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О _i_will_survive_tomorrow_

  • День рождения 19.03.1993


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  1. ЕГЭ 2010 - новости, впечатления, опыт, вопросы и ответы

    вот оно. если будет время, пожалуйста, посмотрите Some people think that the teachers' profession is very important. Anothers suppose that this profession is not respected as it should to be. Today our world faces a very urgent problem. Due to a financial crisis the level of unemployment is getting higher. That's why people are trying to find a respectable profession with worthy salary in economical and political sphere, forgetting about educational one. According to this fact people are hesitating over its importance. There is an opinion that our country doesn't need more teachers. But the opposite opinion exists too: some people consider this profession to be responsible. I can't but agree with the lattest. Firstly, being a teacher one improves his communicative skills, because you have to work with people. Secondly, this profession gives you invaluable experience to work and chat with children. Thirdly, this profession is well paid. Many teachers can give extra lessons after work so that to earn more money. Those people who consider teachers to be unrespectable can say that, firstly, this profession demands good health and nervous system. Secondly, having worked with children all day you become tired and don't give any attention to your family. Thirdly, you must be a very responsible person in order that chidren are in safe. Finally, in my opinion, those who suppose that teachers are not nedeed now are quite right, but i can't agree with them. Teachers have been in any time of history, even in very hard, that's why we won't be left without people who will educate our children.
  2. ЕГЭ 2010 - новости, впечатления, опыт, вопросы и ответы

    спасибо за ответ! не могли бы Вы оценить мое эссе, если я выложу его сюда?
  3. ЕГЭ 2010 - новости, впечатления, опыт, вопросы и ответы

    Здравствуйте! завтра сдаю егэ по английскому. Не могли бы вы объяснить мне, как правильно писать opinion essay, саму структуру. Везде пишут по-разному, а терять баллы не хочется. Заранее спасибо