interesting facts about the Olympic Medal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_de_Coubertin - encyclopaedia entry about the founder of the International Olympic Committee Pierre de Coubertin http://www.nbcolympics.com/video/share.html – a free online video from the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games – a video about Olympic Opening Ceremonieshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youth_Olympic_Games - encyclopaedia entry about Youth Olympic Games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Nemov - encyclopaedia entry about Alexei Nemov http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?sf=624&...93538522329B245 — an article on how Alexei Nemov was affected by the 2004 Athens Olympics irregular judging Section 4. Where words fail... - Какие музыкальные жанры существуют? Кто из музыкантов является самыми популярными в тех или иных жанрах? Где прочитать рассказ, эссе о любимом исполнителе, музыкальной группе, музыкальном жанре? Как музыка влияет на жизнь людей? Где найти музыку гимнов разных стран? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_genre - encyclopaedia entry about music genres http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_music_styles — lists of music genres and styles with links to their descriptions http://datadragon.com/education/genres/ - learn about different musical genres including rock, Celtic, classical, and more all with artist and site links http://www.musicians.com/genre/ - different styles and music genres explained and explored http://musiced.about.com/od/classicalmusic...l_Musicians.htm - biographical information on some of the most famous classical musicians http://www.kickassclassical.com/ - a website dedicated to classical music - the most popular and famous - from movies, TV shows, commercials, cartoons, video games and ringtones http://www.buzzle.com/articles/famous-jazz-musicians.html – brief information about famous jazz musicians http://www.joegirardmusic.com/jazz_singers.htm – information about famous jazz singers and entertainers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_music - encyclopaedia entry about rock music http://www.who2.com/job/rockmusician.html – the most famous rock musicians http://www.popmonk.com/music/index.htm – a collection of profiles of famous pop singers and bands http://www.geocities.com/petrudumitru/mysound/fsinger01.html – several short essays by American schoolchildren about their favourite singers http://nadav.harel.org.il/homepage/music.html – a story on “My favourite music” http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/38430.html - an essay on “My favourite piece of music” http://jiabinqiao.blogspot.com/2008/12/ess...rite-music.html – one more essay on “My favourite music” http://www.helium.com/knowledge/20416-the-...ic-in-our-lives – a collection of articles about the importance of music in our lives http://www.oppapers.com/essays/Music-My-Life/45618 – a sample of essay on “Music in my life” http://www.cyberessays.com/Arts/38.htm – an essay on what music's important influence on teenagers http://wichitacounseling.blogspot.com/2008...nce-on-our.html – an opinion about whether music has a positive influence on our life http://wichitacounseling.blogspot.com/2008...nce-on-our.html – a research paper on Music and its influence http://hubpages.com/hub/HowMusicAffectsOur...lProveListening – how music affects our thoughts and feelings http://ezinearticles.com/?How-Listening-to...&id=1250371 – an interesting article on how listening to music influences English language teaching, learning and everyday life http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=66...f+Great+Britain – world’s anthems Section 5. Where does time go? - Что означает понятие time management? Где найти советы для подростков, как разумно планировать свое время?Где найти рассказ подростка о том, как он проводит свой день? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_management - encyclopaedia entry about time management http://www.education.com/reference/article...ime_Management/ - advice for teens on time management http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/parents/resources/time.html – educational resources for time management http://www.teensadvisor.com/teen-schooling...management.html – some tips for teenagers for taking control of their time and organizing their life http://www.helium.com/knowledge/151015-how...to-work-on-time – 13 articles on how to teach time management to teens http://teen-discipline.suite101.com/articl...t_for_teenagers – 5 easy tips to help teens manage their time better http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/88776.html –an essay on “A day in my life” http://www.coursework.info/AS_and_A_Level/...ife_L31661.html –a teenager tells about one day of his life Progress check - Какие виды спорта считаются экстремальными? Какие самые опасные из них? Где найти видео об экстремальных видах спорта? Почему люди сознательно рискуют, занимаясь таким спортом? Что риск дает людям? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_sport - encyclopaedia entry about extreme sports http://library.thinkquest.org/13857/ - a website dedicated to extreme sports such as rock climbing, skateboarding and in-line skating, and the training and equipment needed, techniques of the sports, safety tips, and possible injuries http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/find_out...000/2159723.stm – information on what extreme sports are and descriptions of some of them – an extreme sports videohttp://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...ciencerisk.html – an article about success and risk in extreme sports http://extremesports.suite101.com/article....sports_injuries – information about common injuries in extreme sports http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/157282.php – this article explores reasons of risk-taking in extreme sports http://www.spiked-online.com/Articles/0000000CAD26.htm – an article on what' so extreme about extreme sports http://www.forbes.com/2002/08/07/0807sport.html – the world's most dangerous sports according to Forbes http://freakymartin.com/2008/05/08/10-most...orld-16-photos/ - 10 most dangerous sports in the world in photos Unit 2. Talking on family matters Section 1. Exploring your family - Почему семья особенно важна в жизни человека? Где найти реальные истории на эту тему? Какое место в жизни семьи занимают семейные традиции? Как поддержать старые семейные традиции и создать новые? Где найти рассказы о семейных традициях? Что входит в понятие «семейные ценности»? Как воспитать в ребенке уважение к семейным ценностям? Где прочитать историю какой-нибудь семьи? Как можно исследовать историю своей семьи? http://fami.ly/important/ - this article explains why family is so important for people http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/wha...family-578.html - an article about what is important for the family http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...tant.html?cat=7 — a real story about why a family is so important in our life http://www.myheritage.com/blogs/companyblo...-so-important-1 – one more story about the importance of family in life http://library.adoption.com/articles/creat...traditions.html –some suggestions for creating family traditions http://www.americanfamilytraditions.com/ - this website is dedicated to American family traditions http://www.foreverfamilies.net/xml/article...traditions.aspx – an article about what family traditions mean, some ideas of new family traditions http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2004/9/25/55639/6635 – a student’s essay about his family http://www.teenink.com/nonfiction/all/arti...mily-Tradition/ - a teen's story about his family traditions http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/91210.html – example of an essay on “My Family” http://www.essortment.com/all/wahtarefamily_ralm.htm – an article about what family values are http://life.familyeducation.com/parenting/values/45290.html – an article on how to state your family's values http://www.indianchild.com/family_values.htm – useful information on how to instill family values in children http://www.parenting-child-development.com...ily-values.html – an article about how teaching family values help a child in his life http://infotrue.com/landman2.html — the history of one family http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2005/oct/...erescapesection — one more short story of tracking down a family's history http://genealogy.about.com/cs/beginnerscor...family_tree.htm — here you can find some tips on tracing your family tree http://www.ehow.com/how_490_trace-family-tree.html — how to trace a family tree Section 2. Family room - Почему происходят конфликты между братьями и сестрами? Что является причиной таких конфликтов? Как разрешать такие конфликты? Что советуют психологи по этому поводу? Существуют ли проблемы во взаимоотношениях близнецов? Где прочитать истории об этом? http://au.reachout.com/find/articles/confl...other-or-sister — conflicts between brothers and sisters: the causes and ways of solving them http://www.bukisa.com/articles/128289_how-...rom-palavrasorg — advice for parents on how to prevent conflicts between small children and older children at home http://www.healthyplace.com/relationships/...nds/menu-id-63/ - some ways to avoid fighting with a brothers or a sister http://parentingteens.suite101.com/article...g_relationships — an article about the importance of sibling relationships http://www.indianchild.com/parenting/famil...en_siblings.htm — some tips on how to cope with conflicts between siblings http://multiples.about.com/od/familyissues...d_Multiples.htm — issues faced by families with twins and multiples http://www.buzzle.com/articles/parenting-twins.html — here are some tips on parenting twins and their main problems http://www.twinsrealm.com/twintext2.htm — a webpage dedicated to twin troubles, stories from twins Section 3. What makes a family happy? - Что делает жизнь в семье счастливой и радостной? Что советуют психологи, как улучшить отношения в семье и сделать семью счастливой? http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_6...400/6549495.stm — several comments on what makes a family happy http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/b...akes_them_happy — 8 strengths of a strong and happy family according to researches of Australian psychologists http://www.ehow.com/how_2067338_improve-fa...-relations.html – how to improve family relations http://ezinearticles.com/?Improve-Family-R...s&id=918016 – 5 rules that can improve relationships and make a family happier http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...hips.html?cat=7 – a guide to improving relationships in a family http://www.ehow.com/how_5532194_build-happy-family.html — some tips on how to build a happy family http://www.cbn.com/family/parenting/Burns_...ingBlocks.aspx# - 10 building blocks for a happy family http://www.webmd.com/parenting/features/bu...ng-happy-family — 4 keys to building a happy family Section 4.Family disagreements - Каковы основные конфликты в семье, которые наиболее часто случаются? Какие основные проблемы существуют у подростков в семье и школе? Как эти проблемы взаимосвязаны? Какие проблемы взаимоотношений существуют между родителями и подростками? Какие самые распространенные претензии родителей по отношению к детям и наоборот? Какие советы и рекомендации дают психологи подросткам и их родителям, чтобы избежать проблем в семье и как с ними справиться, если они есть? Где найти советы для родителей и подростков как сделать жизнь в семье счастливой и радостной? Где найти советы психолога, как разрешать конфликты родителей и детей? Должны ли родители вмешиваться в отношения подростка и его друзей? Где прочитать истории подростков об их проблемах в отношениях с родителями? http://www.allaboutlifechallenges.org/family-conflicts.htm — all about family conflicts http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/b...ict_how_to_cope — an article about family conflicts and how to cope with them http://www.caring.com/articles/family-conflict — common causes of family tensions and disagreements, learn how to resolve family conflict over parent care, and why it's important http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/Parents/fight.html - this short article explains why teens have arguments with their parents so often and what reasons for these arguments are http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/famil...to_parents.html - this article explains the benefits of talking with parents and other adults about everyday difficult problems and situations to teenagers http://parentingteens.about.com/b/2008/03/...t-home-help.htm — a mother seeks advice on her child's problem, and the ensuing recommendations from a guide to teens’ parents http://www.troubledteensguide.com/ - a website dedicated to most frequent teenage problems in the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia http://www.webmd.com/balance/stress-manage...ngers-in-school - a short article on how teen stress at home lingers in school http://www.channel4.com/health/microsites/...has_people.html — some information about how teens’ problems at home and at school make them feel stressed http://www.wholefamily.com/aboutteensnow/r...each_other.html - an article on how the relationship between teens and their parents is changed when they struggle to define their own roles in life http://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/News/Teenage...oryID=news-poh3 — information about how teenagers appreciate relationships with their parents http://www.thefunplace.com/guild/teen01.html — an article about the relationships between parents and children in US http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/05...-their-parents/ - information about the relationships of teenagers and their parents in Canada http://ezinearticles.com/?Chores-For-Teena...s&id=486508 – some tips for parents on how to train their children to do chores with pleasure http://www.realfamiliesrealfun.com/kw/ - a modern information source for kids and parents to help make family time happy http://www.wikihow.com/Overcome-Problems-at-School-or-Home — tips for teenagers on how to overcome problems at school and at home http://www.more4kids.info/598/improving-pa...-relationships/ - advice for improving the relationship between parents and teens http://swain.ces.ncsu.edu/content/RelationshipParentsTeens — some strategies for parents on how to strengthen the relationships between them and their children http://www.byparents-forparents.com/rebuil...rust-part1.html —advice on how to rebuild trust between parents and teens http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...your.html?cat=7 — some recommendations for teens on how to improve their life by improving relationship with parents http://www.socialpacks.com/2007/12/13/9-ti...th-the-parents/ - 9 tips to improve a child's relationship with the parents http://www.enotalone.com/article/9765.html — an article on how parents should treat their teen's friends http://www.teengrowth.com/index.cfm?action...ID_article=1243 — useful information and advice for teens on how to maintain good relations with friends and family http://www.blurtit.com/forandagainst/What_...mily_or_friends — teens’ interview on whether friends are more important for them than family http://www.abcdparenting.org/index.php?opt...load&cid=43 — information for parents about why friends are so important for teens http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/206842...ends/index.html — an article on how parents can help their teens choose good friends http://psychcentral.com/lib/2006/tips-for-parents-of-teens/ - tips for parents on how to enter into good relations with a teen and his/her friends http://felixker.com/daily-rants/my-family-...me-im-very-sad/ - a teenager from Malaysia tells about a difficult relationship with the parents http://psychcentral.com/ask-the-therapist/...arents-hate-me/ - a teenager’s question to a psychologist why his parents hate him and the doctor's advice http://www.dearcupid.org/question/my-paren...understand.html — a 13-year-old girl from the USA tells how her parents don't understand her and gets the readers' advice Section 5. Days to remember - Где найти рассказ о самом памятном и запоминающемся дне жизни? Как сделать семейный праздник незабываемым? Важен ли брак в современном обществе? Какие свадебные традиции существуют в разных странах? Где увидеть фотографии самых необычных свадеб? http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancest...age/Dec1st.html - a story about a memorable day in a family http://1rbtxenglish.blogspot.com/2008/12/m...in-my-life.html — children tell about memorable days in their life http://web.sau.edu/eiwp/Writings/mulvihill...0with%20mom.htm — one more story “A memorable day in my life” http://ezinearticles.com/?How-To-Enjoy-Fam...ns&id=97418 — how to enjoy family celebrations http://www.winmarkcom.com/celebrations.htm – interesting ideas for family celebrations including family milestone events such as birthdays, anniversaries, births, weddings http://usproxy.bbc.com/2/hi/talking_point/1678523.stm — an article on whether marriage is still relevant http://www.helium.com/knowledge/272291-why...-modern-society - 4 articles on why so many marriages fail in modern society http://www.marriage-relationships.com/marriage.html – an article about how good marriage makes people healthy and wealthy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedding - encyclopaedia entry about wedding and wedding customs http://www.worldweddingtraditions.com/ - wedding traditions and customs around the world http://searchwarp.com/swa359344.htm – wedding customs in Russia http://ezinearticles.com/?Wedding-Traditio...1&id=414976 – wedding traditions of different cultures http://www.hudsonvalleyweddings.com/guide/internat.htm – international wedding customs http://www.beau-coup.com/cultural-traditions-weddings.htm – cultural wedding customs and traditions http://www.helium.com/items/1182435-marria...round-the-world – an article on how wedding proposal traditions differ in different countries http://wiresmash.com/funny/the-most-unusua...-weddings-ever/ - the most unusual and weird weddings ever http://www.walyou.com/blog/2009/08/13/ten-...ou-cannot-miss/ - the 10 most weird weddings Unit 3. Civilisation and progress Section 1. Learning from the past — Что включает в себя понятие «цивилизация»? Что свидетельствует о существовании той или иной цивилизации? Какие цивилизации самые древние? Как выглядел доисторический человек? Каковы этапы человеческой эволюции? Как выглядел народ называемый «пигмеи», где и когда они жили? В чем загадка древней цивилизации Майя? Где найти дополнительную информацию о них? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilization - encyclopaedia entry about civilization http://archaeology.about.com/od/ancientciv...vilizations.htm — a guide to ancient civilizations http://www.ancientcivilizations.co.uk/home_set.html — interactive exploration of the cities, buildings technology, trade, religion and writing of the ancient world http://www.crystalinks.com/ancient.html - provides information on and discussion of dozens of ancient civilizations from throughout the world http://www.lost-civilizations.net/ancient-civilizations.html - collected materials and some original essays on Ancient civilizations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_evolution - encyclopaedia entry about human evolution http://wilderdom.com/evolution/HumanEvolutionPictures.htm – pictures of human evolution and timeline of prehistoric, early & modern man http://www.historylink101.com/prehistory.htm - links to art, daily life, maps, pictures and research on prehistoric man http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/prehistoric_life/h...uman_evolution/ - the illustrated information from BBC about the evolution of man http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmies - encyclopaedia entry about pygmies http://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/pygmies– some information about the Pygmy tribal group of people http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_civilization - an illustrated history which includes Mayan art, architecture, technology, writing, mathematics, religion http://www.crystalinks.com/maya.html – complete information about Maya civilization http://archaeology.about.com/od/mayaarchae...ivilization.htm - archaeological sites and studies of the ancient Maya civilizations of Central America http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...ayadrought.html – an article from National Geographic News on what killed off Maya civilization http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/lat...tures/maya.html – a brief history of Maya civilization http://www.civilization.ca/cmc/exhibitions.../mminteng.shtml – the mystery of Maya civilization http://theunexplainedmysteries.com/mayan-mystery.html – one more article exploring the mystery of Maya civilization Section 2. Progress and development — Где найти дополнительную информацию об истории техники и изобретений? Кто изобрел шариковую ручку, мороженицу, тостер? Как были изобретены электрическая лампочка, копировальный аппарат, подгузники, аэрозольный баллончик, мобильный телефон, фотоаппарат Поляроид, телевизор, целлофан, акваланг, микроволновая печь, самолет? В каких областях знаний человек использует компьютер? Где найти аргументы «за» и «против» использования компьютера? Как меняется планета Земля вследствие воздействия на неё человека? В чем сущность теории Вернадского? За какие достижения вручается Kyoto Prize? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_technology - encyclopaedia entry about the history of technology http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/Ti..._Technology.htm - invention and technology timelines tell the history of famous 16th 17th 18th 19th and 20th century events http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/ballpen.htm - fascinating facts about the invention of the ballpoint pen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballpoint_pen - encyclopaedia entry about the ballpoint pen http://www.ehow.com/about_5117355_early-ic...m-machines.html – information about early ice cream machines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_cream_maker - encyclopaedia entry about the ice cream maker http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/toaster.htm - interesting facts about the invention of the toaster http://www.wisedude.com/inventions_discoveries/toaster.htm - answers to questions on the history and working of toasters and toaster ovens http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/lightbulb.htm – history of invention of light bulb http://www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors...lightbulb.shtml – some more information about the invention of the light bulb http://www.thehistoryof.net/the-history-of...light-bulb.html – the history of the light bulb http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photocopier - encyclopaedia entry about the photocopier http://www.essortment.com/articles/invente...hine_102493.htm – information about the inventors of the copy machine http://inventors.about.com/od/dstartinventions/a/Diapers.htm – a short article about the inventor of disposable diapers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diaper - encyclopaedia entry about the diaper and its history http://inventors.about.com/od/astartinventions/a/aerosol.htm – the history of aerosol spray cans http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerosol_spray - encyclopaedia entry about aerosol spray, its history and technology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_phone - encyclopaedia entry about the mobile phone http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/mobilephone.htm – a brief history of the invention of the mobile phone http://web.mit.edu/invent/iow/land.html – brief information about the invention and the inventor of the Polaroid camera http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventio...nstantphoto.htm - fascinating facts about the invention of instant photography http://www.inventionreaction.com/famous-in.../Television-Set – a short article on the invention of the TV set http://www.physlink.com/Education/AskExperts/ae408.cfm – here you can find an answer to the question on who is the inventor of television http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/cellophane.htm – interesting information about the invention of cellophane http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellophane - encyclopaedia entry about cellophane and history of its invention http://www.brighthub.com/engineering/mecha...cles/43151.aspx – brief information about the inventor and the invention of aqualung http://inventors.about.com/od/cstartinventors/a/Scuba.htm – the history of scuba diving http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_oven - an illustrated encyclopaedia entry about the microwave oven http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/microwave.htm - – a chronological history of the microwave oven http://socyberty.com/history/the-invention-of-the-airplane/ - brief history of the invention of the airplane http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/airplane.htm - fascinating facts about the invention of the airplane in 1903 http://invention.psychology.msstate.edu/ - a virtual museum covering the invention of the airplane http://computerandthesociety.blogspot.com/...ent-fields.html — a short article about the fields in which people use computers http://www.yomag.net/1249-computers-pro-&-cons/ - some pros and cons of computers http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/2-27-2004-51038.asp – the pros and cons of computers and video games http://www.indianchild.com/computers_blessing_or_curse.htm – information about the advantages and disadvantages of using computers for Indian children http://www.bukisa.com/articles/98986_advan...es-of-computers – a short article about the advantages and disadvantages of computers for young people http://www.nationalgeographic.com/eye/impact.html – a webpage dedicated to human impacts on the Earth and the environment such as pollution, dams, deforestation, desertification, and overpopulation http://socyberty.com/issues/human-impact-on-earth/ - an article on who is the most destructive creature on this planet, how serious global warming is etc http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/envi...icle3292050.ece – interesting information about human impact on the world http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0JQ...87/ai_30411507/ - the facts about the state of the Earth, why human impact on the Earth becomes ever greater http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Vernadsky - encyclopaedia entry about Vladimir Vernadsky and his theory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Prize - encyclopaedia entry about the Kyoto Prize http://www.inamori-f.or.jp/e_kp_out_out.html – information about the Kyoto Prize, its categories and fields Section 3. Man-made wonders of the world? - Где получить дополнительную информацию о Stonehenge, Панамском канале, Транссибирской магистрали, Hoover Dam, English Channel Tunnel? http://www.stonehenge.co.uk/ - a guide to Stonehenge http://www.qsl.net/w5www/stonehenge.html –information about the mysteries of Stonehenge http://www.bugbog.com/travel-videos/englan...enge-video.html - an informative video on Stonehenge's construction, with links to a map, and Stonehenge pictures http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Canal - illustrated article about the Panama Canal including the layout, locks, history, tolls and related links http://www.canalmuseum.com/ - the history of the Panama canal, photos, prints, stories, documents and books http://www.pancanal.com/eng/index.html – the official site of the Panama Canal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Siberian_Railway - encyclopaedia entry about the Trans-Siberian Railway http://www.trans-siberia.com/ - all you need to know about the Trans-Siberian Railway and the countries it passes through http://www.waytorussia.net/TransSiberian/ - a comprehensive guide to the Trans-Siberian railway: trains, timetable, route, photos, advice http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoover_Dam - encyclopaedia entry about Hoover Dam, provides a range of data on the history and construction of the dam http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/hoover/ - a chronology of the Hoover Dam, a searchable database of the people and events that led to the dam's creation and a teacher's guide with maps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel_Tunnel - encyclopaedia entry about the Channel Tunnel http://www.theotherside.co.uk/tm-heritage/...ound/tunnel.htm - the history and background of the Channel Tunnel http://www.seat61.com/London-Paris-train.htm - information about travelling from London to Paris by Eurostar train: timetable, fares, what you see there, how to check in, carriage classes etc. Section 4. Robots of the future - Когда были созданы первые роботы? Где сейчас используют роботов? Какова роль роботов в будущем? Как подростки представляют будущее своей страны, планеты? Что изучает наука футурология? Каковы прогнозы писателей, ученых-футурологов о будущем? Как можно представить себе дом будущего? Как он будет выглядеть? Какими современными техническими приспособлениями он будет наполнен? Где посмотреть видео на тему «Дом будущего»? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot - encyclopaedia entry about robots http://inventors.about.com/od/historyrobot...y_of_Robots.htm — the history of robots http://www.bsu.edu/web/MAWILLIAMS/history.html - history of robotics - the fun and interesting sides, a little history, some interesting uses, the impact of robots and some future ideas http://www.buzzle.com/articles/history-of-robots.html — a brief history of the invention of robots http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/types.html — types of robots, where they are used http://www.jimpinto.com/writings/robots.html — what fields of modern life robots are used in, what their role in the future will be http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Robots_U...e_In_Japan.html — an article about how robots are used to keep children safe in Japan http://www.funadvice.com/q/future_please_h...ts_for_homework — some ideas of American schoolchildren about what the world will be like in 30 years http://www.funadvice.com/q/teenagers_12_18 — American teenagers tell what they think about the future http://www.gsn.org/programs/dreams/lessonplan.html — this activity challenges students to think and imagine their country's past and future http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/Features/Lis...turePredictions — top 10 predictions for the future according to the World Future Society http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futurology - encyclopaedia entry about futurology http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/3556368...nd-reality.html – predictions for the future by A.Clarke http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0205/19spacewx/ - scientists predict solar storms that will affect all technology on the Earth http://www.zuzu.org/pre.html - children’s predictions for the future http://www.longbets.org/ - predictions online http://www.hinduonnet.com/folio/fo0001/00010640.htm - 21 predictions for the 21st century http://www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2007/11..._the_future.htm - a look at what scientists are working on today to bring into your homes tomorrow. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8046659.stm — a video about Microsoft's «future home» - how the company plans to incorporate technology into more areas of life http://i.abcnews.com/WN/SmartHome/story?id...9570&page=1 - what our future lifestyle look like Unit 4. The world of opportunities Section 1. Away from home - Где найти информацию о Students' Exchange program? Где найти сайты организаций, занимающихся международными студенческими обменами? Где прочитать рассказы и впечатления студентов, обучающихся за границей по обмену? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student_exchange_program - encyclopaedia entry about student exchange programmes http://www.isep.org/ - the official site of ISEP (International Student Exchange Programs) http://www.cci-exchange.com/ - information about cultural students exchange programmes http://www.winmalee-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/h...ge/exchange.htm - stories about school exchanges told by exchange students http://www.hjk-steinfeld.de/fachschaften/e...eft-as-friends/ - story of a school exchange http://www.spainexchange.com/educator_info...nge_program.php - here you can find Spanish schools to exchange students with http://www.ayusa.org/ - a list of foreign students exchange programmes you can join Section 2. From here to there - Почему многие люди так любят путешествовать? С чего началась история путешествий? Какие существуют способы, средства для путешествий? Какие из них самые необычные? Где узнать историю Лондонского метро? Где взять схему Лондонской подземки? Где посмотреть видео о том, как функционирует метро в Лондоне? Какие достоинства и недостатки у путешествий по турпутевке и путешествий самостоятельно? Какие путешествия являются самыми дорогими? Где найти список самых дорогих городов мира? http://ezinearticles.com/?Why-Do-People-Tr...?&id=749851 — a short article on why people travel http://ezinearticles.com/?10-Reasons-Why-P...&id=2710271 — 10 reasons why people travel http://www.articleclick.com/Article/Reason...e-World/1011053 — some reasons why people travel around the world http://www.bravenewtraveler.com/2007/09/17...-people-travel/ - a history of travelling, why people travel http://www.travelhistory.org/ - a website dedicated to the history of travel http://www.independenttraveler.com/resourc...mp;category=42- the 7 cheapest way to travel http://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/ch...-across-europe/ - some cheap ways to travel across Europe http://rides.webshots.com/album/560050476oMyRba — different means of transport in pictures http://www.adventure-travel-tales-and-tips..._transport.html — some alternative means of transport for adventure travel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Underground - encyclopaedia entry about London underground, includes information about the history, the origins of stations’ names etc. http://underground-history.co.uk/deeplevel.php — an illustrated history of London underground - the complete video story of London's underground in 4 partshttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/clivebillson/tube/tube.html – a history of the London Tube maps http://solo2.abac.com/themole//maps.html – London underground guide, the Tube map, the Tube stations and lines http://www.lifestylechange4u.com/all-about-tour-package.html — all about tour package, its advantages and disadvantages http://www.shoppingtrolley.net/travel.shtml — an article about the pleasures and pitfalls of all-inclusive package holidays http://www.pure-adventures.com/tours/self-guided-tours.php — what a self-guided tour is, what its advantages and disadvantages are http://www.journeyetc.com/travel-destinati...e-destinations/ - the most expensive destinations http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/20...onomy-economics — the top 50 most expensive cities according to the Guardian Section 3. Manners make the man — Каковы правила поведения и обычаи у разных народов? Каковы сейчас традиции и правила поведения за столом? Где найти интерактивную викторину на знание этих правил в разных странах мира? Где найти видеоматериалы по этой теме? Как правильно ходить в гости в разных странах? Где найти образцы запрещающих знаков? http://www.ehow.com/about_4570305_importan...od-manners.html — the importance of good manners http://www.a-to-z-of-manners-and-etiquette...r-children.html - set of rules for good manners and etiquette for children and adults http://www.bizforum.org/class.htm - good manners and different traditions from different countries http://ezinearticles.com/?Customs-and-Mann...s&id=903080 – customs and manners in foreign countries http://schools.shorelineschools.org/Home_E...nners/world.htm – manners around the world http://www.hobotraveler.com/mannersonmeeti...travelers.shtml – some information on good manners when meeting foreign travelers http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...aviourfood.html – modern table manners in Britain http://www.helium.com/items/153126-most-im...c-table-manners – most important basic table manners http://quizzes.familyeducation.com/manners...pect/55534.html - a 5-question quiz on table manners http://www.fekids.com/img/kln/flash/DontGrossOutTheWorld.swf - an interactive quiz on table manners around the world http://www.gourmet-food-revolution.com/din...-etiquette.html - dinner etiquette, DOs and DON’Ts http://www.expertvillage.com/video-series/...e-etiquette.htm - 8 dinner etiquette videos http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...ttes.html?cat=7 – how to behave if you’re a guest in a house http://www.aish.com/family/heart/Guest_Etiquette.asp - eight common etiquette violations all guests should watch out for http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/la/travel/...-a-guest-057304 - peculiarities of guest etiquette in different countries http://www.canstockphoto.com/images-photos/prohibit.html – a collection of prohibition signs photos and images Section 4. Culture shock — Что означает понятие «culture shock»? Как правильно вести себя за границей? Каковы основные правила вежливости в чужой стране? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_shock - encyclopaedia entry about the culture shock http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/emoti...ture_shock.html – information for teens on what culture shock is, what causes it, how to cope with it http://www.wikihow.com/Behave-in-a-Foreign-Country – how to behave in a foreign country http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Safe-in-a-Foreign-Country - how to be safe in a different country http://lifehacker.com/5319644/travel-etiqu...erent-countries – this travel etiquette site explains how to behave in different countries http://matadortravel.com/travel-blog/unite...oid-any-trouble – some useful tips on how to behave in a Muslim country and avoid any trouble http://www.traveletiquette.co.uk/ - here the correct travel etiquette is discussed http://www.forbes.com/2008/07/31/internati...0731travel.html – an article about travel etiquette in the world's most visited countries http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2...tte.html?cat=16 – how to brush up your travel etiquette
  10. На праздниках выдалось немного времени закончить давно задуманный каталог бесплатных видео, которые можно использовать с учебником "New Millennium English". Конечно, составление таких каталогов отнимает много времени и сил, но зато поняла, что наконец-то нашла для себя способ не потерять язык и постоянно узнавать много нового. Как всегда, спешу поделиться тем, что получилось. Дополнительная видео-информация к учебнику New Millennium English для 11 класса Unit 1. What is there in the language? Lesson 1-2. Are you a good language learner? - Какие стили обучения бывают? Каковы особенности каждого из них? Где найти советы, рекомендации людям, изучающим английский язык? Как улучшить свои языковые навыки? - a video introduction to the online learning styles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upPFq4tcFmA...feature=related - a look at five things to consider when defining your personal learning style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUUrGq6TOXM - video tips for learning foreign languages http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO4cBqMhca8...feature=related - how to learn languages effectively Lesson 3-4. Why English? - Где найти видеоинформацию о том, где распространен английский язык в мире? Как развивается и в каких областях используется английский язык? Где взять видео с примерами различных акцентов английского языка? - a video and song about 30 countries with about a million (or more) speakers of English — a short video with subtitles about English as a world language – «An English speaking world» video episodes tell about development of modern English, and illustrate English as the language of choice for technology, diplomacy, business and popular culture, the Story of English video part 1 – the Story of English video part 2 – the Story of English video part 3 – the Story of English video part 4 – the Story of English video part 5 – the Story of English video part 6 - the Story of English video part 7 – a short video tour of 21 accents of English from UK to Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, France, Australia, New Zealand and North America. Lesson 5-6. Death sentence? - Какие языки считаются исчезающими и умирающими, и почему это явление происходит? Сколько таких языков по прогнозам ученых? - a video project aimed to catalogue endangered languageshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvI5DWJQTnE&feature=fvsr - video list of the endangered languages in Europe http://www.nationalgeographic.com/mission/..._slideshow.html — audio slide show about disappearing languages Unit 2. People and places Lesson 1-2. London - Где узнать подробнее об истории Лондона? Где найти дополнительную видеоинформацию и фотографии основных достопримечательностей, улиц, районов Лондона? http://news.bbc.co.uk/local/london/hi/peop...000/8472153.stm - a video journey through the history of London - find out the top attractions in London, how to save money there, and more - video trip 24 hours in Londonhttp://www.videojug.com/film/london-5-great-attractions - a video guide to 5 great attractions of London http://www.camvista.com/search.php?keyword...imageField.y=10 — the streaming webcams overlooking the best and most popular places of London http://www.earthcam.com/search/ft_search.p...mp;x=47&y=8 — one more webcam offers the best views of London Lesson 3-4. A gem in the Golden Ring – Какие города составляют Золотое Кольцо России? Чем знаменит г.Суздаль и какие его главные достопримечательности? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7AXkKm-BAI - a video about the jorney of a foreigner through the towns that comprise the Golden Ring of Russia - a video project about the Golden Ring of Russia for computer studies - a short video film about the ancient Russian town Suzdal Lesson 5-6. Projects – Где найти видео о Лос-Анджелесе, Петергофе, о самых крупных водопадах? http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/feature?sectio...&id=5790008 - Los Angeles live cams - a video tour of Los Angeles - a photo guide to Los Angeleshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW9wkVmG7bA...=1&index=46 - this video contains footage of the spectacular Peterhof Palace including the famous fountains , Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMc_dhuphPY...=1&index=47 - this video contains footage of the spectacular Peterhof Palace, Part 2 http://nature.movienuke.com/Content/nature...x?&c=NATURE - the best waterfall videos Unit 3. A job for life? Leson 1-2. A job for your future - Как выбрать подходящую профессию? Какие профессии будут самыми популярными в новом тысячелетии? Где посмотреть видео-интервью подростков об их планах на будущее, о том, какой они видят свою будущую профессию? Как люди представляют работу своей мечты? Как строится работа кадровых агентств? Как продуктивнее искать работу: самому или с помощью кадрового агентства? — video advice on how to choose a future careerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNeIVqaIQeY...feature=related — top careers of the future http://www.teachers.tv/video/24605 - a video of a Year 10 pupil, who explains how she is planning to undertake further education in law and run her own business http://www.teachers.tv/video/24604 - in this video podcast a Year 10 pupil speaks of his aspirations of being a wealthy accountant http://teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video...areerNoodle_com - a short video where working professionals speak about their dream jobs - a video film on how recruitment agencies workhttp://www.lifetracks.com/working/job-hunt...job-search-tips - top tips for job hunting http://www.teachers.tv/videos/24874 - top tips for trainee teachers about finding a job http://www.ehow.com/video_2200284_find-job-online.html - how to find a job online Lesson 3-4. A letter of application and a CV — Где найти видео-советы и рекомендации о том, как правильно написать резюме и сопроводительное письмо? http://www.ehow.com/video_4908857_write-cv-student.html - video instructions for students on how to write a curriculum vitae http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-write-a-cv-2 - step by step video instruction on how to write CV http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-write-a-cv-2 - free video advice on writing job application letters Lesson 5-6. A job interview — Как правильно вести себя на собеседовании с работодателем? Как произвести на него благоприятное впечатление? Что необходимо, а чего не следует говорить во время собеседования? Где найти основные советы о том, как отвечать на вопросы работодателя во время собеседования? http://www.metacafe.com/watch/972538/learn..._job_interview/ - educational video on job interview - learn the best way to answer job interview questions for a successful interview - watch this video to learn the dos and dont's of a job interview - this video shows you how to answer some of the most common questions you will face at a job interview Unit 4. Mysteries Lesson 1-2. At the edge of unknown — Где найти интересную видеоинформацию о паранормальных, сверхъестественных явлениях? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OibFwM5GDnA...feature=related - top 10 unexplained things - a show of some unexplainable pictures Lesson 3-4. Mysteries of the animal world — Какими необычными способностями обладают животные? Где посмотреть видео на эту тему? - watch these weird and wonderful images of animal hypnosis in this BBC clip - a fascinating video from BBC Worldwide about the supernatural powers of animals -a video film from BBC Worldwide about the extraordinary benefits of dolphins - one more BBC film about the supernatural powers of ocean animals Lesson 5-6. Stone me! - Где прочитать историю и посмотреть видеофильм о Stonehenge? Почему это место до сих пор считается непредсказуемым и загадочным? http://www.bugbog.com/travel-videos/englan...enge-video.html - an informative video on Stonehenge's construction, with links to a map, and pictures of Stonehenge http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2629317/stonehenge_england/ - a short video film about Stonehenge and its mysteries http://www.metacafe.com/watch/yt--6oxmxPKo..._of_stonehenge/ - what secrets remain surrounding the creation of Stonehenge Unit 5. TV or not TV? Lesson 1-2. What's on the box? - Где найти видеоинформацию о создании телевидения, его истории и эволюции? Как можно посмотреть передачи различных телеканалов в режиме онлайн? — the origins of television - the evolution of TVhttp://beelinetv.com/ - free online television channels from around the world http://www.chooseandwatch.com/ - thousands of free online TV channels: Sports, Movies, Music, News, Entertainment, Shows, etc/ Lesson 3-4. Whose choice is it? - Как показ насилия в телевизионных программах влияет на психическое здоровье общества? Как уберечь подростков от этого? - how television affects our brain chemistry - how TV affects children - a short overview of how television affects our children - impact of TV violence on today society Lesson 5-6. TV-Turnoff Week terns me on — Как проходит неделя отказа от телевидения (National TV-Turnoff Week)? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1cZ5hH9ews...feature=related - a commercial video for the National Turn-off Television Week, this program encourages students and their families to find a life outside of television Unit 6. World of science Lesson 1-2. What science can do — Какие современные и уникальные технологии будут использоваться в будущем? Как эти технологии смогут изменить жизнь человека? Как можно представить себе дом будущего? Как он будет выглядеть? Какими современными техническими приспособлениями он будет наполнен? – a video on the best future technology of 2007 – amazing future technology from Japan – this is a short video on “Technology in the future” made by a college studenthttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8046659.stm — a video about Microsoft's «future home» - how the company plans to incorporate technology into more areas of life – General Electric future concept for kitchens Lesson 3-4. What is science? - Как строится научное исследование? Какие этапы оно проходит? - a video demonstration of how to use the scientific method http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcavPAFiG14...feature=related - this video explains how we acquire knowledge, and how ideas go from a hunch in a laboratory to accepted theories taught in school http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S80hKdtiESk - a short video on the steps of the Scientific Method, created by a 7th grade pupil Lesson 5-6. Why do people become scientists? - Где найти видеоматериалы об ученых: И.Ньютоне, Г.Галлилее, Г.Менделе? Когда и кому впервые вручили Нобелевскую премию, в каких областях деятельности её присуждают? Где посмотреть видео с церемонии вручения этой премии? http://www.biography.com/video.do?name=historicalfigures - a video about Isaac Newton, his life and his scientific background http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MkvJY3pmcQ - Galileo Galilei’s video biography - film biography of Gregor Mendel (1822-1884), became the father of modern geneticshttp://sciencestage.com/v/11734/informatio...lprize.org.html - an informational video about the Nobel Prize and its website Nobelprize.org http://www.viddler.com/explore/GrameenBank/videos/3/ - the Nobel Peace Prize 2006 Ceremony from Oslo, Norway http://nobelprize.org/award_ceremonies/cer...2009/index.html - watch the 2009 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony from the Stockholm Concert Hall in Sweden Unit 7. Understanding art Lesson 1-2. Line — Где найти дополнительную информацию о художниках Paul Klee, Georges Seurat? http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xj8rc_paul-klee_shortfilms - a short video film about German / Swiss expressionist painter Paul Klee - the works of the pointillist Georges Seurat set to the music of Vivaldi Lesson 3-4. Modern art — Где можно посмотреть коллекции музеев современного искусства в режиме онлайн и совершить виртуальное путешествие по одному из таких музеев ? - a virtual tour through the Museum of Modern Art in New York City - a collection of the Museum of Modern Art in Egypt - a video from San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Unit 8. Crime and punishment Lesson 1-2. Is it a crime? - Где посмотреть последние видео-новости, прочитать газетные заголовки о совершенных преступлениях? http://news.aol.com/main/crime - the latest news about crime and criminals, watch video, see photos, post comments Lesson 5-6. Survival skills — Какова история появления боевых искусств? Где находится музей истории боевых искусств? Как развивались боевые искусства в эпоху Возрождения? В каких популярных фильмах используются трюки с применением боевых единоборств? Как вести себя в опасной ситуации? Как защитить себя? Где посмотреть видео-инструкцию о технике самозащиты? http://vidbunker.com/martial_arts_history_museum - a video about a martial arts history museum - history of Renaissance Martial Arts, part 1 - history of Renaissance Martial Arts, part 2 - history of Renaissance Martial Arts, part 3 - history of Renaissance Martial Arts, part 4 - history of Renaissance Martial Arts, part 5 - history of Renaissance Martial Arts, part 6 - history of Renaissance Martial Arts, part 7 - history of Renaissance Martial Arts, part 8 - history of Renaissance Martial Arts, part 9 - history of Renaissance Martial Arts, part 10http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3xPrTM1W9M - Top 10 Martial Arts movies – video-instruction on self-defense techniqueshttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-527475592517810811# - self-defense techniques for everyone Unit 9. The way we live Lesson 5-6. Back or forward? - Где найти дополнительную видеоинформацию о Каменном Веке? Как жили люди в этот период - кому покланялись, как питались и одевались, какими были их жилища? http://www.guba.com/watch/3000096354 - Stories from the Stone Age, Part 1 http://www.guba.com/watch/3000096532/Stori...Age-Part-2-of-5 - Stories from the Stone Age, Part 2 http://www.guba.com/watch/3000096568/Stori...Age-Part-3-of-5 - Stories from the Stone Age, Part 3 http://www.guba.com/watch/3000096815/Stori...Age-Part-4-of-5 - Stories from the Stone Age, Part 4 http://www.guba.com/watch/3000096899/Stori...Age-Part-5-of-5 - Stories from the Stone Age, Part 5 - a short video about the Stone Age Unit 10. Whose world is it? Lesson 1-2. Cause and effect? - Какие основные экологические проблемы существуют во всем мире? Как эти проблемы влияют на здоровье и развитие человечества? Где найти видео, созданные школьниками и учителями о том, как заботиться об окружающей среде? http://ourenglishclassblog-cef.blogspot.co...-post_8833.html - a video about environmental problems http://ecological-problems.blogspot.com/20...-all-about.html – an article + video about one of the main ecological problem, global warming – this video created by a student for school presentation provides many pictures and some general facts of the effects of air pollution http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-992846077964504309# - a video for students about global environmental issues http://www.savetheplanetsong.org/ - a video and a song created by two teachers from Illinois, dedicated to saving the planet http://www.yourdiscovery.com/video/ways-to...-wind-turbines/ - watch some videos on Ways to Save the Planet, from Discovery Channel Lesson 3-4. Love thy neighbour — Какие проблемы в отношениях с соседями бывают? Каковы претензии соседей по отношению друг к другу? Как избежать таких проблем и как с ними справиться? Как научиться жить с соседями в мире и согласии? - an animated video on how to be on friendly terms with neighbourshttp://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-deal-w...oisy-neighbours - how to deal with noisy neighbours http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-be-a-good-neighbour-2 - how to be a good neighbour Lesson 5-6. Explorers or intruders? - Где посмотреть видео, фотографии самых красивых и загадочных мест на земле? - 20 World’s most beautiful and mysterious places - World's most beautiful landscapes from all over the world: Canada, Zimbabwe, Finland, Taiwan, United States Of America, Australia, Zambia, Bolivia, Norway, New-Zealand, China, French-Polynesia... http://www.flickitup.com/view/1421/mysteri...e-in-the-world/ - a mysterious places in the world video
  11. Дорогие коллеги! С удовольствием продолжаю работу по поиску дополнительной информации к учебникам Enjoy English. Сегодня хочу представить вашему вниманию материалы ко второй части учебника Enjoy English 5-6 класс (начиная с Unit 5). Надеюсь, они станут хорошим подспорьем в вашей работе. Выражаю большую благодарность А.В.Конобееву за помощь и поддержку. In this textbook (Enjoy English Grades 5-6) Grade 6 starts from Unit 5 of the textbook. Unit 5 Faces of London. Section 1. ”When a Man Is Tired of London He Is Tired of Life” The name of the section is a famous quotation by Dr. Samuel Johnson. This is when and why he said the phrase: http://www.samueljohnson.com/tiredlon.html Где найти информацию об упоминаемых в текстах и на иллюстрациях музеях? http://www.madametussauds.com/London/ - the official website of Madame Tussaud’s museum http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/ - the ”About the White House” part of the official site of the US president http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museum_of_the_Moving_Image - encyclopaedia entry about MOMI http://www.britainexpress.com/London/london-parks-inner.htm - a list of parks and gardens of London http://www.urbanpath.com/london/parks-gardens/ - reviews and photos of London’s most popular parks and gardens http://www.first4london.com/directory/Tour...ks_and_Gardens/ - brief descriptions and links to websites about London’s parks and gardens http://www.royalparks.org.uk/ - the Royal parks of London, with pictures, history and stories http://www.nhm.ac.uk/ - official website of the Natural History Museum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford - encyclopaedia entry about Oxford http://www.oxfordcity.co.uk/ - information about Oxford for visitors http://www.blenheimpalace.com/ - website of Blenheim Palace http://www.royal.gov.uk/TheRoyalResidences...ghamPalace.aspx - information, history, pictures of Buckingham palace from the website of the British monarchy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckingham_Palace - encyclopaedia entry about Buckingham palace http://www.tourist-information-uk.com/buckingham-palace.htm - brief information and pictures of Buckingham palace for tourists http://www.towerbridge.org.uk/TBE/EN/ - history and exhibition of Tower Bridge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_Bridge - encyclopaedia entry about Tower Bridge http://www.theoriginaltour.com/ - information about what you can see from a London Sightseeing Tour buses Section 2. Talking about the Famous Где найти биографии и произведения писателей, которые упоминаются в разделе? Где найти информацию о знаменитых людях, которые упоминаются в разделе? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Conan_Doyle - encyclopaedia entry about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle http://www.sherlockholmesonline.org/ - official website of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle estate, including his biography, information about his most famous characters etc http://www.agathachristie.com/ - the official Agatha Christie website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agatha_Christie - encyclopaedia entry about Agatha Christie http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/turner/ - biography and paintings of Joseph Turner (if you click on the paintings, you can see large images) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._M._W._Turner - encyclopaedia entry about Joseph Turner http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare - encyclopaedia entry about William Shakespeare http://shakespeare.mit.edu/ - the Complete Works of William Shakespeare online http://www.cmgww.com/historic/twain/ - the official website of mark Twain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Twain - encyclopaedia entry about Mark Twain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Defoe - encyclopaedia entry about Daniel defoe http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/scottishhisto...es_europe.shtml - story of Alexander Selkirk, the prototype for Robinson Crusoe http://www.deadmentellnotales.com/onlinete.../pictures.shtml - illustrations to the book about Robinson Crusoe http://www.charliechaplin.com/ - information about Charlie Chaplin and his films http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Chaplin - encyclopaedia entry about Charlie Chaplin http://www.johnlennon.com/ - the official John Lennon website, including biography, drawings and photos of the famous singer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lennon - encyclopaedia entry about John Lennon http://www.winstonchurchill.org/ - a website dedicated to the life and times of Sir Winston Churchill http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figu...l_winston.shtml - brief information about Sir Winston Churchill from BBC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill - encyclopaedia entry about Sir Winston Churchill http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Thatcher - encyclopaedia entry about Margaret Thatcher http://www.number10.gov.uk/history-and-tou...rgaret-thatcher - biography of Margaret Thatcher from the Prime Minister’s office http://www.time.com/time/time100/leaders/p...e/thatcher.html - article about Margaret Thatcher from Time magazine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savva_Timofeyevich_Morozov - encyclopaedia entry about Savva Morozov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pablo_Picasso - encyclopaedia entry about Pablo Picasso http://picasso.tamu.edu/picasso/ - website dedicated to the life and works of Pablo Picasso http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Pavlova - encyclopaedia entry about Anna Pavlova http://www.ballerinagallery.com/pavlova.htm - photographs of Anna Pavlova http://womenshistory.about.com/od/dance/p/anna_pavlova.htm - a very short biography of Anna Pavlova http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein - encyclopaedia entry about Albert Einstein http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics...nstein-bio.html - biography of Albert Enstein from the Nobel Prize committee http://www.westegg.com/einstein/ - information, anecdotes, writings, interviews, pictures and quotes of Albert Einstein http://www.tolkien.co.uk/Pages/Home.aspx - biography, paintings, audio and video clips of J.R.R Tolkien http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._R._R._Tolkien - encyclopaedia entry about J.R.R. Tolkien http://www.gnosis.org/tolkien/ - three online lectures about J.R.R. Tolkien http://www.tolkiensociety.org/tolkien/biography.html - website of Tolkien Society http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Darwin - encyclopaedia entry about Charles Darwin http://darwin-online.org.uk/ - the Complete Works of Charles Darwin online Section 3. We Want to Be Famous Too Как лучше познакомить детей с правилами поведения за столом? Где найти видеоматериалы по этой теме? http://www.gourmet-food-revolution.com/din...-etiquette.html - Dinner etiquette, DOs and DON’Ts http://www.oldandsold.com/articles05/business-6.shtml - formal dinner etiquette http://whatscookingamerica.net/Menu/DiningEtiquetteGuide.htm - dining etiquette guide http://www.expertvillage.com/video-series/...e-etiquette.htm - 8 dinner etiquette videos Unit 6 Animals in our life Section 1. Reading and Talking about London Zoo Где найти информацию о Лондонском зоопарке и фотографии? http://www.zsl.org/zsl-london-zoo/ - website of the London Zoo http://www.zsl.org/ - website of Zoological society of London http://www.londonnet.co.uk/ln/out/ent/kids_london_zoo.html - tourist guide to London Zoo Где найти дополнительную информацию о правилах обращения в Англии? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Styles_and_titles_of_peers - forms of address in Britain Где найти дополнительные стихотворения и рассказы о животных для детей? http://www.poem-and-poet.com/animals.asp - a few short poems and stories about animals http://www.canteach.ca/elementary/songspoems27.html - poems about animals for teaching http://www.poetseers.org/themes/poems_about_animals - poems about animals http://www.voicesnet.org/allpoemsonecatego...px?catid=AN0010 – poems about animals from all over the world Section 2. Let’s Discuss Animals’ Problems Где найти информацию о Whipsnade Wild Animals Park? http://www.zsl.org/zsl-whipsnade-zoo/ - website of Whipsnade Wild Animals Park http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulmcdee/set...57607004172277/ - pictures from Whipsnade Wild Animals Park Как специалисты советуют воспитывать детей, чтобы научить их заботиться об окружающей среде? http://www.naturemoms.com/raising-eco-friendly-children.html - article on how to raise children to be environmentally-friendly How children are taught about ecology Как борются с мусором в других странах? Как долго сохраняется мусор в природе? Где найти информацию о Гринпис? Где найти интерактивные игры про экологию для детей? http://www.coral.org/node/3916 - information on how long it takes trash to biodegrade. Did you know that it takes 400 years for a plastic sandwich bag to biodegrade? http://cleanupday.org/education.htm - information about annual California coastal cleanup day http://shea20020.tripod.com/trash/trash.htm - an American tells about the differences between trash disposal in the USA and Germany http://www.ehow.com/about_4568299_nonbiode...able-trash.html - brief information about non-biodegradable trash http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenpeace - an encyclopaedia article about Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org/international/ - the website of Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org/international/fungames/games - online games to help children learn about ecology Section 4. Have You Ever Had a Pet? What Does Your Pet Think of You? Какие имена домашних животных популярны в Англии? Как можно назвать домашнего любимца по-английски? http://www.agilitybits.co.uk/names/pop_2008.html - popular dog names http://www.bowwow.com.au/top20/index.asp - 20 most popular cat names http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_ten..._pets_in_the_US - the ten most popular pets in the USA http://www.infoplease.com/spot/petnamespot.html - 10 most popular pet names http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/3500882/R...-than-dogs.html - reptiles become more popular pets than dogs in 2008, as this article states http://www.petplace.com/dogs/famous-pets/page1.aspx - stories about famous pets http://www.citizenlunchbox.com/famous/animals.html - index of famous cats, dogs and critters http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/List_of_famous_dogs_-_Pets_of_famous_people/id/1666175 - a list of famous dogs - Famous pets of Presidents and their wives Unit 7. Living together. Section 1. Talking about Relatives. Где найти распечатки, интерактивные игры и презентации для отработки словарного запаса оп теме «Семья»? http://primaryeflresources.wordpress.com/2013/05/06/all-about-my-family/ - EFL resource: vocabulary pictures for ”Family”, interactive games and printable materials http://www.slideshare.net/mod83/toms-tefl-family - online presentation of family members vocabulary Где найти рассказ английского ребенка о его семье? http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/familylife.htm - description of family life in Britain, by children http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/family.html - a 10-year old boy tells about his family and what he does during the day А сколько детей в английской семье? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7071611.stm - The UK family: In statistics http://www.eauk.org/culture/statistics/family-life-in-the-uk.cfm - a summary of statistics relating to families, households and relationships Section 2. Family Relations. Что советуют педагоги по поводу домашних обязанностей детей? Какие материалы можно использовать в качестве дополнительных упражнений? http://life.familyeducation.com/jobs-and-c...ting/36443.html - article on how to assign chores to children http://www.printablechecklists.com/checklist11.shtml - printable checklists of chores for children, arranged by age. Can be used as a good exercise resource http://singleparents.about.com/od/homelife/tp/chores.htm - article on using chores to teach children responsibility Section 3. What Do British people Like to Eat? Где найти описания английских десертов и сэндвичей? Где найти рецепты чтобы разнообразить работу на уроке или дать дополнительные задания? Где можно найти дополнительное видео о том, как правильно готовят английский чай? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:British_desserts – a list of British desserts http://recipes.epicurean.com/combo_results...pe_type=Dessert – recipes for British desserts http://www.greatbritishkitchen.co.uk/recip...74&Itemid=2 – more British desserts recipes http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Tea - instructions for making tea, with video http://www.joyofbaking.com/EnglishTeaParty.html - English tea party recipes with pictures http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_(meal) - tea as a meal in different countries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandwich - encyclopaedia entry about sandwich http://www.alanskitchen.com/SANDWICH/ - a collection of sandwich recipes http://www.sandwichrecipes.org/ - more sandwich recipes Какие рецепты можно попробовать приготовить детям? Откуда можно распечатать эти рецепты? Что посоветовать детям, которые захотят приготовить еду по английским рецептам? http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/kids-cooking – recipes to try out with children from BBC’s site http://www.childrensrecipes.com – printable recipes for children http://familyfun.go.com/recipes/kids - tips and recipes for children Section 4. An Englishman’s Home Is His Castle? А какие дома бывают в Англии? Где можно найти фотографии английских домов? http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/houses/main/ - types of houses in England, with pictures http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/houses.htm - photos of the different types of houses Где взять фотографии современных английских домов и комнат? Где взять готовые описания комнат? Как выглядели дома в Англии в старину? Как можно устроить виртуальную экскурсию по английскому дому? http://www.findaflat.com/ - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency http://www.homefromhome.co.uk/?gclid=COCBx...CFRC7Zwod4WhooA - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/house.htm - inside an English house, described by a 10-year old boy, with photographs http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/houses/livingroom.htm - Inside English Houses. Learn about England and her culture from children who live there http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/teacher/community_lang/house/english/map.htm - a tour of a virtual English house http://homeworkhelp.stjohnssevenoaks.com/houses.html - English houses and homes through history – descriptions and pictures Unit 8. We have a lot in common. Section 1. Do We Like Doing the Same Things? Do We have the Same Hobbies? Чем увлекаются дети в Англии? Какие хобби популярны? Какие хобби были популярны у детей в 19-м веке? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/2181963.stm - what are popular hobbies and how much do they cost? A 2002 news report on the most expensive children’s hobbies http://www.allkids.co.uk/kids_pages/kids_activities.shtml - a collection of webpages and sites dedicated to popular children’s activities and hobbies http://www.victorianbazaar.com/hobbies.html - popular Victorian hobbies Где найти программы передач детских каналов? http://www.bbckids.ca/schedule/default.asp - BBC Kids schedule http://www.in.com/tv/channel/discovery-kids-346.html - Discovery kids TV schedule Section 2. Do You Like Holidays? Где найти информацию о том, как дети проводят лето в других странах? Где найти забавные картинки, которые помогут детям рассказать о способах проведения летних каникул? Где найти пример сочинения о летних каникулах? http://www.summerfun4kids.co.uk/activityguide.aspx - a guide to popular summer camp activities from children. Also on this website you can find descriptions of different summer camps and what they offer. http://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/s/summer_holidays.asp - a collection of cartoons about different ways people spend their summer holidays. http://www.essayclip.com/guides/sample-essay-about-my-summer - advice and sample essay on summer holidays http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine%27s_Day - encyclopaedia entry about St. Valentine’s day http://www.dltk-holidays.com/valentines/index.htm - ST. Valentine’s day cards, colouring pages, games and activities http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/valentines-day/ - St. Valentine’s Day games, puzzles and crafts Какие существуют российские традиции празднования Рождества? Какими видят их иностранцы? Как празднуют Рождество в разных странах? http://goeasteurope.about.com/od/russianculture/a/russiachristmastraditions.htm - a description of Christmas traditions in Russia http://russian-crafts.com/customs/christmas.html - a more detailed description of Christmas traditions in Russia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_worldwide - encyclopaedia entry about Christmas traditions in different countries Когда появилдись первые рождественские открытки? Как выглядела первая рождественская открытка? Где найти бесплатные рождественские открытки? http://www.123christmascards.com/ - free Christmas e-cards http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_cards - encyclopaedia entry oabout the history of Christmas cards http://smu.edu/newsinfo/stories/oldest-christmas-card.asp - the story and picture of the oldest mass-produced Christmas card known Где найти материалы, раскраски, кроссворды и другие материалы для проектов о Easter Day? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/teacher/easter.htm - information and teaching ideas for Easter http://www.dltk-holidays.com/easter/ - Easter games, puzzles, printables, colouring pages http://sunniebunniezz.com/holiday/easterpages.htm - easter quizzes, picture quizzes and colouring pages http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/easter_crafts.htm - Easter crafts activities for children Где можно узнать побольше о Mother's Day? Как отмечают этот день? Какие существуют игры для этого дня? Что еще можно использовать на уроке? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother's_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Mother’s Day http://www.mothersdaycelebration.com/ - history, stories and ideas to celebrate Mother’s day http://www.alphabet-soup.net/mot/mother.html - Mother’s day poems, stories and crafts http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/mother's_day.htm - Mother’s day printables, puzzles and downloadable booklets Какие традиции празднования Рождества и Нового Года существуют в других странах? Как празднуют Рождество английские дети? Где можно найти готовые материалы для распечатывания и работы с детьми? http://www.teachersfirst.com/getsource.cfm?id=7851 – Christmas traditions around the world http://www.teachersfirst.com/getsource.cfm?id=8393 – English Christmas traditions http://www.dltk-holidays.com/xmas/printables.htm - printable activities for Christmas lessons http://www.dltk-holidays.com/xmas/songs.html - Christmas songs and plays, including sheet music for some songs Section 3. Are Pets Our Hobby? http://www.rspca.org.uk/ - RSPCA official website http://www.aspca.org/fight-animal-cruelty/...out-animal.html - how to talk with children to prevent cruelty to animals http://www.charityguide.org/volunteer/fewh...-to-animals.htm - advice on how to teach children to be kind to animals Дополнительное чтение Какие книги советуют читать детям учителя в Англии. США и Канаде? http://www.teachersfirst.com/100books.cfm - a list of 100 books recommended by an Education association for children http://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/children/- children's books recommendations and reviews from ”booktrust”, UK http://www.ucalgary.ca/~dKBrown/lists.html - several lists of recommended books, compiled in Canada http://childrensbooks.about.com/od/toppicks/Top_Picks.htm - lists of recommended books by age and topic http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/buildingachildrenslibrary - books recommended for the children’s library by The Guardian newspaper, by age categories Где найти бесплатные книги для детей? http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page free e-books http://www.magickeys.com/books/ - illustrated children’s books online http://en.childrenslibrary.org/ - international children’s online library http://www.ebook88.com/kidspage.htm - links to several online libraries of free books for children http://www.free-books.org/ - a collection of free electronic books + audioversions of the same books http://www.domokos.com/FreeEbooks.html - an anthology of free e-stories from Canadian authors Short reading texts Откуда появились лимерики7 А их пишут сейчас? где можно найти лимерики? Как их надо писать? http://www.poetry-online.org/limericks.htm - limericks online http://www.gigglepoetry.com/poetryclass/limerickcontesthelp.html – how to write limerick – an article on how to write a limerick http://www.brownielocks.com/Limericks.html - a collection of limericks
