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I can say to you with admiration

You will help a lady in difficult situation! tongue.gif


I'm trying to be a real gentleman

Especially with a beautiful woman.... smile.gif

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I see today is a compliments' day

We have forgotten about our trip again! :D


I don't know another way to treat pretty women

When I make compliments, their faces brighten.... :D

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I don't know another way to treat pretty women

When I make compliments, their faces brighten.... :D

And my face is shining from happiness

My friend, you have a success!!! :D:D:)

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And my face is shining from happiness

My friend, you have a success!!! :D:D:)


If I am a success

I'll have an access...

Let's travel online together

Nothing depends on the weather.... :D

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If I am a success

I'll have an access...

Let's travel online together

Nothing depends on the weather.... :D

Oh, it's great to travel online

I want these moments to be every time! :D

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Oh, it's great to travel online

I want these moments to be every time! :D


Everything is good in its season

Enjoy life even if you have no reason... :D

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We should be glad that we live,

We must love and forgive!!! :D


If you love truly you will forgive

Even if it's very difficult to live.... :D

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Today there is a training of Macmillan

I'd like to take part in it from Milan.... :D

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I'd like to take part in it too

It should be useful, isn't it true? :D


Yeah, it was both useful and interesting....

M. B. Verbitskaya & Stephen Bullon

Were the main lecturers of the training.... :D

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Yeah, it was both useful and interesting....

M. B. Verbitskaya & Stephen Bullon

Were the main lecturers of the training.... :D

And I was at the lecture today,

The lecturer was a young man, I should say.

We talked about aggression,

I am shocked. Pupils' bad behaviour is fashion!!!

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And I was at the lecture today,

The lecturer was a young man, I should say.

We talked about aggression,

I am shocked. Pupils' bad behaviour is fashion!!!


Don't be shocked, it's not a fashion

It's a bad habit and demonstration... :D

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But pupils use drugs and commit crime,

I am so angry and want to cry! :blink:


Drugs make them become addicted

That's not of course what you wanted....

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You are my dear dear dear

Please be near near near

Life is yappy yappy yappy

Make me happy happy happy


My Ivan is like a bull

Eats and drinks till he is full

I am his only beauty

Very sweet and fruity!

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You are my dear dear dear

Please be near near near

Life is yappy yappy yappy

Make me happy happy happy


My Ivan is like a bull

Eats and drinks till he is full

I am his only beauty

Very sweet and fruity!


Fantastic!!! What is the English for "частушки"?


Come ,my dear, to my place

You know, I have lots of space

We can dance and make merry

Would you stay and be my fairy ?

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Fantastic!!! What is the English for "частушки"?


Come ,my dear, to my place

You know, I have lots of space

We can dance and make merry

Would you stay and be my fairy ?


If the weather isn't good

I must not be in bad mood

Have you got a lot of space?

I'll go to your place!

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If the weather isn't good

I must not be in bad mood

Have you got a lot of space?

I'll go to your place!


My space is my space

It's my favourite place

I live and work here

Visit me if you are near... :blink:

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My space is my space

It's my favourite place

I live and work here

Visit me if you are near... :blink:

I am sorry, I live far

And I can't go by car

Today I must say "no",

In summer I will go! :blink:

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Naomi Campbell is in Moscow

Now she is in Malakhov's show... :blink:

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It's good news but you know

I don't like Malakhov's show :blink:


Which shows do you like most?

I hope to read in your next post.... :blink:

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