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  1. Добрый день, уважаемые эксперты! Помогите, пожалуйста, оценить эссе учащегося 11 класса. Возникли разногласия в плане содержания с учеником и его родителями, поэтому тему сообщаю по-русски (для удобства понимания родителями)ю Тема "Следует ли увеличить пенсионный возраст в России, до 60 лет для женщин и до 65 лет для мужчин для женщин. Текст работы дается без изменений. Заранее спасибо! There are a lot of problems in our country and one of them is the aging of population. The change of the age of the retirement is considered to be one of the solutions. To my mind it is not a way out, just think, the life expectancy in Russia is lower than in Europe. It’s right to change the age of the retirement only when the life expectancy grows. The government should create all the conditions for such a change. For example help young and large families with a lot of kids, create new possibilities for young people, improve health care service. Moreover, they should also keep in mind ecological issues such as pollution of the water and air. The environment has a direct influence on the life expectancy. But, a lot of politicians still think that the change of the age of the retirement is a real way to solve the problem of the aging of population. They say that according to some resent research the life expectancy has already changed and conditions of life has become better. I think that such an issue should be discussed publicly. It’s important to consider different points of view. a bunch of factors such as economical, political and ecological should also be kept in mind. Moreover we should start doing our best to improve conditions of life of previous, our and next generations.
  2. Вебинары в январе 2014 года

    Добрый день. Зарегистрировалась на вебинар 30 января в 17.30, но случайно удалила письмо со ссылкой. Подскажите, пожалуйста,что делать?