  12. Добрый день, дорогие коллеги! Идея собрать дополнительные материалы Интернет-ресурсов в помощь учителю ко всем учебникам Enjoy English не оставляет меня ни на минуту. Информации огромное количество, а пересмотреть и отобрать подходящую,нужную и интересную - процесс, оказывается, очень трудоемкий и требует большого количества времени, особенно летом. Ну ничего, покой нам только снится... Сегодня выкладываю дополнительные материалы к учебнику Enjoy English для 7 класса. Надеюсь, они вам пригодятся. Unit 1. The world Teenager’s Competition Section 1 Welcome to the World Teenager’s Competition –Где найти информацию о UNESCO, о её деятельности и структуре, о работе UNESCO в России? Какие существуют молодежные программы UNESCO? Какие соревнования, конкурсы для молодежи проводит ЮНЕСКО? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNESCO - encyclopaedia entry about UNESCO, its structure, activities http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=...ECTION=201.html – the official site of UNESCO http://www.unesco.org/new/en/moscow/ - the webpage of UNESCO Moscow Office http://www.unesco.ru/en/?module=pages&action=view&id=104 - the webpage devoted programs of UNESCO in Russia http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.p...ECTION=201.html – the webpage of UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.p...ECTION=201.html – information about educational programmes, projects, competitions for youth organized by UNESCO Section 2 Describing People, Describing Yourself – Где найти описание подростком себя, черт своего характера или характера своего друга/подруги? Какие существуют приемы для описания характера? Какими особенностями характера должен обладать настоящий учитель? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...29070220AADPGmD — a sample of a character sketch http://www.floggingthequill.com/flogging_t...cter_descr.html — some recommendations for describing character http://www.soyouwanttoteach.com/top-5-char...great-teachers/ - recommendations on what main character traits one should develop to be a great teacher http://www.childrens-educationalbooks.com/...ter-traits.html – list of character traits with their meanings and descriptions Section 4 What do you think about your future? – Как подростки представляют будущее своей страны, планеты? Что они думают о своей будущей карьере? Что изучает наука футурология?Каковы прогнозы писателей, ученых-футурологов о будущем? http://www.elon.edu/e-web/predictions/kidzone/yourfuture.xhtml - kids' predictions for Our Future http://www.funadvice.com/q/teenagers_12_18 — American teenagers tell what they think about the future http://www.gsn.org/programs/dreams/lessonplan.html — this activity challenges students to think and imaginee their country's past and future http://www.zuzu.org/pre.html - some ideas of American schoolchildren about the future life http://www.gotoquiz.com/what_is_your_best_future_career — free quiz ”What is your best future career?” http://science.discovery.com/strange-science/10-nostradamus-predictions.htm - Top 10 Nostradamus Predictions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futurology - encyclopaedia entry about futurology http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/3556368...nd-reality.html – predictions for the future by A.Clarke http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0205/19spacewx/ - scientists predict solar storms that will affect all technology on the Earth http://www.zuzu.org/pre.html - children’s predictions for the future http://www.longbets.org/ - predictions online http://www.hindu.com/folio/fo0001/00010640.htm - 21 predictions for the 21st century Section 5 Let’s take our chance – Где найти информацию о различных конкурсах, соревнованиях, организованных для молодежи? Какие существуют международные конкурсы для подростков, юношества? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Unio...tions_for_Youth - encyclopaedia entry about the European Union of Music Competitions for Youth http://www.ribi.org/what-we-do/youth-competitions-and-awards - webpage of Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland (RIBI)that runs a host of competitions aimed at celebrating the talents and achievements of young people http://www.thercs.org/youth/competitions - information about competitions of the Royal Commonwealth Society http://www.uchi.kz/literaturnye-konkursy/w...say-competition - information about 2009 International Essay Competition for youth http://www.chance.lv/eng/winners/ - report the International festival ”Youth Chance 2007” for young musicians and singers Section 6 How to read numerals and dates – Где найти онлайн-упражнения на порядковые и количественные числительные, даты? Где взять экономико-географическую информацию, интерактивные игры и упражнения о Лондоне, Москве, Вашингтоне, Оттаве, Веллингтоне, Сиднее? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_numbers_in_English - encyclopaedia entry on English numerals, rules of their spelling and pronunciation http://www.rong-chang.com/ex/numerals01.htm – online numerals exercises http://www.rong-chang.com/ex/numerals02.htm – online numerals exercises http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London - encyclopaedia entry about London with historical, economical and geographical information http://www.quizmoz.com/quizzes/States-and-...don-Quiz-II.asp – London quiz to test the knowledge of history, places, activities, trivia of the city http://golondon.about.com/b/2006/12/25/lan...london-quiz.htm – ”landmarks of London” quiz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow - encyclopaedia entry about Moscow with geographical, economical, historical information http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/place...oscow-quiz.html – a Moscow quiz from National Geographic http://www.quizmoz.com/quizzes/States-and-...Moscow-Quiz.asp – a Moscow quiz focused on historical, geographical information and interesting facts about the city http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington,_D.C. - encyclopaedia entry on Washington with historical,economical and geographical information http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/place...tondc-quiz.html - Washington quiz – how much do you know about the capital of the USA http://www.enchantedlearning.com/usa/statesbw/dc.shtml – a tour of Washington D.C. and a Washington D.C. quiz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa - encyclopaedia entry about Ottawa http://pages.videotron.com/daphnebc/quiz.html – an Ottawa quiz – how much do you know about Ottawa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellington - encyclopaedia entry on Wellington http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney - encyclopaedia entry about Sydney http://goaustralia.about.com/library/quizzes/blsydquiz1.htm – a Sydney quiz to test knowledge about Sydney landmarks and other attractions http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/place...ydney-quiz.html – an illustrated quiz about Sydney Section 7 Speaking about famous people – Где найти биографии знаменитых людей - У.Черчиля, А.Сахарова, Петра Первого, Джорджа Вашингтона, Индиры Ганди, Леонардо да Винчи, Шекспира, принцессы Дианы? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill - encyclopaedia entry about Winston Churchill http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Sakharov - encyclopaedia entry about the eminent Russian scientist, human rights activist, Nobel Prize Winner Andrei Sakharov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_the_Great - encyclopaedia entry about the Russian emperor Peter I the Great http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington - encyclopaedia entry about George Washington the first President of theUSA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indira_Gandhi - encyclopaedia entry about Indira Gandhi, the only female Prime Minister of the Republic of India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo_da_Vinci - encyclopaedia entry about Leonardo da Vinci, the greatest painter and the most talented man of all time http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakespeare - encyclopaedia entry about William Shskespeare, the most famous English poet and dramatist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana,_Princess_of_Wales - encyclopaedia entry about Diana, Princess of Wales, one of the famous women in the world Section 8 Do you have any superstitions? – Какие суеверия существуют в Англии, России, других странах? Какие самые распространенные в мире суеверия? Каковы самые забавные суеверия? Где найти интерактивные игры или видео про суеверия? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superstition - encyclopaedia entry on superstitions, what suprestitions exist in different countries http://listverse.com/2007/09/10/20-weird-superstitions/ - 20 the most widespread weird superstitions http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...perstitions.htm – what superstitions exist in Great Britain http://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/Superstitions.htm – an article about what old customs and superstitions linger on even in 21st century http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_tradi...d_superstitions - encyclopaedia entry on Russian traditions and superstitions http://www.unexplainable.net/artman/publis...icle_3475.shtml – a brief article about how the same superstitions are interpreted in different countries http://www.angelfire.com/realm/funnystuff0.../fstitions.html – the list of crazy superstititons http://a4esl.org/q/f/y/zz97mdt.htm – grammatical quiz on the topic ”Superstitions” http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/magazine-articles/superstitions – Brtish Council resources on the topic of superstitions http://www.michellehenry.fr/supersti.htm – interactive games and exercises, video, listening, lesson plans, cartoons, jokes about superstitions - video on common superstitions in Britain Section 9 How can we communicate with each other? - Где найти информацию про историю коммуникации? Где подробнее узнать, как появились современные средства связи, их историю? Какие существуют средства коммуникациии и где найти информацию об основных из них? Какие самые необычные средства коммуникации? Что значит non-verbal communication? Как язык жестов/телодвижений отличается в разных странах? Что такое friendly body language? Какие жесты можно по-разному интерпретировать в разных странах? http://inventors.about.com/library/invento...mmunication.htm – a chronological history of communication from hieroglyphs to Internet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_communication - encyclopaedia entry about the history of communication http://library.thinkquest.org/5729/ - the history of communication in pictures for children http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainT...?historyid=aa93 – an article about the history of communication http://www.volny.cz/pczekaj/angl/23-means_...mmunication.htm – an article about modern means of communication http://www.eslprintables.com/vocabulary_worksheets/communication_worksheets/means_of_communication/ – means of communication worksheets http://www.mocft.co.uk/ - the website of the Museum of Communication in Scotland http://inventors.about.com/library/blcoindex.htm - an article on milestones in computer history http://www.computersciencelab.com/Computer...ory/History.htm – an illusterated history of computres http://inventors.about.com/od/tstartinvent...a/telegraph.htm – the history of the electric telegraph and telegraphy http://www.telegraph-history.org/ - a site devoted to US telegraph history http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_telephone - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the telephone http://www.museumphones.com/facts.html - interesting elphone facts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television - encyclopaedia entry about television http://www.high-techproductions.com/historyoftelevision.htm – an article on the history of film, television and video http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_alphabet - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the alphabet http://www.vistawide.com/languages/language_statistics.htm - what is the oldest written language still in existence? What is the country with most languages spoken? What are the languages with the largest and the shortest alphabets? Read these amazing language facts to find out! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-verbal_communication - encyclopaedia entry on non-verbal communication http://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/00451/nonverbalcom.htm – an article for children about non-verbal communication and its varieties http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gesture - what are different gestures called? What do they mean? Read this short article to find out. http://www.everythingesl.net/inservices/body_language.php - some ideas for raising students’ awareness of differences in body language http://www.bodylanguageexpert.co.uk/intere...r-cultures.html - an article on how different gestures (e.g. kissing, handshake, bowing) can be misinterpreted in different cultures http://www.bodylanguageexpert.co.uk/what-n...y-language.html - what is negative body language? Read this article to find out! http://www.ehow.com/how_5101037_read-body-language-different-cultures.html - advice on how to read body language in different cultures http://www.wikihow.com/Read-Body-Language - a short article on how to read body language http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_gesture - encyclopaedia entry on what hand gestures exist in other cultures and their meaning http://changingminds.org/techniques/body/body_language.htm - a psychologist’s guide to using and interpreting body language http://www.wikihow.com/Communicate-With-Body-Language - how to communicate with body language: a manual http://www.eruptingmind.com/communication-...erent-cultures/ - pictures of some culturally different gestures with explanations of their acceptability and variation in different cultures Section 10 Telephoning each other – Где найти историю появления телефона? Какова история создания телефонной будки? Какие телефонные номера у различных спасательных служб (пожарная, скорая помощь, полиция , служба спасения) в разных странах? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_telephone - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the telephone http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/telephone.htm - chronological history of the telephone from the time of its invention to our days http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_telephone_box - encyclopaedia entry about the Red telephone box http://www.redtelephoneboxes.com/pages/history-of-red-telephone-box.php – an illustrated history of telephone boxes in the UK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_tel...e_number#Europe – Emergency telephone numbers in different countries of the world Section 11 Why do we use computers for communication? – Где найти историю создания компьютера? Как появился Интернет? Каковы аргументы «за» и «против» использования компьютера? Как компьютер влияет на здоровье подростка? Какие советы дают врачи о том, как использовать компьютер без вреда здоровью? http://inventors.about.com/library/blcoindex.htm - an article on milestones in computer history http://www.computersciencelab.com/Computer...ory/History.htm – an illusterated history of computres http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the Internet http://kidshealth.org/parent/positive/family/net_safety.html – information for parents on how to teach a child to make use of the Internet without harm to his/her moral and physical health http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/reso...ildrens_web.cfm – a list of the most popular children's websites compiled by the Center for Media Education (Washington) http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_adv...rs_in_education – an article about what the advantages and disadvantages of using computer in education are http://health.usnews.com/blogs/on-parentin...ids-health.html – brief information about how computers can be hazardous to kids' health and how to make computers safer Unit 2 Meet the winners of the International Teenager's Competition Section 2 Talking about countries and nationalities – Чем знамениты разные страны? Какие самые популярные достопримечательности существуют в Англии, Америке, Канаде, Австралии, Новой Зеландии? Где найти список официальных языков разных стран? Где найти видеоклип с представлением страны? Где найти музыку гимнов разных стран? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ions/famous.htm – brief information about what England is famous for http://www.thetravelerszone.com/travel-des...ons-in-america/ - top 25 tourist destinations in the USA, with photos http://gocanada.about.com/od/canadatravelp...sonstovisit.htm –10 reasons to visit Canada ,the most popular attractions of this country http://www.planetware.com/top-tourist-attr...stralia-aus.htm – top-rated Australia tourist attractions http://www.planetware.com/top-tourist-attr...-zealand-nz.htm – the most popular New Zealand attractions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_official_languages – a list of official languages of sovereign countries – a music video of one of the most popular song in Great Britain ”I vow to thee my country” - the song +video with subtitle ”I can't forget my Wales” – Top 10 Best National Anthems in the World (2013 Edition) Section 3 People speak English all over the world – Какие языки международного общения существуют?Где найти информацию о том, как распространялся английский язык в мире? Где взять интерактивные карты, показывающие, где используется английский язык? Где подробнее узнать о языке Esperanto? Где взять видео с примерами различных акцентов английского языка? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International...iliary_language - encyclopaedia entry about International auxiliary languages http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_English - encyclopaedia entry about English as a global language http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/routesofenglis...x_noflash.shtml - a story about how English kept spreading in the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_count...ficial_language a list of countries where English is an official language http://lazarus.elte.hu/~guszlev/gb/english.htm - an interactive map and detailed information about English-speaking countries http://teacherslove.blogs.sapo.pt/16034.html - a worksheet with print-out flags of English-speaking countries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto - encyclopaedia entry about the international auxiliary language Esperanto http://how-to-learn-any-language.com/e/lan.../esperanto.html – Esperanto language profile – a short video tour of 21 accents of English from UK to Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, France, Australia, New Zealand and North America. – a video sample of Standard British (RP) accent – a video sample of Standard American accent – a video sample of Cockney accent – a video sample of Australian accent – a video sample of Indian accent Section 4 What do English-speaking people think about their countries? – Где найти рассказ англоязычного подростка о своей стране? Где подробнее узнать экономико-географические данные разных стран? Какие существуют стереотипные представления о разных странах и национальностях?Где найти видео-примеры о стереотипах? http://www.theodora.com/wfb/abc_world_fact_book.html – information about different countries, including their history, geography, economy, population, etc http://www.atlapedia.com/ - a website containing full-colour physical maps, political maps, key statistic facts on countries of the world http://www.nationalstereotype.com/you-are-not-your-country-top-10-national-stereotypes/ - a website dedicated to peculiarities of national stereotypes in different countries http://www.helium.com/items/1418008-common-stereotypes - 10 common stereotypes concerning countries and nationalities http://blogoscoped.com/country-stereotypes/ - a photo gallery of mostly stereotypes of what people in different countries look like - a funny video about national stereotypes Section 5 Why study English? – Какие заимствования из русского языка в английский и из английского в русский существуют? http://esl.fis.edu/grammar/langdiff/russian.htm – an article about the differences between English and Russian http://www.lingref.com/cpp/hel-lex/2005/paper1353.pdf – an article about Russian borrowings in English http://www.slideserve.com/jacob/english-borrowings-in-the-russian-language - English borrowings in the Russian language Section 6 How many languages can you speak? – Какие самые популярные и наиболее распространенные в мире языки? Кто такой полиглот? Где найти истории о людях, которые владеют многими языками?Какие советы по изучению языков дают преподаватели и ученые-лингвисты? http://www.ling.gu.se/projekt/sprakfragela...-i-varlden.html — list of the top 10 languages that are the first languages for nearly half of the world's population, information about world's language families http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/guide/languages.shtml - Languages of the world - Interesting facts about languages http://www.photius.com/rankings/languages2.html - the 50 most widely spoken languages http://listverse.com/2008/06/26/top-10-mos...s-in-the-world/ - top 10 most widely spoken languages in the world http://geography.about.com/od/culturalgeography/a/10languages.htm — a brief article about the most popular spoken languages in the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multilingualism#Polyglots - encyclopaedia entry about what multilingualism is, who polyglots are, the most famous polyglots http://shashiingale.wordpress.com/2006/05/03/worlds-greatest-living-polyglot/ - brief information on the world's greatest polyglot linguist http://www.omniglot.com/language/index.htm — a collection of advice, suggestions, tips and techniques for learning languages http://www.moving-overseas-guide.com/learn...n-language.html — different ways and general tips to help learn foreign languages http://www.staff.city.ac.uk/~ra939/advice.php — how can you improve your linguistic skills — advice for learning languages Section 7 Is Russian an international language? – Какие международные соревнования и олимпиады по русскому языку проводятся, кто был победителем этих олимпиад? Где найти примеры английского перевода стихотворений Пушкина и других знаменитых российских поэтов и писателей? http://www.juneauempire.com/stories/042508...272093676.shtml — a brief article about the annual state Russian Language Olympiad which took place in April 2008 at Anchorage West High School (US state of Alaska) and its winners http://www.poetryloverspage.com/poets/pushkin/pushkin_ind.html — a website dedicated to Pushkin poetry in English http://students.ou.edu/A/Frank.A.Anderton-...ions.htm#Poetry — some poems of Russian poets in English translation http://www.russianlegacy.com/russian_culture/poetry/ - a selection of Russian poetry in English translations Section 8 The passive voice – Где взять онлайн-упражнения на отработку страдательного залога? http://www.learnenglish-online.com/grammar/tests/passive.html - Passive Voice test http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/passive- - Passive Voice exercises http://www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/esl-english-grammar-exercises.html - online grammar quizzes section; Passive Voice exercises http://www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/esl-printables-worksheets.html - online grammar quizzes section; Passive Voice worksheets Section 9 Round – the – World – Tour – Какие проблемы существуют у тинейджеров в 21 веке? Какие самые популярные , самые дешевые, самые дорогие виды транспорта в разных странах? Где найти изображения, видео самых необычных видов транспорта? http://www.bygpub.com/books/tg2rw/problems.htm — a website about teenage problems and advice on how to solve them http://www.teensadvisor.com/teen-problems.html — look into main teenage problems and some attempts to address these issues http://sofs.hubpages.com/hub/Its-hard-on-teens — description of main teenage problems and advice for parents on how to help their child http://stephenrees.wordpress.com/2008/05/1...rent-countries/ - brief information about transport mode share in different countries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mode_of_transport - encyclopaedia entry on different modes of transport with their descriptions and illustrations http://www.transportinuk.com/ - official information about kinds of transport that existed in UK http://www.tfl.gov.uk/corporate/modesoftransport/2794.aspx — a site dedicated to transport in London, its history and performance http://www.marcofolio.net/imagedump/unusua..._50_images.html — 50 images of the most unusual kinds of transport - Top 10 Unusual Forms Of Transportation Unit 3 Look at teenage problems: School education Section 1 Looking at teenage problems – Какие основные проблемы существуют у подростков в школе и дома? Какие советы и рекомендации дают психологи, чтобы избежать этих проблем и как с ними справиться, если они есть? Где найти рассказ подростка о своих школьных или домашних проблемах? Что говорят психологи о проблеме школьной дружбы? http://parentingteens.about.com/b/2008/03/...t-home-help.htm — a mother seeks advise on her child's problem, some recommendation of guide to parenting teens http://www.troubledteensguide.com/ - a website dedicated to most frequent teenage problems in USA, United Kingdom,Canada, Australia http://www.webmd.com/balance/stress-manage...ngers-in-school - a brief article on how teen stress at home lingers in school http://www.channel4.com/health/microsites/...has_people.html — some information about how teen problems at home and at school make them feel stressed http://www.wikihow.com/Overcome-Problems-at-School-or-Home — tips for teenagers on how to overcome problems at school and at home http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0IB...3/ai_n26948705/ - the story of a 16-year old girl who had problems at school and was diagnosed and treated for ADHD (Attention -Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), how to solve such problems http://www.videojug.com/interview/school-friends –a video interview with a physchotherapist spesialising in working with young people on problems of school friendship Section 3 School is fun if you are optimistic – Где найти рассказ подростка о своей школе, о школьной жизни? Что посоветовать подростку, если он не любит ходить в школу? Где взять рассказы школьников о своих учителях (позитивные и негативные)? Где найти анекдоты о школе, школных уроках, школьных учителях? http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_6...400/6685425.stm – children comments on what they like about their school http://www.bbc.co.uk/switch/slink/sexlovel...life/hell.shtml – an American student describes how bad the situation at her school is http://kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/school/hate_school.html# - some advice for kids – what to do if you don't like school http://www.etni.org.il/bestteacherever.htm — children stories about their favourite teacher http://www.oppapers.com/essays/My-Best-Teacher-Award/141700 — an essay on the topic «My best teacher award» http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6004784 — a short story about an English teacher from Wokingham who changed her pupil's life http://content.hccfl.edu/faculty/john_tayl...rs/tr_eme7.html - an essay about the worst teacher http://www.girlslife.com/post/2011/09/14/My-teacher-is-sooo-unfair.aspx?cp=all — a short story about unfair teacher, written by a girl and some advise on how to help her http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/school/teacher/article4.html - this article helps us explore what kids can do in situations when a teacher hates them http://www.schooljokes.com/ - a collection of jokes and humor about schools, school life, teachers, lessons etc Section 4 What do you know about school life in English-speaking countries? – Какие учебные предметы существуют в школах Британии, США, Австралии, Канады ? Где найти пример расписания в английской школе? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...s/subjects.html – brief information on what subjects British children learn at school http://www.justlanded.com/english/Canada/Canada-Guide/Education/Public-Schools - the Canadian public school system https://www.americanschoolofcorr.com/curriculum - short information about the American School's innovative curriculum http://studyinaustralia.gov.au/Sia/en/What...choolSystem.htm – brief information on Australian school system, school subjects, academic year, etc http://www.blurtit.com/q699898.html - a typical timetable from an English and a Welsh school http://www.cobden.leeds.sch.uk/curriculum.asp - a Yorkshire school curriculum Section 5 Would you like to attend a private school? – Где найти сайты частных школ Великобритании (Hampton, Eton, Harrow, Rugby, Winchester)? Какова система образования в Австралии, Великобритании, США, Канаде? Какую школьную форму носят подростки в Великобритании,США, Австралии, Канаде? http://www.hamptonschool.org.uk/ - the website of Hampton school http://www.etoncollege.com/ - the website of Eton college http://www.harrowschool.org.uk/ - the website of Harrow school http://www.winchestercollege.co.uk/ - the website of Winchester college http://www.rugbyschool.net/ - the website of Rugby school http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/education.html - introduction to education in England http://www.educationuk.org/global/articles/education-across-uk/- education in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales http://www.eng.umu.se/education/ - a website dedicated to education in Britain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_the_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about the system of education in the USA http://www.usastudyguide.com/usaeducationsystem.htm – a key to understanding the American Education System http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Canada - encyclopaedia entry about the system of education in Canada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Australia - encyclopaedia entry about education in Australia http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/ou...ol/uniform.html - English schoolchildren tell about their school uniform http://www.theguardian.com/education/gallery/2011/jan/18/school-uniform-in-pictures - English school uniforms in pictures http://histclo.com/Schun/gar/pants/short/su-specs.html - information about school uniforms in English comprehensive schools http://www.pbs.org/newshour/infocus/fashion/school.html – an article about school uniform in USA http://www.schooluniforms.com/ - an online shop for American school uniform and accessories http://histclo.com/Schun/country/can/schuncan.html – information about school uniforms in Canada http://britishexpats.com/wiki/School_Uniforms-Canada - a brief article about Canadian school uniform http://histclo.com/Schun/country/oz/schunoz.html – information about school uniform in Australia http://www.focusuniforms.com.au/focusUniforms/ - pictures of Australian school uniforms and accessories http://www.miccostumes.com/blog/school-uniforms-in-different-countries/#.UfufsNLwmxp - school uniforms in different countries Section 6 Using the Passive Voice – Какие самые популярные современные книги о жизни и интересах тинейджеров? Где найти рецензии на некоторые из этих книг? http://teenadvice.about.com/cs/toppicks/tp/aatp080502a.htm – top 10 favourite books written by teens about teen life http://www.bygpub.com/books/tg2rw/books.htm – a list of 25 great book to read for teenagers http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=s...p;x=15&y=16 – a collection of books about teens life http://www.laurenbaratzlogsted.com/html/books_for_teens.html – reviews of some popular books for teenagers Section 7 We are not ideal students, are we? – Какие правила поведения и какие дисциплинарные взыскания и наказания существуют в школах Британии и США? http://www.britishschool.g12.br/programme/behaviour.asp – what rules of behavior, rights and responsibilities, rewards and sanctions exist in a British school http://www.bsl.tg/faqs.html#q4 — what behavior policy and a Code of Conduct has the British school of Lome http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/language...hool-discipline — lesson resources, brief information about school discipline http://wes-ecsd-fl.schoolloop.com/attendance - class rules and behaviour requirements in an American school http://schools.cms.k12.nc.us/providenceHS/Pages/DressCode.aspx - rules and disciplinary procedures in an American school Section 8 School friends are for always – Где найти рассказ подростка о своем лучшем друге/подруге? http://www.maturita.cz/anglictina/bestfriend.htm – a short story about the best friend, written by a pupil http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2004/10/13/221835/39 – a student’s essay ”My Best Friend” http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/82505.html – a collection of ”My friend” essays Section 9 How to tackle our problems – Какие журналы для современных тинейджеров выпускаются сегодня? Где найти письмо подростка в журнал о своих проблемах ? Какой лексикон распространен среди тинейджеров в Британии? Где найти информацию о проблеме курения подростков и как оно влияет на их здоровье? Советы врачей, психологов как избавиться от этой привычки. Что сами подростки думают о проблеме курения? http://www.world-newspapers.com/youth.html — a list of popular teen magazines with links to their websites http://www.teenmag.com/ - the online home of TEEN magazine, teen letters, lots of advice for youth, etc http://www.fazeteen.com/main.htm - online version of Faze, Canada's largest teen magazine, with lots of articles, reviews, photos and contests http://www.allyoucanread.com/teen-magazines/ - top 10 teen magazines with links to their websites http://www.teensnowtalk.com/tnt/home/ - Teens Now Talk Magazine online http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/4074004.stm — an article dedicated to a lexicon of Brititsh teens http://www.lung.org/stop-smoking/about-smoking/facts-figures/children-teens-and-tobacco.html — smoking and teens facts sheet — information of American Lung Association http://kidshealth.org/teen/drug_alcohol/tobacco/smoking.html — information with audio about how smoking has an influence on teen health http://www.youngwomenshealth.org/smokeinfo.html — actual information about smoking — guide for teenagers http://www.perkel.com/politics/issues/smoke.htm — message to teenagers about smoking cigarettes, reasons not to smoke http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/teen-smoking/HQ00139 — 10 ways to help teenagers to stay smoke-free http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/11-facts-about-teen-smoking - 11 facts about teen smoking - what high school kids say about smoking Unit 4 Sport is Fun Section 1 Why people do sport – Какие виды спорта существуют в мире? Где найти краткую информацию об истории спорта? Какие виды спорта популярны сейчас в Британии, США, Австралии, Канаде, России? Как развивается детский спорт в этих странах? Где взять подборку анекдотов о спорте? http://library.thinkquest.org/C0128343/kinds_of_sports.htm - pictures and basic descriptions of different kinds of sports http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sports - a list of sports by category with links to entries about each of them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_sport - a brief history of sport http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ions/sport.html - English schoolchildren tell about sports in Britain http://www.england.edu/travel/england-sports-overview/ — England Sports Overview http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sports_in_the_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about sports in the USA http://www.ksnusa.org/ - a website dedicated to development of kids sport in the United States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport_in_Australia - encyclopaedia entry about sports in Australia http://www.kidspot.com.au/section+23+Sport.htm - a website dedicated to kids sport in Australia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport_in_Canada - encyclopaedia entry about sports in Canada http://www.kidsportcanada.ca — kids sport in Canada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport_in_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about sports in Russia http://www.kidsjokes.co.uk/jokes/sports/index.html — jokes about sport Section 2 Keeping fit – Какие существуют основные правила здорового образа жизни для тинейджеров? Где найти рассказ подростка о его любимом виде спорта? Какие услуги можно получить в спортивном клубе / спортивном центре? Где найти сайты таких клубов/центров? Какие советы дают врачи по проблемам здорового питания? Какова витаминная ценность тех или иных продуктов?Где получить информацию в каких продуктах какие витамины содержатся и для чего они полезны? Какие платежные монеты существуют в Британии, США, России? http://life.familyeducation.com/teen/healt...html?detoured=1 — information for teenagers about healthy life, health nutrition, expert advice for teens on their emotional and physical health http://kidshealth.org/teen/ - doctors' advice and information about teen health, relationship and growing up http://teens.webmd.com/ - find information for teens on sex, puberty, relationships, and lifestyle at the Teen Health Center http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/ho...ention/285.html — answers to questions of teenagers about how to avoid problems with health and what to do http://www.bodimojo.com/quizzes.htm - teen health quizzes http://www.allfreeessays.com/topics/my-favourite-sport/0 - 60 free essays on My Favourite Sport http://www.english-test.net/forum/ftopic40587.html — a student’s essay «My favourite sports» http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4...300/4794322.stm — 14-year-old girl from Wales writes about her favourite sport - netball http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport_in_England – sport in England - encyclopedia entry http://www.sportscentre.org.uk/ - come and visit Basingstoke Sports Centre http://www.westwaysportscentre.org.uk/ - welcome to Westway Sports Centre http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopi...2162&np=292 — a site dedicated to teen health and healthy eating http://www.youngwomenshealth.org/healthyeating.html — guide and tips for teenagers about healthy eating http://www.essortment.com/all/teachingteensh_tuws.htm — an article on how to teach teens healthy eating http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/vitamin.html — information about main vitamins and minerals and in what foods they are found http://www.healthchecksystems.com/vitamins.htm — what vitamins and minerals are available from the natural foods we eat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coins_of_the_pound_sterling - encyclopaedia entry about British coins http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coins_of_the_...d_States_dollar — information about coins of the United States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_ruble - encyclopaedia entry about the Russian ruble Section 3 Health is above wealth - Какие рекомендации дают врачи и психологи подросткам о том, как укреплять свое здоровье? http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/teenhealth.html –advice for teenagers on how to be healthy http://www.helpguide.org/life/healthy_eati...ldren_teens.htm – recommendations for parents on how to help their kids to develop healthy eating habits Section 4 Why do people like to compete? – Где найти информацию об истории Олимпийских игр? Когда состоялись первые Олимпийские игры? Каковы символы Олимпийских игр, когда появились олимпийские кольца, флаг? Где найти биографию основателя олимпийского движения Пьера де Кубертена? Где найти биографии олимпийских чемпионов И.Родниной, В.Третьяка, В.Сальникова, С.Бубуки, О.Корбут? Когда состоятся первые Юношеские Олимпийские Игры? Где найти информацию о Всемирных Юношеских Играх 1998 в Москве и об Универсиаде 2013 года в Казани ?Где посмотреть видео с Олимпийских игр 2012? Где найти видео о церемониях открытия Олимпийских игр в разных странах? http://www.olympic.org/uk/games/ancient/index_uk.asp# - the history of Olympic Games from the International Olympic Committee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_Games - encyclopaedia entry about Olympic games http://www.olympic.org/uk/passion/museum/index_uk.asp - a virtual tour of Olympic Museum. Also on this site you can find descriptions of all Olympic sports and animated cartoons demonstrating the sports and providing basic information about the rules and the games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_symbols - encyclopaedia entry about Olympic symbols (Olympic rings, Olympic emblem, Olympic flag, etc) http://www.janecky.com/olympics/rings.html – what do the Olympic rings signify? http://www.ehow.com/about_6307062_olympic-medals.html – interesting facts about the Olympic Medal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_de_Coubertin - encyclopaedia entry about the founder of the International Olympic Committee Pierre de Coubertin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irina_Rodnina - encyclopaedia entry about Irina Rodnina http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladislav_Tretiak - encyclopaedia entry about Vladislav Tretiak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Salnikov - encyclopaedia entry about Vladimir Salnikov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergey_Bubka - encyclopaedia entry about Sergey Bubka http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_Korbut - encyclopaedia entry about Olga Korbut http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youth_Olympic_Games - encyclopaedia entry about Youth Olympic Games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_World_Youth_Games - encyclopaedia entry about the 1998 World Youth Games in Moscow http://kazan2013.ru/en - 27th Summer Universiade in Kazan, July 6-17 2013 http://www.olympic.org/ - official website of the Olympic Movement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QL_uG2GSZo – a video of Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games – a video about Olympic Opening Ceremonies
  13. Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаю вашему вниманию дополнительные материалы из интернета к учебнику Enjoy English для 5 класса. Надеюсь, что эта информация будет полезна для вас и поможет сделать уроки английского языка ещё более яркими, интересными и познавательными. Unit 1. Hello, nice to see you again! Section 1. We are from Britain. – как организован школьный год в Англии? Какое расписание может быть в английской школе? Когда у детей каникулы? Что советуют детям, чтобы их школьный год прошел хорошо? Расписание школьного года в Англии (school year schedule/curriculum) http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/schday/Start.html - a typical day at an English school http://www.blurtit.com/q699898.html - a typical timetable in an English and Welsh school http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...19050953AAp2nSs – a typical day at an American school http://www.dep.anl.gov/newcomers/schools.htm - information about American schools http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/p_...iculum.html#top – school curriculum of a school in Kent, UK http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu.../education.html - when does the school year start in the UK? When do children have holidays? These questions are answered by schoolchildren for schoolchildren. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_England - encyclopaedia entry on education in England Section 3. Talking about Holidays – где найти рассказ английского школьника о летних каникулах? Как проводят дети первый день в школе после каникул? http://www.louisself.com/summer-holidays-part-1-160808 - an English boy tells about his summer holidays (continued here: http://www.louisself.com/node/43) http://www.bbc.co.uk/birmingham/students/2.../holidays.shtml - an older student tells about her trip to Milan http://www.englishdaily626.com/junior_english_essays.php - a child tells about the first day of school http://www.stmaryscambridge.co.uk/myfristday/index.php - five children tell about their first day at a new school http://thinkubator.ccsp.sfu.ca/FirstDayOfSchool a student’s story about the first day in a Canadian school Section 4. Writing letters to Barbara – как правильно писать и оформлять письма по английски? Где найти онлайн-тренажер, который помог бы научить детей писать письма по-английски? http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Letter - tips on how to write a letter http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/letter_generator/ - an online letter generator, a wonderful activity to teach children how to write letters http://www.xtec.net/~vfeliu/writing/infl2.htm - a sample informal letter Unit 2. We are going to travel Section 1. Reading and discussing an invitation. – где найти образцы приглашений для визы? http://www.visabureau.com/canada/letter-of-invitation.aspx - what a letter of invitation usually contains. http://www.immihelp.com/docs/ltrtoparents.html - a sample letter of invitation from a student to his parents http://www.immigrationlinks.com/news/newshints66.htm - a sample letter of invitation to the USA http://www.docstoc.com/search/sample-invit...n-letter-to-uk/ - sample invitation letters to the UK http://www.apostille.us/Documents/Service_...isa_types.shtml - types of invitations and visas to the USA Где найти примеры приглашений для школьного обмена? http://asepfhshlabs.blogspot.com/2008/11/2...ter-sample.html - a sample letter of invitation for school exchange http://www.docstoc.com/search/Student-Visa...r-Request-Form/ - sample invitation letters and forms for educational institutions Где найти рассказы о школьном обмене учениками с иностранной школой? Как найти школы для организации обменов учениками? http://www.cci-exchange.com/ - information about cultural students exchange programmes http://www.winmalee-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/h...ge/exchange.htm - stories about school exchanges told by exchange students http://www.spainexchange.com/educator_info...nge_program.php - here you can find schools to exchange students in Spain http://www.ayusa.org/ - a list of foreign students exchange programmes you can join Section 3. We Discuss Our Plans for the Weekend Где найти правила и этикет общения по телефону? http://library.thinkquest.org/2993/phone.htm - general phone etiquette http://www.buzzle.com/articles/telephone-etiquette-tips.html - telephone etiquette tips Где найти рассказ школьника о проведенных выходных? http://www.englishdaily626.com/junior_english_essays.php?059 – a student’s story about a week-end http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ns/weekends.htm - what people like doing at the week-ends in Britain. http://www.essayforum.com/3_2895_0.html - an essay about a week-end and its analysis http://www.timolson.com/babythinkessays.htm - stories of a very unusual week-end, written by students Этикет в гостях. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...ttes.html?cat=7 – how to behave if you’re a guest in a house http://www.aish.com/family/heart/Guest_Etiquette.asp - eight common etiquette violations all guests should watch out for http://www.drdaveanddee.com/manners1.html - 10 basic manners for children http://www.teachkidshow.com/teach-your-chi...e-a-good-guest/ - how to teach children to be good guests http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/...y-profiles.html - an excellent resource with Etiquette, Customs and Protocol Guides for different countries http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/la/travel/...-a-guest-057304 - peculiarities of guest etiquette in different countries Unit 3 Learning More about Each Other Section 1. May I Ask You a Question? Section 2. Personal Information – где найти интервью со знаменитостью для подросткового журнала? http://www.teenmag.com/celeb-stuff/watch-t...reddie-highmore - an interview with Freddie Highmore, a 14-year old actor http://www.backpacker.com/april_2008_featu.../articles/12362 http://www.teenink.com/Interviews/article/...risten-Stewart/ - an interview with the 16-year old actress Kristen Stewart http://www.teenmag.com/celeb-stuff/watch-this-face/ - short interviews with young stars Правила этикета – какие вопросы можно, и какие нельзя задавать в Англии. http://www.ukstudentlife.com/Personal/Manners.htm#SmallTalk – rules and phrases for small talk in Britain – a video lesson on small talk etiquette Какие самые опасные профессии? http://www.classesandcareers.net/education...dangerous-jobs/ - a rating of the top 10 most dangerous jobs http://www.askmen.com/top_10/entertainment...op_10_list.html - another list of top ten most dangerous professions Unit 4. Learning More about London Section 1. London – the capital of the UK – где найти информацию об истории Лондона? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_London - encyclopaedia entry about the history of London http://www.londononline.co.uk/history/ - a detailed history of London http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...don/history.htm - a brief history of London Section 3. Discovering Places of Interest in London – какие самые популярные достопримечательности Лондона? http://www.entsweb.co.uk/tourist/top/index.html - top tourist attractions in and outside London (including pictures and history) http://www.beautiful-london.co.uk/index.htm - brief descriptions of London’s main sights Какие музеи Лондона – самые популярные? http://www.londonlogue.com/museums - brief information about the most popular museums in London http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palace_of_Westminster - encyclopaedia entry about the Palace of Westminster http://www.tourist-information-uk.com/parliament.htm - information about the Houses of Parliament http://www.aviewoncities.com/london/housesofparliament.htm - brief information about the Houses of Parliament http://www.parliament.uk/ - official website of the British Parliament http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Ben - encyclopaedia entry about the Big Ben http://www.britainexpress.com/London/Big_Ben.htm - brief information about the Big ben http://www.bigben.parliament.uk/ a look inside the tower from the Parliament’s website Где взять фотографии интерьеров Вестминстерского аббатства? Где взять информацию об истории Вестминстерского аббатства? Какие знаменитые люди связаны с Вестминстерским аббатством? http://www.westminster-abbey.org/ - official site, with schedule of services, pictures and information about the history of the place http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westminster_Abbey - encyclopaedia entry on Westminster Abbey http://home2.btconnect.com/Crusader-Produc...ster-Abbey.html - history and pictures of Westminster Abbey С кем связана история Тауэра? Какие легенды о Тауэре существуют? Как можно устроить виртуальный тур по Тауэру для школьников? http://www.hrp.org.uk/toweroflondon - official site of the Tower of London, history, stories, pictures, people, maps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_London - encyclopaedia entry on the Tower of London http://www.toweroflondontour.com – a virtual tour of the Tower of London http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trafalgar_Square - encyclopaedia entry about Trafalgar Square http://www.london.gov.uk/priorities/arts-culture/trafalgar-square/history - a brief history of Trafalgar Square http://www.trafalgarsquare.com/v/history/ - Trafalgar Square city information on Trafalgar Square history, culture, religion Section 4. Discussing What to Show to Our British Guests in Our Town/Village Что иностранные туристы любят смотреть в России? Какие места в России самые популярные у туристов? http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guid..._in_russia.html - ten places to visit in Moscow and St. Petersburg as recommended by a tourist http://www.123independenceday.com/russian/...s-to-visit.html - recommendations on cities to visit in Russia http://www.traveltips24.com/Central_Russia.htm - a travel guide to cities and regions of central Russia http://www.comintour.com/tours/popular/rus_major/ - a programme of a tour of central Russia Где найти рекламные проспекты британских деревень и маленьких городов? http://www.orion-arts.com/villages/ - a collection of links to British and Irish villages’ websites http://www.british-towns.net/ - a collection of links to British towns’ websites, with photos Где найти рассказы иностранцев о путешествиях в Россию? http://www.x-plane.org/home/furo/travels/russia/russia.html - a Swedish tourist tells about a trip to Russia http://faculty.umf.maine.edu/~erb/russia97.htm - a trip to Russian in 1997 http://www.foldabikes.com/CurrentEvents/St...Russia2004.html a trip to Russia in 2004 http://triptorussia2008.blogspot.com/ - a trip to Russia in 2008
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  15. Добрый день, уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаю вашему вниманию каталог видеоресурсов к учебнику New Millennium English для 10 класса, который удалось создать за время зимних каникул. Дополнительная видеоинформация к учебнику New Millennium English для 10 класса Unit 1. A good start in life Lesson 1-2. Off to school — Где найти видео рассказ подростка о его первом дне в школе после каникул? Почему некоторым подросткам не нравится ходить в школу, не нравится учиться? Какие проблемы в школе их беспокоят? www.clipsyndicate.com/video/playlist/1932/1089957?cpt=8&title=new_york_unlimited&wpid=0 - a video about the first day at New York City schools in 2009 www.dailymotion.com/video/x97m87_unwanted-vacation-us-teen-refused-s_school - how an American teenager refused schooling www.youtube.com/watch?v=TK0OSM7gMrI - high school students and an expert discuss the issue of teen stress - some advice for parents on how to help your child cope with school-related stress www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2Az3ScdY9k - how high school students identify stress www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNQhtM-cqx4 - a simple, practical guide to managing stress in high school Lesson 3-4. School rules — Существует ли dress code в школах Британии и др. стран? Какая униформа существует в школах разных стран? Каково отношение самих подростков к школьной форме? Каковы аргументы «за» и «против» школьной формы? Какие правила поведения существовали в школах Британии в пятидесятых годах прошлого столетия ? vimeo.com/3312934 - video interviews of two professors and students about what they wear and why www.5min.com/Video/Helping-a-Child-Adjust-to-School-Uniforms-25153893 - here're some helpful tips that may help parents and their child adjust to wearing school uniforms v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzYwMDg3NjA=.html - photos of Korean school uniform www.teachers.tv/videos/1424 - controversy over religion and dress code in a Birmingham school - pros and cons of school uniforms - what the school rules of 1950s were Lesson 5-6. Town vs gown — Где найти видеоинформацию о самых знаменитых университетах мира? Какие университеты находятся на территории Британии и где посмотреть видео-фильмы о них ? — a video guide to Cambridge Universitywww.youtube.com/watch?v=vxAU88LxLis — a short video about Oxford University www.youtube.com/user/harvard?blend=2&ob=4#p/c/129DFCA141A94A81 — videos about Harvard University www.unionview.com/ - a collection of video films about over a hundred universities in Britain, each film includes introduction, students' interviews, information about campus, studying, accommodation, food, clubs and societies, cost of living, etc. Lesson 7-8. They travel the world — Где найти видеоинформацию о Students' Exchange program? Какие впечатления у студентов, обучающихся за границей по обмену? edition.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/international/2010/05/03/wv.old.student.exchange.cnn.html — this video reports on the oldest student exchange program in Europe www.usyd.edu.au/current_students/student_exchange/index.shtml — a video clip on Students' Exchange program at the University of Sydney - a video on how the U.S. builds bridges to Africa through the African Student Exchange Programwww.youtube.com/watch?v=fh7eMUe7_9g - Students' Exchange program in Australia — a funny video about how a Pakistani student goes on an Exchange Program to the USA Unit 2. Identity Lesson 1-2. Living on the edge – Где найти видеоинформацию о молодежном движении Straight Edge? vimeo.com/4933491 - a documentary on Straight Edge culture, includes information about clothes, music, attitude to drugs www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFKBwJAXh5s&feature=related - a video from National Geographic channel - Inside Straight Edge, part 1 www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ra3j23umDo&feature=related - a video from National Geographic channel - Inside Straight Edge, part 2 www.youtube.com/watch?v=3P4wVX5QGA0&feature=related - a video from National Geographic channel - Inside Straight Edge, part 3 www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9Islmt2REo&feature=related - a video from National Geographic channel - Inside Straight Edge, part 4 www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca2-CdZLY8U&feature=related - a video from National Geographic channel - Inside Straight Edge, part 5 Lesson 3-4. Same or different? - Как в России относятся к представителям различных молодежных движений? rt.com/prime-time/2008-09-12/Goths_and_Emos_frighten_authorities.html – a video report about the problem of “Goths” and “Emos” in Russia Lesson 5-6. Play your game –Как язык жестов/телодвижений отличается в разных странах? Что такое body language? Какие жесты можно по-разному интерпретировать в разных странах? - a clip of the best and fascinating gestures from around the world, taken from BBC documentary www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYcID4KWKe4&feature=related - in this body language video many hand gestures are shown and their meanings are explained - the film presents differences in Polish and Japanese gestures - the film presents how people express the same idea in different countries - a body language instructional video – learn to speak with your body Unit 3. A time to celebrate Lesson 3-4. Talking turkey – Как празднуется Рождество в разных странах и какие обычаи и традиции с этим связаны? Какие существуют традиции празднования Рождества в Британии и России? Какие блюда являются традиционными для рождественского обеда? Как готовят рождественскую индейку? - CNN correspondents explain how Christmas Eve was celebrated in Jerusalem, Beijing and London - Christmas traditions around the world, learn more about the Christmas traditions in Wales - German Christmas traditions - Christmas traditions in Argentina - learn more about the Christmas traditions in France - Maltese Christmas traditions - Christmas traditions in Italy - Spanish Christmas traditions - learn more about the Christmas traditions in Peru with this free holiday video - Christmas traditions in the Netherlands - Danish Christmas traditions - Christmas traditions in Austria - learn more about the Christmas traditions in Russia www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VNU5ZmZirw - Christmas food in Britain www.vitalrecipe.com/view/3gz575aa8/christmas-favorites-around-the-world/ - 5 favourite Christmas dishes from around the world – a video instruction on how to make Christmas roast chicken Lesson 5-6. The family meal – Почему семейные обеды так важны в жизни любой семьи? Каковы были традиции семейных обедов в середине прошлого столетия и во времена Королевы Виктории? Каковы были правила поведения за столом? Где посмотреть видео на эту тему? Каковы сейчас эти традиции и правила? www.clipsyndicate.com/video/playlist/1805/1362079?title=broadcast_local - this video shows the importance for a family to sit down and have a dinner together www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M0PlEVSh04 - how important family meals are – a discussion about bringing back family meal time www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHPn4_DxZRc&feature=related – a classic video clip of 1950s about family dinner – a 1950s short video film on family dinner etiquettewww.youtube.com/watch?v=jM9rAH4JnlY – a video about Victorian etiquette, includes table manners and dinner etiquette www.youtube.com/watch?v=etmAfOhix4Q - an instructional video on table manners and proper etiquette at the dinner table www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-Table-Manners-Etiquette-83227367 - learn about table manners etiquette www.5min.com/Video/Basic-Table-Manners---The-Main-Course-140618735 - basic table manners — the main course - bad table manners - good table mannerswww.expertvillage.com/video-series/237_table-etiquette.htm - 8 dinner etiquette videos Lesson 7-8. Exotic festivals – Где посмотреть видео о бразильском карнавале, о Notting Hill Carnival, St Patrick's festival, Holi (Hindu spring festival)? – a video about the famous carnival in Rio de Janeiro, how it's prepared and celebratedwww.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug732D8L5e0 – a video of Notting Hill Carnival www.london.gov.uk/stpatricksday/ - a video of the 2009 St Patrick's Day parade – BBC video about Holi festival in India Lesson 9. Check your progress – Как празднуют Новый год в Китае? Каковы традиции и обычаи этого праздника? Как проводится фестиваль фонарей (the Lantern Festival) и где посмотреть видео об этом празднике? www.history.com/topics/chinese-new-year/videos#history-of-the-holidays-chinese-new-year - learn about the Chinese New Year – a video about the Taiwan Lantern Festival Unit 4. The root of all evil? Lesson 3-4. Fighting for life - Почему проблема бедности является одной из самых острых мировых проблем? В чем причина этой проблемы? Как с этой проблемой борются в разных странах мира? Какие страны возглавляют рейтинг стран по уровню жизни населения? Самые благополучные и неблагополучные в этом отношении страны? www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLwL5-rsNWw&feature=channel - what is poverty — informative video - video for schools about poverty - the causes of world povertyvideo.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7055496002012043161# - a brief documentary on the programs to end extreme poverty in our generation www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_NIZoAok7A - Top 20 world richest countries 2010 www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNcSqlxhHBI&feature=fvw - the richest and poorest countries by region 2010 Lesson 5-6. Do you plan your budget? - Как подростки в разных странах тратят свои карманные деньги? Каково мнение родителей сколько денег на карманные расходы достаточно для ребенка и должны ли подростки сами их зарабатывать? Где найти полезные советы для подростка, как и на чем экономить? Как подростку планировать свой бюджет? - this film discusses how much it is appropriate to give to children as pocket money - a short film to highlight the contrast between youngsters who have pocket money and youngsters who haven't - interviews with teens and useful tips on money management - how Columbia teenagers learn basic budgeting skills - some tips for parents on how to teach children some basic money management skills Lesson 7-8. No short cuts to success – Где найти список миллиардеров по версии журнала Forbes? Кто является самыми богатыми людьми в истории? Кто из женщин - самые богатые в мире? Где посмотреть список самых молодых миллионеров мира? Где найти видеоролики о них? - the world's billionaires list 2009 - top 20 most wealthy people in history - top 10 richest women in the world list 2008 - a short video about a 17-year-old self-made millionaire - here is a video compilation of the young billionaires of the world in 2009 - a video about a self-made 14-year old millionaire Unit 5. Family issues Lesson 1-2. What makes a family? - Какое место в жизни семьи занимают семейные традиции? Где найти рассказы о семейных традициях? Как можно исследовать историю своей семьи? video.about.com/entertaining/Thanksgiving-Family-Tradition.htm - a video about Thanksgiving family traditions www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxhkWOy21ss - several women tell about their family traditions www.videojug.com/film/how-to-trace-your-family-history - how to trace your family history, step by step instructions www.authorstream.com/Presentation/sfarmer-222280-genealogy-teens-family-tree-sims-teen-program-entertainment-ppt-powerpoint/ - basic genealogy steps for teens to trace their family trees Lesson 3-4. As soon as I'm old enough — Какие основные проблемы существуют у подростков в школе? Каковы причины этих конфликтов? Как их разрешать? videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/26526-conflict-at-school-using-adult-communication-skills-video.htm - how to resolve conflicts at school using adult communication skills videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/26529-conflict-at-school-nicoles-story-video.htm - a history of one conflict at school videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/26525-conflict-at-school-jordans-story-video.htm - a pupil's story about his conflict with a teacher videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/26527-conflict-at-school-the-rules-of-conflict-resolution-video.htm – the rules of conflict resolution videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/26531-conflict-at-school-negotiation-and-compromise-video.htm - negotiation and compromise in conflict resolution Lesson 5-6. I keep my stuff in a suitcase — Какие организации в разных странах занимаются проблемами детей-сирот и детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей? Существуют ли детские дома в этих странах и как они работают? Как это вопрос решается в России? video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1931034797120109474# - general informational video for Open Door Children's Home in Rome, GA - a video about Grace Children's Home in Mexico www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwRKBYPlGUg - overview of Haiti Children's Home - a video film about the Children's Home Society of West Virginia edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/04/29/russia.orphanage/index.html?eref=rss_world&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+rss/cnn_world+(RSS:+World)&utm_content=Google+International – a video from a Russian orphanage rt.com/prime-time/2007-11-07/Orphaned__and__abandoned_children_want_second_chance.html – in this short video report the situation with orphaned and abandoned children in Russia is described Leson 7-8. Let's build a bridge - Каковы причины конфликтов родителей и детей? Какие советы и рекомендации дают психологи подросткам и их родителям, чтобы избежать проблем в семье и как с ними справиться, если они есть? Конфликтовали ли родители с детьми в прежние времена и как эти конфликты разрешались? www.videojug.com/interview/parenting-resolving-family-conflict - What is a conflict? How to prevent and resolve it? www.youtube.com/watch?v=ak-gUX0I6oY - seven keys to resolving family conflicts videos.howstuffworks.com/health/human-behavior-videos.htm - 10 quick and easy ways to resolve sibling and parent-child conflicts video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3645806882005314199# - this 1950s video film shows a conflict between six teenagers and their respective parents video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3645806882005314199#docid=-2775738418417139546 - how to manage teen conflicts Unit 6. Sports Lesson 1-2. Why sports? - Где найти истории о том, как занятие спортом изменило жизнь человека? Как привлечь подростка к занятиям спортом? abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=8736370 - a video about how a one-armed teen becomes a sport hero www.metacafe.com/watch/4301138/talking_to_teens/ - TV gives advice for parents on how they can connect with their teenagers by participating in their favorite sport or activity Lesson 5-6. Good results at any cost? - Какой допинг используют спортсмены? Как осуществляется допинг- контроль в спорте, где посмотреть видео-репортаж на эту тему? Как борются с допингом? www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGeoqpDKqAI — a video about sports doping control rt.com/About_Us/Programmes/Interview/2010-02-28/549982.html - a video interview with the head of Russia’s National Anti-Doping Organization - how anti-doping law in Russia tackles those who want to win at any costs Lesson 7-8. Why are they doing this? - Какие виды спорта считаются экстремальными? Где найти видео, фото об экстремальных видах спорта? – an extreme sports videofreakymartin.com/2008/05/08/10-most-dangerous-sports-in-the-world-16-photos/ - 10 most dangerous sports in the world in photos — extreme sports gone wrong Unit 7. Animals Lesson 1-2. Born to serve? - В каких областях и сферах деятельности люди используют животных? Как животные помогают людям? - pros and cons of using animals in medical research in Britain - a short video on how animals are selected and used for therapy www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-Animal-Assisted-Therapy-242094005 - learn about animal assisted therapy video.yahoo.com/watch/162721/868943 - a video on how pets help elderly people - a video report on how horses help children and adults with disabilities Lesson 3-4. Do all of them make good pets? - Где найти советы о том, как выбрать домашнее животное? Каких животных нельзя заводить в качестве домашних любимцев и почему? Почему люди заводят экзотических домашних животных? Что необходимо знать, прежде чем заводить такое животное? - how to choose a pet that's right for you - choosing the right breed of dog for you - how to choose a cat that's right for your family - learn about some options for beginners when choosing and buying a pet bird – a video clip on wild animals, why they shouldn't be kept as pets – in this video an expert tells why wild animals should not be pets – what you should be aware of before bringing exotics pets into your home www.youtube.com/watch?v=07WTrPdoLPg - an expert tells about the problem of exotic animals in private ownership Lesson 5-6. What can we do for them? - Как люди помогают животным в разных странах? Как работают Общества Защиты Животных? Какова деятельность организации RSPCA — Королевского общества защиты животных от жестокого обращения? Где найти видеоистории спасенных животных? Как функционируют приюты для домашних животных? Есть ли такие приюты в России? www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoSLkPMnGfk - a video about the activities of the Animal Protection Society of Durham (North California) video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6968606005591225412# - a three minute video of DAWS - Danbury Animal Welfare Society www.dailymotion.com/video/x75sqh_rspca-victoria-overview_animals - a general overview of RSPCA Victoria, Australia www.dailymotion.com/video/x8re7c_rspca-animal-rescue-lucys-story_animals - RSPCA Animal Rescue goes to Victoria for Lucy the pony www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQT28H79Kjo - puppy's life before and after her rescue and re-homing uk.video.yahoo.com/watch/215824/1342890 - a video tour of the Jackson County Animal Shelter - a video about the Edhi Animal Shelter and Hospital, which is a one of a kind facility in Pakistan for stray cats, dogs and donkeys - an informational video for the Kent County Animal Shelter in Grand Rapids, Michigan rt.com/prime-time/2007-07-09/Seal_makes_itself_at_home_in_St_Pete.html – how an ordinary apartment in the Russian city of St. Petersburg has become home to a baby seal rt.com/Top_News/2009-04-22/No_food_and_mercy_for_stray_dogs_in_Moscow_shelters_.html – the truth about animal shelters in Russia rt.com/prime-time/2007-08-11/Siberian_friend-in-deed_to_cats-in-need.html – a video report about a woman from Novosibirsk who has got 130 felines living under one roof Lesson 7-8. A sound of thunder — Что можно увидеть в настоящем сафари-парке? Какие виды динозавров существовали на земле? Где найти видео ресурсы о динозаврах? www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8V-wo5j6PU - a video trip to Woburn Safari Park (Massachusetts, USA) - a video about the Elephant Safari Park is located at Taro, just north of Ubud in central Bali www.sedona.tv/outofafrica/out-of-africa-wildlife-park-sedona.htm - a video guide to Out of Africa Wildlife Park – a video on Walking With Dinosaurs - some of the movies from the educational program Microsoft Dinosaurs for the PC - this BBC documentary examines the rise and inevitable fall of the dinosaur Unit 8. Computers Lesson 3-4. Computers: friends and foes — Как появился Интернет? Каковы польза и вред Интернета? Где найти видео-советы о том, как научить ребенка пользоваться Интернетом без ущерба для здоровья? www.readwriteweb.com/archives/video_history_of_the_internet.php - an animated documentary "History of the internet" explaining the invention of the Internet video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4859057598999134684# - a video on Discovering the Internet: The History of the Internet –a short video about the benefits of the Internet – a video of common sense tips and rules for families to help keep their children safe onlinewww.bbc.co.uk/webwise/course/ - a free BBC's online course teaching you everything you need to know about the Internet teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=88026&title=Internet_Safety_for_Teens – a video on Internet safety for teens Lesson 5-6. Computerised education — Как компьютер используется в области образования? Какие есть позитивные и негативные моменты такого использования? - the benefits of computers in educationwww.ehow.com/video_4755119_disadvantages-computers-classroom.html - the disadvantages of computers in the classroom vimeo.com/4676849 - a brief history of technology in education www.teachers.tv/videos/ks3-ks4-english-and-media-computer-games-playing-to-learn - how English and media teachers can use computer games in the classroom www.teachers.tv/videos/computer-games-in-the-classroom - one more video about using computer games in the classroom www.teachers.tv/videos/ict-fun-for-free - how a headteacher from St Mary's CE Primary School, Shropshire, uses free software to keep children engaged and stimulated Lesson 7-8. New addiction? - Что такое компьютерная зависимость? В чем выражается эта зависимость? Каковы её причины и симптомы? В чем вред этой зависимости? Как предотвратить и как избавиться от неё? - a video "Computer addiction - a problem for many young people" - interviews about game and computer addiction www.komonews.com/news/42296677.html?tab=video - computer addiction as a growing problem - the funny side of computer addiction www.5min.com/Video/Understanding-Internet-Addiction-87994532 - learn about Internet addiction edition.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/bestoftv/2009/10/03/cb.internet.addiction.cnn.html - a CNN video about Internet addiction Lesson 9. Fun with language — Где найти информацию, словари Internet Slang? www.youtube.com/watch?v=peoiv2o47TA&feature=related - a guide to Internet Slang words video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1414971803138053967# - discovernig the Internet etiquette
  16. Дорогие учителя, уважаемые коллеги! Поздравляю всех вас с началом нового учебного года! Желаю удачи, благополучия, творческих поисков и новых находок, а также благодарных и успешных учеников! Спешу поделиться с вами ещё одной своей работой. Создала каталог дополнительной информации к учебнику Enjoy English для 8 класса и с удовольствием выкладываю его на форуме. Unit 1. It's a wonderful planet we live on. Section 1. After rain comes fine weather – Какой климат характерен для англо-говорящих стран и России?Где можно узнать прогноз погоды для Лондона, Москвы и других городов Европы на ближайшие дни? Где найти видео - , аудио – прогноз погоды? Как описывать погоду? Как рассказать ученикам о разнице между шкалами Цельсия и Фаренгейта? Как можно научить их читать символы прогноза погоды? Где найти интерактивные игры и упражнения? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ns/climate.html – brief information about climate and weather in Britain http://www.path2usa.com/usainfo/usa/usa_climate.htm – information about climate of the USA by six climate regions http://www.studycanada.ca/english/climate.htm – a guide to climate and weather in Canada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_of_Australia - encyclopaedia entry about climate of Australia http://www.tourism.net.nz/new-zealand/abou...nd-climate.html – full information about New Zealand climate, weather, seasons and temperatures http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_of_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about climate of Russia http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/se/...st_weather.html - weather forecast for London http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/Europe.htm – weather forecast online for Europe http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/bbcweather/we...ast_media.shtml – links to latest video and audio weather forecast http://esl.about.com/library/vocabulary/bl...ups_weather.htm – list of words which are used to describe weather http://www.go4english.com/qg/read.php?unitid=1027 – online games for describing weather http://keyofenglish.blogcu.com/describing-...er_8772131.html – here you can find adjectives to describe weather http://www.theweatherchannelkids.com/weatherED/ - online resources for weather education – weather encyclopaedia, glossary, teacher resources http://www.edheads.org/activities/weather - interactive activities for children to learn to read weather maps, make weather forecasts and convert temperatures between Fahrenheit and Celsius scales Section 2. We're a part of the Universe - Где найти интересную иллюстрированную информацию для школьников о Солнечной системе? Что представляет собой планета Земля как одна из планет Солнечной системы? Где посмотреть видео-съемки Земли из космоса? Какие существуют Галактики и где найти дополнительную информацию о них? Где взять дополнительные упражнения на использование определенного артикля? http://www.kidsastronomy.com/solar_system.htm - the Solar system explained for children, including animations and interesting facts about each of the planets http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/jmresources...htm#information – information and pictures of the Solar system http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/kids/index.cfm - NASA’s website dedicated to the exploration of the Solar system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth - encyclopaedia entry about the Earth as a planet in the Solar System http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/earth/earth.html – the educational webpage dedicated to the planet Earth, provides full information about its peculiarities and characteristics http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5041127474937930014 – Earth from space videos http://www.nasa.gov/worldbook/galaxy_worldbook.html – an article about galaxy, contains short information on groups, shapes, the origin and the evolution of galaxies http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/gr/public/gal_home.html – full illustrated information about galaxies http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises...rticle_the2.htm – an exercise on the definite article http://www.englishlearner.com/tests/the_de...article_1.shtml – an exercise on the definite article http://www.englishexercises.org/buscador/b...ntents=articles – exercises on articles for different levels and ages Section 3. Who is there? - Где найти онлайн-упражнения на отработку Past Continuous? Как выглядит космическая станция ? Как проходит жизнь на космической станции? Где прочитать интересные истории из жизни космонавтов? Где найти информацию о космическом туризме? Кто был первым космическим туристом? Можно ли им стать? http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs3.htm – an exercise on the Past Simple and Past Continuous Tenses http://www.englishexercises.org/buscador/b...st+continuous#a - Past Continuous Tense exercises http://a4esl.org/q/h/vm/pastpastcont.html – an exercise on Past Simple and Past Continuous http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/past-progressive - Past Continuous exercises and tests http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_station - encyclopeadia entry about space stations http://iss.jaxa.jp/kids/en/index.html - International Space Station explained for children http://www.esa.int/esaKIDSen/SpaceStations.html - space stations and life in space in experiments and projects for children http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/living/index.html - NASA’s website telling about living in space, including interactive games and activities http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forkids/kidsc...lash/index.html - NASA kids’ club: interactive information about living in space http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/08042...ion-sports.html – stories of astronauts on how they spend their spare time in space station http://www.mexica.net/story.php – a funny story from the life of NASA team http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_tourist - encyclopaedia entry about space tourism http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/s...000/2501015.stm - news report about the first space tourist http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/i...191334720070831 - an article about plans for the first Russian space tourist Section 4. Exploring Space – Где найти биографии К.Э.Циолковского, С.П. Королева, Ю.А.Гагарина, В.Н.Терешковой, А.Леонова , Н. Армстронга? Как проводятся современные космические исследования? Когда празднуется Space day? Как отмечается День космонавтики в России? Где взять онлайн-упражнения на Present Perfect Simple и Present Perfect Continuous? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konstantin_Tsiolkovsky - encyclopaedia entry about Konstantin Tsiolkovsky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergey_Korolyov - encyclopaedia entry about Sergey Korolyov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Gagarin - encyclopaedia entry about Yuri Gagarin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentina_Tereshkova - encyclopaedia entry about Valentina Tereshkova http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexey_Leonov - encyclopaedia entry about Alexey Leonov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Armstrong - encyclopaedia entry about Neil Armstrong http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_exploration - encyclopaedia entry about space explorations http://www.universetoday.com/guide-to-spac...em-exploration/ - brief article about Solar System exploration http://www.helium.com/items/1408214-robots...n-other-planets – 4 articles on how robots are used in space explorations http://www.spaceday.org/ - the official Space Day site, all about celebration of Space Day in May http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmonautics_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Cosmonautics Day in Russia http://www.agendaweb.org/verbs/present_perfect.html – free online exercises on the Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous Tenses for different levels http://www.englishexercises.org/buscador/b...esent+perfect#a – collection of exercises on the Present Perfect Tense http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/prese...inuous/menu.php – theory and exercises on the Present Perfect Simple and Continuous Tenses Section 5. Is the Earth a dangerous place? - Где найти информацию о землятресениях, ураганах, торнадо, вулканах, наводнениях, засухах? Какие из них были самыми масштабными и разрушительными в истории человечества? Как работают спасатели в разных странах? Какие есть подразделения в этих службах? Существует ли такая служба в России? Какие телефонные номера у различных спасательных служб (пожарная, скорая помощь, полиция , служба спасения) в разных странах? Где найти дополнительные онлайн- упражнения на Past Simple и Past Continuous? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquake - encyclopaedia entry about earthquake http://www.weatherwizkids.com/earthquake1.htm – full information for kids about earthquakes – causes, facts, safety tips http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/world/...rgest_world.php – the largest earthquakes in the world since 1900 http://extremescience.com/GreatestEarthquake.htm – information about the greatest earthquake ever recorded http://www.weatherwizkids.com/hurricane1.htm – illustrated information for kids about hurricanes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_cyclone - encyclopaedia entry about tropical cyclone (hurricanes) http://www.epicdisasters.com/index.php/sit...est_hurricanes/ - the 10 strongest hurricanes http://www.hurricane.com/hurricane-records.php – hurricane records and facts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tornado - encyclopaedia entry about tornados http://www.weatherwizkids.com/tornado.htm - tornados explained for children, with pictures http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/ear...nado/alley.html - Tornado alley and places where tornados frequently occur http://www.ehow.com/about_5074754_highest-...ind-speeds.html – some information about what are the highest tornado wind speeds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcano - encyclopaedia entry about volcano http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/ - this website brings modern and near real-time volcano information http://www.scarborough.k12.me.us/wis/teach...t_volcanoes.htm – a list of 10 largest volcanoes http://www.articlesbase.com/home-security-...ory-485371.html – the top 10 of the most devastating floods in history http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood - encyclopaedia entry about floods and their types http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drought - encyclopaedia entry about drought http://www.drought.unl.edu/kids/impacts/affects.htm – an article on how droughts affect us http://library.thinkquest.org/J001550F/droughtsworst2.htm – the worst droughts of the 20th century http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_service - encyclopaedia entry about emergency service http://www.fleetdata.co.uk/emergency_services.html – illustrated information about emergency services in the United Kingdom http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_med...e_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about emergency medical services in the USA http://www.hsus.org/hsus_field/hsus_disaster_center/ - the website of the emergency service Animal Rescue Team, which saves animals in the United States and abroad http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category...ices_by_country – photos and images of emergency services of different countries http://www.mchs.gov.ru/en/ - information about Russian rescue services http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_tel...e_number#Europe – Emergency telephone numbers in different countries of the world Section 6. Six Robinsons and their guitar – Где взять онлайн- упражнения на отработку Past Perfect Tense? http://www.learn-english-today.com/lessons...t_exercise.html – Past Perfect exercises http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/pa...le/exercises?03 - Past Perfect exercises http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/pastperfect/menu.php - Past Perfect exercises http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=139096 - Past Perfect exercises Section 7. “This earth was made for you and me” - Где найти упражнения /тесты на все Past Tenses? Где найти дополнительную информацию о птицах Новой Зеландии, животном мире Австралии, Ниагарском водопаде, the Peak District, о северо-западном регионе России? Где найти пример эссе о своей стране? http://www.english-test.net/esl/learn/engl...17/esl-test.php – a Past Tenses test http://www.angelfire.com/wi3/englishcorner...ar/grammar.html – Past Tenses exercises http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=83735 – Present and Past Tenses printable exercises http://www.nzbirds.com/ - this site offers extensive information about almost all New Zealand's birds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birds_of_New_Zealand - encyclopaedia entry about the birds of New Zealand http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fauna_of_Australia - encyclopaedia entry about the fauna of Australia http://www.australianfauna.com/ - the site provides full information about the Australian fauna, animal photos, information and much more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niagara_Falls,_New_York - encyclopaedia entry about the Niagara Falls http://www.niagara-usa.com/ - the official tourist information site for the Niagara Falls USA, here you will find everything you need to know about this American sight http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_District - encyclopaedia entry about the Peak District http://www.peakdistrict.org/ - information about living in, learning about and visiting the Peak District National Park http://www.buyusa.gov/russia/en/overview_nw.html – overviews of St.Petersburg and Russia's Northwest http://www.justrussia.ru/page.php?56 – illustrated information about “the land of the lakes” - the Northwest of Russia http://language123.blogspot.com/2009/08/i-...my-country.html – sample essay “I'm proud of my country” http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/10047.html - sample essay “Proud of my country” Unit 2. The world's best friend is you. Section 1. The Earth needs a friend, doesn't it? - Где найти образцы запрещающих знаков? Какие основные экологические проблемы существуют во всем мире? Как эти проблемы влияют на развитие человечества? Как научить подростков заботиться об окружающей среде? http://www.canstockphoto.com/images-photos/prohibit.html – a collection of prohibition signs photos and images http://www.lenntech.com/environmental-problems.htm — a list of environmental problems and related issues http://www.essortment.com/all/whataresomeen_rqvf.htm — what are some environmental problems and how we can help http://www.lilith-ezine.com/articles/envir...l-Problems.html — an article about the 7 main environmental problems http://library.thinkquest.org/26026/Enviro...ms_article.html - information about environmental problems and how they affect humanity http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2007...6/climatechange — this article tells how environmental failures 'put humanity at risk' http://www.takecareofyourshare.com/ - a website dedicated to environmental protection http://www.members.tripod.com/nature210/id2.htm — provides simple suggestions for kids and teens to help prevent environmental problems http://www.dse.vic.gov.au/thesustainables/ten.htm — 10 things we can do to save the planet Section 2. Conditional II and III – Где найти интерактивные упражнения на отработку Conditional II and III ? http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/if.htm — conditional clauses exercises http://www.eslprintables.com/buscador/busc...ditional#thetop - conditional clauses exercises http://www.smic.be/smic5022/conditionalmixed1.htm - conditional clauses exercises http://www.englishforjapanese.com/exercise...onditional.html - conditional clauses exercises Section 3. What's wrong with us? - Каковы основные глобальные проблемы человечества и как они связаны между собой? Где взять интерактивные упражнения, тесты на отработку грамматической конструкции to be/get used to/smth/to doing smth? http://www.globalcollab.org/gps/intro/whatareGPS - an article about what global problems of the world http://www.globalworldproblems.com/ - a website dedicated to global problems of the world with links to descriptions of the main ones http://www.mac.edu/faculty/richardpalmer/P...pplication.html – some information about the 12 main world problems http://geography.about.com/od/globalproble...obal_Issues.htm – learn about global environmental, climate and political problems http://www.globalissues.org/ - a global issues website, presents numerous global issues, aiming to show how they are inter-related http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4796909.stm – an article about water shortage as a global problem http://www.theaccessproject.com/index.php/..._global_problem – brief information about some dangerous diseases which are most crucial in our days http://perso.wanadoo.es/autoenglish/gr.used.p.htm – used to / to be used to - exercises http://www.usingenglish.com/quizzes/115.html - used to / to be/get used to – online language quiz http://www.learn4good.com/languages/evrd_g...r/usedtodo.php3 - used to do - exercises http://www.learn-english-today.com/lessons...used-to_ex..htm – free printable English exercises on used to / to be/get used to Section 4. Why throw away? Why not recycle? - Почему сегодня многие люди, а особенно подростки, мусорят на улицах? Как заставить подростков соблюдать чистоту и не сорить? Какие штрафы и наказания существуют в Великобритании и её провинциях за бросание мусора на улице? Как противоборствуют этому в разных странах и какие службы для этого существуют? Как в разных странах сортируют и перерабатывают мусор? Какие мусорные баки установлены на улицах различных городов, где посмотреть их изображения? Где найти упражнения на смешанный тип условных предложений? http://www.falkirk.gov.uk/services/corpora...rop_litter.aspx — research into teenagers' attitudes to litter dropping http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=2076780 — an article about litter, its hazard to health, why people and especially teenagers drop litter http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12...litter-bin.html — an article about an interesting way to make teens not litter http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/animals/...000/2743625.stm — how the problem of dropping litter is solved in Britain http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news...k-up.4811618.jp — an article from Yorkshire Evening Post about how to make teens not drop rubbish on the city's streets http://www.expressandstar.com/2009/04/10/b...es-in-sandwell/ - what punishment for litter offences in one of the British cities http://news.scotsman.com/litter/Litter-war...over.3326346.jp — information about fines dished out for offences such as littering and dog fouling in Scotland http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/n...ast/7274751.stm — a brief article on how pupils are fined for dropping litter in Wales http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/chat/you...000/3707597.stm — how should litter louts be punished — what young people from different countries think about it http://www.litterheroes.co.uk/ - this website of people who want to do something about litter http://community.adn.com/node/141511 — an article on how one copes with city's litter in one of American state http://www.wildlifetrust.org.uk/facts/litter.htm — how litter is recycled http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/litter-bins.html — litter bins photos and images http://www.englishpage.com/conditional/mixedconditional.html - mixed conditionals theory and exercises http://www.imparareinglese.co.uk/esercizi_...onditional.html – exercises on 2d, 3d and mixed conditional forms http://www.learn4good.com/languages/evrd_g...nditionals.php3 – mixed conditionals exercises Section 5. What can we do to save the Earth? - Как борются с мусором в разных странах? Как долго сохраняется мусор в природе? Где найти информацию о Гринпис? Где найти интерактивные игры про экологию для детей и подростков? Где найти примеры школьных проектов, посвященных защите окружающей среды? http://www.coral.org/node/3916 - information on how long it takes trash to biodegrade. Did you know that it takes 400 years for a plastic sandwich bag to biodegrade? http://cleanupday.org/education.htm - information about the annual California coastal cleanup day http://shea20020.tripod.com/trash/trash.htm - an American tells about the differences between trash disposal in the USA and Germany http://www.ehow.com/about_4568299_nonbiode...able-trash.html - brief information about non-biodegradable trash http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenpeace - an encyclopaedia entry about Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org/international/ - the website of Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org/international/fungames/games - online games to help children learn about ecology http://www.itu.int/osg/spuold/wsis-themes/...nvironment.html – examples of ICT- projects dedicated to environmental protection Unit 3. Mass Media: Good or Bad? Section 1. What is the media? - Что такое Mass Media? Какие средства массовой информации бывают? Где найти информацию об основных из них? Какое положительное и негативное воздействие оказывают СМИ на подростков? Как можно использовать СМИ в образовательных целях? Каковы достоинства и недостатки СМИ? Какие СМИ самые популярные в России, США? Где взять информацию об истории радио? Где найти подкасты, созданные для подростков? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_media - encyclopaedia entry about mass media http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-mass-media.htm – brief information about what mass media is http://ezinearticles.com/?Types-of-Mass-Media&id=1311276 – an article on types of mass media http://www.buzzle.com/articles/different-t...mass-media.html – a short article on different types of mass media http://maxibona.wordpress.com/2007/10/23/m...and-influences/ - information about types of mass media and its positive and negative influences http://hubpages.com/hub/Mass-Media-Influence-on-Society – links to information about mass media and its ifluence on society and particularly on young people http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/ma/Mass_media – kids encyclopaedia entry about mass media http://www.childdevelopmentinfo.com/health...ens_media.shtml – information for parents to help children and teenagers use various forms of mass media reasonably http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/The_American_...ia_in_Education – an article about the role of Mass Media in American education http://www.buzzle.com/articles/advantages-...rint-media.html – brief information about advantages and disadvantages of print media http://intermediate5.blogspot.com/2008/05/...es-of-mass.html – an article on advantages and disadvantages of mass media http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_adv...rs_in_education – an article about what the advantages and disadvantages of using computer in education are http://www.russianembassy.org/RUSSIA/mass_media.htm – brief information about the most popular mass media in Russia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_of_the_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about mass media of the US http://www.localhistory.scit.wlv.ac.uk/Mus...adiohistory.htm - a brief history of radio development http://inventors.about.com/od/rstartinventions/a/radio.htm – information about the invention and inventors of radio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_radio - encyclopaedia entry about the history of radio http://www.podfeed.net/tags/Teens – podcasts focusing on topics for teenagers http://www.libsuccess.org/index.php?title=Podcasts_%26_Teens - a list of podcasts created by teens http://www.podcastdirectory.com/genre/inde...ormatword=Teens – most popular teens podcasts Section 2. What do you think of television? - Где найти информацию о создании телевидения и его истории? Какие телевизионные жанры существуют? Какие телевизионные каналы самые популярные в Британии , России? Как создавались первые журналы и когда они появились? Где найти сайты журналов, популярных среди тинейджеров? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_television - encyclopaedia entry about history of television http://www.askkids.com/web?q=History+of+Te...p;o=0&l=dir – links to websites for children telling about the history of television http://www.freebase.com/view/tv/tv_genre – information about TV genres with their descriptions and examples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Television_genres – list of television genres with links to them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality_television - encyclopaedia entry about the genre of TV shows called "Reality TV" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_in...sion_Programmes - encyclopaedia entry about television in the UK, includes information about 100 Greatest British TV Programmes http://www.mediauk.com/tv – a full directory of British television channels addresses and details http://www.russia-ic.com/business_law/Russian_companies/643/ - brief information about the most popular and highly rated TV channels in Russia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_in_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about television in Russia http://www.russia.com/tv/ - a guide to Russian television, TV stations and channels http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magazine - encyclopaedia entry about magazines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_ne...s_and_magazines - encyclopaedia entry about history of newspappres and magazines http://www.world-newspapers.com/youth.html — a list of popular teen magazines with links to their websites http://www.teenmag.com/ - the online home of TEEN magazine, teen letters, lots of advice for youth, etc http://www.fazetehttp://www.fazeteen.com/en.com/ - online version of Faze, Canada's largest teen magazine, with lots of articles, reviews, photos and contests http://www.allyoucanread.com/teen-magazines/ - top 10 teen magazines with links to their websites http://www.teensnowtalk.com/tnt/home/ - Teens Now Talk Magazine online Section 3. Do you read newspapers on Sundays? - Как создавались и печатались первые газеты? Когда они появились? Когда стали выпускаться первые газеты в Британии и Америке? Где найти онлайн-версии газет для детей и юношества на английском? Где найти пример веб-квеста на тему “Today's news”? Где найти информацию о broadsheets, tabloids с примерами?Где посмотреть сайты британских газет? http://www.wan-press.org/article.php3?id_article=2821 – a brief history of newspapers http://www.newspaper-industry.org/history.html – the history of the first news sheet, the first newspapper, the first daily newspapper http://www.newspapersoc.org.uk/default.aspx?page=304 – links to the chronological history of British newspappers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_American_newspapers - encyclopaedia entry about history of American newspappers http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/ - the 50 most popular online USA newspappers, world newspappres and magazines http://www.google.com/Top/Kids_and_Teens/News/Newspapers/ - links to the websites of newspappers in English for kids and teenagers http://www.ugr.es/~inped/module4_4/m4_2.htm – a sample of the webquest “Today's news” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadsheet - encyclopaedia entry about broadsheets http://mytop3.net/Top-10-Broadsheet-Newspa...In-The-USA.aspx – top 10 broadsheets newspappres in the USA http://www.world-newspapers.com/uk.html – links to the websites of newspapers, magazines and news of different countries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabloid - encyclopaedia entry about tabloids http://www.tabloidmedia.co.za/faq.php – brief information about tabloid newspappers, some tabloid newspappers online http://www.britishcouncil.org/sr/serbia-li...ers-tabloid.htm – links to UK tabloid newspapers, online news and reference resources Websites of the main British newspapers: http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/ - Scotland on Sunday www.guardian.co.uk – The Guardian www.express.co.uk – The Daily Express http://www.theherald.co.uk/ - The Herald www.independent.co.uk – The Independent www.mailonsunday.co.uk – The Mail on Sunday www.observer.co.uk – The Observer www.thescotsman.co.uk – The Scotsman www.spectator.co.uk – The Spectator www.dailymail.co.uk – The Daily Mail www.thesun.co.uk – The Sun www.sunday-times.co.uk – The Sunday Times www.thetimes.co.uk – The Times Section 4. Is being a reporter a dangerous job? - Где найти информацию и краткие описания основных профессий в сфере mass media? Где найти советы и рекомендации о том, как написать газетную статью? Где прочитать статьи, написанные подростками для газет и журналов? Где найти интервью со знаменитостью для молодежного журнала? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reporter - encyclopaedia entry about a reporter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photographer - encyclopaedia entry about a photographer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journalist - encyclopaedia entry about a journalist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartoonist - encyclopaedia entry about a cartoonist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Editing - encyclopaedia entry about editing and an editor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copy_editing - encyclopaedia entry about copy editing/ a copy editor (sub- editor) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correspondent - encyclopaedia entry about a correspondent http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_presenter - encyclopaedia entry about a news presenter (a newsreader) http://newspaper-journalism.suite101.com/a...wspaper_article – a guide to writing a newspaper article http://www.ehow.com/how_2002073_write-newspaper-article.html – a short instruction on how to write newspaper article http://www.galaxy.bedfordshire.gov.uk/webi...w_newspaper.htm – step by step guide to a good newspaper article http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/reso...per_article.cfm – lesson plan on writing a newspaper article http://www.jhuapl.edu/education/elementary...forstudents.htm – project for students “Let's write a newspaper story” http://www.teenink.com/About/FAQ.php – the website of a magazine where all articles are written be teen authors who are students at school http://www.ypress.org/ - children's news network featuring articles written by teens http://www.teennewspaper.com/ - teen newspaper offers the best teen news online written entirely by teens http://home.comcast.net/~majerus-collins/homepage.htm – an online newspaper written by teens and for teens focusing on teen problems http://www.teenmag.com/celeb-stuff/watch-t...reddie-highmore - an interview with Freddie Highmore, a 14-year old actor http://www.backpacker.com/april_2008_featu.../articles/12362 http://www.teenink.com/Interviews/article/...risten-Stewart/ - an interview with the 16-year old actress Kristen Stewart http://www.teenmag.com/celeb-stuff/watch-this-face/ - short interviews with young stars Section 5. Are books media , too? - Почему чтение книг так необходимо человеку? Какие книги для подростков сейчас популярны? Какие книги советуют подросткам читать учителя в Англии, США и Канаде? Где найти в Интернете бесплатные книги для детей? Какие типы книг и книжные жанры существуют? http://www.buzzle.com/articles/why-is-reading-important.html – a short article on why reading is important, you'll know all about benefits of reading http://www.familyresource.com/parenting/ch...nt-for-children – an article about why reading is important for children http://www.learn-to-read-prince-george.com...-important.html – 11 reasons of the significance of reading http://www.whyreadingisimportant.com/ - brief information about the importance of reading, especially for children http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/bestsellers/books/69 - list of the currently most popular children’s books (updated hourly) http://www.ucalgary.ca/~dkbrown/authors.html - links to information about popular modern and classic authors on the web http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Amer...n's_writers a list of American children’s writers http://www.teachersfirst.com/100books.cfm - a list of 100 books recommended by an Education association for children http://www.booktrustchildrensbooks.org.uk/Recommended-Books - books recommendations and reviews from “booktrust”, UK http://www.ucalgary.ca/~dKBrown/lists.html - several lists of recommended books, compiled in Canada http://childrensbooks.about.com/od/toppicks/Top_Picks.htm - lists of recommended books by age and topic http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/buildingachildrenslibrary - books recommended for the children’s library by The Guardian newspaper, by age categories http://teenadvice.about.com/cs/toppicks/tp/aatp080502a.htm – the top 10 favourite books written by teens about teen life http://www.bygpub.com/books/tg2rw/books.htm – a list of 25 great book to read for teenagers http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=s...p;x=15&y=16 – a collection of books about teens life http://www.laurenbaratzlogsted.com/html/books_for_teens.html – reviews of some popular books for teenagers http://gardenofpraise.com/childlit.htm – classic literature – online books for kids and teens http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page - free e-books http://www.bookloons.com/HANDHTML/teens.html – book reviews, contests and online reading for teens http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Books_by_type - encyclopaedia entry about different types of books http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Books_by_genre - encyclopaedia entry about different book genres Section 6. Reported speech - Где найти интерактивные упражнения на согласование времен, прямую и косвенную речь? http://www.native-english.ru/practice/exercises/sequence/ - sequence of tenses exercises http://home.zcu.cz/~jhamarov/Gr_sequence_index.htm – grammar exercises on sequence of tenses http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/reported.htm - grammar exercises on reported speech, indirect speech http://esl.about.com/library/quiz/blgrquiz_reported1.htm – reported speech quiz Section 7. Try yourself as a writer — Где найти биографию французского философа и писателя Вольтера? Где прочитать рассказ подростка о его/её любимой книге? Какие авторы - самые популярные в Великобритании и России? Как работают школьные библиотеки в Британии и России? Где найти информацию о школьных книжных ярмарках? Где найти обзоры книг, написанные детьми? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltaire - encyclopaedia entry about Voltaire http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7308/index.html – biographical information on Voltaire, pictures, links to outside sources of information http://www.oppapers.com/subjects/my-favour...book-page1.html – free essays on “My favourite story book” for students http://www.well.com/~lonewolf/essays/books.html – a reader's impressions of some of his favourite books http://www.booksellerworld.com/popular-libraryauthors.htm top 10 most popular UK library authors http://www.filedbyblog.com/2009/02/09/2008...n-uk-libraries/ - 2008's most popular books in UK libraries http://www.russiandatingcenter.com/russian_literature.html – a short article about popular authors of Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries http://www.santafelibrary.org/authors2006.html – the 100 most popular authors in 2006 http://www.school-libraries.net/ - a website created by school librarians, contains information about school libraries of the UK, Russia, the USA and other countries http://www.millhill.org.uk/news/archive/20...g.html#bookfair - a brief report about a book fair http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=11718 – brief descriptions about book fairs held by Scholastic http://www.bisb.hu/index.php?page=165&l=1 – a Book Week at the British school in Budapest http://www.homeschoolbookfair.org/ - information about a Home School Book Fair in Arlington, TX, the USA http://www.loc.gov/loc/cfbook/bookfair.html - links to the websites of book fairs and book festivals from the Library of Congress http://www.spaghettibookclub.org/title.php - book reviews written by children http://www.bookreviewsbykids.com/archive/r...archivelist.htm - book reviews written by children http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/books/ - book reviews written by children from a British school http://www.cool-reads.co.uk/ - reviews written by 14-15-year olds Unit 4. Trying to become a successful person. Section 1. Who is a successful person? - Где найти биографии А.Пугачевой, Ю. Гагарина, У.Диснея, Ч.Чаплина, Матери Терезы, Дж.Лондона, И.Родниной, Г.Улановой, Г.Каспарова, группы «Битлз», В.Полунина? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alla_Pugacheva - encyclopaedia entry about A.Pugacheva http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Gagarin - encyclopaedia entry about Y.Gagarin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Disney - encyclopaedia entry about W.Disney http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Chaplin - encyclopaedia entry about Ch.Chaplin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Teresa - encyclopaedia entry about Mother Teresa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_London - encyclopaedia entry about J.London http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irina_Rodnina - encyclopaedia entry about I.Rodnina http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galina_Ulanova - encyclopaedia entry about G.Ulanova http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garry_Kasparov - encyclopaedia entry about G.Kasparov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slava_Polunin - encyclopaedia entry about S.Polunin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles - encyclopaedia entry about the Beatles Section 2. Family is a good start — Почему семья так важна в жизни человека? Какие основные проблемы в семье возникают у подростков? Как избежать таких проблем и как с ними справиться? Где найти советы для родителей и подростков как сделать жизнь в семье счастливой и радостной? http://fami.ly/important/ - this article explains why family is so important for human http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/wha...family-578.html - an article about what is important for family http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...tant.html?cat=7 — the real story about why family is so important in our life http://www.burstingthebubble.com/ - this site explains how teens can identify violence and abuse within the family and what can be done to help http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/Parents/fight.html - short article explains why teens have arguments with their parents so often and what reasons for these arguments are http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/famil...to_parents.html - this article explains to teenagers the benefits of communicating with parents and other adults an everyday difficult problems and situations http://ezinearticles.com/?Chores-For-Teena...s&id=486508 – some tips for parents on how to train their children to do chores with pleasure http://www.realfamiliesrealfun.com/kw/ - the modern information source for kids and parents how to help make family time quality happy time Section 3. What is bullying? - Какие основные проблемы существуют у подростков в школе и дома? Какие советы и рекомендации дают психологи, чтобы избежать этих проблем и как с ними справиться, если они есть? Где найти рассказ подростка о своих школьных или домашних проблемах? Существует ли проблема запугивания детей в Великобритании? Как посоветовать ребенку вести себя, чтобы избежать таких ситуаций? Какие службы существуют для помощи детям в таких ситуациях? Где найти информацию и сайт Childline? http://parentingteens.about.com/b/2008/03/...t-home-help.htm — a mother seeks advise on her child's problem, including some recommendation from a guide to teen’s parents http://www.troubledteensguide.com/ - a website dedicated to most frequent teenage problems in USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia http://www.webmd.com/balance/stress-manage...ngers-in-school - a brief article on how teen stress at home lingers in school http://www.channel4.com/health/microsites/...has_people.html — some information about how teen problems at home and at school make them feel stressed http://www.wikihow.com/Overcome-Problems-at-School-or-Home — tips for teenagers on how to overcome problems at school and at home http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0IB...3/ai_n26948705/ - the story of a 16-year old girl who had problems at school and was diagnosed and treated for ADHD (Attention -Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), how to solve such problems http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/20...eforyoungpeople - advice to young people who can encounter bullying http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2002/11/15793/13831 - advice for parents and families, whose children may encounter bullying http://www.bullying.co.uk/- a British anti-bullying charity http://autisminnb.blogspot.com/2009/02/hel...pink-today.html - an article about anti-bullying day http://www.cary-memorial.lib.me.us/bullyweb/metimes.htm - a story about what a school can do to stop bullying http://www.bullying.co.uk/links/antibullying_websites.aspx - a list of anti-bullying websites http://stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov/kids/ - what children can do to stop bullying http://www.childline.org.uk/Pages/Home.aspx – the Childline website where children can find help and advice for any problem they have: bullying, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, domestic violence, self harm, etc Section 4.Why are family holidays important? - Где найти информацию о перечисленных в учебнике праздниках? Какие основные праздники существуют в Британии,Америке, Канаде, Австралии, Новой Зеландии и России? Что семейные традиции значат для каждой семьи и как создать новые семейные традиции? Где найти описание подростком своей семьи? Как писать поздравление к празднику и как это делать с удовольствием? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas - encyclopaedia entry about Christmas http://www.santas.net/aroundtheworld.htm – Christmas traditions around the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine's_Day - encyclopaedia entry about St. Valentine's Day http://www.stvalentinesday.org/traditions-and-customs.html – information about Valentine's Day traditions and customs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Australia Day http://www.australiaday.gov.au/experience/ - information about Australia Day awards, celebrations, aims and events http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Canada Day http://canadaonline.about.com/od/canadaday...dachecklist.htm - things you need to know to celebrate Canada Day http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_...(United_States) - encyclopaedia entry about Independence Day http://www.americanfamilytraditions.com/independence_day.htm – family traditions of Independence Day http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waitangi_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Waitangi Day http://www.wikihow.com/Celebrate-Waitangi-Day – an article about how to celebrate Waitangi Day http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanksgiving_(United_States) - encyclopaedia entry about Thanksgiving Day http://www.thanksgiving.org.uk/thanksgivin...-practices.html – traditions and customs of Thanksgiving Day http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victory_Day_(May_9) - encyclopaedia entry about Victory Day (May 9th) http://www.123independenceday.com/russian/ - brief information about Independence Day of Russia http://www.travelcentre.com.au/travel/russ...n_christmas.htm – a short article about Russian Christmas, its customs and traditions http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...s/holidays.html – holidays and notable special days in Great Britain http://www.destination360.com/europe/uk/events-holidays - learn about many holidays and festivals in the United Kingdom http://www.usa.gov/citizens/holidays.shtml - learn about the holidays Americans celebrate throughout the year, including federal holidays http://www.canada-city.ca/holidays.php – information about holidays in Canada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Australia - encyclopaedia entry about public holidays in Australia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_New_Zealand - encyclopaedia entry about public holidays in New Zealand http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about public holidays in Russia http://library.adoption.com/articles/creat...traditions.html –some suggestions for creating some family traditions http://www.americanfamilytraditions.com/ - this website is dedicated American family traditions http://www.foreverfamilies.net/xml/article...traditions.aspx – an article about what family traditions mean, some ideas of new family traditions http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2004/9/25/55639/6635 – a student essay about his family http://www.teenink.com/nonfiction/all/arti...mily-Tradition/ - a teen's story about his family traditions http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/91210.html – example of an essay on My Family http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/acHowto...rojid=c00694904 – some tips on how to write greeting card messages http://www.ehow.com/how_2073127_write-greeting-cards.html – step by step instructions on how to write greeting cards http://www.birthday-greetingcards-tipbaske...etingcards.html – some advice on how to do writing greeting cards a pleasant activity Section 5. Is it easy to be independent? - Что значит быть независимым? Как подростки понимают независимость? Какие проблемы взаимоотношений существуют между родителями и подростками? Какие самые распространенные претензии родителей по отношению к детям и наоборот? Где найти советы психолога, как разрешать конфликты родителей и детей? Должны ли родители вмешиваться в отношения подростка и его друзей? Как подростки в разных странах тратят свои карманные деньги?Каково мнение родителей сколько денег на карманные расходы достаточно для ребенка и должны ли подростки сами их зарабатывать? Где найти полезные советы для подростка, как и на чем экономить? Какие обязанности по дому существуют у подростков? http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/63681.php – information on how teens understand their independence and how to help them develop it without the conflict and distancing from their families http://www.huckhouse.org/FromOurHouse/Independence.htm – an article about teenagers and independence, some recommendations for parents on how to teach independence http://www.ehow.com/how_2085946_encourage-...dependence.html – some tips on how to encourage teens independence http://www.yourteenager.co.uk/fostering-te...dependance.html – a short article about fostering teen independence http://parents.berkeley.edu/advice/teens/a...gquestions.html – advices, discussions and reviews on Teens' Independence http://www.wholefamily.com/aboutteensnow/r...each_other.html — an article on how the relationship between teens and their parents is changed when they struggle to define their own roles in life http://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/News/Teenage...oryID=news-poh3 — information about on how teenagers appreciate relationships with their parents http://www.thefunplace.com/guild/teen01.html — an article about relationship between parents and children in US http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/05...-their-parents/ - here you can find out some interesting information about relationships of teenagers and their parents in Canada http://www.more4kids.info/598/improving-pa...-relationships/ - this site has some timely advice for improving the relationship between parents and teens http://swain.ces.ncsu.edu/content/RelationshipParentsTeens — some strategies for parents on how to strengthen relationships between them and their own child http://www.byparents-forparents.com/rebuil...rust-part1.html — pieces of advice on how to rebuild trust between parents and teens http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...your.html?cat=7 — some recommendations for teens on how to improve their life by improving relationship with parents http://www.socialpacks.com/2007/12/13/9-ti...th-the-parents/ - 9 tips to improve a child's relation with the parents http://fatherhood.about.com/od/dadsandteen...n_friends_2.htm — information for parents on what friendship means to their teen http://www.enotalone.com/article/9765.html — an article on how parents should treat their teen's friends http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/language...ey-pester-power http://www.merinews.com/catFull.jsp?articleID=15752512 –“Pocket money and teenagers”, how much money is enough for children http://www.parentlineplus.org.uk/index.php?id=844 – some information about how parents set pocket money and how they monitor what their child buys http://www.finlandforthought.net/2007/10/1...dic-colleagues/ - how Finish teenagers use their pocket money http://www.helium.com/items/1393219-should...their-own-money – 29 essays on whether older children should earn their pocket money http://youthdevelopment.suite101.com/artic...ement_for_teens – useful information on money management for teens http://www.helium.com/items/681419-kids-rights-and-duties - a short article about the rights children of different ages should have, written by a mother of three children http://www.sch130.nsc.ru/~eva/japan/theme1.html - teenagers from different countries tell about their home chores and duties http://www.helium.com/items/678234-kids-rights-and-duties - a short article on children’s rights and duties that should, in the author’s view, accompany those rights http://www.loveyourdog.com/ages.html - what duties children of different ages may have towards their pet
