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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем jullietaa

  1. В 28.11.2018 в 16:20, Bridge сказал:

    Уважаемые коллеги! Подведены итоги  конкурса “3 best questions to Ron Morrain”.

    Публикуем вопросы, которые стали лучшими по мнению Рона Моррейна.

    1.  Ron, thanks a lot for a brilliant idea with road minding. I do it perfectly with children and mini-groups, but unfortunately it doesn't work at all in one-to-one classes with adults. They tend to say either "let me do it at home" or just don't show any enthusiasm. What might I do wrong? (by Jullietaa)

    2.  I agree that our main aim is not to value but to teach a student to speak English and be understood even if they do grammar, spelling or other mistakes. But being  teachers in our educational system we have to value and put marks at school. What system of values do you practice if any and how can and should we put marks for their results in mind-mapping works? In other words: how do you emphasize their work so that the students could feel they are successful or need some more practice after fulfilling the mind mapping tasks? Thank you! (by Helga_Valentina)

    3. Good morning or afternoon or evening! I like the method of mind-map very much. I have such a question- When and how did you come to this method? And how succesful do your teachers and students use mind-maps on the lessons? Is it the basic of your lessons every day? Is it your feature? (by YuliaSergeevna)

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