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  1. Не знаю где задать вопрос.Я студентка вуза.Задали выучить 8 диалогов и 8 монологов за два дня к экзамену.Как это сделать? У меня нет беглости речи, поэтому переводить на ходу я не смогу.К тому преподаватель придирается к произношению, а я могу говорить с правильным произношением только когда текст от зубов отскакивает и я о нем не думаю..Объявили экзамен внезапно-так бы я подготовилась заранее.Я отличница, соответственно оценку ниже чем 5 не хочу.Есть ли какие-нибудь способы быстрого заучивания? Порекомендуйте пожалуйста.
  2. Это переведенное с русского краткое содержание нескольких глав Гарри Поттера которые я прочитала на английском для зачета.Поскольку кусок вышел очень большим, я понимаю что врядли кто захочет проверять досконально, и, в принципе, это и не нужно, так как буду рассказывать текст наизусть свободно излагая сюжет.Просто намекните в каких местах есть ошибки, над чем нужно поработать-предлоги, пассивный залог или что-то еще.Надеюсь, мою тему не удалят из-за такого большого объёма.Простите за наглость...)) :ah: Заранее спасибо всем, кто укажет на ошибки! Death Eaters - пожиратели смерти (так в книге прозваны приспешники Волдеморта). Muggles- Маглы (люди, не имеющие магических способностей). Hogwarts - школа (ну тут все понятно) Thestral - что-то типа метиса летающей лошади и дракона, костлявое кожистое огромное летающее создание)) Expelliarmus, Avada Kedavra, Sectumsempra,Imperius - заклинания Firebolt -метла Гарри Horcruxes -крестражи (определенные магические предметы) Azkaban -тюрьма волшебников Burrow - нОра, прозвище одного дома в книге. Polyjuice Potion -оборотное зелье. Portkey -портал Думаю, подобные тексты только для особых любителей Гарри Поттера...)) Но все же.. Severus Snape and Yaxley went to a Death Eater’s meeting place where Voldemort and his henchmen and as well as Charity Burbage, the ex-teacher of Muggle Studies of Hogwarts were locating. This handsome house was the Malfoy’s Manor.Severus reported that the Order of the Phoenix don’t trust Ministry of Magic anymore and Potter would replaced to a house of a member of the Order of the Phoenix on Saturday. Yaxley said he had got an information that Potter would replaced later, in the day his legal age.Snape contended that the Yaxley’s statement is the Order of the Phoenix’s disinformation. Voldemort rather believed Snape than Yaxley. Yaxley announced as well as that he cursed by Imperius Pius Thicknesse, who was working in Ministry of Magic.Voldemort killed his captive for that, she taught Hogwarts’s students to treat Muggles kindly.He took away the wand of Lucius, going to use it against Harry Potter.The Voldemort’s own wand was prevented from resemblance to the Harry’s wand.Draco Malfoy was terrified and depressed. In that time Harry was going to leave home (on the day, which Snape reported.) He was reading an Dumbledore’s obituary by Elphias Doge and as well as the interview by Rita Skeeter, advertising her new book, an Albus Dumbledore’s biography . According to the first obituary, before one year Albus’s entrance to Hogwarts, his father, Percival, was put the prison, Azkaban, where he died for a cruel and public attack three Muggles. Afterwards Albus admitted that his father was guilty, but refused to talk about it. By that time Albus became famous as the most successful student ever had studied in Hogwarts.The Author mentioned the young Dumbledore’s nobility. Albus planed to start a then-traditional tour of the world after he left Hogwarts but he could not, because his mother, Kendra dead. After that one more tragedy was happened with Dumbledore, his sister, Ariana died too.Ariana’s death led to an estrangement between Albus and his brother, Aberforth, his only relative.In the obituary described other Dumbledore’s achievements and the main from which was the victory over Grindelwald in 1945. Rita Skeeter in other way, tried to slander Dumbledore.She implied as well as that he could be guilty of his sister’s death. Harry did not believe Rita Skeeter and threw out her article.The time came when Harry left the Dursley's house for the last time and after that Harry lost the Dursley's house's protection. Harry convinced Dursley to leave them home either under the protection of the Order of the Phoenix, fearing for they would caught by Death Eaters.The Dursley were taken away by Hestia Jones and Dedalus Diggle to a good secure place.Dudley said goodbye to Harry in very friendly way, and Harry was wondered at it.Parting Harry and Dudley shook hands each other.Before departing Petunia wanted to tell something Harry, but did not dare.Soon the Order of the Phoenix’s members arrived and