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Все публикации пользователя Любомира

  1. Спасибо. Рада , что мой труд так востребован.
  2. Спасибо, за добрые слова. На днях размещу и каталог видеоинформации к этому учебнику.
  3. Уважаемая Uchilka, в самом начале разработки, где Вы объясняете на схеме образование 3-го лица ед.ч. глагола to play, Вы, вероятно, ошиблись, написав глагол ЧИТАТЬ?
  4. Уважаемая Татьяна Геннадьевна, только на днях получила учебник Happy English.ru для 10 класса. Учебник удивительно интересный и насыщенный и я уже предвкушаю удовольствие от работы с ним. И хотя процесс поиска информации, а особенно видео, очень трудоемкий, работа по созданию каталогов оказалась удивительно интересной для меня самой и, что очень приятно, востребованной многими учителями. Где бы ещё времени побольше взять, чтобы всё успеть? Но, обещаю, я постараюсь. Думаю, в ближайшие дни уже начну.
  5. Songs for ELT

    Уважаемая 1fluffy, здесь Вы можете найти ответы на Ваш вопрос http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index....post&p=5289 (информация о сохранении видеофайла в конце поста) http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index....post&p=5482
  6. Если не получается ответить в тему

    За полтора года пребывания на форуме кое-что запомнила благодаря неплохой визуальной памяти (простите за тафтологию...) модераторские функции обязывают...
  7. Если не получается ответить в тему

    Нашла Ваши рассуждения в теме "Что лучше-работа в школе или частное преподавание?" http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index....post&p=9568 И вот тема о профессиональном выгорании http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=1030
  8. Огромное спасибо, уважаемые коллеги, за такую оценку моего труда. Рада, что в этих каталогах вы находите полезную информацию и интересные идеи для своих уроков.
  9. Добрый вечер, уважаемые коллеги! В этом учебном году начала работать в 5 классе по учебнику New Millennium English (4-й год обучения) и решила постепенно собирать дополнительную информацию из Интернета ко всем урокам, чтобы при необходимости было бы чем воспользоваться. Получился целый каталог ресурсов. Здесь есть и картинки, и примеры интерактивных упражнений, есть примеры проектов и виртуальные туры, видеоинфоормация. Как всегда спешу поделиться всем этим богатством с вами, дорогие форумчане. Большое спасибо Алексею Васильевичу Конобееву за помощь в редактировании этого каталога. Unit 1. It's me Lesson 1. Back at school – Где найти рассказ ребенка о том, как прошел его первый день в школе? http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/country_profil...amp;sid=6699486 – a boy's story with photos about his first day at school http://www.englishdaily626.com/junior_english_essays.php - a child tells about the first day of school http://www.stmaryscambridge.co.uk/myfristday/index.php - five children tell about their first day at a new school http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/quest/2...61400020200.htm – one more child's story about his first day in school http://www.kidzfloor.com/essays/my-school-day.html – a sample of an essay for kids on My first day at school Lesson 2. A new pupil - Как оформлять e-mail? Как можно использовать переписку по электронной почте для обучения? Как можно найти друзей по переписке для школьников? http://www.english-for-techies.net/Q%20&am...ting-emails.pdf - advice on how to write e-mails http://www.lclark.edu/~krauss/usia/harrisw...ticle/Body.html - an article on how to use e-mails and internet services for interschool telecommunication projects Here are some websites where you can find penpals: www.interpals.net, www.mylanguageexchange.com, www.eun.org, http://www.globalclassroom.org/, http://www.iearn.org/, http://members.ozemail.com.au/~penpals/index.html http://www.iwaynet.net/~jwolve/school.html http://www.educationoasis.com/curriculum/penpals.htm http://www.europa-pages.com/school_form.html http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/ http://www.calvertschool.org/community/pen-pals/ http://www.pen-friends.net/england.html http://www.pen-friends.net/wales.html http://www.pen-friends.net/scotland.html http://www.pen-friends.net/ireland.html http://www.ipfeurope.com http://www.europa-pages.com/penpal_form.html Lesson 3. Me and my class – Где найти пример сочинения, написанного школьником о своем классе, одноклассниках? Где найти информацию о school projects в Интернете? http://www.englishdaily626.com/junior_english_essays.php?006 – a sample of junior english essay on My classmates http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=420 – a school project on www.englishteachers.ru http://www.gsn.org/GSH/pr/ - a registry of internet school projects. Browse forthcoming projects and join in with your class http://www.elanguages.org/view_pagecontent...;id=r2347#r2347 – another site to find and join international school projects http://www.rblewis.net/technology/EDU506/W...s/langarts.html - language arts projects for children http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/projects/...d/featured.html - online projects and webquests for children http://www.primaryschool.com.au/webquestsresults.php - webquests and web-projects designed for primary schools Lesson 4. What do you collect – Где найти рассказы детей об их коллекциях? Как помочь ребенку начать что-нибудь коллекционировать? Какие типичные хобби у детей в разных странах? Чем увлекаются дети в Англии? Какие хобби были популярны у детей в 19-м веке? Где прочитать рассказ ребенка о его хобби? http://www.zuzu.org/collect.html – kid collectors share stories about their collections http://42explore.com/collect.htm – all about kid's collecting http://collectibles.about.com/od/valuabler...scollecting.htm – tips on helping kids to start a collection http://www.wikihow.com/Collect-for-Kids – how to collect for kids http://www.mydollnme.com/?p=155 – ideas for children’s hobbies http://www.buzzle.com/articles/list-of-hob...-interests.html - a list of interesting hobbies, by age and gender http://www.grandmascraftguides.com/hobbyguideindex.html - hobby and craft guide index to explore in-depth different hobbies and crafts http://www.btha.co.uk/education/template.php?id=158 – teaching ideas from the British toy and hobby association http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/2181963.stm - what are popular hobbies and how much do they cost A 2002 news report on the most expensive children’s hobbies http://www.allkids.co.uk/kids_pages/kids_activities.shtml - a collection of webpages and sites dedicated to popular children’s activities and hobbies http://www.englishdaily626.com/junior_english_essays.php?013 – a child's story about his hobby http://www.nettlesworth.durham.sch.uk/time...ian/vsport.html - popular Victorian hobbies Lesson 5. Hello on Music Radio – Где найти радио программы для детей? http://www.kidsmusicplanet.com/ - a music podcast for kids http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/programmes/genr...hildrens/player – list of BBC radio programmes for kids http://www.old-time.com/kidshows/index.html - kids' radio adventure shows http://www.kinderstart.com/artsandentertai...o/programs.html – the following links to radio programme for children Lesson 6. I'm good at computers – Где найти иллюстрированную информацию для детей о том, из каких частей состоит компьютер? Где взять адреса образовательных, обучающих, развлекательных сайтов для детей? http://www.computerlabkids.com/parts.htm – track down computer parts http://library.thinkquest.org/5862/ - the webpage for kids about computers http://www.kidsandcomputers.co.uk/computer...aming-game.html – computer parts naming game http://www.elllo.org/english/Games/G021-Computer.html – an interactive game on computer parts http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/most_...es_for_kids.php – information about the most popular websites for kids http://www.kidsites.com/ -a guide to the best kids sites on the web http://www.kidsknowit.com/ - free educational website for children http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/besmart/cool2.html – fun websites for kids Lesson 8. Project – Где посмотреть детские журналы в режиме онлайн? http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ - online magazine for children from National Geographic, includes videos, activities, games, stories http://www.gamequarium.com/magazines.html – links to online magazines and newspapers for children http://www.pitara.com/magazine/ - a free online magazine for children with features and articles on festivals, art, craft, places and eminent people, also a funny section with jokes, riddles, etc Unit 2. School and daily routines Lesson 1. My timetable - На что похож типичный день в английской и в американской школе? На что похоже типичное расписание занятий? Какие предметы изучают сверстники учеников в английских школах? Каким могло бы быть расписание в волшебной школе? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/schday/Start.html - a typical day at an English school http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...19050953AAp2nSs – a typical day at an American school http://www.stowe.co.uk/Daily-Routine-Life.aspx - timetable and daily routine of an English school http://www.blurtit.com/q699898.html - a typical timetable in an English and Welsh school http://www.princeville.bradford.sch.uk/hom...ecurriculum.htm - a Yorkshire school curriculum http://www.dep.anl.gov/newcomers/schools.htm - information about American schools http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools - a list of school subjects with activities on BBC site http://www.worldofhogwarts.org/classtimetable.htm - timetable of a magic school Lesson 3. What's the time? - Где взять интерактивные упражнения, чтобы научить детей говорить время по-английски? http://www.teachingtime.co.uk/ - interactive games for telling the time http://www.mrmyers.org/Math_Mania/Math_Gam...Clock/clock.htm http://www.time-for-time.com/swf/myclox.swf - an interactive clock with time shown on the analogue clock, on the digital clock and written in words http://www.fi.edu/time/Journey/JustInTime/contents.html - lesson plans, print materials and online activities to teach children about time Lesson 4. Who does what - Какие имена домашних животных популярны в Англии? Как можно назвать домашнего любимца по-английски? http://www.agilitybits.co.uk/names/pop_2008.html - popular dog names http://www.bowwow.com.au/top20/index.asp - 20 most popular cat names http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_ten..._pets_in_the_US - the ten most popular pets in the USA http://www.infoplease.com/spot/petnamespot.html - 30 most popular pet names http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/3500882/R...-than-dogs.html - reptiles become more popular pets than dogs in 2008, as this article states Lesson 5. Always, sometimes or never? - Как дети проводят свое свободное время после школы? Как ребенку потратить время после уроков с пользой для себя, своего здоровья? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/After-school_activity - encyclopaedia entry about after-school activity http://fun.familyeducation.com/recreationa...ames/33126.html - find information on after-school activities ranging from after-school programs, sports teams, after-school jobs, outdoor activities http://home.howstuffworks.com/after-school-activities.htm – examples of after-school activities for children http://www.afterschoolpa.com/home.html - after-school physical activities website http://www.afterschool.gov/ - ideas for after-school activities for children and youth http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=1294 – how to choose after-school activities Lesson 6. Let's work together – Как создать школьную газету? Как в этом могут помочь учителя, старшие школьники, родители? http://www.enchantedlearning.com/newspaper/ - some practical advice on how to make a classroom newspaper http://www.uen.org/utahlink/tours/tourFame...i?tour_id=14843 – a website dedicated to creation a student newspaper http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_3...300/3292327.stm – why it's important to have a school newspaper http://www.ehow.com/how_2247403_create-sch...ary-school.html – how to create a school newspaper in elementary school Unit 3. My family Lesson 1. Family album - Где найти рассказ английского ребенка о его семье? Как сделать семейный альбом? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ons/family.html - a 10-year old boy tells about his family and what he does during the day http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu.../familylife.htm - description of family life in Britain, by children http://www.edu-negev.gov.il/bs/makif7/engl...ily%20Album.htm – a sample of project on Family album http://www.ehow.com/how_2173870_family-alb...emorabilia.html – some tips on how to create a family album http://www.chacocanyon.com/pointlookout/010502.shtml – how to make a project ”Family Album” http://www.mommyandme.com/activities/family-album-2.html –advice for parents on how to make a family album together with a child Lesson 2. I look like my... - А сколько детей в английской семье? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/139...tml?mobile=true – the average number of children in Britain, according to this article, has fallen down to 1.64 from 2.4 Lesson 3. My home is my castle - Какими бывают замки? Какие замки – самые знаменитые? Где найти картинки и информацию для детей о замках? А какие дома бывают в Англии? Где можно найти фотографии английских домов? Где взять готовые описания комнат? Как выглядели дома в Англии в старину? Как можно устроить виртуальную экскурсию по английскому дому? Где можно взять рассказ английского школьника о его комнате? Где найти фотографии самых необычных домов? http://www.medieval-castle.com/ - a site dedicated to medieval castles, including their history, architecture, weapons, timelines, haunted castles etc. http://www.medievalplus.com/castles/ - an overview of medieval castles http://www.geocities.com/helenelope/castles/castles.html - history, pictures and plans of medieval castles http://medievalcastles.stormthecastle.com/famous_castles.htm - famous castles of the world http://www.mystical-sites.stevenredhead.co...s/castles1.html - famous European fortresses and castles http://videos.howstuffworks.com/search.php...p;x=63&y=16 – ten short videos about castles, including famous castles, life in castles etc http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Ho...rk/Castles.html - a brief description of castles in history, here you’ll find the answers to the following questions: what are castles, why were castles built, where were castles built, what is the biggest castle in England and what is the biggest castle in the world? http://www.castles.org/kids/ - castle of King Edward –m pictures and very short story for children http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...uses/houses.htm - types of houses in England, with pictures http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...main/index.html - photographs of houses in Kent, England http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_house_types – a list of house types with links to their descriptions http://www.propertyinvestmentproject.co.uk...ypes-of-houses/ - illustrated information about the most common types of houses in England http://www.findaflat.com/ - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency http://www.homefromhome.co.uk/?gclid=COCBx...CFRC7Zwod4WhooA - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ions/house.html - inside an English house, described by a 10-year old boy, with photographs http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_...english/map.htm - a tour of a virtual English house http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/houses.html - English houses and homes through history – descriptions and pictures http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ik/bedroom.html - a 10-year old boy tells about his bedroom http://listphobia.com/2008/11/10/10-most-u...s-of-the-world/ - 10 most unusual houses of the world http://weburbanist.com/2008/02/10/10-amazi...eative-designs/ - 10 amazing tree-houses from around the world http://www.bukisa.com/articles/37063_10-un...round-the-world – 10 unique houses from around the world Lesson 5. Family history – Как собрать информацию о своей семье? Как узнать, кем были предки? Как создать свое генеалогическое дерево? http://www.kidsturncentral.com/topics/hobb...dsgenealogy.htm – this guide will help a child to figure out where he/she came from and what his/her family history is http://www.kidsturncentral.com/topics/hobbies/genforms.htm – free, printable forms for children to help organise their genealogy records http://www.dltk-bible.com/genesis/families...family_tree.htm – a family tree craft for children http://kids.familytreemagazine.com/kids/default.asp – fun advice for children on how to make a family tree http://pbskids.org/wayback/family/tree/index.html – a webpage for children to help them create a family tree online http://genealogy.about.com/od/children/Gen...or_Children.htm - resources for students working on school family history projects, lesson plans for teachers wanting to introduce genealogy in the classroom Unit 4. Yummy, yummy Lesson 1. I love bananas! - Где найти картинки с изображениями продуктов для скачивания? Что такое food pyramid? Где найти дополнительные интерактивные упражнения для выполнения в компьютерном классе или дома? Что едят в Британии? Из чего состоит типичный английский завтрак/ланч/обед? Какой ланч полезен для здоровья школьника? Чем кормят детей в английских и американских школах? Сколько стоят школьные обеды в Англии и в США? http://bodyandsoul.nih.gov/resources_bsimagelib_1.shtml - downloadable pictures of foods http://www.languageguide.org/im/food/eng/ - online picture dictionary of food http://www.clipartguide.com/_search_terms/food.html - pictures of foods http://kidshealth.org/kid/talk/kidssay/com...food_guide.html - children’s ideas about the food pyramid and what shape it should be www.mes-english.com/worksheets/flashcards/food.php - free exercises, worksheets and wordsearches about food http://excellence.qia.org.uk/page.aspx?o=142276 - exercises to do with food including: Name the food, Write a few sentences about your favourite food, Find food words that are singular and plural, Place the food items in the categories, Complete the food words and place them in alphabetical order http://www.tolearnenglish.com/cgi2/myexam/...riture_multiple choice, matching and scrambled words online exercises for different levels http://www.manythings.org/vq/ma-food.html - a short online vocabulary quiz with pictures http://www.lingolex.com/cc/foods.htm – a brief introduction to British food http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/CU.../food/meals.htm – illustrated information about meals and meal times in England http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/food.html – what traditional British food is www.ehow.com/how_2142825_kids-eat-healthier.html - recommendations for parents on how to make children eat healthier food www.culinary.net/.../FeatureDetail.aspx?ID=2087 – recipes and a list of healthy foods for children http://www.sportsdietitians.com.au/asset/1...h_Box_Ideas.pdf - ideas for healthy school lunches to pack in a lunchbox http://southernfood.about.com/cs/lunchboxi...chool_lunch.htm - recipes of lunches for lunchboxes http://www.northlan.gov.uk/education+and+l...