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Все публикации пользователя Владислав

  1. Сайт о футболе www.footballculture.net. Мужской половине класса, думаю, будет полезно.
  2. movies in English

    Хорошая идея насчет Film Club. Классный исторический фильм про королеву Елизавету, мне он очень нравится, только длительность около 3 часов вроде. Диснеевский фильмы тоже классные. Мне кажется, что использовать фильмы и мультфильмы можно во всех классах. "Книгу джунглей" показывал в 6 классе, когда проходили тему "Animals in Our Life" по учебнику М.З.Биболетовой для 5-6 классов, когда вели разговор о диких и домашних животных.
  3. Talking About Holidays

    Holidays are a really important topic at the beginning of the school year. When talking about holidays, pupils need to be able to talk about past holidays. They should also show that they can operate in different tenses. The teachers are pupils` assistants with ideas and vocabulary. Prepare a short presentation about a holiday you went on once. You can show them some photos to make your presentation come alive. Put these headings on the blackboard: destination; food; lodging; activities; the best day; Ask pupils to listen carefully and make as many notes as possible. When you have finished see if you can all recreate what you said together. Write it up on the blackboard. This can be a model for them. Then ask them to prepare their own presentation about their holidays, using the headings and the model on the blackboard. E.g.: I was in Nizhniy Novgorod to visit my relatives last summer. This city is situated on the river Volga, has a long interesting history, a lot of beautiful sights. I have stayed by my relatives for three weeks and I have really enjoyed my holidays and rest. Every day I got up at 9 o`clock, greeted my aunt and then had breakfast. I had only a cup of tea with cakes. After breakfast I went shopping to buy food: bread, milk, and fruit. Some minutes later I went to dacha to help my uncle. In the evening I stayed at home, watched TV or walked with my niece on the beach. There was a beautiful birch grove near the sea, where we liked to spend our time. My best and unforgettable day was, when I visited the concert of the Moscow group “Banderos” for free. It was really cool.
  4. Gymnastics

    As we know, movement can be used to great effect to reinforce language at all levels. At primary level, I have great fun with parts of the body and instructions to make a very good gymnastics pause. Here are some elements I combine to make my own gym pause. Head, shoulders, knees and toes… Introduce the words from the song. Practice them by repeating and touching. Vary the volume of your repetition – sometimes loud like a scary gym instructor, sometimes quiet like a little mouse. Get pupils to touch the part of the body you say. When you feel the pupils are well practiced, sing the “Head, shoulders, knees and toes…” song. As homework, ask pupils to teach the song to someone at home. When I see my pupils after the lessons, they remember this song and sing it for me. They also teach their friends. They sing it on the street, at home, by one word everywhere. They like it very much.
  5. movies in English

    Я обычно показываю фильмы, которые покупаю и заранее смотрю, составляю задания. Например, при изучении темы "Sport" по учебнику В.П.Кузовлева для 8 класса, предложил учащимся посмотреть фильм "Убойный футбол" и выполнить к нему задания.
  6. About My Teaching Career

    My career of teaching English began, when I was a student of the third course of the Pedagogical University. It was the most difficult course, because I must study two languages: German and English. I studied English from the first course and on the third course I continued studying it. There were no thought about work, I only thought about my study. One day I was called by the dean of our faculty. She suggested me and my friend to work at the technical college. We had to go by bus two times a week there. The way took about 10 minutes. The dean was asked to find two students from our faculty by the director of the college some minutes ago before our meeting. Nobody agreed in our and other groups. And she decided to suggest us, me and my friend. I promised her to think one day and then to give her an answer. I took up all the variants of my future, how to connect work and study. Next day I agreed and my friend too. Our dean was very happy and we were very happy too. My first day of working at the technical college began. I was so nervous before the lessons; I had different bad thoughts in my mind. I thought about the students, especially about their future attention to me. I had three pairs, 6 lessons. I had two groups. I began my lesson from introducing myself and asking some questions about students` knowledge in English. The students were very interested in me from the first minutes of the lesson. I was liked by them and I liked them too. We became friends. We met two times a week at our lessons and when we had a break from our lessons at the University we went by bus to meet our students. I worked the whole year at the college. Then I changed my place of work, being a student of the fourth course. I wanted to work at school and I got this opportunity. I became a teacher of English of one of the town school in the town, where our University was situated. I had to go to school only one time and teach the pupils from the ninth form. They were such pupils, who didn`t want to study English. They used to mock at teachers. They didn`t have the constant teacher. All the teachers refused to teach them. I worked at this school over three month and then left it. I was so disappointed, I was sorry myself; I had a thought not to go to school to anymore. Two months later my good friend, my teacher of German, she taught me at school, rang me and suggested to work at my school and I agreed. I came to an agreement with the dean of the University and began working. I taught German and English lessons were only as optional courses. The students were so curious they studied foreign languages with pleasure. Nowadays, I continue working at my native school as a teacher of English and I am the only one. I teach English for pupils from the second till eleventh form. I love my pupils very much and their parents too. The pupil`s parents help me in difficult minutes, giving advice.
  7. Colloquial English