  17. Добрый вечер, дорогие коллеги! Поздравляю вас всех с наступающим новым учебным годом и желаю вам всем интересных и продуктивных уроков, реализации всех ваших творческих идей, любить наше нелегкое дело и никогда не останавливаться на достигнутом! А в качестве подарка предлагаю вам новый каталог видеоресурсов к учебнику “Happy English.ru” для 9 класса. Спешила успеть с созданием этого каталога к 1 сентября и , кажется, не опоздала. Дополнительная видеоинформация к учебнику Happy English.ru для 9 класса Unit 1. Hello, America! Lesson 1. Welcome to New York — Где найти основную экономико-географическую информацию об Америке (какие штаты в её составе, столица, официальный язык и т.д.)?Каковы основные вехи и главные события в истории США? Какие основные достопримечательности Америки и чем эта страна знаменита? - a short educational video on the geography of the United States - USA history from 1865 to presenthttp://www.metacafe.com/watch/1270075/a_hi...s_in_3_minutes/ - a history of the United States in 3 minutes http://www.5min.com/Video/Guide-to-the-Att...e-USA-284059387 - a video guide to the attractions of the USA http://www.camvista.com/google_search.php?...ID:11&hl=en - Live Webcams from different places of the USA Lesson 2,3. New York, New York... - Каковы различия британского и американского английского? Каковы главные достопримечательности Нью-Йорка? Как работает Нью-Йоркское метро? Как называются районы Нью-Йорка и какие акценты существуют в каждом их них? Где найти информацию о небоскребах, о башнях-близнецах Всемирного торгового центра и трагедии 11 сентября 2001года? Где взять дополнительную информацию об Empire State Building, о мюзикле «Чикаго», о Статуе Свободы, о Рокфеллеровском центре и музее Гуггенхайма? – a video sample of Standard British (RP) accent – a video sample of Standard American accent ` - how to understand the differences between British and American English - a video explaining some of the differences in American and British words, phrases and slang - one more video about the differences in American and British English - a video in 2 parts explaining some of the differences in American and British words, phrases and slang, as well as answering some questions http://www.in.com/videos/watchvideo-best-n...on-7354220.html - the best New York City attractions - 10 things you need to know about New York City - a 10 minute tour of New Yorkhttp://www.dailymotion.com/video/x90h12_be...-new-yor_travel - some recommendations for the best museums and cultural events in NYC -National Geographic video about the New York subway system - the accents of the 5 boroughs of New York Cityhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J4WsCkl4Ag - a brief history of New York skyscrapers http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3...92053682639810# - a video film about the construction of the World Trade Centre in New York City http://www.metacafe.com/watch/850831/insid...on_august_2001/ - this film has been taken one month before September 11th 2001 by an Italian family during their vacation in NYC http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2482741646574210449# - this is one of the latest and best documented sources of information about the intentional demolitions on September 11, 2001 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1Dg2eEhB30 – a video about the series of attacks upon the USA on September 11,2001 http://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-the-...ilding-38365546 - learn about the Empire State Building in New York, this short video describes its construction http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5297004760585623245# - a two-minute video tour of New York's famous Empire State Building http://www.camvista.com/usa/new-york/empir...uilding-cam.php - this New York webcam is overlooking the Empire State Building in midtown New York City, the picture is refreshed every 2 minutes – Chicago the Musical on NBC - New York City's Statue of Liberty – a two minute tourhttp://www.history.com/shows/america-the-s...atue-of-liberty – unknown facts about the Statue of Liberty, what do the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty have in common? http://www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/statueofliberty/ - Earth Cam view of the Statue of Liberty http://www.5min.com/Video/Visit-the-Rockef...-York-251783626 – a visit to the Rockefeller Center in New York http://uk.video.yahoo.com/watch/5601475 - a short video about Guggenheim Museum in New York Lesson 4. Streets and avenues — Какая из улиц /проспектов Нью- Йорк Сити самая длинная? Где увидеть на видео реки и проливы Нью-Йорка? http://joelaz.com/post/45269030/broadway-s...hen-google-maps - a Broadway street view http://nyctmc.org/google_popup.php?cid=187 - one of 45 cameras located on Broadway @ 46th Street http://brooklyn-bridge.mobotixcam.de/cgi-bin/guestimage.html - a live webcam of the one of the world's most famous bridges (Brooklyn Bridge), with a view of the Hudson River Lesson 5. «I belive in liberty and happiness» - Где найти рассказы иностранцев о путешествии в Америку и их впечатления? Что происходило во времена Великой Депрессии в Америке (1929-1940), каковы причины этого события ? Где найти биографию Дж.Рокфеллера и какие основные идеи и принципы он исповедовал? - a group of Iraqi college students reflect on a semester of ups and downs on U.S. campuses - advice for study abroad — foreigners' stories about American stereotypeshttp://www.5min.com/Video/The-Great-Depression-1354261 - learn about the Great Depression - this video presents stories from survivors of the Great Depression overlaid with powerful pictures from era http://www.havefunwithhistory.com/HistoryS...Depression.html - find out how people lived during the Great Depression through home movies, newsreel footage, public service announcements of the era, and some classic Hollywood films http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5prj6_th...depression_news – one more video about the Great Depression http://www.history.com/videos/john-d-rocke...money-and-power – a video about John D. Rockfeller, his principles in life – a short biography of John D. Rockfeller Lesson 6,7. Have you ever tried blintzes? - Какие самые крупные, самые знаменитые рестораны Нью-Йорка? Какова опасность fast-food? Где найти информацию о самых популярных блюдах в России? http://video.new-york.tv/video/Best-Restau...-in-New-York-Ci - the best restaurants in New York City - fast food facts, this video illustrates the dangers of fast food http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?v...title=Fast_Food - a documentary video made by 8th graders on “fast food” http://rt.com/About_Us/Programmes/Moscow_O...-10/508678.html - an English reporter explores the history and ingredients of Russia's most popular dishes Lesson 9,10 Robin MacWizard's diary — Где найти информацию о путешествии пилигримов на корабле Mayflower, o полуострове Cape Cod? Как жили поселенцы первых колоний в Америке? http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoid=46785285 - a video about the arrival of the Piligims and the Mayflower at Cape Code http://www.travelfilmarchive.com/item.php?id=12114 - a re-creation of the voyage of the Mayflower from England to the New World in 1620 http://www.havefunwithhistory.com/movies/mayflower.html – this is a short news reel showing the construction and launching of the Mayflower http://www.havefunwithhistory.com/movies/earlySettlers.html - what everyday life in an early colonial settlement was like, the video includes scenes of hunting, fishing, cooking, farming, brick-making and more life was like in http://www.havefunwithhistory.com/movies/puritanFamily.html - this film highlights daily life in a very early New England colonial village Unit 2. Do good clothes open all doors? Lesson 4. Grungers and Preppies — Какие молодежные субкультуры существуют сейчас в мире? Где взять информацию о некоторых, упоминаемых в этом уроке? Как одеваются представители этих направлений? Как в России относятся к представителям различных молодежных движений? - a videoprofile for the Grungers youth tribe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzgqIPWNBCA...feature=related - some basics about the Goth subculture – how to be preppy girls – the subcultures of fashion: how to dress preppyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4AE3e7I0NQ...feature=related – this film is about subcultures and their purposes within the society, the film covers five different subcultures and how they have influenced American society http://rt.com/prime-time/2008-09-12/Goths_...uthorities.html – a video report about the problem of “Goths” and “Emos” in Russia Lesson 8,9 Robin MacWizard's diary — Где взять историю, иллюстрированную информацию о жизни Plymouth Colony? Какой из праздников, который и сейчас отмечается в Америке, был основан пилигримами? http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?t...;video_id=13258 - a short video introduction to the Plymouth Colony http://videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/27336-...lony-video.html – Pilgrims and Puritans, life at Plymouth Colony http://www.videopediaworld.com/video/22871...o-Massachusetts – a video about living at the Plymouth colony http://videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/20599-...olony-video.htm — this video programme explores many aspects of life in Plymouth Colony, the viewers will learn who the Piligrims were, what the colony's housing looked like, how they got their foods and how they spent their days - Where some of Thanksgiving's traditions began? Find out this and more http://www.history.com/videos/history-of-t...sgiving-holiday - discover the origins of the American holiday, Thanksgiving Day, learn why the first Thanksgiving took place in 1621 between the Plymouth Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe http://www.havefunwithhistory.com/movies/thanksgiving.html – here's a look back at a Thanksgiving past. This educational film from the 1950s presents the reverence and preparation of a family holiday meal from a long-gone era http://www.history.com/videos/holidays-tha...g-turkey-pardon - in this video clip you will learn about the Thanksgiving tradition of pardoning the turkey that takes place at the White House Unit 3. Good health is above wealth. Lesson 2,3 What happened to Jane? - Как диета влияет на здоровье подростков? Где прочитать cоветы врачей, как подростку избежать проблем с лишним весом? Где найти рассказ подростка о таких проблемах и о том, как к нему относятся сверстники? - how a teenager's distorted body image can lead to serious health complications -- and all too often death. What are the warning signs? http://www.tv.com/video/10450632/helping-teens-get-slim - how the problem of adolescent obesity is solved in Los Angeles - 7 tips for overweight teenagers, how to reduce fat in adolescents, teen obesity problems http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman...icle1499935.ece – a video interview of the fattest teen in Britain Lesson 4. How can you burn calories? - Почему проблема лишнего веса у американских школьников считается проблемой №1 в Америке? В чем причина этой проблемы? Что сами дети думают по этому поводу? Как с этой проблемой борются американские врачи и диетологи? http://abcnews.go.com/Health/video/child-o...ty-rise-9990296 - Oregon researches tell about the reasons of childhood obesity http://www.icyou.com/topics/obesity/obesit...eens-stabilize+ - a video on childhood obesity in the USA – Michelle Obama speaks about childhood obesityhttp://jerseyshore.momslikeme.com/members/...&m=11829825 - Michelle Obama releases childhood obesity recommendations – an educational video on childhood obesity and its effects on children – how to help an overweight teen Lesson 5,6. «An apple a day keeps the doctor away» - Что входит в понятие “здоровое питание”? Что советуют врачи по поводу здорового питания подростков? Что должен кушать подросток, чтобы быть здоровым? Какие продукты самые низкокалорийные и полезные? - how to develop healthy eating habitshttp://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/hea...r-teens/6ar1sar - video tips about proper eating habits training http://www.livestrong.com/video/1717-healt...-choices-teens/ - learn more about healthy food choices for teens http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x63evp_10...ealthy-eating-a - here are 10 great tips to help you make healthy eating a habit for you and your kids Lesson 7. Don't forget your medical insurance — Где найти информацию о системе медицинского обслуживания и медицинского страхования в разных странах? Чем система медицины в Америке отличается от системы медицины других стран? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muSd9xw1qwo - an informational video about the Swedish healthcare system http://edition.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/vide...reland.cnn.html - a video examination of Ireland's healthcare system http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4546219n - CBS NEWS video about the French healthcare system http://edition.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/vide...thcare.cnn.html - how Norway's healthcare system works http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/healt...ref=videosearch - a look at the good and bad parts of Cuba's healthcare system http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/world...ref=videosearch - this video examines the healthcare system in Germany http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/besto...ref=videosearch - a video report about the healthcare system in Britain http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/healt...ref=videosearch - a video about Japan's highly regulated healthcare system http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/healt...ref=videosearch - the healthcare system in Australia http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/besto...ref=videosearch – a video report about the healthcare system in Austria http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/20...ref=videosearch - the health care system in China http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/besto...ref=videosearch – a look at healthcare in Greece http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/besto...ref=videosearch – the healthcare system in India http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/besto...ref=videosearch – this film takes a look at Mexico's healthcare system http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/healt...ref=videosearch - how the Canadian healthcare system fares compared to the U.S http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/besto...ref=videosearch - How satisfied are Americans with the healthcare system they have? Lesson 8,9. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson — Где найти биографию первого президента США Дж.Вашингтона? Каковы причины события под названием “Boston Tea Party” и почему оно так называется? Где прочитать биографию Т.Джефферсона? Кто подготовил проект декларации независимости США и что она провозглашала? Где найти информацию о президентах А.Линкольне и Т.Рузвельте, список всех президентов США? http://www.history.com/shows/america-the-s...orge-washington - a video film about George Washington - a video biography of George Washington in three parts, part 1 - a video biography of George Washington in three parts, part 2 - a video biography of George Washington in three parts, part 3http://www.havefunwithhistory.com/activities/btp.html - a slide show on the Boston Tea Party (1773) http://www.havefunwithhistory.com/activities/btp.html - a short one minute video about the Boston Tea Party http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=68387 - Thomas Jefferson biography http://www.history.com/videos/jeffersons-p...sidential-style – Jefferson's presidential style http://www.history.com/videos/jefferson-wr...of-independence - Jefferson writes of the Declaration of Independence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYyttEu_NLU...feature=related – an educational video about the Declaration of Independence http://www.history.com/videos/july-4-1776-...es-independence - a short video clip on July 4,1776 - the day when the independence of the United States of America from Great Britain and its king was proclaimed http://www.havefunwithhistory.com/movies/declaration.html - the first few lines of the Declaration of Independence set to music; it makes it fun and easy to learn a bit of this very important document http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B73vkTeL_g - a video about Abraham Lincoln’s presidency http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?t...;video_id=33768 - the life and times of Theodore Roosevelt - the 44 Presidents of the USA Unit 4. Do your parents understand you? Lesson 3,4. What do his parents want him to do? - Каковы причины конфликтов родителей и детей? Какие советы и рекомендации дают психологи подросткам и их родителям, чтобы избежать проблем в семье и как с ними справиться, если они есть? Конфликтовали ли родители с детьми в прежние времена и как эти конфликты разрешались? http://www.videojug.com/interview/parentin...family-conflict - What is a conflict? How to prevent and resolve it? - seven keys to resolving family conflictshttp://videos.howstuffworks.com/health/hum...vior-videos.htm - 10 quick and easy ways to resolve sibling and parent-child conflicts http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3...06882005314199# - a 1950s video film shows a conflict between six teenagers and their respective parents http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3...738418417139546 - how to manage teen conflict Lesson 7. The Battle of Gettysburg - Где найти информацию о битве при Геттисберге? Где установлен памятник, посвященный этой битве? Где получить дополнительные сведения о гражданской войне в Америке? Где мы можем узнать о Гражданской Войне в России? http://www.history.com/videos/the-battle-o...e-of-gettysburg - a video about the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the main confrontations of the Civil War http://www.history.com/videos/this-day-in-...gettysburg-ends - the results of the Battle of Gettysburg - a 9-minute clip about the US Civil War Battle - a video tour of the Virginia Memorial, the monument dedicated to the Virginia soldiers who fought in Gettysburg http://www.havefunwithhistory.com/HistoryS...anCivilWar.html - the American Civil war – watch video films dedicated to this period in American history http://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-The-...-1865-117509087 - learn about the American Civil War (1861-1865), part 1 http://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-The-...-1865-117509108 - learn about the American Civil War (1861-1865), part 1 http://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-The-...d-Map-117507020 - learn the history of the American Civil War and Map – a documentary video on Russia’s Civil War Lesson 8,9. Welcome to Washington — Где взять инфорамцию о столице США Вашингтоне и какими достопримечательностями знаменит этот город? Где найти видеоинформацию об упоминаемых в текстах и на иллюстрациях местах и музеях - the White House, the Capitol, the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, museums at the Smithsonian Institution? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa2ScneH1XE - Washington D.C. Travel guide - top 5 attractions of Washington D.C. http://www.earthcam.com/search/ft_search.p...p;x=76&y=11 - enjoy spectacular views of important Washington DC landmarks, including the US Capitol, the Washington Monument, etc. – a White House 3D Tour with narrationhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxG4Y_KCBWg...feature=related – inside the Obama White House, video in 12 parts, Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF7YoGQnIsk...feature=related - inside the Obama White House, video in 12 parts, Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8HzIOZaV34...feature=related - inside the Obama White House, video in 12 parts, Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZaUSNE_dOE...feature=related - inside the Obama White House, video in 12 parts, Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz4awgS3FKI...feature=related - inside the Obama White House, video in 12 parts, Part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxLe3FmQLcs...feature=related - inside the Obama White House, video in 12 parts, Part 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuUUKVfjU-Q...feature=related - inside the Obama White House, video in 12 parts, Part 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFW0InNSHik...feature=related - inside the Obama White House, video in 12 parts, Part 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnO6b0EzvO0...feature=related - inside the Obama White House, video in 12 parts, Part 9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui4rZ61JsaE...feature=related - inside the Obama White House, video in 12 parts, Part 10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uURE70Jm4Sw...feature=related - inside the Obama White House, video in 12 parts, Part 11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG1zhoV5gXk...feature=related - inside the Obama White House, video in 12 parts, Part 12 http://freetubetv.net/index.php?view=9d2Vid2FzaA – a live webcam feed showing the outside of the United States Capitol building in Washington D.C. – a history of the U.S. Capitol in Washington DC http://www.5min.com/Video/The-Washington-Monument-170996573 - in this short history video you can learn about the Washington Monument, why it was built and when http://vimeo.com/10595218 - this video reveals the secret of the Washington Monument http://www.evtv1.com/player.aspx?itemnum=13903 - a video about the history of America's greatest monument, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xc3nwt_th...tours_lifestyle - a tour of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial http://www.evtv1.com/player.aspx?itemnum=13891 - a short video on the Lincoln Memorial http://www.5min.com/Video/Visit-the-Lincol...on-DC-275656445 - a visit to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. – a video guide to Smithsonian museums Unit 5. Going down Hollywood Boulevard... Lesson 1,2. Welcome to Los Angeles — Чем знаменит Лос-Анджелес? Где находятся Beverly Hills и Malibu? Что такое Rodeo Drive? Что располагается на Hollywood Boulevard? Как совершить короткое видео путешествие по студиям Голливуда? Какова история премии «Оскар»? Как проходит церемония вручения премии «Оскар», где найти фотографии и видео с церемонии вручения? - a quick look at the city of Los Angeles - a Los Angeles city tourhttp://www.5min.com/Video/Beverly-Hills---...fornia-23297612 - a video about Beverly Hills http://www.geobeats.com/videoclips/united-...-angeles/malibu - a Los Angeles guide tells about Malibu - a short video about a beautiful day in Rodeo Drive, the world famous shopping street in Beverly Hills http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x47xwn_ho...ard-tour_travel - a Hollywood Boulevard video tour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SchWYRSD1v0...feature=related - Disney's Hollywood Studios overview - a report about Warner Bros Studio - here's a quick tour of Paramount Studios http://www.oscar.com/redcarpet/ - information about how the Oscar ceremony is held, including photos and videos Lesson 3,4. What's on today? - Какие существуют жанры кино и где найти краткие описания основных из них? Какова сотня самых знаменитых фильмов за всю историю кинематографа? http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/j...ppt-powerpoint/ - a PowerPoint presentation on film genres http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3hth9_rvfg - 100 best movies ever made (1922-2006) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnlWk6HdY5g...feature=related - 50 best movies since 2000 Lesson 6. The secret of success — Где найти биографию Дж.Роулинг? Где посмотреть интервью с этой писательницей? - everything you need to know about JK Rowling in 5 minutes - a J.K.Rowling interview for Today Show Lesson 9. The history of American flag — Как проследить историю создания американского флага? Какое значение у изображений и цветов американского флага? Где посмотреть карту США онлайн? Где найти интерактивные игры и песни, чтобы запомнить названия и столицы всех штатов? - 2 American schoolgirls tell about the meanings of the colours and symbols of the US flaghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sExcCSE-dlQ - this video shows the 28 flags that have been used officially by USA - 50 US States and capitals set to musichttp://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games.htm — USA geographical games — over 38 online map games to teach capitals, state locations, also including some information on the US culture, history http://www.mapsofworld.com/usa/ - online map of the United States, maps of all 50 states of USA Unit 6.What are you going to do in summer? Lesson 3,4. It would be nice to have a summer job — Какая работа для школьников существует в США? В каких сферах деятельности подростки имеют право работать? Как подростку найти работу на летнее время и почему найти такую работу в Америке становится все труднее? http://studio5.ksl.com/index.php?nid=54&sid=10575565 - a manager of Salt Lake County Youth Employability Services has some tips to help teens land a summer job http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5066875n - how American teenagers struggle to find jobs - watch this video on how to find a summer job http://www.ksl.com/index.php?sid=6756575 - how a summer job on the road may be dangerous for teens http://batavia.ynn.com/content/all_news/ro...looking-bright/ - why are summer jobs for teens becoming harder to come by? Lesson 7. An accident in Death Valley — Чем знаменит Death Valley National Park? - a Death Valley National Park video triphttp://www.desertusa.com/video_pages/death-valley.html - a Death Valley National Park overview video http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/slideshow/death-...tremes-10326041 - a slide show with subtitles on Death Valley National Park Lesson 8. Faces on Mount Rushmore — Где найти информацию о Mount Rushmore? Как создавался памятник четырем президентам США? - a video visit to the National Monument in South Dakota, Mount Rushmore - two young girl give us interesting information on the building of Mt. Rushmore http://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-About-the-...hmore-304219036 - learn about the Great American Landmark Mount Rushmore Lesson 9. The treasure — Как создавался памятник Бешеному Коню и чему именно он посвящен? Где получить информацию о the Battle of Wounded Knee, которая произошла в 1890 году? http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category.../e65387bqDAKZzG - an informational video on the world's largest sculpture - the Crazy Horse Memorial, now in progress - the Crazy Horse Memorial documentary, Part 1 - the Crazy Horse Memorial documentary, Part 2http://www.havefunwithhistory.com/movies/woundedKnee.html – a history video on the Battle of Wounded Knee that was the last armed conflict between the Great Sioux Nation and the United States of America and of the Indian Wars - one more video about the Battle of Wounded Knee
  18. Добрый вечер, дорогие коллеги! Не так давно поймала себя на мысли, что чем больше провожу времени в Интернете, тем больше понимаю, сколько полезного и интересного можно там ещё найти. Пришла идея сделать каталог ссылок на видео-ресурсы к учебнику Enjoy English для 11 класса. Конечно, не всегда есть время (а его обычно катастрофически не хватает) и возможность использовать видео на уроке, но по своим ученикам знаю, насколько им это интересно. Работа по поиску видео-материалов оказалась довольно трудоемкой, так что, уважаемые коллеги, если будут какие-то дополнения ,новые идеи и ресурсы к этой работе, то с удовольствием приму все ваши предложения. Как всегда неоценимую помощь в редактировании моей работы оказал Алексей Васильевич Конобеев. Дополнительная видео-информация к учебнику Enjoy English для 11 класса Unit 1. What do young people face in society today? Section 1. World languages: local and global? - Где найти видео-информацию о том, где распространен английский язык в мире? Как развивается и в каких областях используется английский язык? Где взять видео с примерами различных акцентов английского языка? - a video and song about 30 countries with about a million (or more) speakers of English — a short video with subtitles about English as a world language – the Story of English video part 1 – the Story of English video part 2 – the Story of English video part 3 – the Story of English video part 4 – the Story of English video part 5 – the Story of English video part 6 - «An English speaking world» video episodes tell about development of modern English, and illustrate English as the language of choice for technology, diplomacy, business and popular culture – a short video tour of 21 accents of English from UK to Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, France, Australia, New Zealand and North America. – a video sample of Standard British (RP) accent – a video sample of Standard American accent – a video sample of Cockney accent – a video sample of Australian accent – a video sample of Indian accent Section 2. Living in a global village — Как расшифровать понятие «глобализация»? Каковы её положительные и отрицательные стороны? Что пропагандирует движение анти-глобалистов? Где посмотреть видео о том, как проходят демонстрации анти-глобалистов? — a video on what globalisation really meanshttp://teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video...s_globalisation — a short video where students tell about what globalisation is — a documentary video on how people resist corporate globalisation Section 3. Are you aware of your rights? - Что провозглашает конвенция ООН по правам ребенка? Где найти видеоинформацию о UNICEF, о деятельности этой организации? http://www.teachers.tv/video/38166 – pupils of West Hill Primary School in London talk about the rights given to them by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – a short animated video on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – a video about UNICEF, how this organisation fights for every child's rights – how UNICEF helps children living in poverty – UNESCO statistics of children in need, how it supports them Section 5. Feeling safe - Как долго сохраняется мусор в природе и как он влияет на окружающую среду? Как проводится International Cleanup Day и как можно присоединиться к этой акции в качестве волонтера? Как нужно правильно сортировать домашний мусор? Что провозглашает Киотский протокол и какие страны его подписали? Какие законы приняты в разных странах о запрещении использования мобильных телефонов во время вождения? — a video on how non-biodegradable products impact on the environment and how to keep our planet clean and healthy — a video on what International Cleanup Day is, how it's held and how to take part in it as volunteerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjbSEIOUp4w...feature=related — top 10 tips to help you recycle more and cut down your waste — a video project on the Kyoto Protocol, what it declares, all facts about the Kyoto Protocol - a list of noble countries that have signed the Kyoto Protocolhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsFeHfnDa84 – a short educational video about the danger of driving while talking on the cell phone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4_-cOP0R1A – video news on how the governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger banned talking on a handheld cell phone and texting while driving Progress check — Где найти дополнительную видеоинформацию об этнической группе, живущей в Ирландии - Irish travellers? Какие права провозглашает Всеобщая Декларация Прав Человека? – a video with descriptions about the Irish travellers - UN Human Rights chief, Navi Pillay Pillay urges the world to fight against discrimination on Human Rights Day 2009 – a short video dedicated to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Unit 2. The job of your dreams Section 1. Choosing a profession — Как выбрать подходящую профессию? Какие профессии будут самыми популярными в новом тысячелетии? Где посмотреть видео-интервью подростков об их планах на будущее, о том, какой они видят свою будущую профессию? Как люди представляют работу своей мечты? — video advice on how to choose a future careerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNeIVqaIQeY...feature=related — top careers of the future http://www.teachers.tv/video/24605 - a video of a Year 10 pupil, who explains how she is planning to undertake further education in law and run her own business http://www.teachers.tv/video/24604 - in this video podcast a Year 10 pupil speaks of his aspirations of being a wealthy accountant http://teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video...areerNoodle_com - a short video where working professionals speak about their dream jobs Section 2. What happens after school? - Где найти видеоинформацию самых знаменитых университетах мира? Какие университеты находятся на территории Британии и где посмотреть видео-фильмы о них ? — a video guide to Cambridge University — a short video about Oxford Universityhttp://www.youtube.com/user/harvard?blend=...29DFCA141A94A81 — Harvard University videos http://www.unionview.com/ - a collection of video films about over a hundred universities in Britain, each film includes introduction, students' interviews, information about campus, studying, accommodation, food, clubs and societies, cost of living, etc. Section 3. Final assessment - Как эффективно подготовиться к экзамену? Как справиться с волнением и стрессом во время экзамена и в период подготовки к нему? Где найти видеосоветы для подростков, как разумно планировать свое время? Как родители могут помочь ребенку научиться планировать свое время? – here's advice of a psychologist on how to prepare for an exam effectivelyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHx9xEhRM6k...feature=related – the Exams Doctor answers a question about how to cope with exam stress http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_dgBS67U3s...feature=related – some tips on how long to revise for exams and when to take a break http://www.teachers.tv/video/32627 – an exam expert shares some time-saving tips and expert advice with teachers on how to help students handle GCSE exams, before, during and after this day http://www.teachers.tv/video/26935 – how volunteer students from Years 12 and 13 at the West Yorkshire college help the Year 11s prepare for GCSE examinations and advise on issues such as exam technique - teenagers describe how they prepared themselves for their GCSCs, overcame stress and built the confidence to sit their examshttp://www.teachers.tv/video/3108 - an expert in time management provides a student with more tips on how to plan her time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKo8QWNBM3s – a video lecture on time management for University Students http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9gqcA20V0E – a helpful video for parents on how to teach a child time-management skills Section 4. Are there any alternatives to modern technology — Какие формы дистанционного обучения сегодня используются? Каковы главные принципы дистанционного образования? Как в некоторых школах Англии используют электронное обучение ? – some facts about distance learning, introduction of WebCT - an online virtual learning environment system that is used in many colleges and institutions for e-learning – presentation on 10 main principles in distance educationhttp://www.teachers.tv/video/172 - in this video film the vice-principal of Eggbuckland Community College in Plymouth, talks about how the school uses e-learning in education Unit 3. Heading for better new world? Section 1. How dependent are you on modern technology? - Какие современные и уникальные технологии будут использоваться в будущем? Как эти технологии смогут изменить жизнь человека? Как можно представить себе дом будущего? Как он будет выглядеть? Какими современными техническими приспособлениями он будет наполнен? Как будет выглядеть автомобиль будущего? – a video on the best future technology of 2007 – amazing future technology from Japan – this is a short video on “Technology in the future” made by a college studenthttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8046659.stm — a video about Microsoft's «future home» - how the company plans to incorporate technology into more areas of life – General Electric future concept for kitchen – a video on what cars will look like in the future Section 2. Extraordinary minds - Где взять дополнительную видеоинформацию к фотографиям и иллюстрациям урока? Каких детей называют гениями? Где найти видеофильмы о них, в каких областях они себя проявили? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiaIt_5fIWE — a video podcast on I.K Brunel and the Thames Tunnel - evening to night time-lapse of Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol — a short video film about a boy-genius from Russia who shocked scientists with his findings in astronomyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASiKNJyM874 — an interesting video on how a child prodigy teaches future teachers at Ball State University (USA) http://media.smh.com.au/sport/vancouver-20...st-1161063.html — a video film about a ten-year-old boy from USA who demonstrates his talents for music, gumnastic and especially for figure skating Section 3. Science or fraud? - Где посмотреть видео-наблюдения НЛО? - NASA's alien anomalies caught on the filmhttp://alien-ufo-research.com/ufo_videos/ - UFO videos with brief descriptions Section 4. To clone or not to clone? - С чего началась история клонирования? Каковы главные её этапы? Кто был первым клоном? Где найти истории, фотографии, видео о клонировании? Каковы аргументы «за» и «против» клонирования человека? – top 15 notable animal clonings – a video on how to clone animalshttp://www.globalchange.com/noclones.htm - reasons against cloning – video and articles http://videos.howstuffworks.com/discovery/...oning-video.htm - bioethicists talk about the prospect of human cloning in this Discovery News video http://www.newser.com/tag/8392/1/cloning.html - find video, pictures, news, stories, facts about cloning Section 5. Old or modern: Medicine as a new technology — Какие пищевые продукты считаются генно-модифицированными? Как относятся к проблеме здорового питания в британских школах? Что должен кушать подросток, чтобы быть здоровым? Как помочь детям с избыточным весом научиться правильно питаться? Как нанатехнологии используют в различных сферах? Какие нанотехнологии используются в области медицины сегодня и как они могут помочь в будущем? – an educational video on genetically modified food issueshttp://video.au.msn.com/watch/video/prince...debate/xd0hi3f– a video report on how Prince Charles enters genetic food debate http://www.teachers.tv/video/5380 - a look at how eating in British schools becomes healthier - a short video on how to develop healthy eating habitshttp://www.howcast.com/videos/262448-How-T...Overweight-Teen – an animated video for parents on how to help an overweight teen http://www.authorstream.com/presentation/a...ppt-powerpoint/ - some presentation dedicated to using of nanotechnology in different spheres – an educational video journey into nanotechnology, how it's used for the fight against cancer Section 6. Modern technologies and the environment — Какие основные экологические проблемы существуют во всем мире? Как эти проблемы влияют на здоровье и развитие человечества? Где найти видео, созданные школьниками и учителями о том, как заботиться об окружающей среде? http://ourenglishclassblog-cef.blogspot.co...-post_8833.html - a video about environmental problems http://ecological-problems.blogspot.com/20...-all-about.html – an article + video about one of the main ecological problem, global warming – this video created by a student for school presentation provides many pictures and some general facts of the effects of air pollution http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-992846077964504309# - a video for students about global environmental issues http://www.savetheplanetsong.org/ - a video and a song created by two teachers from Illinois, dedicated to saving the planet http://www.yourdiscovery.com/video/ways-to...-wind-turbines/ - watch some videos on Ways to Save the Planet from Discovery Channel Section 7. Let's get digital — Как появился Интернет? Каковы польза и вред Интернета? Где найти видео-советы о том, как научить ребенка пользоваться Интернетом без ущерба для здоровья? http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/video...he_internet.php - an animated documentary "History of the internet" explaining the inventions of Internet http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4859057598999134684# - a video on Dicovering the Internet: The History of the Internet –a short video about the benefits of the Internet – this video of common sense tips and rules for families to help keep their children safe onlinehttp://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/course/ - a free BBC's online course teaching you everything you need to know about the Internet http://teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video...afety_for_Teens – a video on Internet safety for teen Unit 4. Where are you from? Section 1. City versus country — Где посмотреть в режиме онлайн-съемки видео самых красивых мест на земле? Какой можно представить себе жизнь в будущем, как будут выглядеть будущие города, здания, транспорт и т.д.? http://www.camvista.com/- live webcam views of the some of the world's favourite places http://www.earthcam.com/ - this network of live webcams offers a comprehensive search engine of internet cameras from around the world http://www.cnbc.com/id/30584321/The_World_...es_To_Live_2009 — a slideshow of the world's best places to live 2009 with brief descriptions — a video about the life in the future from 2100 to 4000 Section 2. What hobbies do you prefer? - Какие хобби предпочитают современные учителя? Чем они увлекаются? Бывают ли у них какие-то необычные хобби, увлечения? Как советовали подросткам проводить свое свободное время в 50-х годах прошлого столетия? Как подростки сейчас предпочитают проводить свое свободное время? http://www.teachers.tv/video/3181 – a video film about the talents of teachers from Great Britain who do remarkable things outside of the classroom http://www.teachers.tv/video/3177 – one more short video film about two school teachers with unusual hobbies – a 1950s instructional film on how teenagers should spend their free time – a short video telling how teenagers spend their free time playing in a jazz orchestra Section 3. My circle of friends - Где найти видео-советы о том, как подростку научиться приобретать друзей и дружить? Как научиться быть хорошим другом? http://www.ehow.com/video_4975093_be-good-friend.html– a free video on friendship skills with tips from a psychologist – video advice on how to make friends in high schoolhttp://www.howcast.com/videos/613-How-To-Be-a-Good-Friend – a video on how to be a good friend Section 5. Keeping traditions — Где найти рассказы об особенных семейных традициях и обычаях? Где просмотреть видео выпускного бала в одной из школ США? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxhkWOy21ss — some examples of special family traditions - Brookwood high school graduation ceremony and graduation party
  19. Уважаемые коллеги! Спешу поделиться с вами очередным каталогом интернет-ресурсов. На этот раз - к учебнику Enjoy English для 9 класса. Учебный год в разгаре и поэтому работа по его созданию шла не очень быстро, зато очень интересно. Сама открыла для себя много новой и любопытной информации. Теперь я более подкована по многим темам и надеюсь, смогу ответить на многие вопросы моих ребят и разнообразить свои уроки. Спасибо за неоценимые советы и практическую помощь А.В.Конобееву. Unit 1. Families and Friends: Are we happy together? Section 1. Holidays are a time for adventures and discoveries – Как подростки проводят летние каникулы в разных странах? Как провести их с пользой и без ущерба для здоровья? Где найти рассказ подростка о том, как он провел свои каникулы? Где взять дополнительную информацию о Великой Китайской Стене, Стоунхендже, пирамиде Хеопса, Эйфелевой башне, Голливуде? Где найти виртуальные туры по этим местам? http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/sum...teens-3003.html — some tips on summer holiday activities for teenagers http://www.familyholidayideas.com/summer-h...y-teenagers.php – summer holiday destinations ideas for teenagers – information and tips http://www.visitbritain.com/en/things-to-s.../teenagers.aspx – adventure holidays and summer camps for teens in Britain http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/familyho...-teenagers.html —advice for parents on 10 top holidays with teenagers http://www.yobserver.com/reports/10014528.html — an article on how Yemeni children spend their summer holidays in Internet cafes http://www.wikihow.com/Enjoy-Summer-As-a-Teenager —steps to enjoy summer as a teenager http://www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchang...ing_holiday.cfm — information about how American teenagers spend their summer holidays http://www.theprovince.com/life/parenting/...2449/story.html — Canadian psychologists discuss why kids are often over-scheduled during summer holidays http://kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/sch...mmer_blahs.html — some tips for surviving summer break without health hazard http://www.pkunews.org/travel/travel10.htm — the story of two teen friends from Germany and New Mexico about their summer holidays http://www.pep.com.cn/ge/xszx/xzxk/200408/...0828_118407.htm - a Chinese student describes his/her summer holidays http://www.bbc.co.uk/birmingham/students/2.../holidays.shtml - an older student tells about her trip to Milan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Wall_of_China - encyclopaedia entry about the Great Wall of China http://www.thebeijingguide.com/great_wall_...hina/index.html — a virtual tour of the Great Wall of China http://www.buzzle.com/articles/interesting...wall-china.html – interesting facts about the Great Wall of China http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonehenge - encyclopaedia entry about Stonehenge http://www.stonehenge.co.uk/ - a guide to Stonehenge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pyramid_of_Giza - encyclopaedia entry about the Great Pyramid of Giza (the Pyramid of Cheops) http://www.suziemanley.com/inside_cheops.htm — a virtual tour inside the Great Pyramid http://www.tour-eiffel.fr/teiffel/uk/ - the official site of the Eiffel Tower, involves 500 pages , 1000 illustrations, virtual visits and videos http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiffel_Tower - encyclopaedia entry about the Eiffel Tower http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood,_Lo...les,_California - encyclopaedia entry about Hollywood http://www.hollywoodusa.co.uk/ - a guide to Hollywood including information about its celebrities and tourist attractions Section 2. Family and friends? No problem! - Какие основные проблемы существуют у подростков в семье? Какие проблемы взаимоотношений существуют между родителями и подростками? Какие самые распространенные претензии родителей по отношению к детям и наоборот? Где найти советы психолога, как разрешать конфликты родителей и детей? Что для подростков важнее: семья или друзья? Должны ли родители вмешиваться в отношения подростка и его друзей? Где прочитать истории подростков об их проблемах в отношениях с родителями? Что думают подростки о дружбе? Как научиться приобретать друзей и дружить? Где найти рассказ подростка о своем лучшем друге/подруге? Возможна ли настоящая дружба между мальчиком и девочкой ? Где прочитать высказывания знаменитых людей о дружбе? Как быть хорошим другом? Какие символы и сокращения используются для написания сообщений? http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/Parents/fight.html - this short article explains why teens have arguments with their parents so often and what reasons for these arguments are http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/famil...to_parents.html - this article explains to teenagers the benefits of communicating with parents and other adults about difficult everyday problems and situations http://www.troubledteensguide.com/ - a website dedicated to most frequent teenage problems in the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia http://www.thefunplace.com/guild/teen01.html — an article about the relationships between parents and children in US http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/05...-their-parents/ - information about the relationships between teenagers and their parents in Canada http://www.realfamiliesrealfun.com/kw/ - a modern information source for kids and parents to help make family time happy http://www.more4kids.info/598/improving-pa...-relationships/ - advice for improving the relationship between parents and teens http://www.byparents-forparents.com/rebuil...rust-part1.html —advice on how to rebuild trust between parents and teens http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...your.html?cat=7 — some recommendations for teens on how to improve their life by improving relationship with parents http://www.socialpacks.com/2007/12/13/9-ti...th-the-parents/ - 9 tips to improve a child's relationship with the parents http://www.enotalone.com/article/9765.html — an article on how parents should treat their teen's friends http://www.teengrowth.com/index.cfm?action...ID_article=1243 — useful information and advice for teens on how to maintain good relations with friends and family http://www.blurtit.com/forandagainst/What_...mily_or_friends — teens’ interview on whether friends are more important for them than family http://www.abcdparenting.org/index.php?opt...load&cid=43 — information for parents about why friends are so important for teens http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/206842...ends/index.html — an article on how parents can help their teens choose good friends http://psychcentral.com/lib/2006/tips-for-parents-of-teens/ - tips for parents on how to enter into good relations with a teen and his/her friends http://felixker.com/daily-rants/my-family-...me-im-very-sad/ - a teenager from Malaysia tells about a difficult relationship with the parents http://psychcentral.com/ask-the-therapist/...arents-hate-me/ - a teenager’s question to a psychologist why his parents hate him and the doctor's advice http://www.dearcupid.org/question/my-paren...understand.html — a 13-year-old girl from the USA tells how her parents don't understand her and gets the readers' advice http://kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/sch...d_comments.html — what it means for teens to be a friend, teens’ short stories about their friends http://www.teengrowth.com/index.cfm?action...ID_article=1342 — some advice for teens about making and keeping friends http://www.maturita.cz/anglictina/bestfriend.htm – a short story about the best friend, written by a pupil http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2004/10/13/221835/39 – a student’s essay ”My Best Friend” http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/82505.html – a collection of ”My friend” essays http://www.blurtit.com/forandagainst/can_a..._boy_and_a_girl — people's views on the problem of friendship between a boy and a girl http://www.theromantic.com/lovequotes/friendship.htm — famous friendship quotes http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Friend — some ways on how to be a good friend http://behavioural-psychology.suite101.com...friends_forever — information about health benefits of friendship and 6 ways to be a good friend http://teenadvice.about.com/library/teenqu...dfriendquiz.htm — a quick and easy quiz to figure out what kind of friend you are http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Makes-A-Goo...?&id=745680 — an article about what makes a good friend http://teens.lovetoknow.com/Text_Message_Symbols — the list presents some of the most commonly used text messages symbols http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A765722 — short article about writing text messages http://www.bostonnightclubnews.com/textingsymbols/index.html — here you can find the meaning of text abbreviations, acronyms, text symbols and emotions used in text messages, SMS, chat rooms Section 3. Is it easy to live apart from the family? - Как подростку научиться жить самостоятельно, отдельно от семьи? Что значит быть независимым? Как подростки понимают независимость? Как установить хорошие отношения с соседом по комнате в общежитии? Какие конфликты между подростками в таких случаях происходят и как их разрешить? http://www.ehow.com/how_2221504_prepare-ch...ependently.html — some advice for parents on how to prepare your child to live independently http://www.articlesbase.com/education-arti...tly-253435.html — an article about preparing teenagers to live independently http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/63681.php – information on how teens understand their independence and how to help them develop it without conflicts and distancing from their families http://www.huckhouse.org/FromOurHouse/Independence.htm – an article about teenagers and independence, some recommendations for parents on how to teach independence http://www.ehow.com/how_2085946_encourage-...dependence.html – some tips on how to encourage teen independence http://www.yourteenager.co.uk/fostering-te...dependance.html – a short article about fostering teen independence http://parents.berkeley.edu/advice/teens/a...gquestions.html – advices, discussions and reviews on Teens' Independence http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roommate — encyclopaedia entry about roommates http://www.wikihow.com/Live-with-a-College...-Total-Opposite — some tips on how to live with a college roommate who ia a total opposite http://www.ecampustours.com/campuslife/liv...inaroommate.htm — qualities to look for in a roommate http://encarta.msn.com/college_article_cho...e_roommate.html — some advice on choosing a college roommate http://youngadults.about.com/u/ua/dormlife/worstroommate.htm — worst roommate stories http://www.college-admission-essay.com/roommatedisputes.html — common roommate disputes and how to solve them http://www.scholarships.com/Common-Roommate-Problems.aspx -- a short article about common roommate problems http://ohmyapt.apartmentratings.com/roommate-issues.html — useful information about how to handle roommate issues Section 4. Spending time together — Как подростки в разных странах предпочитают проводить свое свободное время? С какого возраста подростки имеют право получать водительские права в разных странах? Какие самые знаменитые авто-шоу в мире? Какие самые популярные и знаменитые марки автомобилей? http://bd.english.fom.ru/report/cat/societas/sport/ed022508 — the results of public opinion poll about teenagers' free time activities in Russia http://en.kioskea.net/actualites/us-teens-...-actualite.php3 — information about how US teens spend their free time http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/153960/ - a short article about how some teenagers from Sanford spent their free times http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1098365.html — an article on how some Israel teens spent the summer break volunteering http://family.samhsa.gov/set/freetime.aspx — how teenagers spend their time with friends, advice for parents on how to control them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driver's_license- encyclopaedia entry about driver's license http://www.2pass.co.uk/ages.htm — information about minimum driving ages in the UK, the USA and other countries of the world http://www.carwale.com/research/autoshows/ - information about the most famous auto shows in the world http://www.ridelust.com/the-50-most-famous-cars-of-all-time/ - the 50 most famous cars of all time Section 5. Out and about in Moscow — Какие самые популярные достопримечательности Москвы стоит увидеть? Какие театры, музеи и цирки есть в Москве? Где найти сайты московских цирков? Как живут животные в цирке? http://www.moscow-hotels-russia.com/sights.htm — places to see in Moscow http://goeasteurope.about.com/od/moscowtra...attractions.htm — Moscow attractions for children http://all-moscow.ru/theaters.en.html — all theatres of Moscow with links to their websites http://www.moscow-taxi.com/museums/index.asp — a list of major Moscow’s museums, with descriptions http://www.circusnikulin.ru/lang/eng/file/main/index.html — the website of the Old Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard http://all-moscow.ru/entert/mskfchld/bmc/ebmc.html — information about the Bolshoi Moscow Circus http://www.circusonice.ru/ - the website of the Moscow Circus on Ice http://www.rspca.org.uk/servlet/Satellite?...amp;pg=circuses — how RSPCA (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals) fights against using animals in circus http://www.idausa.org/facts/circusfacts.html — some facts about the life of animals in the circus Section 6. Dio you mind video and TV? - Где найти информацию о создании телевидения и его истории? Какие телевизионные жанры существуют? Какие телевизионные каналы самые популярные в Британии , России? Почему телевидение сейчас так популярно? В чем его достоинства и недостатки? Каковы аргументы «за» и «против» телевидения? Где прочитать историю мультипликации? Как создаются мультфильмы? Как написать сценарий фильма? Где можно прочитать образцы сценариев? http://www.freebase.com/view/tv/tv_genre – information about TV genres with their descriptions and examples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Television_genres – list of television genres with links to them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality_television - encyclopaedia entry about the genre of TV shows called "Reality TV" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_in...sion_Programmes - encyclopaedia entry about television in the UK, includes information about 100 greatest British TV Programmes http://www.mediauk.com/tv – a full directory of British television channels addresses and details http://www.russia-ic.com/business_law/Russian_companies/643/ - information about the most popular and highly-rated TV channels in Russia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_in_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about television in Russia http://www.russia.com/tv/ - a guide to Russian television, TV stations and channels http://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources...advantages.aspx — an opinion article about the advantages and disadvantages of television http://www.amuseline.com/what-everybody-sh...hing-television - what everybody should know about the advantages and disadvantage of watching television http://www.allfreeessays.com/topics/advant...ing-tv/0— a collection of essays on the advantages and disadvantage of watching TV http://animatedcartoons.blogspot.com/ - history of cartoons with video clips to watch online http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartoon - encyclopaedia entry about cartoons http://digitaldreamdoor.nutsie.com/pages/m..._animation.html - a list of 100 greatest animated cartoons http://ezinearticles.com/?Cartoons---How-T...e&id=180180 — a short article on how cartoons are made http://necromanc.blogspot.com/2007/07/how-...s-are-made.html — a about how cartoons are made http://www.sci.fi/~animato/cartoon/cartoon.html — an illustrated case on how an animated cartoon is made http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Feature-Film-Script — some tips on how to write a feature film script http://www.screenwriting.info/ - basic information on how to write a screenplay http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle3336775.ece — a short article on how to write a good script for a short film http://www.simplyscripts.com/movie.html - film scripts online http://www.imsdb.com./ - film scripts online http://www.script-o-rama.com/table.shtml - a comprehensive film scripts archive Unit 2. It's a big world! Start travelling now! Section 1. Why do people travel? - Почему многие люди так любят путешествовать? С чего началась история путешествий? Какие существуют способы, средства для путешествий? Какие из них самые необычные? Какие места на Земле самые загадочные и непредсказуемые? Где найти дополнительную информацию о Бермудском треугольнике? Где найти иллюстрированную информацию о трагедии Титаника? Какие фильмы были сняты на эту тему? Какие самые знаменитые путешественники? Где найти биографическую информацию о Беринге? http://ezinearticles.com/?Why-Do-People-Tr...?&id=749851 — a short article on why people travel http://ezinearticles.com/?10-Reasons-Why-P...&id=2710271 — 10 reasons why people travel http://www.articleclick.com/Article/Reason...e-World/1011053 — some reasons why people travel around the world http://www.bravenewtraveler.com/2007/09/17...-people-travel/ - a history of travelling, why people travel http://www.travelhistory.org/ - a website dedicated to the history of travel http://www.independenttraveler.com/resourc...mp;category=42- the 7 cheapest way to travel http://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/ch...-across-europe/ - some cheap ways to travel across Europe http://rides.webshots.com/album/560050476oMyRba — different means of transport in pictures http://www.adventure-travel-tales-and-tips..._transport.html — some alternative means of transport for adventure travel http://www.markermap.com/2008/09/top-10-wo...s-destinations/ - top 10 world's most mysterious destinations http://www.wired.com/video/mystery-spots/19837698001 — a video tour of the world's mysterious places http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bermuda_Triangle - encyclopaedia entry about the Bermuda Triangle http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8248334.stm — a BBC investigation uncovering the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSpqVpfFTAI — video about a mystery of the Bermuda Triangle http://www.discoverychannel.co.uk/titanic/_home/index.shtml — full information about the tragedy of the Titanic from Dicovery Channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpaqmow4WCQ — slide show about the history of the Titanic and its tragedy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_(1953_film) - encyclopaedia entry about the film ”Titanic”(1953) by J. Negulesco http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_(1997_film) - encyclopaedia entry about the film ”Titanic”(1997) by J. Cameron http://www.lonejourneys.com/famous.html —information about famous travellers http://www.forbestraveler.com/adventure/mo...ures-story.html — a short aticle about the world's most famous adventure travels, including Odysseus, Marco Polo, Lewis and Clark, Che Guevara, and more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitus_Bering - encyclopaedia entry about Vitus Bering http://www.vulkaner.no/t/kamchat/bering.html — illustrated information about the expeditions of Bering Section 2. Is it easier to travel nowadays? - Что необходимо обязательно взять с собой в дорогу путешественнику? Где найти информацию о структуре и об основных службах аэропорта? Какие аэропорты являются самыми крупными в Европе и мире? Какие правила существуют в аэропорту? Что запрещено ввозить в те или иные страны? Какими знаниями должен обладать каждый путешествующий за границу? http://essentialtravelguides.net/essential...r-travel-guide/ - 10 essential things for travel guide http://www.thetravelerszone.com/travel-ess...l-survival-kit/ - most essential things to include in a travel survival kit http://www.articlepool.com/essential+thing...vacation-148268 — essential things to remember while packing for a vacation http://www.hotels2stay.net/things-to-carry.html — essential things to carry while you travel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airport - encyclopaedia entry about the airport , its structure and services http://www.flyingabroad.co.uk/biggest-and-...-the-world.aspx – the biggest and busiest airports in the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World's_busiest_airport – information about the world's busiest airports http://www.atwonline.com/channels/routesAi...?articleID=1319 – Europe's biggest airports http://www.world-airport-codes.com/uk-top-20-airports.html – the 10 biggest UK airports (by total passenger numbers) in 2002 http://ezinearticles.com/?Guide-to-Russian...&id=2049802 – a guide to Russian airports http://studenttravel.about.com/od/planyour...ortsecurity.htm — airport security rules http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTrans...ravel/index.htm - information about UK flight services, in-flight safety, baggage rules , etc http://www.roadandtravel.com/airlines/airlinerules.htm - learn more about the latest in airline rules, security regulations http://1000tips4trips.com/travel-tips/Air_Travel/ - here you can find the answers to all questions about air travel http://www.independenttraveler.com/resourc....cfm?category=1 - air travel resources including airport security rules, airfare deals, tips for finding cheap airfare and much more http://travel.state.gov/travel/tips/tips_1232.html — tips for travelling abroad http://www.go-today.com/site_gtweb/tips-for-traveling.asp — some more tips for travelling abroad http://ezinearticles.com/?Handy-Tips-For-T...&id=2960094 — short article on handy tips for travelling abroad http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guid...ing_abroad.html — safety tips for travelling abroad http://www.ehow.com/topic_109_traveling-abroad.html — useful information for travelling abroad Section 3. Is travelling worth the effort and money? - Какие достоинства и недостатки у путешествий по турпутевке и путешествий самостоятельно? Какие путешествия являются самыми дорогими? Где найти список самых дорогих городов мира? Какие соревнования, конкурсы проводятся для людей, изучающих английский язык? http://www.lifestylechange4u.com/all-about-tour-package.html — all about tour package, its advantages and disadvantages http://www.shoppingtrolley.net/travel.shtml — an article about the pleasures and pitfalls of all-inclusive package holidays http://www.pure-adventures.com/tours/self-guided-tours.php — what is a self-guided tour, what are its advantages and disadvantages http://www.journeyetc.com/travel-destinati...e-destinations/ - the most expensive destinations http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/20...onomy-economics — the top 50 most expensive cities according to the Guardian http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learning...mpetition.shtml — information about a competition for English language learners organised by BBC http://www.ieera.org/assessment/English_Competitions.htm — information about the International English Language competition from IEERA (International English Education Research Association) Section 4. We are in a global village? - Где взять экономико-географическую информацию о Великобритании, США и России? Каковы неофициальные названия некоторых американских штатов и почему они так называются? Как выглядят государственные гербы Великобритании, США и России? Что символизируют их элементы? Какие цветы являются символами 4 частей Объединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии и какие легенды об этом существуют? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom - encyclopaedia entry about the United Kingdom http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/country_...les/1038758.stm - the United Kingdom profile http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/.../United-Kingdom — illustrated information about the United Kingdom from Britannica Online Encyclopedia http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/countr...les/1217752.stm - an overview, key facts and events, current news from the USA life http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_the_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about the geography of the United States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about the economic position of the USA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia - encyclopaedia entry about Russia, includes full economic geographical information http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3183.htm — Russia profile http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._state_nicknames — list of US state nicknames http://www.miketodd.net/encyc/statenicks.htm — the origin of American states’ nicknames http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_coat_of..._United_Kingdom - encyclopaedia entry about the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ions/motto.html — illustrated information about UK Royal coat of arms, what symbolizes each of its parts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Seal_of_the_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about the Great Seal of the United States, its history, design, symbolism http://www.homeofheroes.com/hallofheroes/1.../1bfc_seal.html - illustrated information about the Great Seal of the United States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about the current coat of arms of the Russian Federation http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ns/flowers.html – floral emblems of Britain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbols_of_th...the_Isle_of_Man — a list of main symbols of the United Kingdom http://blossomofflowers.com/flowersndashnationalsymbols.html –information about the floral symbols of some countries Unit 3. Can we learn to live in peace? Section 1. What is conflict? - Что такое конфликт и какова природа конфликта? Почему люди часто спорят друг с другом? Какие конфликты бывают? К чему приводят конфликты? Какие существуют способы избежать конфликта? Как разрешить конфликт? Каковы главные причины конфликтов родителей и детей? Где найти информацию о самых глобальных конфликтах XX века? Где прочитать сюжет драмы Шекспира «Ромео и Джульета»? Какие основные экологические проблемы существуют во всем мире? Как эти проблемы влияют на развитие человечества? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict - encyclopaedia entry about conflicts and types of conflicts http://www.ppu.org.uk/learn/conflict/st_conflict.html — an article about the conflict, its causes and issues, varieties of conflicts http://www.publicbookshelf.com/nonfiction/...text/conflict-1 — information about different kinds of conflict http://managementhelp.org/intrpsnl/basics.htm — the basics of conflict management http://www.kellyscientific.ru/web/ru/ksr/e...ngconflict.html — 12 rules on how to conquer conflicts http://www.kidshelpphone.ca/en/informed/su...?sec=3&sb=2 — an article about school conflicts, their types and how to avoid them http://www.co-operation.org/pages/conflict.html — an article about conflicts in schools, how to manage a school conflict constructively http://www.girlshealth.gov/relationships/conflict/index.cfm — examples of teen conflicts, how to deal with such conflicts http://www.abcdparenting.org/index.php?opt...load&cid=37 — what the causes of conflicts between parents and teenagers are http://www.mediate.com/articles/blythB1.cfm — an article dedicated to parent-teen conflicts and how to manage them reasonably http://parentingmethods.suite101.com/artic...tteen_conflicts - parent-teen conflicts — how to find calm solutions for them http://www.regentsprep.org/Regents/global/...flict/index.cfm —a website dedicated to global conflicts in human history with brief descriptions of each of them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_war - encyclopaedia entry about a world war http://www.online-literature.com/shakespea...meo_and_juliet/ - the plot of «Romeo and Juliet» by Shakespeare http://www.lenntech.com/environmental-problems.htm — a list of environmental problems and related issues http://www.essortment.com/all/whataresomeen_rqvf.htm — what some environmental problems are and how we can help http://www.lilith-ezine.com/articles/envir...l-Problems.html — an aticle about 7 major environmental problems http://library.thinkquest.org/26026/Enviro...ms_article.html - information about environmental problems and how they affect humanity http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2007...6/climatechange — the article tells how environmental failures 'put humanity at risk' Section 2. Conflict resolution — Почему происходят конфликты между братьями и сестрами? Что является причиной таких конфликтов? Как разрешать такие конфликты? Что советуют психологи по этому поводу? http://au.reachout.com/find/articles/confl...other-or-sister — conflicts between brothers and sisters: the causes and ways of solving them http://www.bukisa.com/articles/128289_how-...rom-palavrasorg — advice for parents on how to prevent conflicts between small children and older children at home http://www.healthyplace.com/relationships/...nds/menu-id-63/ - some ways to avoid fighting with a brothers or a sister http://parentingteens.suite101.com/article...g_relationships — an article about the importance of sibling relationships http://www.indianchild.com/parenting/famil...en_siblings.htm — some tips on how to cope with conflicts between siblings Section 3. Be tolerant and you will prevent conflicts — Какова деятельность ООН? Что провозглашает Декларация Прав Человека? Как предотвратить войны и конфликты на земле? Как расшифровать понятие «толерантность»? Почему толерантность особенно важна в современном обществе? Как научиться быть толерантным? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations - encyclopaedia entry about the United Nations http://www.un.org/en/index.shtml — the official site of the United Nations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Dec...of_Human_Rights - encyclopaedia entry about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) http://www.hrea.org/index.php?base_id=104&...ype=3&group — a summary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights http://www.alternet.org/story/11597/ - 10 things people can do to prevent war http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toleration - encyclopaedia entry about toleration, the origin of this notion, history http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/tolerance/ - what tolerance and intolerance are, what can be done to deal with intolerance http://www.wisdomquotes.com/cat_tolerance.html — a large collection of tolerance quotes http://personal-development.com/chuck/tolerance.htm — an article about teaching tolerance http://library.thinkquest.org/07aug/00117/...rtolerance.html — 40 tips for children for promoting tolerance Unit 4. Make your choice, make your life Section 1. It's time to think about your future career - Где прочитать рассказы, эссе подростков о планах на будущее, о выборе карьеры, профессии? Какие профессии сегодня самые популярные в мире? Какие профессии по данным на текущий год наиболее популярны в Америке, Канаде и Великобритании? Какие сферы деятельности наиболее привлекательны сегодня для молодежи в России? Какие существуют самые смешные и необычные профессии? Где найти профессиональные советы подросткам и их родителям о том, как выбирать будущую профессию? Что включает в себя GCSE examination? Как правильно написать резюме? Как подростки в разных странах проводят лето? Какая работа для школьников существует в США и др. странах? Какое количество рабочего времени в день для подростка установлено в США, Британии и других странах? В каких сферах деятельности подростки имеют право работать? http://skola.amoskadan.cz/s_aj/ajhtm/at/at11.htm — an essay on «My future plans» http://www.sciaga.pl/tekst/15659-16-my_future_plans — thoughts of a student from Poland about his future plans http://www.gvsu.edu/clas/index.cfm?id=F7BB...21BD313D17430A5 — future plans of some pupils http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=125989 – ”My future job/career” essay http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/100304.html – an essay ”My future goals” http://www.freeessays.cc/db/18/erk48.shtml – an example of an essay on choosing a career http://www.articlesbase.com/college-and-un...ay-1045280.html – an article about the most popular professions of today http://www.jabulela.com/politics-business/...rofession-today – a list of the most popular professions of today http://www.fastcompany.com/articles/2007/0..._jobs_2007.html – a list of top jobs in 2007 http://www.alec.co.uk/free-career-assessme...lar-careers.htm – the top ten most popular careers for 2009 in the US, Canada and the UK http://bd.english.fom.ru/report/cat/az/P/p...ssion/eof992504 – what spheres of activities are popular among today's young people in Russia http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2009/01/26/am...t-unusual-jobs/ - America's most unusual jobs http://www.bspcn.com/2007/10/19/top-10-mos...ollege-degrees/ - top 10 most unusual college degrees http://careerplanning.about.com/cs/choosin...ight_career.htm – tips to help choose a right career http://www.howtochooseacareer.com/ - help in choosing a career http://choosing-careers.suite101.com/artic...e_a_career_path – four ways to decide what career is right for a person http://homeschool-graduation.suite101.com/...choose_a_career – how to help a teen choose the right career – advice for parents http://careerplanning.about.com/od/advicef...and_Parents.htm – career advice for children, teens and parents http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Certi...ndary_Education - encyclopeadia entry about the GCSE qualification http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/english/ - index for the GCSE English exams http://jobsearch.about.com/od/curriculumvi...culum_Vitae.htm — useful information on how to write a CV (Curriculum Vitae), including CV samples, examples and templates http://www.ehow.com/how_15747_write-curriculum-vitae.html — instructions on how to write a CV http://www.soon.org.uk/cvpage.htm - advice on writing a CV, types of CVs, cover letters, job & career applications, decision-making for students and an international student help page http://www.uticaod.com/business/x188589332...mmer-on-the-job — an article on how American teens spend summer working http://www.pamf.org/news/community/1108sodahkids.html — how students spend summer writing for web sites http://www.kval.com/news/50546702.html — a short article on how teenagers spend their summer vacations farming to help feed people in need http://www.gotajob.com/brain-food/article/...jobs-for-teens/ - which are classic summer jobs for teenagers? Read the article to find out. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/7...ens.html?cat=31 – summer jobs popular with teenagers http://www.teenjobsection.com/summerjobs.php - advice for teenagers on how to make their summer job work for them http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/youth/summerjobs/ - what the most popular job with teenagers of US are, advice from the United States Department of Labor on safety in teen summer jobs http://jobsearch.about.com/od/employmentla...ildlaborlaw.htm — information about child labour law from the Federal Government of the US, which restricts when children can work and what jobs they can do http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/teenworkers/questions.html — frequently asked questions about teens’ jobs http://www.howtogermany.com/faq/faq-youth-labor.php — information about youth labour laws in Germany http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa54...4/ai_n21351045/ - an article about teens employment in the United Kingdom Section 2. Why are stereotypes harmful? - Что входит в понятие «стереотип»? Какие бывают стереотипы? Каковы самые распространенные стереотипы ? Где посмотреть презентацию на эту тему? Какие существуют стереотипные представления о разных странах и национальностях? Где найти видео-примеры о стереотипах? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereotype - encyclopeadia entry about stereotypes http://the_english_dept.tripod.com/stereo2.htm — definition of the notion «stereotype» http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5...ould.html?cat=4 - learn what stereotypes are, and how to spot them in other people http://stopstereotyping06.tripod.com/id10.html — different types of stereotyping http://jeffreyhill.typepad.com/english/files/Stereotypes.ppt. - the presentation «Stereotypes» http://www.oppapers.com/essays/Types-Stere...-Writing/188418 — a research paper on types of stereotypes in writing http://www.nationalstereotypes.com/ - a website dedicated to the peculiarities of national stereotypes in different countries http://www.helium.com/items/1418008-common-stereotypes - 10 common stereotypes concerning countries and nationalities http://blogoscoped.com/country-stereotypes/ - a photo gallery of mostly stereotypes of what people in different countries look like - a funny video about national stereotypes Section 3. Are extreme sports fun to you? - Какие виды спорта считаются экстремальными? Какие самые опасные из них? Где найти видео об экстремальных видах спорта? Почему люди сознательно рискуют, занимаясь таким спортом? Что риск дает людям? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_sport - encyclopaedia entry about extreme sports http://library.thinkquest.org/13857/ - a website dedicated to extreme sports such as rock climbing, skateboarding and in-line skating, and the training and equipment needed, techniques of the sports, safety tips, and possible injuries http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/find_out...000/2159723.stm – brief information on what extreme sports are and descriptions of some of them – an extreme sports videohttp://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...ciencerisk.html – an article about success and risk in extreme sports http://extremesports.suite101.com/article....sports_injuries – information about common injuries in extreme sports http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/157282.php – this article explores the reasons of risk-taking in extreme sports http://www.spiked-online.com/Articles/0000000CAD26.htm – an article on what' so extreme about extreme sports http://www.forbes.com/2002/08/07/0807sport.html – the world's most dangerous sports according to Forbes http://freakymartin.com/2008/05/08/10-most...orld-16-photos/ - 10 most dangerous sports in the world in photos Section 4. Do you have the right to be different? - Какая одежда и обувь модна сейчас у современных подростков? Где посмотреть сайты молодежной моды? Какая молодежная мода существует в Англии и России? Какие самые популярные молодежные бренды? Какие самые популярные молодежные журналы о моде? Какие вопросы задают подростки о моде, о стиле , о современной одежде? Где найти дополнительную информацию о Битлз? Почему они до сих пор так популярны? Где посмотреть рейтинг самых популярных поп-музыкантов мира? http://www.catalogs.com/clothing/teen/index.html – links to catalogues of teen fashions http://www.shoebuy.com/teens-fashion-shoes.htm - an e-store for teen fashion shoes – pictures and descriptions http://www.lovetoknow.com/top10/teen-clothing.html – top 10 teen clothing websites– pictures and descriptions http://teenfashionclothes.com/index.php?ze...amp;ASKFEED_URL – teen fashion – pictures and descriptions http://www.wikihow.com/Category:Personalit...and-Youth-Style –find youth related articles about different personality types and about fashion and style for teens and kids http://teenfashion.about.com/ - a webpage dedicated to teen fashion http://teens.lovetoknow.com/Category:Teen_Fashion - links to webpages on teen fashion in Britain http://www.teenvogue.com/industry/fashionw...stinina?slide=1 — an article about Kira Plastinina, a 15-year-old fashion designer from Russia http://www.apparelsearch.com/Wholesale_Clo...mes_clothes.htm – a list of popular clothing brands http://www.esl-lab.com/clothing/clothingrd1.htm — listening exercises on «Clothing Styles» http://www.teenvogue.com/ - the site of Teen Vogue magazine, here a teen can find all about teen fashion, ask a question and get qualified advice http://www.seventeen.com/ - a teen fashion magazine with the latest fashion, beauty, dating and health tips http://www.cosmogirl.com/ - an online version of the magazine for teenagers Cosmo Girl http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles - encyclopeadia entry about the Beatles http://www.thebeatles.com/ - detailed history of the Beatles with information on their music, movies, news, and latest projects; images, related links, and a showcase for their albums http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beatlemania - encyclopeadia entry about Beatlemania http://history1900s.about.com/od/entertainers/p/beatles.htm — an overview of the extreme popularity of the Beatles http://www.popmonk.com/music/index.htm - profiles of famous pop-singers and bands http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/listofthe...le-pop-singers/ - the top 25 female pop-singers Progress check — Где найти биографическую информацию к фотографиям, представленным в этом разделе учебника? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyubov_Orlova - encyclopeadia entry about Lyubov Orlova http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vyacheslav_Tikhonov - encyclopeadia entry about Vyacheslav Tikhonov http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0111424/ - a webpage dedicated to Leonid Bronevoy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A9rard_Depardieu - encyclopeadia entry about Gerard Depardieu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Bodrov,_Jr. - encyclopeadia entry about Sergei Bodrov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whoopi_Goldberg - encyclopeadia entry about Whoopi Goldberg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackie_Chan - encyclopeadia entry about Jackie Chan
  20. Дополнительная видеоинформация к учебнику Happy English.ru для 10 класса Unit 1 Lesson 1,2,3 Meet the main character of the book - Как подростки проводят время в летних лагерях? Какие летние лагеря бывают? Чем дети там занимаются? Что рассказывают сами подростки об таких лагерях отдыха? - the documentary of International Teens Sailing the Croatian Coast, Camp California's Teen Adventure programs lead 2 week English-immersion excursions for participants from all nations - a video about Alpha College of English that offers a Summer English Language programme for teenagers www.metacafe.com/watch/2271401/why_do_you_love_supercamp/ - teenagers’ impressions of a California summer camp www.hofstra.edu/Academics/CCEPA/SC/Index.html - a short video film about Hofstra summer camp (USA) Lesson 4,5,6 Find your way at the airport - Какие аэропорты являются самыми крупными в Европе и мире? Какие правила существуют в аэропорту? Что запрещено ввозить в те или иные страны? Какими знаниями должен обладать каждый путешествующий за границу? Где найти дополнительную видео информацию об истории создания и работе Heathrow airport? - the greatest and busiest airports in the worldabclocal.go.com/wabc/video?id=7364069 - how US President Obama announced new airport security rules www.videomeli.com/video/7W-Rje-mKi4/how-to-get-through-airport-security-quickly.html - how to get through airport security quickly and more videos on airport security in different countries video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2110076323661876972# - an interesting film that documents the building of London Heathrow airport - a video about the work of Heathrow airport Lesson 7,8 We must phone the camp – Как научиться правильно вести телефонный разговор на английском языке? Где найти правила и этикет общения по телефону? - telephone etiquettes and manners - how to take a telephone message at the office - this video teaches some basic telephone expressions - in this video you'll find out how to use formal English on the telephone - an informal conversation on the phonewww.authorstream.com/Presentation/vansight-175135-telephone-etiquettes-conversation-education-ppt-powerpoint/ - basic telephone etiquette — a Ppt Presentation Unit 2 Lesson 1,2 – Do you have a friend? - Где найти видеосоветы о том, как подростку научиться приобретать друзей и дружить? Как научиться быть хорошим другом? www.ehow.com/video_4975093_be-good-friend.html– a video on friendship skills with tips from a psychologist – video advice on how to make friends in high schoolwww.howcast.com/videos/613-How-To-Be-a-Good-Friend – a video on how to be a good friend Lesson 6,7,8 Lisa's cabinmates – Как установить хорошие отношения с соседом по комнате? Какие конфликты между подростками в таких случаях происходят и как их разрешить? www.5min.com/Video/How-to-Live-with-Your-College-Roommate-38353778 - how to live with your college roommate - a guide on learning how to resolve common roommate conflicts - some advice you need on how NOT to live with someone else in college Lesson 9,10 How to make friends? (см. cсылки к Unit 2 Lesson 1,2) Unit 3 Lesson 1,2 What would you tell about Russia? - Где найти видеофильм об истории России? Каковы географические особенности нашей страны? Какие наиболее интересные и значимые обычаи и традиции существуют в России? Какие места в России самые привлекательные для иностранных туристов? Какие города, помимо Москвы и Петербурга, стоит посмотреть в России? Где прочитать впечатления иностранцев об их пребывании в России? www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-The-History-of-Russia-1533---Present-117506962 - learn about the history of Russia 1533 - 1990 rt.com/A/search?tag=Russia_Close_Up - a collection of short videos from Russia Today about Russia, its geographical and cultural features, its customs and traditions - a foreigner's impression of Russian culturewww.5min.com/Video/Top-5-Travel-Attractions-of-Moscow-Russia-372198396 – top 5 travel attractions of Moscow www.5min.com/Video/Top-5-Travel-Attractions-of-St-Petersburg-Russia-368062601 - top 5 travel attractions of St Petersburg www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7AXkKm-BAI - a video about the journey of a foreigner through the towns that comprise the Golden Ring of Russia - a video project about the Golden Ring of Russia - a short video film about the ancient Russian town Suzdal Lesson 3,4 What country is described? - Чем знаменита Канада? Где найти дополнительную информацию об экономико-географическом и политическом положении этой страны, узнать об её культурных особенностях, религии и т.д. ? www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_dr0ZVRvR0&feature=related - an overview of Canadian history videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/24041-the-geography-of-canada-video.htm - the geography of Canada videos.howstuffworks.com/geography/canada-videos.htm – a video about the diverse and varied culture of Canada that is created by native tribes and immigrants from across the world video.answers.com/guide-to-culture-in-canada-284060391 – a guide to the culture of Canada Lesson 5,6,7 “The Maple Leaf Forever” - Где найти дополнительную видео информацию о канадской национальной команде по хоккею “Кленовые листья”? Где можно послушать государственный и неофициальный гимн Канады? Как выглядит перевод российского гимна на английский язык? Где найти основную экономико-географическую информацию об Америке (какие штаты в её составе, столица, официальный язык и т.д.)?Каковы основные вехи и главные события в истории США? Какие основные достопримечательности Америки и чем эта страна знаменита? www.youtube.com/watch?v=FymMLieKaYw - the history of the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team in pictures to the unofficial anthem of Canada "The Maple Leaf Forever" - the national anthem of Canada “O Canada” - the National Anthem of the Russian Federation with English translation - a short educational video on the geography of the United States - US history from 1865 to presentwww.metacafe.com/watch/1270075/a_history_of_the_united_states_in_3_minutes/ - a history of the United States in 3 minutes www.5min.com/Video/Guide-to-the-Attractions-of-the-USA-284059387 - a video guide to the attractions of the USA www.camvista.com/google_search.php?domains=www.camvista.com&q=USA&sa=Search&sitesearch=www.camvista.com&client=pub-1704581027192414&forid=1&ie=ISO-8859-1&oe=ISO-8859-1&cof=GALT:%23008000;GL:1;DIV:%23336699;VLC:663399;AH:center;BGC:FFFFFF;LBGC:336699;ALC:0000FF;LC:0000FF;T:000000;GFNT:0000FF;GIMP:0000FF;FORID:11&hl=en - Live Webcams from different places of the USA Lesson 8,9 Australia is an island, isn't it? - Где найти основную экономико-географическую информацию об Австралии? Чем знаменит Австралийский континент? Каковы главные достопримечательности Австралии ? На какие штаты и территории поделена Австралия и какие города являются их столицами? Где найти информацию о Сиднее и где увидеть Sydney Harbor Bridge, совершить виртуальный тур по Sydney Opera House, посетить Botanic Gardens? Где найти интересные факты об Австралии? www.dailymotion.com/video/x8eqhb_australia-part-01_school - a video film in 2 parts about Australia, many interesting facts from history and modern life of this continent, Part 1 www.dailymotion.com/video/x8eqjh_australia-part-02_school - a video film in 2 parts about Australia, many interesting facts from history and modern life of this continent, Part 2 www.gamesbarrel.com/games/3202/geography-australia.html - an interactive game on Australia’s geography - some facts and trivia about Australiawww.dailymotion.com/video/xeajm1_guide-to-the-attractions-of-austral_tech - the beaches of Australia and about unique Australian animals - top 10 places to visit in Australia - a video guide to Sydney, Australiavimeo.com/12117124 — top travel attractions in Sydney - documentary on the construction and history of the Sydney Habrour Bridge webapps.stgeorge.com.au/webcam/ - a view across the Sydney Harbour and the Rocks are centering on the Sydney Harbor Bridge, webcam updates every minute — a virtual visit to the Sydney Opera House — the construction of the Sydney Opera Housewww.bbc.co.uk/news/10246438 - BBC News video on how the Sydney Opera House held a concert for dogs and their owners — a video tour of Sydney's Botanic Gardenswww.youtube.com/watch?v=q3vHWM4xlAk - fun facts about Australia in 5 minutes Unit 4 Lesson 4,5 Yosemite National Park, Lesson 6,7,8 What did Lisa see in Yosemite National Park? – Где расположен Yosemite National Park? Что интересного и необычного можно там увидеть? - Yosemite National Park documentary – Part 1 - Yosemite National Park documentary – Part 2 - Yosemite National Park documentary – Part 3 - Yosemite National Park documentary – Part 4 - Yosemite National Park documentary – Part 5 - Yosemite National Park documentary – Part 6 - Yosemite National Park documentary – Part 7www.yosemitepark.com/yosemite-video.aspx - Yosemite National Park videos and pictures video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8382106522800889871# - highlights of Yosemite National Park Lesson 9,10,11 What happened on the Merced River - Где прочитать о Merced River? Как правильно сплавляться по этой реке? www.metacafe.com/watch/2549637/yosemite_whitewater_rafting_merced_river/ - Yosemite Whitewater Rafting - Merced River vimeo.com/824003 - some impressions of Merced River Rafting Unit 5 Lesson 5,6 “All the world' a stage” - Как развивается сейчас театральное искусство в России? Какие театральные жанры становятся все более популярными? rt.com/About_Us/Programmes/Moscow_Out/2010-06-06/568681.html - a Russia Today video report on the amazing world of Russian acting from classical productions to cutting-edge, modern, experimental works rt.com/About_Us/Programmes/XL_Reports/2007-07-20/358120.html - in this video Sophie Shevardnadze follows the development of Russian theatre from the traditional Stanislavskiy method to modern experiments Lesson 7,8 What is RP? - Чем знаменит район Covent Garden? Как создаются спектакли Королевской оперы - театра Ковент Гарден? www.geobeats.com/videoclips/united-kingdom/london/covent-garden - a short video about London’s Covent Garden tripwow.tripadvisor.com/tripwow/ta-00a0-b560-7005 - a slide show about London’s Covent Garden www.roh.org.uk/video/ - a collection of videos from the website of the Covent Garden Royal Opera House Lesson 9,10,11 Pygmalion - Какая самая знаменитая экранная версия мюзикла “Моя прекрасная леди”? Где найти видео некоторых музыкальных сцен из этого фильма? www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-2CnRuk6Nk - “My Fair Lady” film fragment – Wouldn't It Be Loverly? - “My Fair Lady” film fragment - The Rain In Spain - “My Fair Lady” film fragment - Show me - “My Fair Lady” film fragment – I could have danced all night - “My Fair Lady” film fragment - Horse Race Scenewww.youtube.com/watch?v=5cmaCOf4LMM&feature=related - “My Fair Lady” film fragment - The Embassy ball - “My Fair Lady” film fragment - Without You
  21. Уважаемая Татьяна Геннадьевна, уже все разместила Онлайн-видео к учебнику "Happy English.ru" 10 класс здесь http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=1612, а каталог бесплатных интернет-ресурсов здесь http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=1610
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  23. Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаю вашему вниманию каталог дополнительной информации к учебнику "Happy English.ru" для 10 класса. Здесь Вы найдете множество интересной страноведческой информации для проведения уроков, создания проектов, проведения внеклассных мероприятий,онлайн-упражнения, аудио-материалы, статьи, эссе. Каталог видеоресурсов к этому учебнику можно посмотреть здесь http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=1612&view=findpost&p=34125 Дополнительная информация к учебнику Happy English.ru для 10 класса Unit 1 Lesson 1,2,3 Meet the main character of the book - Как подростки проводят летние каникулы в разных странах? Как провести их с пользой и без ущерба для здоровья? Где найти рассказ подростка о том, как он провел свои каникулы? Как подростки проводят время в летних лагерях? Какие летние лагеря бывают? Чем дети там занимаются? lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/summer-activities-for-teens-3003.html — some tips on summer holiday activities for teenagers www.familyholidayideas.com/summer-holiday-teenagers.php – summer holiday destinations ideas for teenagers – information and tips www.visitbritain.com/en/things-to-see-and-do/things-to-do-for-people-like-me/family-ideas/useful-family-information/teenagers.aspx – adventure holidays and summer camps for teens in Britain www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/familyholidays/2080122/10-top-holidays-with-teenagers.html —advice for parents on 10 top holidays with teenagers www.yobserver.com/reports/10014528.html — an article on how Yemeni children spend their summer holidays in Internet cafes www.wikihow.com/Enjoy-Summer-As-a-Teenager —steps to enjoy summer as a teenager www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchange/2007/08/working_holiday.cfm — information about how American teenagers spend their summer holidays www.theprovince.com/life/parenting/Kids+often+over+scheduled+during+summer+holidays/1682449/story.html — Canadian psychologists discuss why kids are often over-scheduled during summer holidays http://kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/school/summer_blahs.html — some tips for surviving summer break without health hazard http://www.pkunews.org/travel/travel10.htm — a story about the summer holidays of two teen friends from Germany and New Mexico http://www.pep.com.cn/ge/xszx/xzxk/200408/t20040828_118407.htm - a Chinese student describes his/her summer holidays http://www.bbc.co.uk/birmingham/students/2003/09/holidays.shtml - an older student tells about her trip to Milan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summer_camp - encyclopaedia entry about summer camp, kinds of camps, how they are organised in different countries http://www.summerfun4kids.co.uk/activityguide.aspx - a guide to popular summer camp activities, also on this website you can find descriptions of different summer camps and what they offer http://www.summercamps.com/ - useful information about summer camps around the world with links to their websites http://www.shambles.net/pages/countries/uksummer/ - UK summer camps http://www.camppage.com/ - children's summer camps and wilderness programs for boys and girls in the United States and Canada. Lesson 4,5,6 Find your way at the airport - Где найти информацию о структуре и об основных службах аэропорта? Какие аэропорты являются самыми крупными в Европе и мире? Какие правила существуют в аэропорту? Что запрещено ввозить в те или иные страны? Какими знаниями должен обладать каждый путешествующий за границу? Где найти дополнительную информацию о Heathrow airport? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airport - encyclopaedia entry about the airport , its structure and services http://www.flyingabroad.co.uk/biggest-and-busiest-airports-in-the-world.aspx – the biggest and busiest airports in the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World's_busiest_airport – information about the world's busiest airports http://www.atwonline.com/channels/routesAirports/article.html?articleID=1319 – Europe's biggest airports http://www.world-airport-codes.com/uk-top-20-airports.html – the 10 biggest UK airports (by total passenger numbers) in 2002 http://ezinearticles.com/?Guide-to-Russian-Airports&id=2049802 – a guide to Russian airports http://svo.aero/en/ - website of Sheremetyevo airopot http://www.domodedovo.ru/en/ - website of Domodedovo aiport http://www.vnukovo.ru/eng/index.wbp - website of Vnukovo aiprot http://studenttravel.about.com/od/planyourtrip/qt/aiportsecurity.htm — airport security rules http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTransport/TravellingAbroad/AirTravel/index.htm - information about UK flight services, in-flight safety, baggage rules , etc http://www.roadandtravel.com/airlines/airlinerules.htm - learn more about the latest airline rules and security regulations http://1000tips4trips.com/travel-tips/Air_Travel/ - here you can find the answers to questions about air travel http://www.independenttraveler.com/resources/category.cfm?category=1 - air travel resources including airport security rules, airfare deals, tips for finding cheap airfare and much more http://travel.state.gov/travel/tips/tips_1232.html — tips for travelling abroad http://www.go-today.com/site_gtweb/tips-for-traveling.asp — some more tips for travelling abroad http://ezinearticles.com/?Handy-Tips-For-Traveling-Abroad&id=2960094 — short article on handy tips for travelling abroad http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/163434/travel_tips/safety_tips_for_traveling_abroad.html — safety tips for travelling abroad http://www.ehow.com/topic_109_traveling-abroad.html — useful information for travelling abroad http://www.heathrowairport.com/ - official Heathrow Airport website - live flights & times, arrivals & departures, news & advice, and parking at Heathrow Airport http://www.heathrow-airport-guide.co.uk/ - guide to London Heathrow Airport http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Heathrow_Airport - encyclopaedia article about London Heathrow Airport Lesson 7,8 We must phone the camp – Как научиться правильно вести телефонный разговор на английском языке? Где взять дополнительные материалы и упражнения на эту тему? Где найти правила и этикет общения по телефону? http://esl.about.com/lr/telephone_english/424219/2/ - articles contain a lot of useful information about telephoning in English, recommendations and exercises on «telephone English» http://www.focusenglish.com/dialogues/communication/commindex.html - everyday English in coversation - this site focuses on learning idiomatic and everyday expressions to help pupils deal with conversations on the phone, telephone service, etc., each dialogue is accompanied by carefully designed exercises http://library.thinkquest.org/2993/phone.htm - general phone etiquette http://www.buzzle.com/articles/telephone-etiquette-tips.html - telephone etiquette tips http://www.fullerton.edu/IT/Services/Telec...quetteguide.asp - phone etiquette at work http://www.infotech.siu.edu/telecom/etiquette.pdf - a guide to telephoning etiquette with sample phrases Lesson 9,10,11 What's “Murphy's Law”? - Что гласит Закон Мёрфи? Где прочитать дополнительную информацию и посмотреть официальный сайт аэропорта в Сан-Франциско?Где найти телефонные коды разных стран? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murphy's_law - encyclopaedia entry about “Murphy's Law” http://www.murphys-laws.com/ - Murphy's Laws site, all the laws of Murphy in one place http://www.humorcolumnist.com/murphykids.htm - humourous Murphy's Laws for kids http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_International_Airport - encyclopaedia entry about San Francisco international airport http://www.flysfo.com/web/page/index.jsp - the official site of San Francisco international airport, here you can find information about the airport including how to get there, maps, the location of different airlines, etc. http://www.countrycallingcodes.com/ - international calling codes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes - list of calling codes by zones Unit 2 Lesson 1,2 – Do you have a friend? - Что думают подростки о дружбе? Как научиться приобретать друзей и дружить? Где найти рассказ подростка о своем лучшем друге/подруге? Возможна ли настоящая дружба между мальчиком и девочкой ? Где прочитать высказывания знаменитых людей о дружбе? Как быть хорошим другом? http://kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/school/friend_comments.html — what it means for teens to be a friend, teenagers’ short stories about their friends http://www.teengrowth.com/index.cfm?action=info_article&ID_article=1342 — some advice for teens about making and keeping friends http://www.maturita.cz/anglictina/bestfriend.htm – a short story about the best friend, written by a pupil http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2004/10/13/221835/39 – a student’s essay “My Best Friend” http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/82505.html – a collection of “My friend” essays http://www.blurtit.com/forandagainst/can_a_clear_friendship_exist_between_a_boy_and_a_girl — people's views on the problem of friendship between a boy and a girl http://www.theromantic.com/lovequotes/friendship.htm — famous friendship quotes http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Friend — some ways on how to be a good friend http://behavioural-psychology.suite101.com/article.cfm/best_friends_forever — information about health benefits of friendship and 6 ways to be a good friend http://teenadvice.about.com/library/teenquiz/10/blgoodfriendquiz.htm — a quick and easy quiz to figure out what kind of friend you are http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Makes-A-Good-Friend?&id=745680 — an article about what makes a good friend Lesson 6,7,8 Lisa's cabinmates – Как установить хорошие отношения с соседями по комнате? Какие конфликты между подростками в таких случаях происходят и как их разрешить? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roommate — encyclopaedia entry about roommates http://www.wikihow.com/Live-with-a-College-Roommate-Who-Is-Your-Total-Opposite — some tips on how to live with a college roommate who is your total opposite http://www.ecampustours.com/campuslife/livingonandoffcampus/qualitiestolookforinaroommate.htm — qualities to look for in a roommate http://youngadults.about.com/u/ua/dormlife/worstroommate.htm — worst roommate stories http://www.college-admission-essay.com/roommatedisputes.html — common roommate disputes and how to solve them http://www.scholarships.com/Common-Roommate-Problems.aspx -- a short article about common roommate problems http://ohmyapt.apartmentratings.com/roommate-issues.html — useful information about how to handle roommate issues Lesson 9,10 How to make friends? (см. cсылки к Unit 2 Lesson 1,2) Unit 3 Lesson 1,2 What would you tell about Russia? - Где найти основную экономико-географическую информацию о России? Какие наиболее интересные и значимые обычаи и традиции существуют в России и что о них думают иностранцы? Какие места в России самые привлекательные для иностранных туристов? Какие города, помимо Москвы и Петербурга, стоит посмотреть в России? Какие наиболее традиционные способы проведения свободного времени существуют в России? Где прочитать впечатления иностранцев об их пребывании в России, о русских людях, о российских национальных особенностях? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia - encyclopaedia entry about Russia, includes geography, history, political system, demographics, economy, culture http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3183.htm - facts about the land, people, history, government, political conditions, economy, foreign relations of Russia http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/207827/europe_destinations/ten_beautiful_places_to_visit_in_russia.html - ten places to visit in Moscow and St. Petersburg as recommended by a tourist http://www.123independenceday.com/russian/places-to-visit.html - recommendations on cities to visit in Russia http://www.traveltips24.com/Central_Russia.htm - a travel guide to cities and regions of central Russia http://www.comintour.com/tours/popular/rus_major/ - a programme of a tour of central Russia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Russia - encyclopaedia article about public holidays in Russia http://www.russia-ic.com/culture_art/traditions/ - manners, customs and traditions of Russia http://www.womenrussia.com/russians.htm - Russian culture, traditions, holidays and daily life in a foreigner's eyes http://www.russian.net/nationalpastimes.htm – a short article about national Russian pastimes http://russiacentralasiatravel.suite101.com/article.cfm/the_russian_banya – information about one of the most popular Russian pastimes – the Russian banya http://www.un.int/russia/new/MainRoot/newrussiaen/fishhunten.htm – a short illustrated article about two old Russian traditional pastimes – hunting and fishing http://www.gsom.pu.ru/en/international_contacts/office/int_students/st_tips/ - foreign students' impressions of Russia http://ezinearticles.com/?Impressions-of-Russia&id=135796 – a foreigner's impression of Russia http://www.friends-partners.org/oldfriends/mes/russia/sev-zap/regions/Arnstein.html – what a foreigner thinks about Russia, Russian people, Russian lifestyle http://www.x-plane.org/home/furo/travels/russia/russia.html - a Swedish tourist tells about a trip to Russia http://faculty.umf.maine.edu/~erb/russia97.htm - a trip to Russia in 1997 http://www.foldabikes.com/CurrentEvents/Story/Russia2004.html - a trip to Russia in 2004 http://www.unr.edu/geography/GAIN/materials/russiatrip_story.html - a 12-year old girl’s trip to Russia http://triptorussia2008.blogspot.com/ - a trip to Russia in 2008 Lesson 3,4 What country is described? - Чем знаменита Канада? Где найти дополнительную информацию об экономико-географическом и политическом положении этой страны, узнать об её культурных особенностях, религии и т.д. ? Где прочитать забавные и любопытные факты о Канаде, о каждой из её провинций и территорий? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada - encyclopaedia entry about Canada http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107386.html#axzz0ywfdILTr - information on Canada — geography, history, politics, government, economy, population statistics, culture, religion, languages, largest cities,etc. http://www.canadafacts.org/ - interesting facts about Canada http://www.niagara-falls-tourist-guide.com/facts-about-canada.html - amazing, interesting, funny, entertaining facts about Canada and Canadians http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/kids/fun-facts/default.asp - find out all the bizarre and interesting tidbits about each of the provincies and territories of Canada Lesson 5,6,7 “The Maple Leaf Forever” - Что является основными символами Канады? Где найти дополнительную информацию о канадской национальной команде по хоккею “Кленовые листья”? Как создавался национальный гимн Канады, где можно его послушать? Какова история российского гимна, какие гимны существовали в России/Советском Союзе до него? Где найти основную экономико-географическую информацию об Америке (какие штаты в её составе, столица, официальный язык и т.д.)? Каковы основные вехи и главные события в истории США? Какие основные достопримечательности Америки и чем эта страна знаменита? Где найти рассказ иностранца о путешествии в Америку и его впечатления? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_symbols_of_Canada - national symbols of Canada http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/cpsc-ccsp/sc-cs/index_e.cfm - the symbols of Canada http://www.canada4life.ca/symbols.php - this page shows some of Canadian symbols and gives a little information about each of them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maple_leaf - encyclopaedia entry about the maple leaf as one of the symbols of Canada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Maple_Leaf_Forever - information about the unofficial anthem in English-speaking Canada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto_Maple_Leafs - encyclopaedia entry about Canadian ice hockey team the Toronto Maple Leafs http://mapleleafs.nhl.com/ - the official website of the Toronto Maple Leafs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_Canada - encyclopaedia entry about the national anthem of Canada http://www.pch.gc.ca/pgm/ceem-cced/symbl/anthem-eng.cfm - here you can find MP3 version of the anthem of Canada and read the story of its making http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Anthem_of_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about the national anthem of Russia http://www.hymn.ru/index-en.html - this page contains audio versions of all Russian and Soviet national anthems and a few musical pieces and songs that were partially used as anthems but never achieved the official status http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/country_profiles/1217752.stm - provides overview, key facts and events, current news from the USA life http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_the_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about the geography of the United States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about the economy of the USA http://www.kidport.com/RefLib/USaHistory/UsaHistoryIndex.htm — this illustrated article shows main events in American history http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_United_States - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the United States http://usa.usembassy.de/ - a collection of background resources on American society, culture and political processes http://www.thetravelerszone.com/travel-destinations/top-25-most-visited-tourist-destinations-in-america/ - top 25 tourist destinations in the USA, with photos http://www.tourthesouthwest.com/ - tours of the Southwest of the USA: descriptions and offers http://www.usaweekend.com/03_issues/030518/030518springtravel.html - 10 most beautiful places in the USA http://gotexas.about.com/od/naturecentersparks/tp/TxNaturalAttrac.htm - top 10 natural attractions in the USA http://www.ccfrussia.ru/index.php?mod=p_article&p_id=140 – story and impressions of America of a Russian woman, a professor of the Yaroslavl State University http://www.susqu.edu/senshu/99/impressions.html – Japanese students’ impressions of Americans Lesson 8,9 Australia is an island, isn't it? - Где найти основную экономико-географическую информацию об Австралии? Чем знаменит Австралийский континент? Как выглядит флаг Австралии и какова его история? Какие флаги у штатов и территорий Австралии? Какие главные достопримечательности Австралии стоит посмотреть? На какие штаты и территории поделена Австралия и какие города являются их столицами? Где найти информацию о Сиднее и его достопримечательностях? Где прочитать забавные факты об Австралии? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia - encyclopaedia entry about Australia http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107296.html?pageno=1 – information about Australia – geography, history, politics, government, economy, population, statistics, culture, religion, languages, largest cities... http://www.csu.edu.au/australia/ - a guide to Australia – essential information about this country http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Australia - encyclopaedia entry about the flag of Australia http://www.anbg.gov.au/oz/flag.html - information on the national, state, territorial, and other ”Australian” flags http://www.aguidetoasia.com/australia/travel-to-australia.php – tourist attractions and places of interest in Australia http://www.tsiholidays.com/australia/tourist-attractions-in-australia.html – here you can explore the more famous together with the less known attractions and events in Australia http://goaustralia.about.com/cs/australia/a/ausattractions.htm – the most popular sights worth seeing in Australia http://australia.shopsafe.com.au/australia_attractions/natural_attractions.htm - Australia’s natural attractions directory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_and_territories_of_Australia - encyclopaedia entry about the states and territories of Australia http://www.australianexplorer.com/australian_cities.htm –find out all you ever need to know about Australian cities, states and territories http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Capital_Territory - encyclopaedia entry about Australian Capital Territory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canberra - encyclopaedia entry about the capital of Australia, Canberra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney - encyclopaedia entry about Australia's largest city, Sydney http://www.sydney.com.au/ - information on Sydney’s sights, historic buildings, harbour, getting around and other resources http://www.bridgeclimb.com/ - a virtual tour of the Sydney Harbor Bridge http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/articles/sydneyoperahouse/ - an article about the Sydney Opera House, one of the most recognisable images of the modern world http://www.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/ - information about Botanic Gardens of Sydney http://www.buzzle.com/articles/fun-facts-about-australia.html – fun facts about Australia Unit 4 Lesson 4,5 Yosemite National Park – Где расположен Yosemite National Park? Что интересного и необычного можно там увидеть? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yosemite_National_Park - encyclopaedia entry about Yosemite National Park http://www.nps.gov/yose/ - official National Park Service site, includes information about activities, lodging, trip planning, fees and permits, and the park's nature http://www.yosemitepark.com/yosemite-video.aspx - Yosemite National Park videos and pictures http://www.yosemite.national-park.com/ - everything you wanted to know about Yosemite National Park Lesson 6,7,8 What did Lisa see in Yosemite National Park? - Где найти дополнительную информацию к текстам и фотографиям урока? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Muir - encyclopaedia entry about John Muir http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half_Dome - encyclopaedia entry about Half Dome http://www.yosemitehikes.com/yosemite-valley/half-dome/half-dome.htm - everything you need to know about the most demanding day hike in Yosemite National Park - Half Dome http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariposa_Grove - encyclopaedia entry about Mariposa Grove and California Tunnel Tre http://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/mg.htm - additional information on Mariposa Grove http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequoiadendron - encyclopaedia entry about Giant Sequoias http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glacier_Point - encyclopaedia entry about Glacier Point http://www.yosemitefun.com/glacier_point.htm - Glacier Point images http://www.everytrail.com/guide/glacier-point - the complete guide, map, and pictures of Glacier Point http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridalveil_Fall - encyclopaedia entry about Bridalveil Fall Lesson 9,10,11 What happened on the Merced River - Где прочитать о Merced River? Что советуют профессионалы о том, как правильно сплавляться по этой реке? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merced_River - encyclopaedia entry about Merced River http://www.merced-river.com/merced-intro.htm - information about Merced River Rafting near Yosemite National Park Unit 5 Lesson 5,6 “All the world' a stage” - Где прочитать краткую историю русского театра? Где найти дополнительную и биографическую информацию о Большом театре, Театре на Таганке, Галине Улановой, Галине Вишневской, Юрии Любимове, Владимире Высоцком, Михаиле Булгакове, Евгении Вахтангове, Сергее Дягилеве, Мариусе Петипа? http://www.russia-ic.com/culture_art/theatre/158/ - brief history of Russian theatre http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sponsored/russianow/5430159/The-history-of-the-Russian-national-theatre.html - the history of the Russian national theatre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Theatre_in_Russia - Wikipedia entries related to “Theatre in Russia” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolshoi_Theatre - encyclopaedia entry about the Bolshoi Theatre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taganka_Theatre - encyclopaedia entry about the Taganka theatre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galina_Ulanova - encyclopaedia entry about Galina Ulanova http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galina_Vishnevskaya - encyclopaedia entry about Galina Vishnevskaya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Lyubimov - encyclopaedia entry about Yuri Lyubimov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Vysotsky - encyclopaedia entry about Vladimir Visotsky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Bulgakov - encyclopaedia entry about Mikhail Bulgakov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yevgeny_Vakhtangov - encyclopaedia entry about Evgeni Vakhtangov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Diaghilev - encyclopaedia entry about Sergei Diaghilev http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marius_Petipa - encyclopaedia entry about Marius Petipa Lesson 7,8 What is RP? - Чем знаменит район Covent Garden? В чем особенности Received Pronunciation? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covent_Garden - encyclopaedia entry about Covent Garden http://www.coventgardenlondonuk.com/ - official guide to London’s Covent Garden http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Opera_House - encyclopaedia entry about the Royal Opera House http://www.roh.org.uk/ - the website for the Royal Opera House in London's Covent Garden, home to The Royal Opera and The Royal Ballet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Received_Pronunciation - encyclopaedia entry about Received Pronunciation http://www.bl.uk/learning/langlit/sounds/find-out-more/received-pronunciation/ - more information on Received Pronunciation Lesson 9,10,11 Pygmalion - Как создавалась пьеса Бернарда Шоу “Пигмалион”? Кто - главные герои пьесы и где прочитать характеристики этих персонажей? Когда и кем впервые был поставлен мюзикл “Моя прекрасная леди” и сколько ещё было постановок этого мюзикла? Какая самая знаменитая экранная версия мюзикла? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmalion_(play) - encyclopaedia entry about Pygmalion, a play by Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/pygmalion/characters.html - a list of all the characters in Pygmalion http://www.englishonline.org.cn/en/node/8969 - analysis of main character in “Pygmalion” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Fair_Lady - encyclopaedia entry about a musical “My Fair Lady” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Fair_Lady_(film) - encyclopaedia entry about “My Fair Lady” - 1964 American musical film adaptation of the musical of the same name http://www.oscarguy.com/Reviews/Annual/1964/Lady.html - “My Fair Lady” film review http://www.myfairladythemusical.com/index.php - official site for the Cameron Macintos/National Theatre touring production includes production history, cast and creative team, and news and reviews
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