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Buy Nothing Day.


This activity and web-links are from www.developingteachers.com

A few comprehension questions:

1. Why do the writers think Bush, Blair & Chretien want us to 'Shop like you've never shopped?'

2. Who is organising the Buy Nothing Day?

3. How often does this day happen?

4. Why is 23rd November chosen for the Buy Nothing Day?

5. Is the protest only for people in North America?

6. What do some people do to celebrate the day?

7. What do the writers feel is more important that shopping?

8. What is a Gift Exemption Voucher?

9. Do the organisers advertise a non-advert on American TV? Why/why not?

10. Why do the writers talk about September 11th?

11. Why was September 11th a 'good thing' for the economy?

12. Which do the writers feel is the way forward against consumerism? It's Buy Nothing Day again this week - Friday 27th in the US, Black Friday, & Saturday 28th in the rest of the world. This is what Adbusters say of this year's campaign:

'There’s only one way to avoid the collapse of this human experiment of ours on Planet Earth: we have to consume less.

So this November 27 (November 28 in Europe and overseas), we’re calling for a Wildcat General Strike. We’re asking tens of millions of people around the world to bring the capitalist consumption machine to a grinding – if only momentary – halt.



Buy Nothing Day videos:


There are a couple of new videos on YouTube for BND

Black Friday 2008: Recession - people shopping!

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