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  1. Уважаемые эксперты. Есть ли ответы на досрочный ЕГЭ? Чтение третье задание в 15 вопросе есть затруднения.
  2. А у участников ОГЭ есть такая возможность?
  3. А у меня появляется надпись "отображать только безопасное содержание".А когда я нажимаю "отображать все содержание" видио появляется. Вирус?
  4. Проект демоверсии ЕГЭ-2016

    Проект демоверсии устной части 2016 опубликована на сайте ФИПИ. Значит будет , почему нет?
  5. ЕГЭ 2015

    Уважаемые коллеги! Как ваши ученики сдали егэ, какие были темы эссе, качество записи на аудировании? Что дети говорят об устной речи? Прошу вас поделитесь впечатлениями.
  6. Уважаемые эксперты, оцените, пожалуйста, работы моей ученицы. Заранее спасибо Some people tend to believe that the mother should stay at home until her children go to school. Others believe that a nanny is a god way out. Some people consider that a family should hire a nanny until children go to school. But others think that the mother should stay with children. In my opinion, the mother should stay at home and bring up her children until they go to school. First of all, a nanny doesn’t replace the mother. She can look after children and teach them but she cannot give real love. Mother’s love is the key factor in upbringing of children. Secondly, if the mother spends little time with her child he or she can feel loneliness. The children have not enough attention therefore the mother should stay at home and support her little kids. But there are those, who believe that the mother can work even when her children don’t go to school and the family hires a nanny. After the birth of a child parents must work more and provide the family. A nanny is a good way out if both of parents work. That’s why the mother should have a job as her husband does. Despite this, I cannot agree with this opinion. I think it is better when the mother stay with her children at home. The mother can have a part time job for supporting the family’s budget but her main duty is to care about children because early childhood is the most important time of child’s development. To sum up, I’d like to say that mother’s love, care and attention are necessary for upbringing of children. And then the children will grow up as happy and successful people. The future of education – books or computers? Nowadays, there is the question: what is the future of education – books or computers? Some people think that computers are the best way in getting knowledge. Others consider that only books can give the necessary information. In my opinion, computers are the future of education. First of all, the invention of the Internet gives people many advantages. Students can find everything what they need. All old editions of books and different papers can be found on the Internet. Computers with the Internet access have all kinds of information by many authors. Secondly, storing of information in the computer is more comfortable. Students can take their phone or map-cases to school and use electronic textbooks at lessons. But some people disagree with this opinion. They believe that books are the best way in getting knowledge for education. Such people consider that the information from the Internet is often unreliable and has many mistakes. Despite this, I strongly disagree with this point of view. If a person wants to get the true information he or she can use the official sites on the Internet. To sum up, I’d like to say that books are the base in getting knowledge. But now there are computers which give the same information but it’s faster and more convenient.
  7. Спасибо большое за совет. Запятую после nowadays ставить или нет ?
  8. Спасибо большое! Мы занимаемся по книге Заниной Эссе темы и аргументы. После nowadays у нее на одной странице в одном случае есть запятая в другом нет. Мы решили ставить. Там же есть выражение to watch the children и моя ученица перенесла его на дом. Конечно же run a house. Может быть мы не те темы берем ?
  9. Спасибо за разбор. Контраргумент действительно пока не наш конек . Ткните меня носом в грамматические ошибки пожалуйста. Я вижу только артикли. a husband is the main breadwinner even if a wife the man is the head of the family . А еще какие?
  10. Огромное спасибо за разбор эссе, всё было конструктивно и по делу. Не могли бы вы посмотреть ещё одну работу. Заранее спасибо! Many people believe that man is still the main breadwinner in the family even if his wife works. Others think that man and woman often contribute to the family budget on an equal basis. Nowadays, women often work and contribute to the family budget. Some people consider that despite this a man is the main breadwinner, but there are those who believe that men and women have equal rights in earning an income. In my opinion, the husband is the main breadwinner even if the wife has a job. Firstly, the man is a head of the family. He works hard and tries to earn money for his family. The man must be a strong personality, who protects his family, while the wife helps and supports him. Secondly, if the woman works she’ll watch a house and look after children less as it’s necessary. The husband should take the main responsibility of the family. But many people think that women’s incomes help to maintain living standards of the family on an equal basis if they work. The wife can balance work and family duties. Despite this, my opinion is that the main breadwinner is the husband. As for the opposing point of view, the wife can have a part time job to earn for family budget but she should spend more time with her children. To sum up, I’d like to say that everybody in the family has a special role but the main provider should be the husband.