Potter's friends, to help him to reach a new sanctuary. Six of them drank Polyjuice Potion transformed in Harry for disorientation of any persecutors. They with Harry and protectors went to a sanctuary, which called “Burrow”.They flew on brooms and thestrals.The real Harry with Hagrid flew by the Sirius's bike.Still in the taking off about three of tens of Death Eaters attacked them and the pursuit of each pair was beginning.Seeing between enemies Stan Shunpike, Harry attacked him the spell Expelliarmus and Eaters understood at once that he is real Harry, because he did not want to kill an enemy.Voldemort rushed for him and attacked him, but the Harry's wand make unknown to Harry magic and the Voldemort's wand (was given him by Lucius Malfoy) was destroyed. Harry and Hagrid arrived to the house of parents Nymphadora Tonks protected by magic against Death Eaters.From there Harry and Hagrid went to the Burrow by a Portkey.There were Molly and Ginny were waiting them.There were other members of evacuation arrived.Between them were died and hurt. Alastor Moody was killed by Voldemort, the owl Hedwig was killed by accidental hit of Avada Kedavra, and George had lost an ear.Snape hit George by Sectumsempra.As well as Harry had lost him broom,the Firebolt during the evacuation.All the Order of the Phoenix's members understood that Death Eaters had known about the time of the evacuation beforehand, from the presence of a betrayer between member's the Order of the Phoenix's evidently.From this moment members of Order began to practice suspicion under each companion-in-arms.They were looking at a henchman under the cover of somebody of the Order's members.At the meeting the each arrived was asked by the question, the answer was known only the real suspect.Harry felt that Voldemort tortured Ollivander about why the Lucius's wand was destroyed.Harry, Ron and Hermione decided to be in the Burrow till Bill's and Fleur's wedding and after that to start searching of Horcruxes.They were doing all for protection and security their relatives.Weasley's family disguised a ghoul in seriously ill Ron.Hermione created false memories for her parents that they have never had any daughter.
  3. вот нашла некоторые ошибочки, сама отредактировала, проверьте дальше: This is the picture of my family. There are four people in the picture: my father: my mother, my brother and myself. We are standing in the Sverdlovka street, near the drama theatre. In the background of the picture there are the large flowerbed with tulips. In there foreground there is my mother. My mother is a plump, beautiful woman with a charming smile. She is in her twenties, a middle-sized and graceful woman. She is dark-haired and pale blue-eyed. She has got a florid complexion, high forehead, a straight, pointed, thin nose and well-cut lips. She has got a rounded chin and the form of her face. Her features are regular, delicate, and clear-cut. She has got pinned-up hair. She is a brunette. She makes up very little. She is well-made. She bears herself well. She hold her body upright. Her shoulders are sloping and her legs are small. My mother is holding me on the hands.My brother is standing between my mother and my father. My brother and I have got family resemblance. We take after our parents.. My nose and brother’s nose has got the same form as father’s nose. Brother’s colour of hair is alike our father, but lighter.My brother has got flaxen hair and I have got red har. My father is a blond, but his hair darker than my brother.My complexion and brother’s complexion take father our mother.Mine and brother’s cheeks are plump as our mother. My father is in his thirties.He is an imposing , courageous man. He is of medium height.He has got small side-whiskers.His chin is massive, and square and his jaw is strong.His forehead is high as my mother’s forehead.His nose is fleshy.He has got a partly bald head. My mother is with her clothes on a trichromatic sweater and a black skirt.My father is with his clothers on a jean suit and a white shirt. In the picture I am a red-haired girl.Here I am one year old.My brother is three years old. My mother and father are teahers.My father and mother like to read..Also , my father likes to travel, and my mother likes to gather mushrooms. In that time, when the picture was done, my father worked at pedagogical university.
  4. И еще такой вопрос, посоветуйте пожалуйста учебник или сайт, где можно было бы найти и потренировать 5 типов вопросов:Альтернативный, специальный, к подлежащему,общий, разделительный.Чтобы не вспомогательные слова тренировать-как в Мёрфи или Раунд Апе, а именно типы вопросов и уметь их различать.Такое реально где-нибудь найти?