+lunch+box.html – ideas on a healthy packed lunch http://www.pwcs.edu/menus - a school lunch menu from an American school http://www.myschoollunch.co.uk/hampshire - school lunch menus in a British school, with pictures Lesson 2. Have you got any bananas? Lesson 3. A packet of crisps, please. Lesson 4. The lost trolley - Какие продукты продаются в крупных английских магазинах? Где найти интерактивные игры о том, как делать покупки в магазине? http://www.sainsburys.com/groceries/index....D=1240223814577 – what food can you buy in British stores/ Take a look at what Sainsbury’s offers online http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...tions/shops.htm - information about shops and shopping in England, written by schoolchildren http://www.coolmath-games.com/0-coffee-shop/index.html – an interactive game ”Coffee shop” http://www.thekidzpage.com/freekidsgames/g...shop-game2.html – free children online game ”Sandwich shop” Lesson 5. Let's make a fruit salad - Какие рецепты можно попробовать приготовить детям? Откуда можно распечатать эти рецепты? Что посоветовать детям, которые захотят приготовить еду по английским рецептам? http://kidshealth.org/kid/recipes/index.html - a number of healthy recipes for children to try cooking. www.culinary.net/.../FeatureDetail.aspx?ID=2087 – recipes and a list of healthy foods for children http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/mostof_c...riendly_recipes – recipes to try out with children from BBC’s site http://www.childrensrecipes.com – printable recipes for children http://familyfun.go.com/recipes/kids - tips and recipes for children http://www.ehow.com/how_2145081_prepare-cl...-breakfast.html – several instructions on how to prepare a classic British breakfast Lesson 6. Have you got a sweet tooth? - Где можно больше узнать об истории шоколада? Как делают конфеты? http://www.fieldmuseum.org/Chocolate/history.html - a brief history of chocolate http://www.chocolatelovers.com/history.htm - a brief history of chocolate and how sweets are made http://www.chocolatemonthclub.com/chocolatehistory.htm - chocolate history timeline http://www.chocolatemonthclub.com/factory.htm - the making of sweets – a simple but informative process description Unit 5. Animal life Lesson 1. Mini beasts – Где можно найти дополнительную иллюстрированную информацию о насекомых, их видах и названиях? Какие дополнительные ресурсы (песни, стихи, картинки) можно ещё использовать для объяснения этой темы? http://www.kathimitchell.com/insects.html – links to websites for children about insects http://kids.yahoo.com/animals/insects – illustrated information on what an insect is, the names and types of insects http://insects.about.com/od/teachingabouti...conceptions.htm – what misconceptions children have about insects http://www.sidney.ars.usda.gov/sidebar/justforkids2.html – the most frequently asked questions by children about insects http://www.atozkidsstuff.com/insects.html – different fun activities about insects, contains songs, poems, arts, printout pages Lesson 2. Smart creatures - Где найти дополнительные материалы, чтобы научить детей называть части тела животного по-английски? У кого из животных самые большие уши, шея рога, язык и т.д.? Какие животные – самые необычные, интересные, сильные, красивые, умные и т.д.? http://bogglesworldesl.com/animal_body_parts.htm - flashcards for teaching vocabulary related to animal body parts http://bogglesworldesl.com/lessons/animal_parts.htm – teaching vocabulary to describe animals http://www.britishcouncil.org/kids-flashcards.htm – print flashcards of animal body parts http://www.slideshare.net/etienne77/animal-body-parts – slide show on animal body parts http://www.bukisa.com/articles/47393_anima...ific-body-parts - a list of animals with the most amazing body parts http://environment.uk.msn.com/wildlife/gal...umentid=9652807 – animal record breakers: champion runners, swimmers, jumpers etc of the animal world, with pictures http://www.quedat.com/2007/09/02/25-of-the...esting-animals/ - 25 of the world’s most interesting animals http://crunkish.com/top-ten-most-intellige...s-in-the-world/ - top 10 most intelligent animals in the world http://lumq.com/10/weirdest-animals-and-cr...s-in-the-world/ - the weirdest animals and creatures in the world, with pictures http://weburbanist.com/2008/11/24/strange-...nimals-species/ - the world’s strangest plants and animals Lesson 3. Perfect parents – Кто среди животных самые заботливые мамы? А кто самые лучшие папы в животном мире? Как называют детёнышей у разных животных? http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/Features/Lis...icle=Animalmoms – top 10 animal moms http://scienceray.com/biology/zoology/10-best-animal-mums/ - 10 the best animal mums http://wanimal.blogspot.com/2008/04/caring...s-pictures.html – photos of caring animal mothers http://www.nwf.org/NationalWildlife/articl...p;articleID=612 – top 10 animal fathers http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/...malbabies.shtml – what names animal babies have – information with illustrations http://www.stteresa.net/babyanimalnames.htm - names of males, females, babies, and groups of animals, here you can find gallery, pictures, puzzle, a game on baby animal names http://www.agr.state.il.us/kidspage/babies.html - click on the images to learn the proper names for farm animals and their babies Lesson 4. Wild visitors - А в каких странах, на каких континентах какие животные живут? Почему они живут именно там? http://www.billybear4kids.com/animal/whose.../the-world.html - information about animals and types of climate and regions where they live http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ns/animals.html - animals native to England http://www.readinga-z.com/newfiles/levels/...malslived.html/ - informational book ”Where Animals Live” presents various animals and the places in which they live, the text and illustrations provide a way to introduce early readers to the concept of habitats, the book can be downloaded http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0768522.html - a list of animals according to continents http://www.electricscotland.com/kids/stories/animals.htm - here is a collection of stories with animals http://www.allaboutanimals.org.uk/PK-Stories.asp - this way to amazing animal stories, poetry and art and loads more info Lesson 5. When I was a little... - Где взять картинки, фотографии с изображениями детёнышей разных животных? http://www.babyanimalz.com/ - pictures of baby animals http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/anim...by-animals.html – a photo gallery: Baby Animals from National Geographic http://www.wildlife-pictures-online.com/ba...l-pictures.html – baby animal pictures showcasing cute photos of lion cubs, baby elephants, a mischievous baboon, a tiny hippo and more Lesson 6. Big and beautiful - А где взять картинки с изображениями животных из зоопарка? Как совершить виртуальное путешествие по зоопарку? Где найти дополнительные материалы и идеи для работы в классе по этой теме? http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/PhotoGallery/ - animal photo gallery http://www.northrup.org/photos/Animals/ - thousands of amazing photos of hundreds of different animal species, with detailed information and fun facts about many of the animals http://members.tripod.com/Thryomanes/ZooAnimals.html - animal photo gallery http://www.flowerpictures.net/Freebeautifu...als-1/index.htm – pictures of different animals with short descriptions http://www.surfnetkids.com/zoo.htm – links to virtual tours of the world - famous zoos http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Audiences/kids/default.cfm - learn about animals with the help of colouring pages, take a virtual world tour, solve puzzles and do crosswords and more http://www.k-3learningpages.net/web%20zoo.htm – links to zoo theme ideas, school projects research ideas, virtual zoos, zoo links pages, online games http://www.nidhin.com/bronx-zoo-new-york-zoo.html – a virtual tour of the Bronx Zoo http://www.philadelphiazoo.org/user/Zoo-Kids-Club.htm – a visit to Philadelphia Zoo Kids Club Unit 6. Many years ago... Lesson 1. They lived many years ago – Какие животные жили на Земле до появления человека? Как они выглядели? Где посмотреть видео о них? Какими были динозавры? Где найти картинки для раскрашивания и интерактивные игры про динозавров? Где найти материалы для проектной работы о динозаврах? http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/anim...rehistoric.html - learn all you wanted to know about prehistoric animals with pictures, videos, photos, facts http://www.funtrivia.com/trivia-quiz/ForCh...mals-19235.html - prehistoric animals quiz for kids http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~skafi/ - here you can find all you want to know about the first living creatures and the first dinosaurs http://www.neok12.com/Prehistoric-Animals.htm - Prehistoric Animals for kids - science videos, lessons and quizzes http://www.copyrightexpired.com/earlyimage...x_previews.html - early prehistoric animal and dinosaur pictures for teachers, crafts, schools, children and parents http://www.kidsdinos.com/ - everything about dinosaurs for children, including dino data, information about paleontology, help with memorizing the names of dinosaurs, and dinosaur games and activities http://funschool.kaboose.com/time-warp/dinosaurs/ - dinosaur games. Crafts, wordsearches, colouring pictures and quizzes http://www.mantyweb.com/dinosaur/ - dinosaur facts and online games http://www.artistshelpingchildren.org/dino...dsprojects.html - dinosaur crafts and printables for project work http://www.kidsturncentral.com/links/dinolinks.htm - a list of online dinosaur resources Lesson 2. Native Americans – Как жили американские индейцы? Какими были их жилища, что они ели, во что одевались, как общались между собой? Где найти дополнительную информацию о Христофоре Колумбе и его первом путешествии в Америку? http://www.native-languages.org/kids.htm – Native Americans facts for kids – resources on American Indians for children and teachers http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjec...veamericans.htm – learn more about Native Americans http://minnow.net/ - illustrated information on how Native Americans lived, what they wore, what they ate, how they communicated http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/columbus.htm – learn more about Christopher Columbus, one of the most famous explorers, and his first visit America in 1492 Lesson 3. On a big – Где найти иллюстрированную информацию для детей о самых известных древних цивилизациях? Где можно больше узнать о каждой из них? Как рассказать детям об истории Олимпийских игр, о том, когда и где состоялись первые Олимпийские игры, кто в них участвовал? http://ancienthistory.mrdonn.org/ - free presentations on ancient history for children http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/History...tions/index.htm - a comprehensive educational directory that provides a wide variety of resources on ancient civilizations http://www.kidspast.com/world-history/index.php - world history for children online http://kids.aol.com/homework-help/junior/history/ancient - this Internet directory includes educator-reviewed web sites about ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome http://www.funtrivia.com/en/ForChildren/An...Kids-18469.html - fun facts about ancient history for kids, interesting factoids, information and answers http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/Greece.html – information on ancient Greece and the ancient Greeks http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/Egypt.html - facts about Ancient Egypt for children http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/ol/Olympic_games – article from Kids Online Encyclopedia about Olympic Games and its history http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/greeks...es/olympics.htm – history of Greek Olympic Games for children http://www.first-school.ws/activities/firs...ps/Olympics.htm - Olympic Games for children - crafts, lesson plan printable activities, medal, some great Olympic pictures and a little history of the games Lesson 4. Ancient Sparta – Кто такие ”спартанцы”? Какие законы были в Древней Спарте? Как спартанцы воспитывали своих детей? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Ho...eece/sparta.htm – illustrated information about ancient Sparta http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/greeks...nt/spartans.htm – history of Sparta for children http://greece.mrdonn.org/sparta.html – here you can find everything about life in ancient Sparta http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Ho...eece/athens.htm – what life in ancient Sparta and ancient Athens looked like http://www.historywiz.com/didyouknow/spartanfamily.htm – interesting information for children on Spartans families, how Spartan children were brought up Unit 7. Let's go to the theatre Lesson 5. A puppet show – Где найти идеи как организовать и поставить школьный спектакль на английском языке? Как устроить самим кукольное представление? Где найти полезную информацию и видео-инструкции, как сделать кукол своими руками? Где найти сценарии для кукольного спектакля? http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index....классная+работа http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index....классная+работа http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index....классная+работа http://42explore.com/puppet.htm - learn how to make a sack or sock puppet and how to make your own puppet show http://www.ehow.com/how_2081661_make-puppet-theatre.html – some tips on how to make a puppet theatre http://video.google.ru/videosearch?hl=ru&a...ved=0CB0QqwQwAw – video advice and examples on how to make a puppet and a puppet show http://familyfun.go.com/crafts/puppet-playhouse-671882/ - how to make puppet playhouse http://www.teacherhelp.org/puppets.htm – here you'll find links to puppet, puppet patterns, paper bag puppets, sock puppets, hand puppets, and scripts http://www.legendsandlore.com/scripts.html - two, three or four persons scripts for a puppet show Lesson 6. How did you like it? - Где найти дополнительную информацию о театре-студии MESS? http://mess.mrenglish.ru/eng/index.html – the official site of MESS – the only theatre studio in Moscow that stages and performs professional musicals in English Unit 8. Town and village Lesson 1. Where do you live? - Где найти дополнительную информацию к иллюстрациям этого урока? Где прочитать описание своего города, графства и т.п. ребенком из Англии? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ions/london.htm – facts about London for children http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Melford – brief encyclopedia entry on Long Melford http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thetford – illustrated information about Thetford http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindisfarne – Holy Island http://www.elanguages.org/view_pagecontent...d=r35362#r35362 – an international project with a few stories about two Bulgarian towns and one city from Scotland http://palcwriting12.blogspot.com/2008/01/...wn-stories.html - students from China, Korea, Japan, Poland and Afghanistan tell about their home towns http://welcome-to-my-town.com/ - a collection of the thoughts of what makes a town great by ordinary people living in ordinary towns in many countries that are very special to them http://articles.famouswhy.com/craiova_-_my_native_town/ - a story about the town of Craiova, Romania Lesson 2. The London Eye - Где найти информацию об истории Лондона? Какие самые популярные достопримечательности Лондона? Где взять их описания? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_London - encyclopaedia entry about the history of London http://www.londononline.co.uk/history/ - a detailed history of London http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...don/history.htm - a brief history of London http://www.entsweb.co.uk/tourist/top/index.html - top tourist attractions in and outside London (including pictures and history) http://www.beautiful-london.co.uk/index.htm - brief descriptions of London’s main sights http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/bu/Buckingham_Palace – Kids Encyclopedia about Backingham Palace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckingham_Palace - encyclopaedia entry about Buckingham Palace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Ben - encyclopaedia entry about the Big Ben http://www.britainexpress.com/London/Big_Ben.htm - brief information about the Big Ben http://www.hrp.org.uk/toweroflondon - official site of the Tower of London, history, stories, pictures, people, maps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_London - encyclopaedia entry on the Tower of London http://www.toweroflondontour.com – a virtual tour of the Tower of London http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trafalgar_Square - encyclopaedia entry about Trafalgar Square http://www.london.gov.uk/trafalgarsquare/history/index.jsp - a brief history of Trafalgar Square http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/travel/feature...e/history.shtml - history of Trafalgar Square and a downloadable leaflet with the heritage trail from BBC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_Bridge - encyclopaedia entry about Tower Bridge http://www.aviewoncities.com/london/towerbridge.htm – brief information about Tower Bridge http://www.toweroflondontour.com/kids/bridge.html - brief illustrated article about Tower Bridge for kids Lesson 3. Where dreams come true – Какими будут города будущего? Какие там будут дома, магазины, школы? Где прочитать о городе New Songdo City в Южной Корее? http://pbskids.org/zoom/activities/sci/futurecity.html - What's your vision of a future city? ”Design your own city” project. http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/kids/wr/art...1610917,00.html – what will the city of the future look like http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/19/a...i_n_326249.html – 11 incredible buildings from the future http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Songdo_City - encyclopaedia entry about New Songdo City – video about New Songdo City Lesson 4. Incredible buildings – Какие самые странные и необычные здания в мире? Где найти дополнительную информацию к иллюстрациям этого урока? http://villageofjoy.com/50-strange-buildings-of-the-world/ - 50 strange buildings of the world http://www.2loop.com/strangebldg.html – the most unusual buildings on Earth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Peter_Mancroft – encyclopaedia entry about St Peter Mancroft http://www.stpetermancroft.org.uk/ - welcome to the Church of St Peter Mancroft in Norwich, information about the Church, services, concerts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petronas_Twin_Towers - encyclopaedia entry about Petronas Twin Towers http://www.petronastwintowers.com.my/inter...hi?OpenFrameset - Petronas Twin Towers official website http://architecture.about.com/od/countries...sfiguration.htm –pictures and description of the Church of the Transfiguration on Kizhi Island http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/art...dneyoperahouse/ - an article about the Sydney Opera House, one of the most recognisable images of the modern world http://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/ - the Sydney Opera House official site Lesson 6. Moscow – Какие места в Москве интересно посетить с детьми? http://www.moscow.info/children/sightseein...r-children.aspx – Moscow sightseeing for children http://www.moscow.info/children/index.aspx – Moscow travel guide for families with children http://www.moscow-taxi.com/4children/index.asp - what places are worth visiting in Moscow – information for children Unit 9. Summer plans Lesson 1. What's the weather like? - Где можно узнать прогноз погоды для Лондона на ближайшие дни? Как рассказать детям о разнице между шкалами Цельсия и Фаренгейта? Как можно научить детей читать символы с прогнозов погоды? Где найти интерактивные игры и упражнения? http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/se/...st_weather.html - weather forecast for London http://www.theweatherchannelkids.com/weather-games - interactive games for children to learn about weather http://www.edheads.org/activities/weather - interactive activities for children to learn to read weather maps, make weather forecasts and convert temperatures between Fahrenheit and Celsius scales Lesson 2. Weather facts – Где найти информацию для детей о различных природных явлениях? Какие ресурсы можно использовать, чтобы интересно рассказать детям об этих явлениях? Где посмотреть примеры вэбквестов на эту тему? Какие места на земле самые жаркие, а какие - самые холодные, какие - самые засушливые, а какие - самые дождливые? http://www.weatherwizkids.com/ - a website for children about all the weather info they need to know, contains tools for weather education, including weather games and experiments http://idahoptv.org/dialogue4kids/season8/weather/facts.cfm – weather facts for children http://www.illiniweather.com/pages/kids_weather_links.htm – links to kid's weather sites http://home.vicnet.net.au/~hmwkhelp/hwh_weather.htm – useful links to information for children on weather, atmosphere, clouds, thunder & lightning, forecasting and more, with samples of webquests and different resources for teachers http://www.weatherlife.org/2009/07/hottest...e-in-world.html – brief information about the hottest and coldest places in the world http://www.1iverating.com/top/1147/ - top 10 hottest places in the world http://macedoniaonline.eu/content/view/5081/53/ - top 5 coldest places in the world Lesson 5. I love holidays - Где найти информацию о том, как дети проводят лето в других странах? Где найти забавные картинки, которые помогут детям рассказать о способах проведения летних каникул? Где найти пример сочинения о летних каникулах? http://www.summerfun4kids.co.uk/activityguide.aspx - a guide to popular summer camp activities from children. Also on this website you can find descriptions of different summer camps and what they offer. http://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/s/summer_holidays.asp - a collection of cartoons about different ways people spend their summer holidays. http://www.essayclip.com/guides/sample-essay-about-my-summer - advice and sample essay on summer holidays http://www.pep.com.cn/ge/xszx/xzxk/200408/...0828_118407.htm - a Chinese student describes his/her summer holidays http://www.louisself.com/summer-holidays-part-1-160808 - an English boy tells about his summer holidays (continued here: http://www.louisself.com/node/43) Unit 10. My planet Lesson 1. A strange planet – Какие планеты входят в состав Солнечной системы? Где взять материал, чтобы интересно и доступно рассказать об этом детям? http://www.pocanticohills.org/fitzgerald/99/planets.htm - the travel for kids to the planets of the Solar System http://www.kidsastronomy.com/solar_system.htm - educational website for kids, includes information, resources for teachers and games to teach children about our universe http://www.frontiernet.net/~kidpower/planets.html – interesting information with images about all planets of the Solar System Lesson 2. Underground land – Есть ли жизнь на других планетах? Как на этот вопрос могут ответить родители, учителя? Где найти дополнительные ресурсы на эту тему? http://www.theguardians.com/Microbiology/gm_mbm71.htm – information on whether there is life elsewhere in the Solar System http://www.ehow.com/how_2277770_answer-kid...ns-planets.html – how to answer children’s questions about planets http://unawe.org/joomla/index.php?searchwo...rch&Itemid= - resources for young children on Life on other planets http://www.britishcouncil.org/kids-stories-alien-1.htm – a story for reading about a boy who meets an alien, with printable activities
  10. Большое спасибо за такую оценку моей работы. Очень рада, что многие мои коллеги уже используют эти материалы для подготовки и проведения своих уроков и надеюсь, ещё многим учителям эта информация пригодиться. Уважаемая Uchilka, если можно, укажите, какие ссылки не работают и я заменю их.
  11. Собрала еще информацию к учебнику New Millennium English для 10 класса. Удивительно, как это увлекает! Сама постоянно узнаю что-то новое, интересное, теперь такие вещи могу на уроках рассказать. подростки смотрят с открытыми ртами! И сама не чувствую себя неловко когда не понимаю о чем они говорят. Когда я недавно начала им самйлики рисовать, они сначала скептически смотрели, а потом глаза разгорелись, смотрю - перерисовывают, записывают, начали, кажется, в СМСках использовать - они-то половины и не знали! В общем, как всегда спешу поделиться информацией. Отдельное спасибо Алексею Конобееву за редактирование английского текста, аннотации я пишу, а вот выверить их самой как следует не всегда времени хватает. Unit 1. A good start in life Lesson 1-2. Off to school — Как подготовиться к возвращению в школу после каникул? Как сделать это событие приятным? Где найти рассказ подростка о его первом дне в школе после каникул? http://au.reachout.com/find/articles/going...er-the-holidays – information, suggestions on how to make going back to school after holidays easier http://www.ehow.com/how_4703792_return-sch...iday-break.html – how to prepare children to return to school after holiday http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...pg2.html?cat=25 – tips for helping a child return to school after a long holiday, vacation or illness http://www.englishdaily626.com/junior_english_essays.php - a child tells about the first day of school http://www.stmaryscambridge.co.uk/myfristday/index.php - five children tell about their first day at a new school http://thinkubator.ccsp.sfu.ca/FirstDayOfSchool - a student’s story about the first day in a Canadian school Lesson 3-4. School rules — Откуда пришло понятие dress code? Каков dress code в школах Британии и др. стран? Какая униформа существует в школах Великобритании, Америки, Канады, Австралии и России? Какие правила поведения, дисциплинарные взыскания и наказания существуют в школах Британии и США ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dress_code - encyclopeadia entry about dress code http://www.dresscodeguide.com/ - dress code guide, selection a dress code for details of correct attire http://www.boardingschools.co.uk/boarding_...ls_uniforms.htm – a short article about school uniform http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/management/atoz/u/uniform/ - a guidance to schools of England on school uniforms and related policies http://www.schoolsecurity.org/resources/uniforms.html – an article on how school uniforms and dress code can improve the school climate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_uniform - encyclopaedia entry about school uniforms in different countries http://www.archivist.f2s.com/bsu/Bsu.html - pictures of different uniforms in British schools http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/ou...ol/uniform.html - English schoolchildren tell about their school uniform http://www.archivist.f2s.com/bsu/Miscel.htm - pictures of the most famous English school uniforms http://histclo.com/Schun/gar/pants/short/su-specs.html - information about school uniforms in English comprehensive schools http://www.greatschools.net/find-a-school/....gs?content=121 - an article about a problem with school uniforms in the USA http://www.schooluniforms.com/ - a complete illustrated catalogue of all types of uniforms for schools of the USA http://histclo.com/Schun/country/us/schunus.html - information about American school uniforms http://histclo.com/Schun/country/can/schuncan.html – information about school uniforms in Canada http://www.topmarks.ca/collection/ - images of Canadian school uniform http://histclo.com/Schun/country/oz/schunoz.html – information about school uniforms in Australia http://www.focusuniforms.com.au/focusUniforms/ - pictures of Australian school uniforms and accessories http://histclo.com/Schun/country/rus/rsuc-sov.html - information about school uniforms in the Soviet Union http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20050825/41225976.html – an article on why school uniforms are coming into fashion again in Russia http://www.britishschool.g12.br/programme/behaviour.asp – what rules of behavior, rights and responsibilities, rewards and sanctions exist in a British school http://www.britishschool.in/hsc_rules.asp — rules and behavior policy of the British International school http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/language...hool-discipline — lesson resources, brief information about school discipline http://ahs.alamosa.k12.co.us/~cvaldez/Clas...ndBehavior.html - class rules and behaviour requirements in an American school http://www.asdubai.org/pages/sitepage.cfm?page=90381 – class rules in American school at Dubai http://www.schoolofchoice.com/rules.html - rules and disciplinary procedures in an American school Lesson 5-6. Town vs gown — Какие университеты самые знаменитые в мире? Где найти информацию об университетах Cambridge, Oxford, МГУ, Санкт-Петербургском? Где прочитать интересные факты о них? Что означает понятие ”Town and Gown”? Где находится Clare College bridge? Чему посвящен Rag day? Где проводится the Senate House Leap? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University - encyclopaedia entry about the university http://www.rediff.com/getahead/2004/dec/15sd1.htm – the world's top 10 universities http://i.cs.hku.hk/~tse/topten.html – lists of the most famous universities in the UK, USA Australia, Canada and in the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Cambridge - encyclopaedia entry about the University of Cambridge http://www.cam.ac.uk/ - the official site of the University of Cambridge with links to, and information about, the departments, faculties, colleges, people, and organizations http://www.funtrivia.com/en/subtopics/Famo...dge-230380.html – fun facts, questions, answers, information about Cambridge University http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Oxford - encyclopaedia entry about the University of Oxford http://www.ox.ac.uk/ - the official website of Oxford University http://www.richardpettinger.com/oxford/fac...ord_university/ - interesting facts about Oxford University http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lomonosov_Mos...tate_University - encyclopaedia entry about the Lomonosov Moscow State University http://www.msu.ru/en/ - the site of the Lomonosov Moscow State University http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Petersb...tate_University - encyclopaedia entry about Saint Petersburg State University http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_and_gown - encyclopaedia entry about Town and Gown http://www.facebook.com/pages/Redlands-CA/...ds/103991719144 - the official facebook page of Town & Gown University of Redlands http://www.stirbitch.com/cantab/items/1640...idge_built.html – short information with a photo about Clare College Bridge http://bridgwater.ac.uk/news.php?nid=154 – an illustrated article about Rag Day at Bridgewater College http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/1106/c...ne.html#shpleap – an explanation of the notion ”Senate House Leap” Lesson 7-8. They travel the world — Где найти информацию о Students' Exchange program?Где найти сайты организаций, занимающихся международными студенческими обменами? Где прочитать рассказы и впечатления студентов, обучающихся за границей по обмену? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student_exchange_program - encyclopaedia entry about student exchange programmes http://www.isep.org/ - the official site of ISEP (International Student Exchange Programs) http://www.cci-exchange.com/ - information about cultural students exchange programmes http://www.winmalee-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/h...ge/exchange.htm - stories about school exchanges told by exchange students http://www.hjk-steinfeld.de/fachschaften/e...eft-as-friends/ - story of a school exchange http://www.spainexchange.com/educator_info...nge_program.php - here you can find Spanish schools to exchange students with http://www.ayusa.org/ - a list of foreign students exchange programmes you can join Unit 2. Identity Lesson 1-2. Living on the edge – Где найти информацию о молодежном движении Straight Edge? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight_edge - encyclopaedia entry about the youth movement Straight Edge http://www.straightedge.com/whatissxe.html – brief information about Straight Edge http://www.toefur-straightedge.com/articles/trend.html – a website dedicated to Straight Edge lifestyle, includes information about clothes, music, attitude to drugs Lesson 3-4. Same or different? - Как расшифровать понятие ”молодежное движение” или ”молодежная субкультура”?Какие молодежные субкультуры самые популярные сейчас? Где найти дополнительную информацию про молодежные движения готов, панков и хиппи? Каковы различия в их идеологии, образе жизни, каковы внешние отличия? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youth_subculture - encyclopaedia entry about youth subculture http://www.syl.com/articles/theyouthsubculture.html – a short article explaining the notion ”youth subculture” http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-youth-subcultures.php – top 10 youth subcultures http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goth_subculture - encyclopaedic information about Goths http://www.dracinabox.com/ - images of Gothic fashion: clothing, corsets, boots, etc http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A473924 – an article about Goths lifestyle, their aesthetics and philosophy http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Goth – some tips on how to be Goth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punk_subculture - encyclopaedia entry about Punk subculture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_punk_subculture – history of the Punk subculture http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Punk – some steps to be a Punk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punk_ideologies – information about Punk ideologies http://www.redhaze.com/ - everything about Punk clothes and accessories http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippie - encyclopaedia entry about Hippie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_hippie_movement – history of Hippie movement http://www.fiftiesweb.com/fashion/hippie-clothes.htm – webpage dedicated to Hippie clothes, how to dress like a Hippie, what Hippie clothes include http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Hippie – some advice about how to be a Hippie Lesson 5-6. Play your game –Как язык жестов/телодвижений отличается в разных странах? Что такое friendly body language? Какие жесты можно по-разному интерпретировать в разных странах? Как научиться эффективно убеждать людей? Какие способы убеждения существуют? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gesture - what are different gestures called? What do they mean? Read this short article to find out. http://www.everythingesl.net/inservices/body_language.php - some ideas for raising students’ awareness of differences in body language http://www.bodylanguageexpert.co.uk/intere...r-cultures.html - an article on how different gestures (e.g. kissing, handshake, bowing) can be misinterpreted in different cultures http://www.bodylanguageexpert.co.uk/what-n...y-language.html - what is negative body language? Read this article to find out! http://www.ehow.com/how_2129585_learn-body...gn-culture.html - advice on how to learn the body language of a different culture http://www.wikihow.com/Read-Body-Language - a short article on how to read body language http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_gesture - encyclopaedia entry on what hand gestures exist in other cultures and their meaning http://changingminds.org/techniques/body/body_language.htm - a psychologist’s guide to using and interpreting body language http://www.wikihow.com/Communicate-With-Body-Language - how to communicate with body language: a manual http://www.eruptingmind.com/communication-...erent-cultures/ - pictures of some culturally different gestures with explanations of their acceptability and variation in different cultures http://www.2knowmyself.com/Psychology_conv...eve_in_anything – an article about how to convince people http://karmicmantra.com/mind-power/how-to-...le-effectively/ - some of the techniques to convince people effectively http://mindpetals.com/5-tips-on-how-to-convince-people/ - 5 tips on how to convince people http://www.wikihow.com/Persuade-People – tips on how to persuade people http://hubpages.com/hub/Public-Speaking-Skills1 – some advice about how to be persuasive during public speaking http://top7business.com/?id=191 – top 7 ways to successful persuasion http://changingminds.org/techniques/general/general.htm – information about general persuasion techniques Lesson 7-8. Sweet smell of success – Что является важным для достижения успеха? Как научиться стать успешным? Что обычно мешает добиваться успеха? Где найти советы родителям, как воспитать ребенка, чтобы он мог добиться успеха в жизни? Где прочитать биографии английской актрисы Emily Watson, американской певицы Mariah Carey? http://www.ehow.com/how_2121883_achieve-success.html – step by step instructions on how to achieve success http://www.mygoals.com/content/achieve-success.html - tips and suggestions to achieve success http://selfhelpsolutions.homestead.com/Success.html – 3 things that prevent from achievement of success http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2...ens.html?cat=54 – some advice for teens on how to become successful http://ezinearticles.com/?4-Ways-to-Achiev...