  11. Уважаемые эксперты, пожалуйста, оцените работы моей ученицы. Заранее спасибо! 1) Some think that orphans and children raised in single-parent families make more successful people when they grow up. Others believe that only the full family can bring up a happy and successful adult. Some people believe that children from single-parent families and orphans will be successful people when they grow up. Others consider that happy and successful children can raise only in the full family. I think that only full families can have happy children. First of all, parents help children to build up a person’s personality, to socialize them and to tech right choose moral values. This is key factors in upbringing of children. Secondly, the father and the mother have an especial role in raising of a child. The father helps children to become a strong and honest person, while the mother supports children and teach them to be kind. But not everybody thinks the same. Such people believe that children without parents would be more successful person. They can attend only to a career, do not take care about family and all time spend on themselves. Despite this my opinion does not change. It’s impossible for a person to avoid problems and everybody needs help and supporting of their parents in difficult situations. To sum up, I’d like to say that only the full family can bring up a happy and successful adult. 2) It is commonly believed that family traditions and rituals unite the members of a family. However, some argue that they are more but a waste of time. Nowadays, a lot of people value family traditions and believes that it unite the members of a family. However, there are those who think that family rituals are just a waste of time. In my opinion, the first statement is right. First of all, such rituals permit to gather and to spend time all family together. For example, if a family tradition is celebrating every holiday with relatives in parent’s home the members of family will arrive despite events(occasions). Such kind of traditions are very important and families with own rituals are more united. Secondly, traditions are unique in every family. They create new happy and fun reminiscences. But some people disagree with such point of view. They think that rituals and traditions aren’t necessary and it’s pointless. The members of family shouldn’t waste time on these needless actions. Despite this, my opinion is invariable. The traditions appear themselves while different happy events in a family. That’s why families without rituals may be not very united and strong. To sum up, I’d like to say that family traditions are important part og family life. People should value old rituals and create new ones. 3) The conservative opinion about women’s role in the family is that she should stay at home looking after the children and running the house. However, nowadays more and more people argue that women should work. Nowadays, there is the opinion that women should work instead looking after the children. However, many people believe that the true role of women is running the house and take care of children. In my opinion, the woman should work and help her husband to provide good living conditions of family. Firstly, in most families the father gets an ordinary income and it’s not enough especial when the family is big. Then the mother should find a permanent job or get a part-time one. It helps to provide for all needs of the family. Secondly, every woman wants to realize herself in some sphere. If a woman likes to do something she will enjoy her job and she will be satisfied in life. But some people think that the woman shouldn’t work but must run the house and take care of children. The mother won’t pay enough attention to the family if she works. Despite this, I consider that the mother should work. As for the contrary view, the wife can share the responsibilities with the husband and balance work and family duties. To sum up, I’d like to say that women can have a job but don’t forget about parenthood and household chores. It is may be difficult that’s why all responsibilities should be shared.
  12. ППКС Как с языка сняли . Не могла найти слов , чтобы эту мысль сформулировать
  14. Хотелось бы тоже сказать несколько слов, т.к. сочинение моей ученицы вызвало такое обсуждение. Повторюсь, у меня нет опыта в написании эссе и это мой первый опыт подготовки к егэ. И от форума я ждала практической помощи. Я ее получила. Просмотрела все ссылки. Вот бы еще получить доступ к тренажерам, на которых готовят экспертов. Лексику и грамматику мы подтянем. Как говорят немцы "Ubung macht den Meister". Английский эквивалент сразу не вспомнился. Надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество.