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    Я - учитель английского языка с большим стажем, Коркина Ирина Николаевна. На Вашем месте я бы использовала в 4 классе такие интересные виды деятельности, как викторины. И слова выучите и детям будет нескучно на Вашем уроке. Вот одна из них СЦЕНАРИЙ ИГРЫ «ABC-LAND» В IV КЛАССЕ ГБОУ ГИМНАЗИЯ № 114 ВЫБОРГСКОГО РАЙОНА САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГА. Задачи игры: Расширять и углублять словарный запас учащихся, воспитывать у детей интерес к изучению английского языка, творческому применению своих знаний в области лексики. Teacher: Good morning, everybody! We are happy to see you at our game! Today we shall travel to «ABC-LAND». It is a very interesting country! We shall write and guess, recite and read. We shall play and get prizes. I wish you success! Introducing of the teams and captains Now its time to introduce yourselves. I want the captains to come over and choose the names of the teams. 1.S/ R Game Teacher: I will ask questions, you should answer them using the words beginning with the letters S or R. Every right answer earns you one point: -What is your favourite food? (Key: rice) -Where do you spend summer? (south) -What do you wear? (shoes) -What is your favourite season? (summer) -You have a pet. What is it? (rabbit) -What is there in your bag? (ruler) -What is your friend 's name? (Sasha) -How old are you? (seven) -What is your favourite colour? (red) -What do you eat for dinner? (soup) -What do you put in your tea? (sugar) -I like lilies and you like … (roses). 2.Stop Game Teacher: Now I will read the ABC letter by letter. One of the players will stop me. Then all of you should write down as many words beginning with this letter as possible. Every right word earns you one point. (Key: P- pen, pencil, pencil-case, pupil…) 3.Charade Game Teacher: Listen to the rhymes and guess the letter! Every right answer earns you one point. 1.The beginning of everything, The end of time and space, The beginning of every end, And the end of every plate (Key: The letter E) 2.It's seen in you and not in me. It's also in door, but not in key. It's found in soap, but not in dirt. It's often used when you are hurt. (Key: The letter O) 3.It's seen in happy and also in gay. It's found in sea and also in bay. It's always used when we play. What letter am I? Can you say? (Key: The letter A) 4.I'm first in the last, in the lost I'm found; In the flower you' see me, but not on the ground; In the lily and lilac, and lotus I'm hid; Not seen in the eye, I'm known to its lid. Deep hid in the violet's bosom I dip; Indeed, I'm the very first thing on your lip! (Key: The letter L) 4.Telegramm Game Teacher: The Captain of each team should tell 5 letters. The other team should write down the sentence, in which all the words begin with these letters. Every right sentence earns you one point. (For example, U A D E C – Usually Ann drinks egg cocktail.) 5.Crazy M Game Teacher: Write down the sentences in which all the words begin with the letter M. These sentences should be as long as possible. Every right sentence earns you one point. 6.Add the Letter Game Teacher: Add the letter given in brackets to each word in the line to form a new word. Every right word earns you one point. For example, © ar = Car 1.(H) is, and, arm, ear, our, air; (S) tool, port, mile, he, and, it; © all, learn, lock, old, at, an; (P) air, ear, ark, ass, rice. 2. Add any letter given to each word in the line to form a new word. Every right word earns you one point. For example, Cat +o = Coat For, tree, red, sand, sit, man, ran, rod, hat, sick, soon (Key: Four, three, read, stand, suit, mean, rain, road, heat, stick, spoon) The end of the game. Giving prizes to the winners. The final speech of the teacher. Dear friends! It's a pity, but our game has just finished. Thank you for taking an active part in the game. You are really bright! I'm sure that your good knowledge of English will help you in future life!
  2. Ирина Коркина: Я уже отправила на форум свое упражнение по учебнику Enterprise II. Я также просмотрела в Интернете кое-какие дополнительные материалы. Для тех, кто интересуется проблемой критического мышления, предлагаю несколько сайтов. Там довольно интересные статьи. Сайты по критическому мышлению: http://festival.1september.ru/articles/415219/ http://distant.ioso.ru/library/publication/vinogradova1.htm http://xn--5-8sb3a.xn--p1ai/catalog/view.download/11/65 Мне понравилась статья Петричук И.И. «Технология развития критического мышления через чтение и письмо при обучении английскому языку в контексте компетентностного подхода» http://io.nios.ru/index.php?rel=33&point=11&art=1153
  3. Что касается критического мышления. 5 июня мы разбирали эту тему на курсах при АППО "Теория и методика обучения (иностранные языки" вместе с нашим преподавателем Евгенией Владимировной Костюк. Было довольно интересно. Я приготовила упражнение, в котором все задания расположены по нарастающей сложности в соответствие с 7 уровнями интеллектуальных умений, а именно: 1.Knowledge 2.Comprehension 3.Application 4.Analysis 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation Задания приготовлены по тексту "The Giant Squid", Enterprise II, Elementary, p 55 Но подобные задания можно подготовить по любому тексту. 1.Knowledge Tell me, please! -What happened after Jim Banning had gone fishing? -Who spoke to Jim Banning? -Find the meaning of the words «existed», «set off», «except for» and «benefited». Make a list of main evevnts/ 2.Comprehension What was the main idea of the story? Who was the key character? Make a cartoon script showing the sequence of events. 3.Application What questions would you ask to Jim Banning? Make up a puzzle using highlighted words. 4.Analysis Can you compare your travelling experience with that of Jim Banning? Design a questionnaire to gather information about the squid. Prepare a report from the team of scientists about their research. 5.Synthesis Can you write a leaflet about Kaikoura? Write about your feelings in relation to the events on Kaikoura. Write a play about the events on Kaikoura. 6.Evaluation Do you believe in the existence of the giant squid? How would you feel if you met such a creature? What do you think about Jim Banning’s story? Conduct a debate about mysterious creatures. Prepare a case to present your views about the development of tourism in New Zealand.