&id=1456188 – an article about 4 easy ways to achieve success http://changing-personal-habits.suite101.c...succeed_in_life – 7 ways to succeed in life http://www.buzzle.com/articles/tips-of-rai...l-children.html – tips for parents for raising successful children http://www.brainy-child.com/article/successful-children.html – a psychologist's advice on how to start raising a successful child http://www.geniekids.com/pa/50waystobringbest – 50 ways to bring out a child's best to raise him successful http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_Watson - encyclopaedia entry about the English actress Emily Watson http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariah_Carey - encyclopaedia entry about the American singer Mariah Carey Unit 3. A time to celebrate Lesson 1-2. What is a tradition? - Какие основные праздники существуют в Британии, Америке, Канаде, Австралии, Новой Зеландии и России? Какие фестивали существуют в Британии и России? Каковы их символы? Какие традиции этих праздников? Где найти информацию о Kupala's Nights? Какие обычаи связаны с этим праздником? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...s/holidays.html – holidays and notable special days in Great Britain http://www.destination360.com/europe/uk/events-holidays - learn about many holidays and festivals in the United Kingdom http://www.usa.gov/citizens/holidays.shtml - learn about the holidays Americans celebrate throughout the year, including federal holidays http://www.canada-city.ca/holidays.php – information about holidays in Canada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Australia - encyclopaedia entry about public holidays in Australia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_New_Zealand - encyclopaedia entry about public holidays in New Zealand http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about public holidays in Russia http://www.ezilon.com/lifestyle/tradition_...als/index.shtml – British traditions and festivals listing with links to them http://www.ukstudentlife.com/Ideas/Album.htm - pictures of public parades, carnivals, traditional events and religious celebrations in Britain http://www.fishingarts.co.uk/festivals.html – information about some present-day festivals in Great Britain http://russia-travel.suite101.com/article...._guide_holidays – an introduction to celebrations and festivals in Russia http://www.rbrides.com/info/russian-holidays-festivals.htm – information about national holidays and festivals in Russia, their customs and traditions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Kupala_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Ivan Kupala’s Night http://www.sr.se/cgi-bin/euroarctic/amness...;artikel=884961 – traditions of Ivan Kupala's Night Lesson 3-4. Talking turkey – Как празднуется Рождество в разных странах и какие обычаи и традиции с этим связаны? Какие существуют традиции празднования Рождества в Британии и России? Какими видят их иностранцы? Где найти традиционные рецепты рождественских блюд? Как готовят индейку? На что похож традиционный рождественский ужин в Англии? Где найти фотографии этих блюд? Почему некоторые люди не любят Рождество? http://www.teachersfirst.com/getsource.cfm?id=7851 – Christmas traditions around the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_worldwide - encyclopaedia entry about Christmas traditions in different countries http://www.teachersfirst.com/getsource.cfm?id=8393 – English Christmas traditions http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/Xmas/ - the WHATs and WHYs to Christmas traditions in Britain http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...s/Xmas/day.html – description of traditional activities that take place on Christmas Day in England http://christmasspirit.wordpress.com/2006/...ions-in-russia/ - a brief description of Christmas traditions in Russia http://russian-crafts.com/customs/christmas.html - a more detailed description of Christmas traditions in Russia http://www.christmas-time.com/ct-recipes.htm - recipes of traditional Christmas dishes http://www.foodtimeline.org/christmasfood.html#candycanes – Christmas foods from around the world http://www.christmasiscoming.co.uk/Christmas_Recipes.html - recipes for a Christmas dinner http://uktv.co.uk/food/homepage/sid/5920 - Christmas turkey recipes http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...mas/dinner.html - a brief description and pictures of a traditional English Christmas dinner http://teen-culture.suite101.com/article.c...tmas_with_teens – some tips for celebrating Christmas with teens http://www.angelfire.com/movies/oc/tirades/xmas.html – 10 reasons to hate Christmas Lesson 5-6. The family meal – Почему семейные обеды так важны в жизни любой семьи? Каковы были традициии семейных обедов во времена Королевы Виктории? Каковы были правила поведения за столом? Где посмотреть видео на эту тему? Каковы сейчас эти традиции и правила? Где найти интерактивную викторину на знание правил поведения за столом в разных странах мира? http://children.webmd.com/guide/family-dinners-are-important – 10 reasons why family dinners are important and 10 shortcuts to help get the family to the table http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art...rticlekey=56091 – an article about why it's so important, from medical opinion, to eat together http://www.hercafe.net/family/why-family-d...e-so-important/ - brief information on why family dinners are so important http://blogs.wsj.com/juggle/2007/01/29/is-...nner-important/ - a story about traditions of family dinners http://recipes.kaboose.com/dinner-conversation.html – easy ways to make family dinner time special http://ezinearticles.com/?Eating-Dinner-Wi...&id=2450865 – some interesting facts about family dinner time http://www.foodtimeline.org/foodfaq7.html – history of meal times http://19thcentury.wordpress.com/2009/01/0...f-dinner-times/ - an article about the evolution of dinner times, explores the period of Victorian era http://www.history-magazine.com/dinner2.html – look at the evolution of mealtimes http://www.victorianstation.com/ettiqdine.htm – dining room etiquette of the Victorian Era http://ezinearticles.com/?How-Has-Our-Dinn...&id=2336679 – how dinner etiquette has changed from the Victorian Era http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM9rAH4JnlY – video about Victorian etiquette, includes table manners and dinner etiquette http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...aviourfood.html – modern table manners in Britain http://www.helium.com/items/153126-most-im...c-table-manners – most important basic table manners http://quizzes.familyeducation.com/manners...pect/55534.html - a 5-question quiz on table manners http://www.fekids.com/img/kln/flash/DontGrossOutTheWorld.swf - an interactive quiz on table manners around the world Lesson 7-8. Exotic festivals – Где найти информацию о самых знаменитых карнавалах и фестивалях мира? Когда они проходят и где? Где посмотреть видео об этих карнавалах? Где найти дополнительную информацию, историю, видео-сюжеты о Notting Hill Carnival, St Patrick's festival, Holi (Hindu spring festival)? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnival - encyclopaedia entry about the carnival, includes information about carnivals in different countries of the world http://www.easyvoyage.co.uk/zooms/carnival...-your-mask-on-/ - illustrated information about famous carnivals around the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazilian_Carnival - encyclopaedia entry about the Brazilian carnival – video about the famous carnival in Rio de Janeiro, how it's prepared and celebratedhttp://www.travellerspoint.com/guide/Famous_Festivals/ - information about famous festivals of the world http://www.cheapflights.com/travel-tips/fa...ound-the-world/ - learn about various celebrations and festivals around the world, from music and film festivals to food and drink ones http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notting_Hill_Carnival - encyclopaedia entry about Notting Hill Carnival http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug732D8L5e0 – a video of Notting Hill Carnival http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england...don/4186808.stm – BBC article about Notting Hill Carnival celebration http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick's_Day - encyclopaedia entry about Saint Patrick's Day http://www.theholidayspot.com/patrick/celebration.htm – the celebration of St.Patrick's Day in Ireland and the rest of the world http://www.london.gov.uk/stpatricksday/ - a video of the 2009 St Patrick's Day parade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holi - encyclopaedia entry about Holi (Hindu spring festival) http://dir.yahoo.com/Regional/Countries/In...servances/Holi/ - overview of Holi, learn about the Hindu festival that celebrates the coming of springtime Lesson 9. Check your progress – Как празднуют Новый год в Китае? Каковы традиции и обычаи этого праздника? Как проводится фестиваль фонарей (the Lantern Festival) и где посмотреть видео об этом празднике? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_New_Year - encyclopaedia entry about the Chinese New Year, its customs and traditions http://www.123chinesenewyear.com/ - everything you want to know about the Chinese New Year http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lantern_Festival - encyclopaedia entry about the Lantern festival http://www.gio.gov.tw/info/festival_c/glue_e/glue.htm – interesting information about the Lantern festival – video about the Taiwan Lantern Festival Unit 4. The root of all evil? Lesson 1-2. How materialistic are you? - Почему молодежь сегодня так материалистична и в чем причина этого явления? Почему одними из главных ценностей современного общества стали деньги? Как материализм влияет на подростков? Какие советы по воспитанию психологи дают родителям, если ребенок растет собственником? Где найти рекомендации как сделать жизнь менее материально зависимой и более счастливой? http://moneyandvalues.blogspot.com/2008/01...rialism-by.html –the roots of materialism in pre-teens and teenagers and how to fight against it http://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2007/08/15...stic-livestyle/ - 14 tips for a less materialistic lifestyle http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn41...3/ai_n15839699/ - an article on how materialism drives teenagers to become compulsive shoppers http://micheleborba.ivillage.com/parenting...ialistic-k.html – some advice for parents on what to do if your child is materialistic http://www.centreforconfidence.co.uk/flour...hp?p=cGlkPTE4OA – this article explores the problem of dominance of materialistic values in modern society http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...ming.html?cat=9 – an article about why people living in cities are becoming more materialistic Lesson 3-4. Fighting for life - Почему проблема бедности является одной из самых острых мировых проблем? В чем причина этой проблемы? Как с этой проблемой борются в разных странах мира? Какие страны возглавляют рейтинг стран по уровню жизни населения? Самые благополучные и неблагополучные в этом отношении страны? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poverty - encyclopaedia entry about poverty as a world problem http://world-poverty.org/solutionstopoverty.aspx – a look at causes and solutions of world poverty http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/4620/poverty.htm – a short article about poverty as a growing problem within our world http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761577020/poverty.html – this article is about poverty, its causes, history and effects http://www.fightpoverty.mmbrico.com/poverty/reasons.html – information about the causes of poverty in the world http://www.ifightpoverty.eu/ - interactive information for pupils about poverty and how EU fights against it http://www.makepovertyhistory.org/ - the website dedicated to the problem of fighting against poverty http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_of_living –the article explains the notion of the ”standard of living” http://www.mapsofworld.com/world-top-ten/w...f-life-map.html – brief information about High Living Standard countries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developing_country – information about what developing country is Lesson 5-6. Do you plan your budget? - Как подростки в разных странах тратят свои карманные деньги? Каково мнение родителей сколько денег на карманные расходы достаточно для ребенка и должны ли подростки сами их зарабатывать? Где найти полезные советы для подростка, как и на чем экономить? Как подростку планировать свой бюджет? http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/language...ey-pester-power http://www.merinews.com/catFull.jsp?articleID=15752512 –”Pocket money and teenagers”, how much money is enough for children http://www.parentlineplus.org.uk/index.php?id=844 – some information about how parents set pocket money and how they monitor what their child buys http://www.finlandforthought.net/2007/10/1...dic-colleagues/ - how Finnish teenagers use their pocket money http://www.helium.com/items/1393219-should...their-own-money – 29 essays on whether older children should earn their pocket money http://youthdevelopment.suite101.com/artic...ement_for_teens –information on money management for teens http://www.chiff.com/home_life/teens-money.htm - guides and suggestions for teens on how to make money, keep it, invest it, spend it http://www.fdic.gov/consumers/consumer/new...um06/index.html – money management for teens, how to save, spend and protect their cash http://fatherhood.about.com/cs/myteensdad/a/teen_money.htm – good guidelines for helping teenagers manage their money effectively http://www.moneyinstructor.com/budgeting.asp - all about personal budget planning and budgeting basics for teenagers Lesson 7-8. No short cuts to success – Где найти список миллиардеров по версии журнала Forbes и информацию о них? Есть ли они в России? Кто из женщин являются самыми богатыми в мире? Как стать миллионером? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_billionaires_(2009) – list of billionaires (2009) according to the Forbes with links to information about the world's 5 wealthiest people http://www.forbes.com/2009/03/11/worlds-ri...aires_land.html the Forbes annual Billionaires List: a grouping of the richest people in the world and how they became wealthy, supplemented with video http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Russi...es_by_net_worth – list of Russian billionaires with links to information about them http://money.uk.msn.com/guides/women-and-m...umentid=4758684 – the 10 richest women in the world http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Easiest-Way-...re&id=82914 – an article about the easiest way to become a billionaire http://www.forbes.com/2002/09/20/0920newcombchat.html – how to become a billionaire, in Forbes’ opinion Unit 5. Family issues Lesson 1-2. What makes a family? - Почему семья особенно важна в жизни человека? Где найти реальные истории на эту тему? Какое место в жизни семьи занимают семейные традиции ? Как поддержать старые семейные традиции и создать новые? Где найти рассказы о семейных традициях? Что входит в понятие «семейные ценности»? Как воспитать в ребенке уважение к семейным ценностям? http://fami.ly/important/ - this article explains why family is so important for people http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/wha...family-578.html - an article about what is important for the family http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...tant.html?cat=7 — a real story about why a family is so important in our life http://www.myheritage.com/blogs/companyblo...-so-important-1 – one more story about the importance of family in human life http://library.adoption.com/articles/creat...traditions.html –some suggestions for creating family traditions http://www.americanfamilytraditions.com/ - this website is dedicated to American family traditions http://www.foreverfamilies.net/xml/article...traditions.aspx – an article about what family traditions mean, some ideas of new family traditions http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2004/9/25/55639/6635 – a student’s essay about his family http://www.teenink.com/nonfiction/all/arti...mily-Tradition/ - a teen's story about his family traditions http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/91210.html – example of an essay on My Family http://www.essortment.com/all/wahtarefamily_ralm.htm – an article about what family values are http://life.familyeducation.com/parenting/values/45290.html – an article on how to state your family's values http://www.indianchild.com/family_values.htm – useful information on how to instill family values in children http://www.parenting-child-development.com...ily-values.html – an article about how teaching family values help a child in his life Lesson 3-4. As soon as I'm old enough — Какие основные проблемы существуют у подростков в семье и в школе? Как эти проблемы взаимосвязаны? Какие проблемы взаимоотношений существуют между родителями и подростками? Какие самые распространенные претензии родителей по отношению к детям и наоборот? http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/Parents/fight.html - short article explains why teens have arguments with their parents so often and what reasons for these arguments are http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/famil...to_parents.html - this article explains to teenagers the benefits of communicating with parents and other adults about everyday difficult problems and situations http://parentingteens.about.com/b/2008/03/...t-home-help.htm — a mother seeks advise on her child's problem, including recommendations from a guide to teens’ parents http://www.troubledteensguide.com/ - a website dedicated to most frequent teenage problems in USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia http://www.webmd.com/balance/stress-manage...ngers-in-school - a short article on how teen stress at home lingers in school http://www.channel4.com/health/microsites/...has_people.html — some information about how teens’ problems at home and at school make them feel stressed http://www.wholefamily.com/aboutteensnow/r...each_other.html - an article on how the relationship between teens and their parents is changed when they struggle to define their own roles in life http://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/News/Teenage...oryID=news-poh3 — information about how teenagers appreciate relationships with their parents http://www.thefunplace.com/guild/teen01.html — an article about the relationships between parents and children in US http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/05...