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Все публикации пользователя irinatamb

  1. Насколько целесообразна и оправдывает ли себя на практике профилизация школы? Что показывает Ваш опыт последних нескольких лет в этом отношении?
  2. Как быть, если учебники по которым учатся в нашей школе - Opportunities Russian Edition - не попали в федеральный перечень? Их закупили сами родители пятиклассников в этом учебном году. Начали работать. Нравятся как детям, так и учителям. Хорошая книга для учителя, диск с тестами. Но каковы перспективы?
  3. Why started my edublog for real teaching

    Why blog? I keep on asking myself about it. So do lots of my colleagues.I have read a great article on this point on http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/think/ar...es/blogging-eltYou must read it. Really.I have started an educational blog to use it in my real teaching after reading it.So, why should you blog with your students? There are many reasons why you may choose to use weblogs with students. One of the best reasons is to provide a real audience for student writing. Usually, the teacher is the only person who reads student writing, and the focus of this reading is usually on form, not content. With weblogs, students can find themselves writing for a real audience that, apart from the teacher, may include their peers, students from other classes, or even other countries, their parents, and potentially anyone with access to the Internet.Here are some other reasons for using blogs:To provide extra reading practice for students.This reading can be produced by the teacher, other students in the same class, or, in the case of comments posted to a blog, by people from all over the world. As online student learner journals that can be read by their peers. The value of using learner journals has been well documented. Usually they are private channels between teacher and student. Using a blog as a learner journal can increase the audience. To guide students to online resources appropriate for their level.The Internet has a bewildering array of resources that are potentially useful for your students. The problem is finding and directing your learners to them. For this reason, you can use your tutor blog as a portal for your learners. To increase the sense of community in a class.A class blog can help foster a feeling of community between the members of a class, especially if learners are sharing information about themselves and their interests, and are responding to what other students are writing. To encourage shy students to participate.There is evidence to suggest that students who are quiet in class can find their voice when given the opportunity to express themselves in a blog. To stimulate out-of-class discussion.A blog can be an ideal space for pre-class or post-class discussion. And what students write about in the blog can also be used to promote discussion in class. To encourage a process-writing approach. Because students are writing for publication, they are usually more concerned about getting things right, and usually understand the value of rewriting more than if the only audience for their written work is the teacher. As an online portfolio of student written work.There is much to be gained from students keeping a portfolio of their work. One example is the ease at which learners can return to previous written work and evaluate the progress they have made during a course. To help build a closer relationship between students in large classes.Sometimes students in large classes can spend all year studying with the same people without getting to know them well. A blog is another tool that can help bring students together.
  4. Часто задают вопрос: как правильно выбрать репетитора? Отвечаю обычно, что это зависит от того, какие цели вы перед собой ставите. И все-таки, есть ли здесь какие-то секреты, которые работают?
  5. Кто должен создавать элективные курсы? Что предпочесть: взять готовое или создать свое?
  6. Что-то связанное с IT технологиями. Не техперевод, что существовал в советские времена, когда мы еще учились в школах, а именно элективный курс для продвинутых пользователей и начинающих программистов.
  7. Workshops for teachers given by teachers.

    I was at a kind of a workshop festival on Friday. I am disappointed - you know teachers who came to this or that workshop given by their colleagues didn't want to participate in the process - just observing. A very stressful situation to the teachers who had to "present" their ideas to the so called professionals. I tried to do my best being "a student" or "a trainee", but most teachers didn't move or say a word! Why you think?!
  8. About buddies and buddy groups

    Today I have seen some practical ideas for using Word and PowerPoint in the classroom, it is time to consider when and how I could use these tools in my classroom. I think about the texts I could use. I am expected to consider the part of the lesson or the syllabus when these activities would best fit and then go to the Lesson ideas forum in VLE I study to share my ideas with other people using this course. It is not that difficult, I guess, but I am a little bit... lazy. Maybe tomorrow... I remember that during another courses I took we (participants) were taken into so called "buddy groups". I felt a kind of forced to communicate with the very people my trainer had chosen me to do it. But then we started to work collaboratively and the results were splendid. It is like grouping and regrouping at the lessson - the results of group work are evident. You have to do your best, you know. And in time.
  9. I have found some Extra *free* resources on Tutorials and courses to help you improve your skills with Office applications: Alison - enables anyone, anywhere, to educate themselves via interactive multimedia for free. http://alison.com/login/ and Microsoft - Free self-paced training courses. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/training...spx?ofcresset=1
  10. I am going to take the course "Intergrating the Internet into the classroom". Instructor: Michael D. Krauss, Lewis & Clark College, USA. It starts on February 11. If you are interested in it and have any questions, I'll try to answer them. You can browse the course materials on http://www.lclark.edu/~krauss/usia/ Hopefully it will help you in your teaching!
  11. I am trying to give a kind of learning reflection on http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index....mp;showentry=63
  12. How I feel about writing an educational blog.

    I guess I should write about the course progress and how I feel about it. First of all it is absolutely nessessary for any educator to be not only a trainer but a trainee as well, isn't it? Very useful. I am taking two courses (face-to-face and online) run by British Council, but I also need time for work, family, friends, my social life... Too hectic! To find inspiration I probably need to read something of that kind. Here is the address of my former educator Michael Krauss. http://michaelkraussmusings.blogspot.com/ I took his class in 2008. It was my first experience in taking an online professional development course. I really liked it but I didn't write any blogs, just did other kinds of reflection. Learning Technologies Teacher training course is delivered 100% on-line in the virtual learning environment Moodle and I like it more than the one I studied in Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon, USA. It is easier to deal with. By the way, we are going to use VLE Moodle to create our school courses. I think it is very ambitious. Taking in concideration the fact that any work must be paid. Not sure that teachers should always have extra work as if it is their hobby, you know.
  13. Why blog?

    I am taking a new course - Learning Technologies for the Classroom. This online course introduces to the basic aspects of using learning technologies in the English language classroom in an efficient, engaging and effective way. http://courses.britishcouncil.org/pub/learningtechnologies/ I hope to learn how to use the learning technologies as a language resource, how to evaluate and select websites, how to make the most out of common office software, how to exploit school link projects using learning technologies and much more. Course aims and objectives: Comprehend how learning technologies are being used in education and why Develop an awareness of the learning technologies available today Develop an ability to critically evaluate what is available on the Web Develop a knowledge of practical applications of the technologies Develop a technical understanding of the tools and the technical skills necessary to use them in class Apply this knowledge to integrate learning technologies into syllabi and lessons Use learning technologies in a safe, engaging, effective, efficient and transformative manner Recognise the potential of new Web tools as learning technologies. To move from the older teaching model to the newer one, language teachers need to think about what they do and how and why they do it. Reflective practice allows instructors to consider these questions in a disciplined way. Reflective practice asks: Which teaching model am I using? How does it apply in specific teaching situations? How well is it working? I am expected to write in my edu-blog on • What did I learn? • What did I get out of this? • What did my learners get out of this? • Did my learners find this learning enjoyable? • What could I do next time to make this better? I have never started any blogs, so it is a kind of... not my cup of tea. But this one is not private, so I'll try...
  14. Just want to share personal experiences on taking new courses for teachers and teacher trainers run by British Council this year. They are: Trainer Development Course February 2010 and Learning Technologies Teacher training course. So I'll try to give a kind of reflexion in my blog and in the section "Integrating the Internet into the classroom" - just click http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index....c=183&st=20.
  15. Love

    Love is an illusion that makes us keep on looking for it even when it hurts.
  16. Уважаемые коллеги! Будет значительно удобнее, если создавая тему, вы просмотрите уже существующие, чтобы не дублировать их. Пользователям сложнее ориентироваться на нашем форуме. Обращаю ваше внимание на уже *давно* существующий раздел "Интернет-ресурсы для учителей английского языка". Они (представленные форумчанами ресурсы), кстати, тоже бесплатные для пользователей! Спасибо за понимание.
  17. Do not waste time! Have a look at it: http://www.britishcouncil.org/russia-engli...e-resources.htm
  18. I find this site very useful. Check it regularly to get information on different things. If you are an English language teacher or assistant, they can support your work through a range of teaching materials, including online resources. They can also connect you with other teaching professionals across the globe. If you are interested in the development of English language teaching in Russia, they can also tell you more about our various projects. http://www.britishcouncil.org/ru/russia-english-teaching.htm
  19. Course Description The course will cover the following content areas: •Evaluating and selecting websites •Office applications for whole-class teaching •Using office applications in a computer room •Searching for resources on the web •Ideas for school links projects •Safe searching •An introduction to Web 2.0 •Using blogs •Using wikis for collaborative writing •Social networking sites •Using online video •Using online audio On-line course is conducted in VLE Moodle. The course started on the 25th of January, 2010. Participants receive tasks that they can perform at their own time. Participants are expected to spend approximately 5 hours per week online.
  20. Course outcomes: On completion of the course, participants are able to: identify skills that are transferable from teaching to training identify and describe learning styles relate learning styles to activity typs and tasks define motivation and relate to training contexts relate teacher levels of experience to issues and challenges in delivering training analyse problems and provide solutions to enable effective presentation of input and activities provide constructive feedback to trainees evaluate training materials for trainees of different experiential levels establish a checklist of evaluation criteria express valid, measurable learning outcomes deliver a teacher training activity to peers. During the course the trainers use examples from a variety of teacher training courses available at the British Council such as TKT Essentials course, learning technologies course and other teacher development workshops. Tutors: UK teacher trainers and materials developers from British Council: Maggie Milne –Advisor Learning and Teaching, British Council, Manchester. Rob Lewis –Teacher Website Consultant, British Council, Lisbon.
  21. Just want to share personal experiences on taking new courses for teachers and teacher trainers run by British Council this year. They are: Trainer Development Course February 2010 and Learning Technologies Teacher training course. They are really greeat!
  22. Воспитание толерантности на уроках и внеурочной деятельности. Учащиеся МОУ лицея №6 г. Тамбова вот уже четвертый год участвуют в проекте MIX IT UP, проводящемся организацией the Southern Poverty Law Center , Алабама, США.  Mix It Up – это кампания, которая поддерживает учащихся, которые небезразличны к происходящему вокруг и помогают создавать доброжелательное образовательное пространство в своей школе.  Mix It up помогает воспитывать в школьниках признание разнообразия мира и развивать навыки, необходимые для успешного взаимодействия с самыми разными людьми. В этом году в рамках данной акции были подготовлены и проведены мероприятия, предлагаемые вашему вниманию. Mix It Up November 10, 2009. Уроки толерантности подготовлены и проведены учителями: Буданцевой С.В., Ивасутик А.Ю., Кобзевой О.О., Старовойтовой И.Ю. План_урока_Mix_it_up.doc План_урока_Mix_it_up.doc
  23. Как вы считаете, что могут и что должны делать родители учеников, начавших изучение первого иностранного языка, чтобы помочь своим детям? И чего им категорически следует избегать?
  24. В рамках нацпроекта "Образование" получили мобильный лингафонный кабинет "Диалог-М". Коллеги, поделитесь опытом использования данного ТСО в 5-9 классах. Наша школа работает по Cambridge English for Schools in Russia. Насколько эффективно применение МЛК на уроке?
  25. Вопрос: какому варианту произношения все-таки следует отдавать предпочтение при обучении школьников: британскому, американскому? Или существует какой-то международный?