    to turn over a new leaf - начать новую жизнь once in a blue moon - очень редко to take pot luck - сделать не зная, что получится
  8. Cruelty in Indian Films

    Till recently in Indian cinema was only one and the same plot: a guy meets a girl, they fall in love and after some time they get married and live happily, everybody dances and sings. Nowadays, the streets of Indian cities and towns are decorated with posters with ads of new films. A lot of posters have grinning faces, expressing fear, cruelty and aggression. It is strange to see such things in the country, where the main religion preaches nonviolence. The energy of cruel films influences so, that a schoolboy can take a knife and kill the rude classmate. Such things happen not often. Imitating the main hero of the film, a young man wants to be cool, to have the same muscles, the same costume, the same car or motorbike. A girl wants to look attractive too, to have expensive dresses and make-up. A lot of Indians pay skeptical attention to the modern blockbusters. There are protest forums in Internet and also the whole public movements, trying to stop the production of the films, demonstrating the violence. The film industry of the State of Karnataka lost over 100 millions rupees last year, because the spectators refused to go to the cinema. Nevertheless, the cruelty of Indian films adds speed, trying not to be inferior in the quality of torn dead bodies. And there is the other danger, the most terrible. Watching one after another cruel films, the people change their world view. They forget, what is love and sympathy. Murders, explosions, violence, wars, terrorism. And what do you want? This is a very cruel world. But stop! It is shown on TV and the people believe in it, losing the habit step-by-step to react negatively to evil. We have no choice to think, to what do prepare India Indian films? And to what do Hollywood`s action films prepare Americans, Hong Kong`s – Chinese, and Russian – us?
  9. Без проблем. С удовольствием вышлю. Укажите свой e-mail.Только меня зовут Владислав, а не Владимир.
  10. Colloquial English

    to plead guilty - признать себя виновным to be released on bail - быть освобожденным to be granted or refused bail - отклониться to be ramanded in custody - быть взятым под стражу
  11. Colloquial English

    Crazy * Are you crazy? * Man, you’re insane! * You drive me nuts! * If you say that again, I go bananas! * He is lunatic! * He went bonkers! * He’s a wacko! * Have you gone round the bend? * He is crazy as a loon. * He is mad as a hatter. * Someone is not all there... * She’s nutty as a fruitcake! * He's really off his rocker! * What happens if the Mental Health Court decides that the person was of unsound mind at the time of the offence? * You are out of your mind! * You are sick in the head. * We have gone stark raving mad trying to do it. * Now, he's just plain batty. * She was gung ho about her new job. * Her brother is dotty. * These slovenly workmen drive me up the wall * Your nagging is driving me to drink.
  12. Мы - молодые 2009

    Визитная карточка конкурса "Мы - молодые 2009".
  13. Просто супер!!! Мне нравится!!!
  14. Using Songs – Activities for All Levels

    Choosing your song One word of warning – youngsters are increasingly sophisticated and critical and are exposed to all sorts of influences, so choose your song carefully. Repetition is a factor to bear in mind depending on the level of student you are dealing with. If a song has a snappy repetitive refrain, students will probably retain it with ease. Some songs are very serious and merit discussion of content; others are just a bit of fun. You can use both types of songs in your teaching, just make sure you are clear about what you want to achieve by the end of the lesson. Exploiting your song Once you have chosen, what can you do with your song? Here are some ideas for exploiting a song rather just listening and following it through: • Give students the title of the song and ask them to predict what type of vocabulary they are going to hear. Ask them what type of song they think it might be; • Make a transcript of the song then cut it up and jumble up the lines so that they are out of order. Students listen to the song and simply tick the lines as they hear them; • Once they have done this, students can try and number the lines as they hear them. You can make this more or less difficult depending on how long you make the chunks of song; • Give students a number of symbols that they represent the meaning of the song, but in the wrong order; • You can use gap fills if you want students to listen out for particular vocabulary or grammatical structures. Be careful not to have too many gaps too close together as songs move forward fairly rapidly! • Give students a short list of words and ask them to note down how many times they hear each word; • Split sentences from the song in half and ask students to match the sentence halves before they listen, then to check their answers by listening; • Give students a list of words and ask them to listen for the words that rhyme with those on their list; • Spot the difference. This activity is best done after the song. Give students a version where some of the vocabulary is wrong, but makes sense. Ask them to spot the rogue words and to change them back to the correct version by listening to the song again. Songs on the Internet Here is one site where you can get hold of lyrics for English songs: www.amalgama-lab.com P.S. This material I found in my university`s notices.
  15. Сайты для скачивания книг и текстов.

    Также можете скачать бесплатно книги на английском языке на www.homeenglish.ru.
  16. Colloquial English

    Of course. Character to be able to stand my ground -стоять на своем to be a able to establish a good rapport - устанавливать хорошие отношения not good at selling myself - не способен проявит себя
  17. Colloquial English

    to sleep like a dog - спать как сурок to go against the grain - противоречить to be on up and up - быть на высоте to put smth in a nutshell - выражаться кратко on a shoestring - автостопом catch a glimpse of - увидеть на мгновение stare into space - глазеть
  18. Indian Cinema

    I haven`t told about this country in my class yet. It is a great idea! I`ll do it.
  19. Indian Cinema

    India is one of those countries, the modern art of which is rooted in the deep past. The cinema of India took the traditions of the national theatre, which has the strict canons. The line of possessing good qualities heroes, heroines and the character, which embodies evil must present in the plot. And the main part of each Indian film is music, songs and dances. The plot must be understood by all spectators: from bankers till the last beggar. It seems to be the spectator has a feeling that he plays a part in the film. Every one of us read books by R.Kipling, the stories about Captain Nemo in our childhood. All these characters are from India. That is why there is no wonder that the Indian films appeared on the screens of many cinemas. They were immediately approved by spectators. One after another came out such films as “The Tramp”, “Mr. 420”, affecting stories about love and fight with evil. The magic world of music, dances, bright colours, the world of tears and laughter, sorrow and joy, fails and victories conquered thousands people. Enormous queues for the tickets, full halls confirmed the success by the Soviet people. India is the country of contrasts, where there are modern technologies and hand work. Temples and airports, big highways and winding mountain roads, the past and the present run into, creating that colouring, which can come in sight the play of imagination. Nevertheless, it is India. Probably, that is why the Indian films seem to be the fairy-tale for many people, but the art must reflect not only the reality, but also give the freedom of phantasy.
  20. Colloquial English

    action - excitement - Do you know where the action is in this town? action man - a man who participates in macho activities. break it up - stop - Break it up, or I will call the police.
  21. Colloquial English

    Ace Boon Coon - Best friend Ace! - Excellent! Very good! Ace-Duce - Best friend.
  22. Colloquial English

    to do a bunk - to make an escape, leave rapidly. eg. "Once Fred er'd the filth were onto him he dun a bunk". to bunk-off - to be absent without permission, usually used by children who miss days at school. to clock - to notice / see / look at. to cop hold - to take hold of, to look at. Also 'cop a feel' to grope someone sexually. to cop it - to die, to get into trouble. to cop off - to make an excuse to avoid something, also used to mean to 'get off' with someone sexually. to cop out - to 'chicken' out of something or retire early due to laziness, go back on a promise.
  23. Colloquial English

    to have a check up - to have a preventive examination to be acute - to have an acute pain to be or feel run down - to be or feel physically exhausted; attenuated, withered; jaded, worn-out ; sweltered (жарой)
  24. Colloquial English

    to be on the dole – to live on the cash benefit (жить на пособие) to be laid off – to be off the pay-roll to resign – to leave work; to go out of service to negotiate training – to discuss terms