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Алексей Конобеев

Социокультурные особенности и межкультурная коммуникация

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Интересная статья в The Washington Post о переписи населения, рассказ переписчика о необычных американцах, с которыми ему пришлось столкнуться в ходе выполнения работы: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...0070202444.html


"I'm a retired newspaperman, and I enlisted as a temporary $18.50-an-hour census worker because I figured it would be interesting. As every reporter knows, it's always entertaining to meet the American people in all their wacky glory. "


"In one Rockville neighborhood, I met immigrants from Suriname, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Bolivia, El Salvador, Peru, Lesotho, Russia, Ukraine, Malawi, Tanzania, Ivory Coast and Sri Lanka -- all living within a mile of one another. I felt patriotic knowing they'd all chosen to live in this country -- the same country my Swedish and Irish grandparents chose 11 censuses ago."


"I myself got a tad paranoid during each interview when I reached Question 6 on the form: "What is your race?" Race is a touchy subject in America, and it's not something I usually ask strangers about while standing in their doorways. But it wasn't a problem. In fact, people seemed to have fun with the question.


A lot of white folks smiled and answered, "Just plain old white bread" or "Pure vanilla." And several young black people burst out laughing when they read the last word in the form's description of their race -- "Black, African American or Negro." "

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Интересная статья в The Washington Post о переписи населения, рассказ переписчика о необычных американцах, с которыми ему пришлось столкнуться в ходе выполнения работы: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...0070202444.html


...they'd all chosen to live in this country -- the same country my Swedish and Irish grandparents chose 11 censuses ago."

интересно вместо 110 лет назад он выбрал сказать так, с точки зрения переписчика :)

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Интересная статья в The Washington Post о переписи населения, рассказ переписчика о необычных американцах, с которыми ему пришлось столкнуться в ходе выполнения работы: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...0070202444.html

Спасибо за статью, нечасто получаю такое удовольствие от чтения -автор изумительный, неиссякаемый источник звукоподражательных глаголов, живых эпитетов, не считая ценного социокультурного содержания. Захотелось почитать еще что-нибудь этого автора - Peter Carlson, a former reporter for The Washington Post, is a columnist for American History magazine. He is also the author of "K Blows Top: A Cold War Comic Interlude, Starring Nikita Khrushchev, America's Most Unlikely Tourist." He served as a temporary census worker this year.

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According to a BBC report, people in Britain began to keep animals as pets only in late 19th century:

"Researchers have found the earliest archaeological evidence of a tortoise being kept as a family pet in Britain, at a castle in Staffordshire.


The find, which is reported in the journal Post Medieval Archaeology, dates to the late 19th Century.


The researchers say that, at this time, attitudes to keeping family pets "began to change". "


"The discovery of a 130-year-old tortoise leg bone at Stafford Castle, amongst the remains of cats and dogs, suggests that this animal was a pet kept by the castle's caretakers.


According to Dr Richard Thomas of Leicester University, who led the research, the keeping of pets had until then been considered "morally suspect".


"If you go back to the medieval period you can see that attitudes to animals in general were very much constrained by religious doctrine," he said.


"Man was given dominion over all animals, and where close relationships with animals are found, suspicion is aroused.


"In witchcraft, for example, having a close animal companion is seen as very sinister and a sign of devilry.""

Read the complete article here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science_and_env...nt/10574385.stm

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Интересно, как друг друга воспринимают представитель различных культур. Вот что думают друг о друге французы и американцы. Интересно представить, чье отношение к жизни ближе россиянам:


The French see the Americans as ...


* Arrogant and sure they are always right and good,

* Moralizing and overly religious

* Insular : people who do not know other nations and whose press never addresses international issues : read more about it, see a few examples, try our French Quiz and read a funny letter about it and measure your insularity score !

* Domineering : people who do not take criticism (see some of them...)

* Naive : de grands enfants (ie, people who are naive and have no, or a too short, history)

* Violent : people who have free access to guns and who use them to shoot each other when things go wrong

* Materialistic : people who are arch-capitalists and only think about money

* Click for the image of America for the French in history, the popular image of America and what the French do not understand about America

* etc...


The Americans see the French as ...


* Lazy : people who do not work and demonstrate in the streets (when they are not on strike)

* Cowards : they always surrender, unreliable allies

* Rude, anti-American and ungrateful, people who don't speak English, distant and difficult to meet

* Communists : people who live in a bureaucratic Socialist system and who are totally dependent on the State

* Dirty : people who do not use soap (recently, I received a message : "why do French women use perfume instead of taking a bath?")

* Arrogant and conceited people, always giving lessons to the others

* Not democratic : people who do not respect religious freedom

* See the remarkable list of Q&A ("112 questions about the French") published by the US Army for the GIs in 1945

* etc...



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А здесь делается любопытная попытка сравнить культурные особенности россиян и американцев: http://www.goehner.com/russinfo.htm

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Аудиоинтерьвью о культурных особенностях разных народов: http://www.nicholascrowderbooks.com/

На 18 августа 2010 года доступны следующие интервью:

Couture and Consensus - Fashion and Politics in Postcolonial Argentina - Dr. Regina A. Root


Understanding Arabs - Dr. Margaret K. Nydell


Finding Cholita - Dr. Billie Jean Isbell


Encountering the Chinese - A Modern Country, An Ancient Culture - Coauthor- Dr. Cornelius N. Grove


Germany - Unraveling an Enigma - Dr. Greg Nees


Innocent Until Interrogated - The Story of the Buddhist Temple Massacre and the Tucson Four - Gary L. Stuart


Made-from-Bone - Trickster Myths, Music, and History from the Amazon - Dr. Jonathan D. Hill


Ritual and Remembrance in the Ecuadorian Andes - Dr. Rachel Corr


Cultural intelligence - A Guide to Working with People from other Cultures - Dr. Brooks Peterson


Ritual Encounters - Otavalan Modern and Mythic Community - Dr. Michelle Wibbelsman


Cross-Cultural Dialogues 74 Brief Encounters with Cultural Difference - Craig Storti


Puyo Runa - Imagery and Power in Modern Amazonia - Dr. Norman E. Whitten Jr., Dorothea Scott Whitten


Culture Shock! A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette - KOREA - Sonja Vegdahl, Ben Seunghwa Hur


Hollywood Blockbusters: The Anthropology of Popular Movies - Interview with coauthor Peter Wogan - David Sutton will be interviewed at a later date for part two of this series.


Indians and Leftists in the Making of Ecuador’s Modern Indigenous Movements - Dr. Marc Becker


Magical Writing In Salasaca: Literacy And Power In Highland Ecuador (Westview Case Studies in Anthropology) Dr. Peter Wogan


Begging as a Path to Progress: Indigenous Women and Children and the Struggle for Ecuador's Urban Spaces (Geographies of Justice and Social Transformation) - Dr. Kate Swanson


The Guinea Pig - Healing, Food, and Ritual in the Andes - Edmundo Morales -


A History of Modern Latin America: 1800 to the Present (Blackwell Concise History of the Modern World) Dr. Teresa Meade




Couture and Consensus: Fashion and Politics in Postcolonial Argentina (Cultural Studies of the Americas) Dr. Regina A. Root - upcoming


This Is for the Mara Salvatrucha: Inside the MS-13, America's Most Violent Gang (Samuel Logan - upcoming)


Ritual and Remembrance in the Ecuadorian Andes - Rachel Corr (upcoming)


Among the Iranians - A Guide to Iran's Culture and Customs - Sofia A. Koutlaki (upcoming)

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