  5. Hello everyone! Please, check my text.Thank you very much in advance. This is a picture of my family. There are four people IN the picture: my father: my mother, my brother and my myself. We are standing in the Sverdlovka street, near the drama theatre. In the background there are the large flowerbed with tulips. In there foreground there is my mother. My mother is a plump, beautiful woman with a charming smile. She is in her twenties, a middle-sized and graceful woman. She is dark-haired and pale blue-eyed. She has got a florid complexion, high forehead, a straight, pointed, thin nose and well-cut lips. She has got a rounded chin and an oval form of face. Her features are regular, delicate, and clear-cut. She has got pinned-up hair. She is a brunette. She makes up very little. She is well-made. She bears herself well. She hold her body upright. Her shoulders are sloping and her legs are small. My mother is holding myself on her hands.My brother is standing between my mother and my father. My brother and myself have got family resemblance. We take after our parents.. My nose and brother’s nose has got the same form as father’s nose. Brother’s colour of hair is alike our father, but lighter.My brother has got flaxen hair and I have got red har. My father is a blond, but his hair darker than my brother.My complexion and brother’s complexion take father our mother.Mine and brother’s cheeks are plump as our mother. My father is in his thirties.He is an imposing , courageous man. He is of medium height.He has got small side-whiskers.His chin is massive, and square and strong jaw.His forehead is high as my mother’s forehead.His nose is fleshy.He has got partly bald head. My mother is with her clothes on a trichromatic sweater and a black skirt.My father is with his clothers on a jean suit and a white shirt. In the picture myself is a red-haired girl.Here I amone year old.My brother is three years old. My mother and father are teahers.My father and mother like to read..Also , my father like to travel, and my my mother like to gather mushrooms. In that time, when the picture was done, my father worked at pedagogical university.
  6. Нам в вузе задают читать только книги в оригинале((.Содержание краткое прочитала на русском-вроде полегче стало.Словарный запас увеличиваю, но пока учу только то, что задают в вузе - (мы проходим внешность, учу сейчас 11 листов с описанием внешности)).Грамматику вроде знаю-времена, пассивный залог, вообщем на уровне школьника, а на что надо сделать упор, что повторить в грамматике?
  7. Harry Smith я со словарем понимаю только 60% Мой словарный запас маленький, около 3500-3700 слов.У многих слов по 2 десятка значений + встречается много непонятных конструкций.Какие конструкции чаще встречаются в книгах? Что нужно прежде всего освоить из грамматики, чтобы понимать книги? Может быть герундии, порядок слов в предложении?
  8. Как улучшить понимание книг в оригинале?? Сейчас читаю Гарри Поттера, понимаю только 60 % от написанного.Что делать??
  9. Проверьте пожалуйста мое произношение! Мне очень важно знать, что я говорю неправильно, какие места нужно доработать.Завтра сдавать этот текст http://narod.ru/disk/32619795001/Untitled (27).mp3.html Заранее спасибо.
  10. Спасибо огромное! Можно еще одно предложение? There were not only seamen but and priests, officials, service noblemen, courts.
  11. И еще одно тогда уж)) He sent for finding gold and spices.
  12. Проверьте пожалуйста 4 предложения Всем большое спасибо заранее!!! All, that was happening during the dicovery Columbus wrote in the ship's log-book.However the original of the ship's log-book was not saved.A priest did a partial copy of ship's log-book and it was extant up to this date. On 13 October 1492 Columb landed, hoisted the banner and acceded the possession of the island Guanahani. _________________ On the second travel they sent with livestocks, seeds of crops, grapevines for organising of the constant colony.
  13. Сейчас посмотрела на текст еще раз, и в принципе, упрощать там нечего((.Даты и географические названия из текста не выкинешь, а глаголы и формы их придется просто заучить..
  14. В том то и проблема, если я буду отступать от текста, у меня будут грамматически ошибки.(( Постараюсь написать еще раз, попроще этой версии, и выложу сюда.Посмотрим, что получиться.
  15. пыталась адаптировать текст.Нам вообще задали научную статью..Спасибо, вы мне очень помогли, но думаю придется еще упрощать.Так как мне надо будет выступать с этим текстом и рассказывать его наизусть, не представляю, как запомнить даты и географические названия.Вы не подскажете, как лучше упростить, чтобы, при выступлении не ошибиться? И да, я очень рада что Вы так быстро ответили, даже не ожидала что так быстро среагируют на форуме и помогут.