-their-parents/ - information about the relationships of teenagers and their parents in Canada Lesson 5-6. I keep my stuff in a suitcase — Какие организации в Америке, Британии и России занимаются проблемами детей-сирот и детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей? Существуют ли детские дома в этих странах и как они работают? http://www.childrenshome.org/ - the website of the Children' Home organisation in the USA that helps many children to realize their dream of family http://www.walsall.gov.uk/index/children_s_homes.htm — the webpage of the Children's Residential Service that offers support to disabled children and young people http://www.chsfl.org/ - the website of Children’s Home Society of Florida that helps loving families become parents through adoption and foster care programs http://www.connectedbyheaven.com/th/en/th_en_index.html – information about the Road of Life program which works with orphans and homeless children in Russia http://www.unicef.org/russia/protection_1788.html – information about the activities of UNICEF (the United Nations Children's Fund) in the Russian Federation Leson 7-8. Let's build a bridge - Какие советы и рекомендации дают психологи подросткам и их родителям, чтобы избежать проблем в семье и как с ними справиться, если они есть? Где найти советы для родителей и подростков как сделать жизнь в семье счастливой и радостной? Где найти советы психолога, как разрешать конфликты родителей и детей? Должны ли родители вмешиваться в отношения подростка и его друзей? http://ezinearticles.com/?Chores-For-Teena...s&id=486508 – some tips for parents on how to train their children to do chores with pleasure http://www.realfamiliesrealfun.com/kw/ - a modern information source for kids and parents to help make family time happy http://www.wikihow.com/Overcome-Problems-at-School-or-Home — tips for teenagers on how to overcome problems at school and at home http://www.more4kids.info/598/improving-pa...-relationships/ - advice for improving the relationship between parents and teens http://swain.ces.ncsu.edu/content/RelationshipParentsTeens — some strategies for parents on how to strengthen the relationships between them and their children http://www.byparents-forparents.com/rebuil...rust-part1.html —advice on how to rebuild trust between parents and teens http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1...your.html?cat=7 — some recommendations for teens on how to improve their life by improving relationship with parents http://www.socialpacks.com/2007/12/13/9-ti...th-the-parents/ - 9 tips to improve a child's relationship with the parents http://www.enotalone.com/article/9765.html — an article on how parents should treat their teen's friends Unit 6. Sports Lesson 1-2. Why sports? - Какие виды спорта существуют в мире? Где найти краткую информацию об истории спорта? Какую роль играют занятия спортом в жизни человека и, в частности, в жизни подростков? Как заниматься спортом без вреда здоровью? Какие советы по этому поводу дают тренеры и врачи? Где найти истории о том, как занятие спортом изменило жизнь человека? http://library.thinkquest.org/C0128343/kinds_of_sports.htm - pictures and basic descriptions of different kinds of sports http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sports - a list of sports by category with links to entries about each of them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_sport - a brief history of sport http://ezinearticles.com/?Sport-in-Our-Life&id=1336339 — a short article on what sport means in our life http://www.summeractivitiesforkids.co.uk/s...-for-teens.html – information about the importance of sport activities for teenagers http://www.examiner.com/x-11080-SF-Parenti...ll-a-teens-days – useful information on how sport can help teens to fill days http://www.more4kids.info/359/advantages-o...orts-and-teens/ - this article explores the advantages of sports for teenagers http://www.raisingkids.co.uk/fea/fea_77.asp – some advice for parents on how to persuade a teen to take up sport http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FK...63/ai_78477085/ - a short article about the advantages and disadvantages of doing sport for teenagers http://kidshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/sp...ort_safety.html – some advice for teens and their parents about how to preserve health during playing sports http://teens.lovetoknow.com/High_School_Sports – a webpage dedicated to high school sports http://leadership.weei.com/boston/sports/l...success-part-ii — a story about how doing sport helped a man to form his character http://www.collegesportsscholarships.com/a...tion-sports.htm — several essays on how sports have affected a person’s life http://www.allfreeessays.com/topics/import...ports-in-life/0 — a collection of essays about the importance of sport in life Lesson 3-4. Is it worth a sacrifice? - Что входит в понятие «профессиональный спорт»? Что дают человеку занятия профессиональным спортом? Какие достоинства и недостатки профессионального спорта? Где найти биографии прославленных гимнасток Mary Lou Retton, Olga Korbut, Nadia Comaneci? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_sports - encyclopaedia entry about professional sports http://library.thinkquest.org/3340/TOPSPO....0to%20the%20Top — information about a professional sport career http://geography.about.com/library/weekly/aa042700a.htm — geography of pro-sports in the USA and Canada http://www.sciaga.pl/tekst/28979-29-advant...essional_sports — the advantages and disadvantages of professional sports http://www.bryk.pl/teksty/liceum/j%C4%99zy...bad_points.html — an article about good and bad points of professional sports http://www.s-cool.co.uk/gcse/pe/sport-busi...ofessional.html —information about the distinctions between an amateur and a professional sportsman, the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a professional sportsman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Lou_Retton — the biography of Mary Lou Retton http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_Korbut — the biography of Olga Korbut http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadia_Com%C4%83neci — the biography of Nadia Comaneci Lesson 5-6. Good results at any cost? - Какой допинг используют спортсмены? Как осуществляется допинг- контроль в спорте, где посмотреть видео-репортаж на эту тему? Как борются с допингом? Какие известны крупнейшие допинговые скандалы в мире спорта? Кто такой Paul Kimmage? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_perfor..._drugs_in_sport — encyclopaedia entry about doping in sport — a video about sports doping control http://www.ondcp.gov/prevent/sports/doping.html— an article about what doping is, about doping drugs and their effects http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/PREVEN...orts/index.html — information about combating doping in sports http://www.cbc.ca/sports/photoessay/top10-doping/index.html — top 10 doping scandals in sports with their descriptions http://www.bild.de/BILD/news/bild-english/...ng-history.html — the 15 most notorious doping scandals in sporting history http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/col...s/paul_kimmage/ - brief information about Paul Kimmage and some of his interviews and reports http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Kimmage - encyclopaedia entry about Paul Kimmage Lesson 7-8. Why are they doing this? - Какие виды спорта считаются экстремальными? Какие самые опасные из них? Где найти видео об экстремальных видах спорта? Почему люди сознательно рискуют, занимаясь таким спортом? Что риск дает людям? Где найти информацию о природном заповеднике Столбы? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_sport - encyclopaedia entry about extreme sports http://library.thinkquest.org/13857/ - a website dedicated to the extreme sports such as rock climbing, skateboarding and in-line skating, and the training and equipment needed, techniques of the sports, safety tips, and possible injuries http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/find_out...000/2159723.stm – brief information on what extreme sports are and descriptions of some of them – an extreme sports videohttp://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...ciencerisk.html – an article about success and risk in extreme sports http://extremesports.suite101.com/article....sports_injuries – information about common injuries in extreme sports http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/157282.php – this article explores reasons of risk-taking in extreme sports http://www.spiked-online.com/Articles/0000000CAD26.htm – an article on what' so extreme about extreme sports http://www.forbes.com/2002/08/07/0807sport.html – the world's most dangerous sports according to Forbes http://freakymartin.com/2008/05/08/10-most...orld-16-photos/ - 10 most dangerous sports in the world in photos http://www.stolby.ru/eng/ - information about the National Nature Reserve – Krasnoyarsk Stolby Unit 7. Animals Lesson 1-2. Born to serve? - Что животные значат в жизни человека? В каких областях и сферах деятельности люди используют животных? Как животные помогают людям? http://spikesworld.spike-jamie.com/science...05-animals.html — a short article on how people use animals http://www.essortment.com/all/animalspsychiat_rhmm.htm — learn how animals help to relieve people's mental and physical ailments http://www.hsus.org/pets/pet_care/how_pets_help_people/ - information about how pets help people http://www.aboutanimaltesting.co.uk/using-...ersus-cons.html — pro et contra of using animals for research http://elmvic88.wordpress.com/2007/12/20/s...efit-of-people/ - should animals be used for the benefit of people? Lesson 3-4. Do all of them make good pets? - Где найти советы о том, как выбрать домашнее животное? Какие домашние животные существуют? Каких животных нельзя заводить в качестве домашних любимцев и почему? Где посмотреть видеоклип на эту тему? Почему люди заводят экзотических домашних животных? Где прочитать рассказы владельцев экзотических животных о своих любимцах? http://www.petchoice.org/ - useful information on how to choose a pet http://www.ehow.com/how_2130268_choose-a-pet.html — some instructions on how to choose the type of pet that will be best for a person http://kidsactivities.suite101.com/article...to_choose_a_pet — tips for pet selection http://www.wow-petopia.com/html/guides/howtochoose.php - some basic guidelines that may help to choose the best pet http://www.wikihow.com/Choose-a-Pet – some advice on what to consider when choosing a pet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pet - encyclopaedia entry about pets and their types http://www.helium.com/items/1499219-wild-a...be-kept-as-pets – an article about the wild animals which should never be kept as pets http://www.helium.com/knowledge/99392-pros...animals-as-pets – articles on pros and cons of keeping wild animals as pets – a video clip on wild animals, why they shouldn't be kept as petshttp://www.aza.org/PressRoom/detail.aspx?id=391 – an article about why wild animals don't make good pets http://myhappypets.com/pet-health-articles...ts-for-sale.htm – several reasons why some people keep exotic pets http://www.thepetmedic.com/thepetmedic-art...exotic-pets.php – an article about whether exotic animals can make good pets http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/3500882/R...-than-dogs.html - reptiles become more popular pets than dogs in 2008, as this article states http://www.jojaffa.com/guides/exotic_pets.htm – a story by an exotic animal's owner about his pet, some advice on keeping exotic pets http://www.totallytortoise.com/exotic-pets.html – useful information for those who want to keep exotic pets Lesson 5-6. What can we do for them? - Как люди помогают животным в разных странах? Как работают Общества Защиты Животных? Где посмотреть сайты некоторых из них? Какова деятельность организации RSPCA — Королевского общества защиты животных от жестокого обращения? Где найти информацию о Гринпис? Как функционируют приюты для домашних животных? Есть ли такие приюты в России? Как научить подростков быть добрее к животным, защищать и заботиться о них? http://www.americanhumane.org/protecting-animals/ - the webpage of Animal Protection Division (USA), full information about its activities http://www.animalrescuesoc.org/our_mission.html — the website of Animal Rescue society http://www.ehow.com/how_4618059_help-animals-free.html — some tips on how to help animals for free http://www.collegeboard.com/student/plan/h...ool/189996.html — some information on how to become a volunteer to help animals http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Society...elty_to_Animals - encyclopaedia entry about RSPCA http://www.rspca.org.uk/ - the website of RSPCA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenpeace - encyclopaedia entry about Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org/international/ - the website of Greenpeace http://animals.howstuffworks.com/pets/animal-shelters.htm — the website dedicated to work of animal shelters in the USA, information about how they work, types of shelters http://www.yorkshireanimalshelter.org.uk/ - Yorkshire Animal Shelter website http://www.mossburn.org/ - the website of Mossburn animal rescue center in Scotland that provides rescue and shelter to a wide variety of animals including horses, pigs, rabbits, cows, goats, etc http://en.vao-priut.ru/ - information about a municipal animal shelter near Moscow http://www.ehow.com/how_2054991_teach-chil...-care-pets.html — some tips on how to teach children to care for pets http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/4...out.html?cat=25 — a short article on how to teach a child to care about animals http://www.answerbag.com/articles/How-to-T...cf-874c5066f2db — instructions on how to teach children to be kind to animals http://www.aspca.org/fight-animal-cruelty/...out-animal.html - how to talk with children to prevent cruelty to animals http://www.charityguide.org/volunteer/fewh...-to-animals.htm - advice on how to teach children to be kind to animals Lesson 7-8. A sound of thunder — Когда и где появились первые сафари-парки? Что можно увидеть в настоящем сафари-парке? Где найти информацию о динозаврах? Какие виды динозавров существовали на земле? Где найти интерактивные и видео ресурсы о динозаврах? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safari_park - a very short history of safari parks http://www.safaripark.org/ - the website of a safari park in Kansas: descriptions and pictures of what you can see there http://www.wmsp.co.uk/safaripark/WebObject....woa/wa/default — the website of West Midland Safari Park, includes information about opening times, booking, classroom activities and projects for teachers, online shopping, and details about the various species http://www.safaripark.co.uk/ - Britain's Safari and Wildlife Parks guide http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinosaur - encyclopaedia entry about dinosaurs http://www.buzzle.com/articles/types-of-dinosaurs.html – an article about the types of dinosaurs http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/prehistoric_life/ - the BBC Prehistoric Life site tells the history from dinosaurs to human ancestors, with articles and games – video on Walking With Dinosaurs Unit 8. Computers Lesson 1-2. What will the future bring? - Когда появились первые книги и как они выглядели? Где найти историю появления компьютера? Смогут ли компьютеры в будущем заменить книги? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book#History_of_books - encyclopaedia entry about the book, its structure, types and history http://classiclit.about.com/od/historyofbo...s_Come_From.htm – read more about the history of books, you'll find where books come from http://inventors.about.com/library/blcoindex.htm - an article on milestones in computer history http://www.computersciencelab.com/Computer...ory/History.htm – an illustrated history of computres http://www.helium.com/knowledge/241815-wil...s-in-the-future - 4 articles on whether computers will replace books in the future http://hubpages.com/hub/Will-Computers-Replace-Paper — one more opinion about whether computers will replace paper books http://www.shvoong.com/books/1727918-inter...-replace-books/ - information on whether the Internet will soon replace books http://www.suite101.com/blog/khayden5/can_...place_textbooks — a short article on whether technology can replace textbooks Lesson 3-4. Computers: friends and foes — В каких областях знаний человек использует компьютер? Где найти аргументы «за» и «против» использования компьютера? Как появился Интернет? Каковы польза и вред Интернета? Где найти советы родителям как научить ребенка пользоваться Интернетом без ущерба для здоровья? http://computerandthesociety.blogspot.com/...ent-fields.html — a short article about the fields in which people use computers http://www.yomag.net/1249-computers-pro-&-cons/ - some pros and cons of computers http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/2-27-2004-51038.asp – the pros and cons of computers and video games http://www.indianchild.com/computers_blessing_or_curse.htm – information about the advantages and disadvantages of using computers for Indian children http://www.bukisa.com/articles/98986_advan...es-of-computers – a short article about the advantages and disadvantages of computers for young people http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the Internet http://www.historyoftheinternet.com/ - a chronological history of the Internet from 1843 to the Present http://www.buzzle.com/articles/advantages-...s-internet.html – the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet http://essayinfo.com/sample/essay/71/ - an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet http://www.free-computer-tips.info/tutoria...f-internet.html – an article about the facilities of the Internet, its main advantages and disadvantages http://www.healthjockey.com/2009/06/13/how...ct-your-health/ - how the Internet and computers affect our health http://kidshealth.org/parent/positive/family/net_safety.html – information for parents on how to teach a child to use the Internet without harm to his/her moral and physical health http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/reso...ildrens_web.cfm – a list of the most popular children's websites compiled by the Center for Media Education (Washington) Lesson 5-6. Computerised education — Как компьютер используется в области образования? Какие есть позитивные и негативные моменты такого использования? Как компьютер влияет на здоровье школьников? Как использовать его без вреда здоровью? http://www.education.com/reference/article...ter-edcucation/ - an article about the ways of using computers in education http://www.ehow.com/about_5374913_use-comp...-education.html – learn about how computers are used in education http://elbridgegirl.wordpress.com/2008/09/...s-in-education/ - the pros and cons of using computers in education http://www.ehow.com/about_4815039_advantag...-education.html — the advantages and disadvantages of technology in education http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m082...17/ai_78785156/ - how computers affect a child's health http://daxii.com/articles/how_computer_aff...dren_lives.aspx — how computer affects children’s lives http://library.thinkquest.org/C0123325/comput.htm — information about computer influence on a man health http://www.000health.com/men-health/11768-...n-computer.html — 10 rules to work better on computer Lesson 7-8. New addiction? - Что такое компьютерная зависимость? В чем выражается эта зависимость? Каковы её причины и симптомы? В чем вред этой зависимости? Как предотвратить и как избавится от неё? http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-computer-addiction.htm — an article about what computer addiction is http://www.buzzle.com/articles/types-of-co...-addiction.html – types of computer addiction http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Interne..._Addiction.html – an article about the Internet and computer addiction http://computer.howstuffworks.com/computer-addiction.htm — how computer addiction works http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/c/computer_addiction/intro.htm - information about computer addiction including the symptoms, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, causes, patient stories, videos, forums, prevention, and prognosis http://ezinearticles.com/?Internet-Compute...s&id=555511 – an article about the Internet and computer addiction among teens http://parentingteens.suite101.com/article...with_your_teens – some advice on how to survive gaming addictions with teens http://www.kindbook.com/computer_addiction.htm - parental guidelines on how to prevent computer addiction http://www.commonsensemedia.org/Common-Sen...puter-Addiction – parent advice on how to beat computer addiction of a teen http://www.ehow.com/how_2239807_fight-comp...-addiction.html – how to fight a computer-related addiction http://www.wikihow.com/Fight-Computer-Game-Addiction – 8 steps to fight computer game addiction Lesson 9. Fun with language — Где найти информацию, словари Internet Slang? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_slang - encyclopaedia entry about Internet slang http://www.noslang.com/dictionary/a – Internet slang dictionary and translator http://us.geocities.com/bluehook.geo/GCRoughguide.html – a guide to abbreviations, smilies and Net slang
