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Using games in ELT.


Games are important part of English language teaching, there is a reliable web-site where you can find free games of different levels.

Its www.eltgames.com .The games on this site is graded from elementary to upper-intermediate and also suggestions and activities on speaking. You will find useful prompts how to encourage students to speak on a certain topic or to organize role discussion and guided or semi-guided activity.Happy playing!

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Using games in ELT.


Games are important part of English language teaching, there is a reliable web-site where you can find free games of different levels.

Its www.eltgames.com .The games on this site is graded from elementary to upper-intermediate and also suggestions and activities on speaking. You will find useful prompts how to encourage students to speak on a certain topic or to organize role discussion and guided or semi-guided activity.Happy playing!


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Using games in ELT.


Games are important part of English language teaching, there is a reliable web-site where you can find free games of different levels.

Its www.eltgames.com .The games on this site is graded from elementary to upper-intermediate and also suggestions and activities on speaking. You will find useful prompts how to encourage students to speak on a certain topic or to organize role discussion and guided or semi-guided activity.Happy playing!

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