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  1. Вопросы родителей

    Подскажите, где в 6 классе по Биболетовой найти эти темы.
  2. Вопросы родителей

    Помогите с заданием на каникулы! Дочке задали, а я помочь ничем не могу Choose the correct verbs for the spaces. 1. I ____________________________to start school when I was five. have/had/must/need 2. I _______________________to wear a school uniform when I was five. needn’t/mustn’t/shouldn’t/didn’t have 3. She ___________________________swim when she was seven can/is able to/could/has to 4. He went into the kitchen. He ________________________smell coffee. can/was able to/could/must 5. It was very heavy, and I __________________________________lift it. don’t/cannot/couldn’t/was able to 6. Then Jenny helped me, and we ______________________________lift it. were able to/were/could/able to 7. You _______________________________to smoke in a cinema. mustn’t/shouldn’t/aren’t allowed/can’t 8. You ______________________smoke anywhere. It’s bad for you. mustn’t/needn’t/shouldn’t/aren’t allowed to 9. I went to the bank yesterday and got some money, so I ____________ go today. mustn’t/haven’t got/don’t need/needn’t 10.Students aren’t ___________________wear jewellery in some English schools. allowed to/prohibited/forbidden/allowed Complete these sentences with much, many or enough. 1. He hasn’t got as ________________________ water as her. 2. There aren’t ________________________trees in the world. 3. There’s too pollution in the world. 4. We didn’t drink as ___________________________glasses as them. 5. There isn’t ______________________________ food for everybody. 6. There are too ___________________________cars on the roads. ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО