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  1. Огромное спасибо! Я с Вашими замечаниями полностью согласна. Есть над чем работать!
  2. Спасибо за оценку. Я с Вами согласна. За лексику 2 балла, если можно, поясните, пожалуйста, что не так, на что обратить внимание.
  3. Извините, пропустила один пункт. Новый вариант. Уважаемые эксперты, оцените, пожалуйста, работу ученицы по действующим критериям. Comment on the following statement. Lots of teenagers are keen on playing computer games. However, adults are sure computer games teach us nothing and young people should avoid them. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan: − make an introduction (state the problem) − express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion − express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion − explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion − make a conclusion restating your position Computer games are becoming more and more popular today. Most of teens are sure that playing them is the best way to spend their free time. However, their parents consider computer games a complete waste of time. So, who is right? In my opinion, there is nothing good in video games. I strongly believe that it is rather dangerous for young people to play computer games. First of all, they are always violent. In most cases, they are full of blood, criminals and murders. Then, virtual reality is far away from the real life. It may give wrong understanding of the world. Moreover, computer screens have a harmful influence on human eyes. Thus, this activity is harmful for children`s health. However, other people may think differently. They mention that during playing computer games teenagers have a good opportunity to communicate with different people. Moreover, there are some educational games which develop imagination and necessary skills, such as logic and reaction. That is why, video games are more than mindless entertainment. Undoubtedly, if we play games for an hour just to relax after a hard day at school, this will not do us any harm. Yet, computer games are extremely addictive. It is rather hard to stop playing because in games people can do impossible things. Therefore, this activity makes teens waste their time and their schoolwork. To sum up, I would like to say that it is better to avoid computer games and pay attention to real life.
  4. Уважаемые эксперты! Оцените, пожалуйста, работу ученицы по действующим критериям. Comment on the following statement. Lots of teenagers are keen on playing computer games. However, adults are sure computer games teach us nothing and young people should avoid them. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan: − make an introduction (state the problem) − express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion − express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion − explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion − make a conclusion restating your position Computer games are becoming more and more popular today. Most of teens are sure that playing them is the best way to spend their free time. However, their parents consider computer games a complete waste of time. So, who is right? In my opinion, there is nothing good in video games. I strongly believe that it is rather dangerous for young people to play computer games. First of all, they are always violent. In most cases, they are full of blood, criminals and murders. Then, virtual reality is far away from the real life. It may give wrong understanding of the world. Moreover, computer screens have a harmful influence on human eyes. Thus, this activity is harmful for children`s health. Undoubtedly, if we play games for an hour just to relax after a hard day at school, this will not do us any harm. Yet, computer games are extremely addictive. It is rather hard to stop playing because in games people can do impossible things. Therefore, this activity makes teens waste their time and their schoolwork. To sum up, I would like to say that it is better to avoid computer games and pay attention to real life.