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Football everywhere

If you are interested in playing football or you are a fan. Even if not you are involved in football mania, as the World Championship has started in South Africa.

If you go to www.maryglasgowmagazines.com you’ll find a lot connected with this event.

This is an example from the materials of the site:

The 2010 World Cup Kicks Off!

“South Africa is ready!”

Forget the wild animals, amazing scenery and Nelson Mandela … for the next four weeks, South Africa is all about the 2010 World Cup!

This is the first time the World Cup has been held in Africa. “South Africa is ready!” says Amos Masondo, mayor of Johannesburg, where the opening ceremony and the World Cup final will be held.

The people of South Africa are passionate about football. The fans love to make a big noise at football matches. They dance and bang drums. And they all bring ‘vuvuzelas’, a long, plastic trumpet that makes a very loud noise. “If you don’t hear a vuvuzela playing at a game, you are not in South Africa,” says Sadaam, a fan. “This will be one big party!”

But this is an expensive party. Hosting the World Cup tournament is not cheap. The competition is costing South Africa 3.5 billion dollars. Critics say the money should have been invested in jobs, housing and education and many of the people won’t be able to afford a ticket to a match.

So, is it worth it? The reaction of the South Africans says it all: “I am so excited!” says Mogadi from Cape Town. “We can show South Africa to the rest of the world!”

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The World Cup 2010 - Quizzes Activities and Printable Worksheets - http://www.esolcourses.com/topics/the-world-cup.html

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