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Все публикации пользователя MarAnat

  1. О пособии "St Petersburg"

    Уважаемые коллеги! Меня зовут Марина Анатольевна, я один из авторов пособия. На этой неделе читала со своими десятиклассниками воспоминания о войне – отрывок из книги Харрисона Солсбери «900 дней: Блокада Ленинграда» (страницы 55-59). Обсуждали c ребятами уроки войны. Закончили написанием эссе (opinion composition). Некоторые работы получились очень интересными. Предлагаю Вашему вниманию темы. Version 1 On the 9th of May Victory Day is annually observed in our country. The tragic days of World War II have always lived in the memory of most Russian people. There are some people who consider the events that happened many years ago to be not important any more. Every generation seems to have its own historical fate and nothing can be changed. Express your opinion. Version 2. On the 9th of May Victory Day is annually observed in our country. In the days before the holiday. the young people visit the soldier cemeteries, clean the war memorials. We congratulate the veterans on the holiday, say “Thank you” to them, give them flowers. When the festive ceremonies are over, we forget about the heroes of the day and their problems. Some people think that the government and some special organizations are responsible for taking care of the veterans. Other people are sure everybody should try to support veterans. Which opinion do you share?
  2. Большое спасибо! Такого рода материалы для тренировки нужны в огромном количестве, чтобы выработать навыки. Ценный вклад в общее дело!