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Two more sites for Christmas


                              http://santa-claus.procon.org/    www.theholidayzone.com

Just go and explore these two wonderful informative and useful sites.

Here is the beginning of the story about Santa Claus:

Once a year, millions of children around the world eagerly wait for a plump, bearded man dressed in red and white to bring them presents. Known as Santa Claus, his origins are mysterious and his very existence has been disputed. Some people believe that he lives and works in the North Pole, employs a group of elves to manufacture toys, distributes the gifts annually with the aid of flying reindeer, and regularly utters "ho ho ho" in a commanding voice.

But is Santa Claus man or myth? Santa proponents argue that he is commonly sighted at shopping malls, that the disappearance of milk and cookies left for him is evidence of his existence, and that, after all, those Christmas gifts have to come from somewhere.

Santa opponents argue that no one man could deliver presents to millions of households in one night, that his toy factory has never been located in the vicinity of the North Pole, and that Christmas presents are really purchased in secret by parents.

Did you know?

  The first time Santa appeared in his now-classic red and white outfit was in work by illustrator Thomas Nast, published in Harper's Weekly in the 1860s.

  Every Christmas, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (known as NORAD), tracks Santa's worldwide flight using radar and satellites.

  Santa's ancestor, St. Nicholas, was a monk born around 280 AD in what is now known as Turkey.

  The first time Santa was spotted in a department store was in 1890 in Brockton, Massachusetts.

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