  12. Добрый день, дорогие коллеги! Наконец-то начались каникулы, появилось свободное время и я с головой окунулась в работу по созданию каталогов к учебникам, по которым работаю. Cделала каталог к учебнику New Millennium English для 11 класса. Уже начала частично использовать на уроках... ребятам особенно нравятся темы про боевые искуства и нетрадиционный стиль жизни. Надеюсь, и другим учителям что-нибудь пригодится. Не скрою, очень приятно получать положительные отзывы о моей работе, тем более от моих уважаемых коллег-учителей. Ещё раз огромное спасибо Алексею Васильевичу за всесторонюю помощь и поддержку. Unit 1. What is there in the language? Lesson 1-2. Are you a good language learner? - Где найти советы, рекомендации людям, изучающим английский язык? Какие методы изучения иностранного (английского) языка существуют? Как улучшить свои языковые навыки? Какие упражнения можно использовать для улучшения языковой памяти? http://www.omniglot.com/language/index.htm — a collection of advice, suggestions, tips and techniques for learning languages http://www.moving-overseas-guide.com/learn...n-language.html — different ways and general tips to help learn foreign languages http://www.staff.city.ac.uk/~ra939/advice.php — how can you improve your linguistic skills — advice for learning languages http://blog.fitbrains.com/tag/brain-exercise/ - some information about memory, a practical application of brain health to our life and some tips and exercises to improve our language memory http://esl.about.com/od/intermediateenglis...udy_english.htm – a short introduction on how to study English effectively Lesson 3-4. Why English? - Где найти информацию о том, как распространялся английский язык в мире? Где взять интерактивные карты, показывающие, где используется английский язык? Какие самые популярные и наиболее распространенные в мире языки? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_English - encyclopaedia entry about English as a global language http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/routesofenglis...x_noflash.shtml - a story about how English kept spreading in the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_count...ficial_language - a list of countries where English is an official language http://lazarus.elte.hu/~guszlev/gb/english.htm - an interactive map and detailed information about English-speaking countries http://teacherslove.blogs.sapo.pt/16034.html - a worksheet with print-out flags of English-speaking countries http://www.ling.gu.se/projekt/sprakfragela...-i-varlden.html — list of the top 10 languages that are the first languages for nearly half of the world's population, information about world's language families http://learnalanguageortwo.blogspot.com/20...s-in-world.html — brief information on the most widespread languages in the world http://listverse.com/2008/06/26/top-10-mos...s-in-the-world/ - top 10 most widely spoken languages in the world http://sonletay.vox.com/library/post/world...-languages.html — a brief article about the world's most popular foreign languages Lesson 5-6. Death sentence? - Какие языки считаются исчезающими и умирающими, и почему это явление происходит? Сколько таких языков по прогнозам ученых? http://www.nationalgeographic.com/mission/enduringvoices/ - an article about disappearing languages and reasons for this phenomenon http://wholeearth.com/issue/2100/article/1...aring.languages - opinions of linguists and scientists about disappearance of languages http://www.casavaria.com/sentido/culture/2...sappearing.html – one more article about disappearing languages http://globalvoicesonline.org/2009/02/20/w...s-disappearing/ - interesting information about endangered languages, includes an interactive map, showing 2,500 out of 6,000 languages at risk Unit 2. People and places Lesson 1-2. London - Где узнать подробнее об истории Лондона? Где найти дополнительную информацию и фотографии основных достопримечательностей, улиц, районов Лондона? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_London - encyclopaedia entry about the history of London http://www.londononline.co.uk/history/ - a detailed history of London http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...don/history.htm - a brief history of London http://www.entsweb.co.uk/tourist/top/index.html - top tourist attractions in and outside London (including pictures and history) http://www.beautiful-london.co.uk/index.htm - brief descriptions of London’s main sights http://www.proviser.com/regional/towns/london/street_maps/ - London street maps http://www.timeout.com/london/features/527...ndon_walks.html – a guide to great London walks http://www.londontown.com/LondonStreets –brief information about London boroughs and streets http://www.londonlogue.com/museums - brief information about the most popular museums in London http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palace_of_Westminster - encyclopaedia entry about the Palace of Westminster http://www.tourist-information-uk.com/parliament.htm - information about the Houses of Parliament http://www.parliament.uk/ - official website of the British Parliament http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Ben - encyclopaedia entry about the Big Ben http://www.bigben.parliament.uk/ - a look inside the Big Ben tower from the Parliament’s website http://www.westminster-abbey.org/ - the official site of Westminster Abbey, with schedule of services, pictures and information about the history of the place http://home2.btconnect.com/Crusader-Produc...ster-Abbey.html - history and pictures of Westminster Abbey http://www.hrp.org.uk/toweroflondon - the official site of the Tower of London, history, stories, pictures, people, maps http://www.toweroflondontour.com – a virtual tour of the Tower of London http://www.london.gov.uk/trafalgarsquare/history/index.jsp - a brief history of Trafalgar Square http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/travel/feature...e/history.shtml - history of Trafalgar Square and a downloadable leaflet with the heritage trail from BBC Lesson 3-4. A gem in the golden Ring – Какие города составляют Золотое Кольцо России? Чем знаменит г.Суздаль и какие его главные достопримечательности? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Ring - encyclopaedia entry about the Golden Ring of Russia, names of the cities that are included in the ring with links to information about each of them http://www.justrussia.ru/page.php?61 – brief information about the towns that comprise the Golden Ring http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzdal - encyclopaedia entry about Suzdal and its monuments http://www.museum.vladimir.ru/eng/towns/su...l_e?menu=suzdal – a brief history of Suzdal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzdal_Kremlin - encyclopaedia entry about Suzdal Kremlin http://homepage.mac.com/wasleys/golden_rin...Krem/index.html - Suzdal Kremlin in photos http://www.waytorussia.net/GoldenRing/Suzd...ightseeing.html – information with photos about main churches, monasteries, convents, sights in Suzdal Lesson 5-6. Projects – Где найти дополнительную информацию о Лос-Анджелесе, Петергофе, об одной из сибирских деревень, о самых крупных водопадах, о городе Torrington in North Devon? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles — an illustrated encyclopaedia entry about Los Angeles http://losangeles2007.icann.org/attractions — top 5 things besides the main attractions to see in Los Angeles http://www.planetware.com/tourist-attracti...es-us-ca-la.htm – tourist attractions in Los Angeles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peterhof - encyclopaedia entry about Peterhof http://www.thepeterhofpalace.com/index.html – the website dedicated to the Peterhof Palace, includes information and pictures about fountain and gardens of Peterhof http://www.theworldisnotflat.com/bolshoe_goloustnoe – a foreigner's story about his visit to a Siberian village http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterfall - encyclopaedia entry about waterfalls http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_waterfalls - a list of waterfalls of the world by continent with links to information about each of them http://www.buzzle.com/articles/famous-wate...-the-world.html - a journey through some famous waterfalls of world http://www.devon-holiday.com/information/torrington.htm – the introduction of the town Torrington in North Devon http://www.great-torrington.com/ - detailed tourist information about Great Torrington: history, attractions, places to stay, etc. Lesson 8 Express yourself – Где найти примеры рассказов, эссе, проектов о своем родном городе? http://www.elanguages.org/view_pagecontent...d=r35362#r35362 – an international project with a few stories about two Bulgarian towns and one city from Scotland http://palcwriting12.blogspot.com/2008/01/...wn-stories.html - students from China, Korea, Japan, Poland and Afghanistan tell about their home towns http://welcome-to-my-town.com/ - a collection of the thoughts of what makes a town great from ordinary people living in ordinary towns in many countries that are very special to them http://articles.famouswhy.com/craiova_-_my_native_town/ - a story about the town of Craiova, Romania Unit 3. A job for life? Leson 1-2. A job for your future - Где прочитать рассказы, эссе подростков о планах на будущее, о выборе карьеры, профессии? Какие профессии сегодня самые популярные в мире? Какие профессии по данным на текущий год наиболее популярны в Америке, Канаде и Великобритании? Какие сферы деятельности наиболее привлекательны сегодня для молодежи в России? Какие существуют самые смешные и необычные профессии? Где найти профессиональные советы подросткам и их родителям о том, как выбирать будущую профессию? Как строится работа кадровых агентств? Как продуктивнее искать работу, самому или с помощью кадрового агентства? В чем его достоинства и недостатки? Где посмотреть сайты кадровых агентств из разных стран? http://skola.amoskadan.cz/s_aj/ajhtm/at/at11.htm — an essay on «My future plans» http://www.sciaga.pl/tekst/15659-16-my_future_plans — thoughts of a student from Poland about his future plans http://www.gvsu.edu/clas/index.cfm?id=F7BB...21BD313D17430A5 — future plans of some pupils http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=125989 – my future job/career essay http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/100304.html – an essay ”My future goals” http://www.freeessays.cc/db/18/erk48.shtml – an example of essay on choosing a career http://www.articlesbase.com/college-and-un...ay-1045280.html – an article about the most popular professions of today http://www.jabulela.com/politics-business/...rofession-today – a list of the most popular professions today http://www.fastcompany.com/articles/2007/0..._jobs_2007.html – a list of top jobs in 2007 http://www.alec.co.uk/free-career-assessme...lar-careers.htm – the top ten most popular careers for 2009 in the US, Canada and the UK http://bd.english.fom.ru/report/cat/az/P/p...ssion/eof992504 – spheres of activities popular among today's young people in Russia http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2009/01/26/am...t-unusual-jobs/ - America's most unusual jobs http://www.bspcn.com/2007/10/19/top-10-mos...ollege-degrees/ - top 10 most unusual college degrees http://careerplanning.about.com/cs/choosin...ight_career.htm – tips to help choose a right career http://www.howtochooseacareer.com/ - a free professional article written for those who need help in choosing career http://choosing-careers.suite101.com/artic...e_a_career_path – four ways to decide what career is right for a person http://homeschool-graduation.suite101.com/...choose_a_career – how to help a teen choose the right career – advice for parents http://careerplanning.about.com/od/advicef...and_Parents.htm – career advice for children, teens and parents http://www.contractorcalculator.co.uk/recr...onsultants.aspx —this article explains how recruitment agencies and consultants work http://skorcareer.com.my/blog/how-does-a-r...ork/2008/07/10/ - main questions about the work of a recruitment agency http://ezinearticles.com/?How-Recruitment-...&id=2824269 — brief information on how recruitment agencies work for candidates http://www.job-application-and-interview-a...t-agencies.html - the advantages and disadvantages of using employment agencies to find work explained http://www.worksmart.org.uk/career/viewquestion.php?eny=43 – a short article on what the disadvantages of using a recruitment agency are http://recruitment.naukrihub.com/advantage...ecruitment.html – some advantages and disadvantages of E-recruitment http://www.trc-recruitment.co.uk/ - the website of a UK recruitment company http://www.e4s.co.uk/docs/recruitment-agencies.htm - directory of UK recruitment agencies and employment services for students http://www.thaiwebsites.com/recruitment.asp - recruitment agencies in Thailand, overseas jobs, employment and careers http://www.nzs.com/business/services/jobs/...ment-companies/ - recruitment agencies, job agencies, recruitment companies of New Zealand Lesson 3-4. A letter of application and a CV — Где найти советы и рекомендации о том, как правильно написать резюме и сопроводительное письмо? http://jobsearch.about.com/od/curriculumvi...culum_Vitae.htm — useful information on how to write Curriculum Vitae, including curriculum vitae samples, examples and templates http://www.ehow.com/how_15747_write-curriculum-vitae.html — instructions on how to write a curriculum vitae http://www.soon.org.uk/cvpage.htm - advice on writing a CV, types of CVs, cover letters, job & career applications, decision-making for students and the international student help page http://www.askoxford.com/betterwriting/suc...cv/application/ - instructions for writing an application letter http://www.aperfectcv.co.uk/coverletters.html – some advice and examples on how to write a perfect job application letter http://www.jobaccess.gov.au/JOAC/Jobseeker...cation/home.htm – useful information about writing a job application Lesson 5-6. A job interview — Как правильно вести себя на собеседовании с работодателем? Как произвести на него благоприятное впечатление? Что необходимо, а чего не следует говорить во время собеседования? Какие вопросы можно, а какие нельзя задавать потенциальному работодателю? Где посмотреть видео на эту тему? http://www.ehow.com/how_2155187_behave-fir...-interview.html — some tips on how to behave on the first job interview http://www.ehow.com/how_1375_nail-job-interview.html —instructions on how to make a good impression at a job interview http://ezinearticles.com/?Four-Tips-on-How...&id=1910005 — four tips on how to behave at a job interview http://www.businessballs.com/interviews.htm - job interviews tips and techniques, sample interview questions and answers http://www.jobera.com/job-interviews/job-i...-techniques.htm – on this site you will find useful info on what forms of a job interview exist, how to behave at and dress for an interview in many countries and many other job interview techniques http://www.workforce.com/section/06/article/23/24/30.html – 200 questions job candidates may ask at a job interview http://job-interview-skills.suite101.com/a...a_job_interview – four questions not to ask in a job interview http://www.careercc.com/interv3.shtml – general tips to follow when interviewing http://www.metacafe.com/watch/972538/learn..._job_interview/ - educational video on job interview Unit 4. Mysteries Lesson 1-2. At the edge of unknown — Где найти интересную информацию о паранормальных, сверхъестественных явлениях? http://paranormal.lovetoknow.com/Supernatu...rmal_Phenomenon — brief information about what supernatural paranormal phenomena are and their categories http://www.thesupernaturalworld.com/ - a website dedicated to supernatural, paranormal and unexplained phenomena, includes their descriptions http://www.suite101.com/reference/supernatural_phenomena — a selection of interesting articles related to supernatural phenomena Lesson 3-4. Mysteries of the animal world — Какими необычными способностями обладают животные? Где можно прочитать истории, подтверждающие этот факт? Где посмотреть видео на эту тему? http://www.talkingleaves.org/node/155 - an article about the unexplained powers of animals http://www.satyacenter.com/library-archive...animals-tsunami – an interesting article about unusual behavior of animals before disasters http://occultism.suite101.com/article.cfm/...ranormal_powers – one more article on whether animals have paranormal powers http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer..._type=&aq=f – a BBC video about supernatural powers of animals Lesson 5-6. Stone me! - Где прочитать историю и посмотреть видеофильм о Stonehenge? Почему это место до сих пор считается непредсказуемым и загадочным? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonehenge - encyclopaedia entry about Stonehenge http://www.stonehenge.co.uk/ - a guide to Stonehenge http://www.qsl.net/w5www/stonehenge.html –information about the mysteries of Stonehenge http://www.panweb.org/2008/06/more-mysteries-at-stonehenge/ - an article about the mysteries at Stonehenge http://www.usnews.com/usnews/doubleissue/m.../stonehenge.htm – the magicof Stonehenge stones http://www.bugbog.com/travel-videos/englan...enge-video.html - an informative video on Stonehenge's construction, with links to a map, and pictures of Stonehenge Unit 5. TV or not TV? Lesson 1-2. What's on the box? - Где найти информацию о создании телевидения и его истории? Какие телевизионные жанры существуют? Какие телевизионные каналы самые популярные в Британии , России? Почему телевидение сейчас так популярно? В чем его достоинства и недостатки? Каковы аргументы «за» и «против» телевидения? Какую роль играет телевидение в нашей жизни? http://www.freebase.com/view/tv/tv_genre – information about TV genres with their descriptions and examples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Television_genres – list of television genres with links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality_television - encyclopaedia entry about the "Reality TV" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_in...sion_Programmes - encyclopaedia entry about television in the UK, includes information about 100 Greatest British TV Programmes http://www.mediauk.com/tv – a full directory of British television channels with addresses and details http://www.russia-ic.com/business_law/Russian_companies/643/ - brief information about the most popular and highly rated TV channels in Russia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_in_Russia - encyclopaedia entry about television in Russia http://www.russia.com/tv/ - a guide to Russian television, TV stations and channels http://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources...advantages.aspx — an opinion about the advantages and disadvantage of television http://www.amuseline.com/what-everybody-sh...hing-television - what everybody should know about the advantages and disadvantage of watching television http://www.allfreeessays.com/topics/advant...ing-tv/0— a collection of essays on the advantages and disadvantage of watching TV http://www.shvoong.com/books/1633705-nowad...influence-life/ - a summary of the influence of TV on our life http://living.oneindia.in/expressions/life...television.html - an opinion on whether we can live without television http://www.non-plagiarized-termpapers.com/...osion_role.html – a term paper on the role of television in our life Lesson 3-4. Whose choice is it? - Как показ насилия в телевизионных программах влияет на психическое здоровье детей? Что советуют предпринимать родителям, чтобы уберечь подростков от этого? http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-f012.html — how violence in the media affects families http://www.cybercollege.com/violence.htm — an article about whether violence in films and on TV contributes to violence in society http://www.apa.org/pi/vio&tv.html — information about potential dangers that viewing violence on TV can have for children http://library.thinkquest.org/5676/effects.html — useful information about the effects of television violence on children http://www.aacap.org/cs/root/facts_for_fam...and_tv_violence – an article about children and TV violence, how parents can protect children from it http://www.essortment.com/all/televisionviole_rfzn.htm – this article describes the effect of TV violence on children and gives some recommendations on how to keep kids safe http://www.dupagehealth.org/health_ed/parent_kids.html — some ideas about how to protect younger children from TV violence Lesson 5-6. TV-Turnoff Week terns me on — Как проходит неделя отказа от телевидения (National TV-Turnoff Week) в Америке? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TV_turnoff - encyclopaedia entry about the TV Turnoff Week http://www.limitv.org/TVTurnoff_in_the_Tri...isTVTurnoff.htm – what is the TV-Turnoff Week and how does it work? http://www.tvturnoff.org/index.php?Itemid=...t&task=view – information about Turnoff Weeks 2009 in America http://www.turnoffyourtv.com/turnoffweek/T...rnoff.week.html – interesting facts about the National TV-Turnoff Week in the USA Unit 6. World of science Lesson 1-2. What science can do — Как можно представить себе дом будущего? Как он будет выглядеть? Какими современными техническими приспособлениями он будет наполнен? Где посмореть видео на тему «Дом будущего»? http://www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2007/11..._the_future.htm - here's a look at what scientists are working on today to bring into your homes tomorrow. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8046659.stm — a video about Microsoft's «future home» - how the company plans to incorporate technology into more areas of life http://i.abcnews.com/WN/SmartHome/story?id...9570&page=1 - what will our future lifestyle look like Lesson 3-4. What is science? - Как строится научное исследование? Какие этапы оно проходит? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research#Scientific_research - encyclopaedia entry about scientific research and its stages http://www.sciencebuddies.org/mentoring/pr...ic_method.shtml — steps of the scientific method http://www.experiment-resources.com/steps-...fic-method.html — what are the steps of a scientific research http://www.experiment-resources.com/ - a website about the scientific method, research and experiments Lesson 5-6. Why do people become scientists? - Где прочитать биографическую информацию об ученых: И.Ньютоне, Г.Галлилее, Г.Менделе, Дж.Максвелле? Кто из россиян или жителей бывшего Советского Союза становился лауреатом Нобелевской премии? Кому присуждена Нобелевская премия в 2009 году? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Newton - encyclopaedia entry about Isaac Newton http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_Galilei - encyclopaedia entry about Galileo Galilei http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregor_Mendel - encyclopaedia entry about Gregor Mendel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Clerk_Maxwell - encyclopaedia entry about James Maxwell http://www.kommersant.com/p-155/r_484/Nobe..._Russia_(USSR)/ - Nobel Prize Winners with connections to Russia (USSR) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nobel...ates_by_country — list of Nobel laureates by country http://www.altiusdirectory.com/Society/nob...ers-russia.html — Nobel Prize Winners from Russia by branch of knowledge http://nobelprize.org/ - find out more about the 2009 Nobel Laureates and their works Unit 7. Understanding art Lesson 1-2. Line — Где найти дополнительную информацию о художниках Paul Klee, Georges Seurat? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Klee - encyclopaedia entry about Paul Klee http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/klee_paul.html - guide to works by Paul Klee in art museum sites and image archives worldwide http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges-Pierre_Seurat - Georges-Pierre Seurat http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/seurat/ - a page of the WebMuseum dedicated to Georges Seurat with descriptions of some of his works Lesson 3-4. Modern art — Что мы понимаем под «современным искусством»?Где прочитать историю современного искусства? Каковы направления, стили, школы современного искусства? Какие музеи современного искусства есть в мире? Где можно совершить виртуальное путешествие по одному из этих музеев? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_art - encyclopaedia entry about modern art http://www.artelino.com/articles/modern_art_periods.asp — modern art movements and short descriptions with samples of each of them http://kottke.org/09/08/a-history-of-moder...hree-paragraphs — a brief history of modern art http://www.allbuyart.com/art-movements.asp - all you need to know about the modern art movements, including abstract art, surrealism, conceptual art, pop art through to post impressionism, futurism, etc http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/modern-art-movements.htm - modern art movements, styles, schools http://dir.yahoo.com/Arts/Museums__Galleri...d_Contemporary/ - links to the sites of Modern and Contemporary Art museums and galleries around the world http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museum_of_Modern_Art - encyclopaedia entry about the Museum of Modern Art in New York City http://worldvisitguide.com/musee/M0218.html – the Museum of Modern Art of New York – virtual tour http://www.mmoma.ru/en/ - the site of Moscow Museum of Modern Art Lesson 5-6. Great myths in art — Где найти репродукции и описания к картинам «The Tower of Babel» Брейгеля и Эшера? Где посмотреть другие работы этих художников? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tower_of_Babel_(Brueghel) - encyclopaedia entry about the painting ”The Tower of Babel” by P.Brueghel http://www.pieter-bruegel-the-elder.org/ - a slideshow of the complete works of Pieter the Elder Brueghel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Babel_(M._C._Escher) - encyclopaedia entry about the woodcut (xylography) by M.C.Escher ”The Tower of Babel” http://www.worldofescher.com/gallery/ - a website to explore the great MC Escher artworks, each image has commentary and a zoom mode Unit 8. Crime and punishment Lesson 1-2. Is it a crime? - Какие случаи захватов самолетов случались в истории? Какие самые известные из них? Где прочитать последние новости, газетные заголовки о совершенных преступлениях? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_hijacking- encyclopaedia entry about aircraft hijacking, list of notable aircraft hijackings http://www.wtopnews.com/?nid=389&sid=1758950 — major airplane hijackings since 1990 http://crime.about.com/od/current/a/case_news.htm — criminal case news and headlines http://news.aol.com/main/crime - the latest news about crime and criminals, watch video, see photos, post comments Lesson 3-4. Should we be cruel or be kind? - Какие самые опасные в криминальном отношениии страны мира? Какова система наказания в разных странах? В каких странах и за какие преступления применяется смертная казнь, а в каких она отменена? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11...Africa-U-S.html — an article on why Britain is considered the most violent country in Europe http://inductivist.blogspot.com/2006/10/la...s-are-most.html — an article about Latin American countries as the most criminal ones in the world http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talking_point/1924251.stm – BBC article about increasing problem of crime in South Africa http://society.guardian.co.uk/crimeandpuni...,430910,00.html — information from the Guardian about crimes and punishment in the UK http://www.allbusiness.com/public-administ.../1072006-1.html – an article about Russia's correctional system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration...e_United_States – an entry about imprisonment in the USA http://www.capitalpunishmentuk.org/contents.html — a webpage about capital punishment in Britain and the USA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment - encyclopaedia entry about capital punishment in different countries, and about which countries support UN Moratorium on the Death Penalty Lesson 5-6. Survival skills — Какова история появления боевых искусств? Какие виды боевых искусств бывают? Кто является самыми выдающимися спортсменами в том или ином виде ? Как вести себя в опасной ситуации? Как защитить себя? Где посмотреть видео-инструкцию о технике самозащиты? Каковы правила выживания в опасной ситуации? Что можно и чего нельзя делать в этих ситуациях? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martial_arts - encyclopaedia entry about martial arts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_martial_arts — a history of martial arts http://www.athleticscholarships.net/martial-arts.htm - a brief history of martial arts and links to resources and information about each form http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_martial_arts – a list of martial arts http://www.martial-arts-info.com/ - the resource for all styles of martial arts, their history, founder, techniques, famous exponents and weapons where applicable http://www.wikihow.com/Defend-Yourself – some tips and instructions on how to defend yourself in dangerous situations http://www.askmen.com/money/how_to_150/180_how_to.html - how to defend yourself in a fight – video-instruction on self-defense techniqueshttp://www.wikihow.com/Defend-Yourself-from-an-Attacker – useful advice on how to defend yourself from an attacker http://www.articlesbase.com/home-security-...ns-1174046.html – safety tips for confronting dangerous situations Unit 9. The way we live Lesson 3-4. Alternative lifestyles —В чем выражен нетрадиционный стиль жизни? В чем причина эксцентричного поведения некоторых людей? Кто самые известные эксцентричные люди в истории? Где найти рассказы о них? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_lifestyle - encyclopaedia entry about alternative lifestyles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eccentricity_(behavior) - encyclopaedia entry about eccentricity http://www.charminghealth.com/applicabilit...ic-behavior.htm – this article explores the reasons of eccentric behavior http://www.2spare.com/item_45962.aspx - top 10 most eccentric people http://listverse.com/2009/03/15/10-incredi...centric-people/ - 10 incredibly eccentric people http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/pe...-eccentric.html – eccentric people in photos http://articles.famouswhy.com/an_eccentric_person/ - a story about an eccentric person Lesson 5-6. Back or forward? - Где найти дополнительную информацию о Каменном Веке? Как жили люди в этот период - кому покланялись, как питались и одевались, какими были их жилища? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_Age - encyclopaedia entry about the Stone Age http://articles.famouswhy.com/a_stone_age_settlement/ - a brief article about Stone Age settlements, the lifestyle of this period http://www.fsmitha.com/h1/ch00.htm — this article explains some features of lifestyle of Stone Age people, tells about their Gods, spirits, magic and religion Unit 10. Whose world is it? Lesson 1-2. Cause and effect? - Какие основные экологические проблемы существуют во всем мире? Как эти проблемы влияют на развитие человечества? Как научить подростков заботиться об окружающей среде? http://www.lenntech.com/environmental-problems.htm — a list of environmental problems and related issues http://www.essortment.com/all/whataresomeen_rqvf.htm — what some environmental problems are and how we can help http://www.lilith-ezine.com/articles/envir...l-Problems.html — an article about 7 major environmental problems http://library.thinkquest.org/26026/Enviro...ms_article.html - information about environmental problems and how they affect humanity http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2007...6/climatechange — the article tells how environmental failures 'put humanity at risk' http://www.takecareofyourshare.com/ - a website dedicated to environmental protection http://www.members.tripod.com/nature210/id2.htm —simple suggestions for kids and teens to help prevent environmental problems http://www.dse.vic.gov.au/thesustainables/ten.htm — 10 things we can do to save the planet Lesson 3-4. Love thy neighbour — Какие проблемы в отношениях с соседями бывают? Каковы претензии соседей по отношению друг к другу? Как избежать таких проблем и как с ними справиться? Как научиться жить с соседями в мире и согласии? http://www.housingadviceni.org/content/vie...&Itemid=337 — common problems with neighbours, some ways on how to negotiate with them http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/scotland/fam...ighbourproblems - advice on dealing with common problems with neighbours including anti-social behaviour and boundary disputes http://www.boundary-problems.co.uk/mainneighbours.htm — information about what causes of problems with neighbours are and what to do with them http://ezinearticles.com/?Being-a-Good-Nei...&id=2908908 — some useful tips on how to be a good neighbours and how to avoid next door problems http://realestate.msn.com/article.aspx?cp-...mentid=13107790 — 9 tips foe dealing with nuisance neighbours http://www.ehow.com/how_2054416_deal-bad-neighbors.html — several instructions on how to deal with bad neighbors http://www.a-to-z-of-manners-and-etiquette...neighbours.html — some advice on neighbours etiquette http://www.ehow.com/how_3428_be-neighbor.html — how to be a good neighbour http://stress.about.com/od/relationships/qt/neighbors.htm — an article about how knowing your neighbours and being a good neighbour may brings several benefits Lesson 5-6. Explorers or intruders? - Остались ли неисследованные уголки на карте мира, где ещё не бывал человек? Где найти дополнительную информацию о семье отшельников-староверов Лыковых? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/...ers-726395.html – an article on scientific research of world's unexplored corners http://www.gochile.cl/html/chilepatagonian...gonia-norte.asp – information about one of the virgin and unexplored places in the world Northern Patagonia http://www.suvenirograd.ru/impressions.php...ang=2&pid=9 – an article about the family of old-believers, the Lykovs, who lived in isolation from the rest of the world in the taiga
  13. помогите пожалуйста

    Уважаемая Shalmanova! Пример визитной карточки для конкурса можно посмотреть здесь http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index....ost&p=11115
  14. Пожалуйста! Интересного материала накопилось очень много и рада, что могу поделиться своей работой. Большое спасибо за эту возможность создателям этого замечательного форума! Очень рада, что и другие форумчане ссылками деляться, приятно, когда помогаем друг другу в работе. Сама работаю по учебникам "Enjoy English", но думаю, что эту информацию также можно использовать и с другими учебникам из Федерального перечня, они же все соответствуют Примерной программе и стандарту, поэтому темы рассматривают те же самые, пусть и в другом порядке. Я сама в этом году начала работать и по "New Millennium English" в старших классах. И теперь некоторые из материалов к "Enjoy English" с успехом применяю и на уроках по "New Millennium English".
