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If you want to talk with your students about current events or just use some short and interesting texts in your lesson, you can use the following sights:

newinlevels.com provides short stories from the news in 3 levels, together with videos and tasks.


http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/ has news in 7 levels, complete with l;esson plans and tasks, downloads, dictations and listening exercises.


These resources are great to start a lesson with, or to use as 5-minute activities as well as for independent study

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If you want to talk with your students about current events or just use some short and interesting texts in your lesson, you can use the following sights:

newinlevels.com provides short stories from the news in 3 levels, together with videos and tasks.


http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/ has news in 7 levels, complete with l;esson plans and tasks, downloads, dictations and listening exercises.


These resources are great to start a lesson with, or to use as 5-minute activities as well as for independent study

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