  15. Спасибо за добрые слова! Просто создавая каталоги к учебникам "Enjoy English", я узнаю для себя много нового, того, о чем раньше и не подозревала, пытаюсь помочь и себе, и другим моим коллегам получить для себя ответы на многие вопросы, которые задают или могут задать наши ученики, поделиться с ребятами этой интересной информацией. А ведь её можно использовать и для создания презентаций, викторин, для проведения конференций с учениками, для различных внеклассных мероприятий. "Это же клондайк, эльдорадо!", как говорил Глеб Жеглов. Да не иссякнет фантазия учителя! Конечно, это забирает уйму времени, но когда есть цель и интерес, это все делается с удовольствием.
  16. Здравствуйте, Uchilka! Можно попробовать войти под именем и паролем к другим тестам, например, имя пользователя enjoy и пароль enjoy, или соответственно newmil и newmil, или milliemillie и millie. В любом варианте открываются тесты ко всем учебникам. Я пробовала. Во всяком случае, у меня так открываются без проблем. Успехов!
  17. Если не получается ответить в тему

    Простите, но Вы не указали, к КАКОМУ учебнику эти диалоги?
  18. Спасибо за хорошие отзывы о моей работе! Рада, что эта дополнительная информация к учебнику поможет ещё кому-то из учителей. А все поправки и дополнения с удовольствием принимаются! Ещё раз спасибо!
  19. ЕГЭ 2009. Впечатления.

    Полностью согласна, чем слабее ученик, тем более сильна вероятность, что он попытается списать. А если ученик и так хорошо подготовлен, то он побоится последствий и будет больше опираться на свои знания. Здесь ведь роль учителя большая - на что сориентируем, то и получим. До меня только сегодня дошел Enjoy English для 11 класса, открыла в конце учебника Learning Strategies, и пожалела,что раньше учебника у меня не было: не только про все типы заданий рассказывается, но и есть советы о том, как вести себя на экзамене и как побороть тревогу. Сейчас вот думаю, если в таком ключе готовить, то большинству учеников списывать не потребуется.
  20. Дорогие коллеги! Я продолжаю размещение дополнительной информации к линии учебников Enjoy English. Сегодня предлагаю дополнительные материалы к учебнику Enjoy English для 4 класса. Выражаю огромную благодарность А.В.Конобееву за неоценимую помощь и поддержку в этой работе. Unit 1. Speaking about seasons and the weather. Section 3. When the weather is fine Где можно узнать прогноз погоды для Лондона на ближайшие дни? Как рассказать детям о разнице между шкалами Цельсия и Фаренгейта? Как можно научить детей читать символы с прогнозов погоды? Где найти интерактивные игры и упражнения? http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/se/...st_weather.html - weather forecast for London http://www.theweatherchannelkids.com/weather-games - interactive games for children to learn about weather http://www.edheads.org/activities/weather - interactive activities for children to learn to read weather maps, make weather forecasts and convert temperatures between Fahrenheit and Celsius scales Unit 2. Enjoying your home Section 1. Describing your house Где взять фотографии современных английских домов и комнат? Где взять готовые описания комнат? http://www.findaflat.com/ - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency http://www.homefromhome.co.uk/?gclid=COCBx...CFRC7Zwod4WhooA - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency Section 2. What is there in your room?, Section 3. Home, sweet home. – где можно найти описание комнат в доме, сделанное английским ребенком? Где можно найти описания и изображения современных английских домов и комнат? Где можно найти описания и изображения старинных английских домов? Как устроить виртуальный тур по английскому дому? http://www.findaflat.com/ - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency http://www.homefromhome.co.uk/?gclid=COCBx...CFRC7Zwod4WhooA - descriptions and pictures of rooms and houses from a rental agency http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ions/house.html - inside an English house, described by a 10-year old boy, with photographs http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_...english/map.htm - a tour of a virtual English house http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/houses.html - English houses and homes through history – descriptions and pictures Где можно взять рассказ английского школьника о его комнате? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ik/bedroom.html - a 10-year old boy tells about his bedroom. Unit 3. Being happy in the country and in the city Section 1. We like the place we live! – описание своего города, графства и т.п. ребенком из Англии http://palcwriting12.blogspot.com/2008/01/...wn-stories.html - students from China, Korea, Japan, Poland and Afghanistan tell about their home towns http://welcome-to-my-town.com/ - a collection of the thoughts of what makes a town great by ordinary people living in ordinary towns in many countries that are very special to them http://articles.famouswhy.com/craiova_-_my_native_town/ - a story about the town of Craiova, Romania Section 3. People and animals in the country and in the city А в каких странах, на каких континентах какие животные живут? Почему они живут именно там? http://www.billybear4kids.com/animal/whose.../the-world.html - information about animals and types of climate and regions where they live http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ns/animals.html - animals native to England http://www.readinga-z.com/newfiles/levels/...malslived.html/ - Where Animals Live is an informational book that presents various animals and the places in which they live. The text and illustrations provide a way to introduce early readers to the concept of habitats. The book can be downloaded http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0768522.html - list of animals by continents Unit 4. Telling stories. Section 2. In the world of fantasy – где можно найти бесплатные электронные книги для детей? http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page free e-books http://www.magickeys.com/books/ - illustrated children’s books online http://en.childrenslibrary.org/ - international children’s online library http://www.ebook88.com/kidspage.htm - links to several online libraries of free books for children http://www.domokos.com/FreeEbooks.html - an anthology of free e-stories from Canadian authors http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/teacher - free online electronic books (audio plus pictures) for children http://storytimeforme.com/ - free online interactive books http://kids.aol.com/KOL/1/KOLJrStories - oline interactive books for children Unit 5. Having a good time with your family. Section 1. Being happy together Где найти рассказ английского ребенка о его семье? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ons/family.html - a 10-year old boy tells about his family and what he does during the day http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu.../familylife.htm - description of family life in Britain, by children Section 2. What do you do to help your family? – где найти рассказ английского ребенка о домашних обязанностях? http://www.unicef.org/rightsite/files/rights_leaflet.pdf - Children rights brochure from UNICEF http://www.oxfam.org.uk/education/resources/childrens-rights - lesson plans on children's rights http://singleparents.about.com/od/homelife/tp/chores.htm - how to teach children responsibility through chores http://www.ehow.com/way_5218309_jobs-kids-around-house.html#page=0 - what children can do to help their parents around the house http://www.loveyourdog.com/ages.html - what duties children of different ages may have towards their pet Section 3. Answering phone calls – когда был изобретен телефон? Какими были первые телефоны? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_telephone - encyclopaedia article on the history of the telephone http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_5_facts_about_the_telephone_in_1876 - some fun facts about the telephone in 1876 http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Telephones.aspx - history of the telephone http://www.telephone-interpreting-service.com/early-telephone-fun-facts - early telephone fun facts http://www.articlesbase.com/gadgets-and-gi...nes-406096.html - the first fax machine was made in 1843. Want to learn more? Read this article! Как по-английски обучают времени? Где взять интерактивные упражнения чтобы научить детей говорить время по-английски? http://www.teachingtime.co.uk/ - interactive games for telling the time http://www.mrmyers.org/Math_Mania/Math_Gam...Clock/clock.htm http://www.time-for-time.com/swf/myclox.swf - an interactive clock with time shown on the analogue clock, on the digital clock and written in words http://www.fi.edu/time/Journey/JustInTime/contents.html - lesson plans, print materials and online activities to teach children about time Телепрограммы - где найти программы передач детских каналов? http://www.bbckids.ca/schedule/default.asp - BBC Kids schedule http://www.tvguideuk.co.uk/tvlistings/kids.php - TV schedule for children in Britain http://www.nick.com/shows/tvschedule/ - tv guide on Nickelodeon Section 4. Let us try to be polite – а как понимали что такое «вежливый ребенок» раньше? Какие бывают правила поведения в английских школах сейчас? http://www.victoriaspast.com/ChildEtiquett...ldEtiquette.htm - rules of etiquette for children in Victorian England http://www.oprah.com/relationships/Ten-Etiquette-Rules-for-Children - 10 etiquette rules for children http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/language...hool-discipline a lesson plan and information about discipline in British schools http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu.../behaviour.html - information on general behaviour rules in England Unit 6. Shopping for everything Section 1. Shopping for clothes – какая одежда модная сейчас у детей? Какая одежда сейчас в моде у мальчиков и девочек? Где найти картинки, названия и описания модной и повседневной детской одежды и обуви? http://kidsfashion.about.com/od/hotstyles/...s-for-Girls.htm - what girls’ clothes are in fashion right now? http://kidsfashion.about.com/od/hotstylesf...ys--Fashion.htm - what boys’ clothes are in fashion right now? http://kidsfashion.about.com/od/footwearan...hoesforkids.htm - what children’s shoes are in fashion now? http://www.marksandspencer.com/gp/node/n/43629030?extid=apaw – what children’s clothes can you buy in a British store? http://www.jcpenney.com/dotcom/kids/dept.jump?id=dept20000016 – what children’s clothes can you buy in an American store? Section 3. Shopping for food. – а как советуют питаться детям? Какие продукты стоит использовать, а какие – не надо? Какие продукты продаются в крупных английских магазинах? http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/pyramid.html - The Food Guide Pyramid is a way for people to understand how to eat healthy. http://kidshealth.org/kid/recipes/index.html - a number of healthy recipes for children to try cooking. http://www.eatwell.gov.uk/info/games/#elem416664 – excellent interactive games to teach children about healthy food http://www.sainsburys.com/groceries/index....D=1240223814577 – what food can you buy in British stores/ Take a look of what Sainsbury’s offers online http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...tions/shops.htm - information about shops and shopping in England, written by schoolchildren http://www.ehow.com/how_2052923_encourage-children-eat-healthy.html - recommendations for parents on how to make children eat healthier food www.culinary.net/.../FeatureDetail.aspx?ID=2087 – recipes and a list of healthy foods for children Unit 7. School is fun. Section 1. What do we do at school? – где найти рассказ английского ребенка о своей школе? http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/ourschool/index.html - schoolchildren answer questions about school life in the UK Section 2. The things you use in the lesson – что должно быть у ребенка в школьной сумке? Что важно знать при выборе школьных сумок и сборах в школу? http://www.wikihow.com/Organize-Your-Backpack - recommendations for children on how to organize their backpacks http://thefridayclass.wordpress.com/2008/0...our-school-bag/ - a list of things to remember when packing the school bag http://www.kiwifamilies.co.nz/Topics/Back+...chool+Bags.html – recommendations for parents on choosing a good backpack for their children http://www.sportsdietitians.com.au/asset/1...h_Box_Ideas.pdf - ideas for healthy school lunches to pack in a lunchbox http://homecooking.about.com/od/specificdi...hboxgoodies.htm - tips for parents on how to pack a lunchbox