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В этой рубрике я предлагаю обменяться поэтичским творчеством учителей, которое так бывает нужно при подготовке к урокам. Кто не пробовал, смелее! Рифмовать слова не так уж сложно, а для урока такое творчество может быть украшением. Предлагаю для начала собственный экспромт:


If you want to keep with fashion,

Don't make it an obscession.

Buy a pair of nice blue jeans,

They are popular in the 'teens.

Choose a scarf in red or blue,

Tastes do differ, this is true.

Have a choice of shirts and ties,

Compliments will be your prize.

Wear good purfume, not too much

Put on just a little touch.

Yes, remember to wear a smile.

Smile to people at a mile!

Mind that smile is always trendy.

Keep with fashion, my dear friend!

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Here is a poem which I wrote a year ago. I've already published it in an English forum.


Learning English

(a poem)

Learning English is very easy

If you are not too busy,

It won't take you long

If your wish is too strong.


Learning English becomes easy

If you are not too lazy,

You can learn it very fast

And speak fluently at last.

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Here is another poem, which is a little bit exciting....It reminds me of my young days....



My legs took me away


Though I wanted to stay,


I said “bye” and went away


Though I wanted to stay.


You sadly looked at me


As if you wanted to say,


“Don’t go away”.


I felt sorry to leave you


’cause I wanted to stay


And talk to you and love you


And start a new life with you.


Why didn’t you ask me?


“Don’t go away , stay with me”


If you wanted me to stay.


And start a new life with you

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Here is another poem for little children which is very easy to learn. I wrote it today in the morning while teaching a very nice little girl Jane by name.



A very nice girl is Jane

She always comes home before rain,

She always helps her mother

She always listens to her brother.


A very lazy boy is Paul

He never parts with his ball,

He never helps his mother

He never listens to his sister.


Jane is always nice

Paul is never wise,

Jane is never noisy,

Paul is always lazy.

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Замечательные стихи получились! А я вот, как ни старался, так и не смог ничего подобного написать. Видимо, не научился еще :-)

Зато подумал о том, что очень много у нас замечательных, творческих учителей, и что здорово было бы иметь возможность проявлять свои таланты на форуме. Может, не только стихи, но и прозу, написанную учителями, стоит размещать? Для этого можно открыть специальную тему, или же. еще лучше, использовать блоги. Для начала попробую разместить один свой non-fiction story, написанный несколько лет назад, в своем блоге вот тут: http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index....p;blogid=1&

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And here ia a short story.

The Hobby



I like fishing more than anything else. It’s my favourite hobby. Whereever he went he could repeat these words. Why? Nobody could understand. One day he said the same thing to me and I wondered why he liked fishing. Here is what he told me.


Fishing is my favourite hobby. I often fish for hours and never catch anything. But this doesn’t seem to worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots, rubbish and what not. I am not so lucky. I never catch anything – not even old boots. After spending long hours in the morning on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. “ You must give up fishing, my friends say.” My wife even doesn’t want to speak about it. But they don’t understand one thing. Really I don’t want to catch a fish. I just like sitting on a boat and doing nothing. I can relax and the next day I am full of energy. I work better than my friends do. I earn more money than they. They often ask me, “ How can you have so much money?” And I answer them, “ It is because I like fishing.”


After listening to his story I decided to take up a hobby. I’m so tired of working. A hobby like fishing will help me relax. And my friends will ask me one day, “ How did you manage to become so rich?” And I’ll answer them, “It’s because I like fishing.”

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The 8th of March


Something’s wrong at home today –

Father is baking a tasty cake.

Mother’s reading a thriller book.

She doesn’t try even dinner to cook.


Brother’s tidying up the room

Without asking “What, who and whom?”

Oh, grandfather is washing dishes

Giving grandma Lucky wishes.


See! New picture is on the wall.

Steve runs to a telephone call.

Kitten Jake is purring a song.

Is there anything now wrong?


Dad with flowers goes around.

Nick with a vase runs up and down.

In the dinner passes me salt

Asking “May be tea is cold?”


Could you anything me say?

It’s March, girls’ and women’s day!



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There’s a spring month May,

White pigeons in the blue sky.

Adults in medals, Victory Day,

Tear drops on the faces, why?


The smell of nice spring,

The smell of green grass.

The smell of blood and battle.

What next generation will bring us –

Love and peace or ‘toys’ of metal?

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English Grammar


There is a Verb “to say”,

There is a Verb “to play”.

Each of them has own sense,

Used in quite right Grammar Tense:

Future, Present even Past;

Simple, Progressive, Perfect at last.

What about Passive Voice?

Don’t like it a lot of girls and boys.

If you follow all these rules –

No problems in English at schools.

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English Grammar


There is a Verb “to say”,

There is a Verb “to play”.

Each of them has own sense,

Used in quite right Grammar Tense:

Future, Present even Past;

Simple, Progressive, Perfect at last.

What about Passive Voice?

Don’t like it a lot of girls and boys.

If you follow all these rules –

No problems in English at schools.


Замечательные стихи!!! Спасибо Вам!!!

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I Help…


I like to help my Mother,

To clean the room with Father ,

To sweep the floor with Brother.

It’s not much work but rather.


To iron helps me Sister.

I train with Aunt tongue-twister.

It’s very hard to be polite

And always say Grandma good night.


To walk with dogs Black, Brown, White,

To play with cats a day not night –

All doing that I get great pleasure,

But there’s no time to have some leisure.

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А это творческая работа моего ученика: стихотворение 5 чувств.

5 Senses Poem



Black and white?Don’t you care?

It tastes like bitter slaves’ share.

It sounds like supervisor’s whip.

It smells like shed blood and sweat, emotions keep!

It looks like a child crying about his mother.

It makes me feel myself like on bones of others.

All are equal for God.

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А можно мне их использовать в своей работе? Например, в начале урока, во время фонетической зарядки.

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Да, конечно можно. Я использую свои вирши для погружения в тему. С этой целью их и сочиняю. Детям предлагаю самовыразиться через использование малых поэтических форм: синквейн, акростих, стихотворение 5 чувств, и даже лимерик. Получаются интересные идеи. Создали поэтический сборник стихов детей от 6 до 11 класса English For All. Есть победители всероссийской эвристической олимпиды Эйдос 2009 по переводу стихов и вам, должно быть известный, Snail в номинации Poetic Fantasy. Кстати, свою презентацию учебника я сделала с использованием поэтических форм.




In the blue sky there is a bright rainbow.

It’ll bring me good luck, I know.

Yellow color will give me great health.

I consider violet to bring me some wealth.


Green will present me hundred years to live.

Blue will give fortune, I sure believe.

Red color will award me with marvelous love.

Of all of my feelings that is above.


Emerald color will send me good friend,

Who gives me in need his sure helping hand.

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Да, конечно можно. Я использую свои вирши для погружения в тему. С этой целью их и сочиняю. Детям предлагаю самовыразиться через использование малых поэтических форм: синквейн, акростих, стихотворение 5 чувств, и даже лимерик. Получаются интересные идеи. Создали поэтический сборник стихов детей от 6 до 11 класса English For All. Есть победители всероссийской эвристической олимпиды Эйдос 2009 по переводу стихов и вам, должно быть известный, Snail в номинации Poetic Fantasy. Кстати, свою презентацию учебника я сделала с использованием поэтических форм.




In the blue sky there is a bright rainbow.

It’ll bring me good luck, I know.

Yellow color will give me great health.

I consider violet to bring me some wealth.


Green will present me hundred years to live.

Blue will give fortune, I sure believe.

Red color will award me with marvelous love.

Of all of my feelings that is above.


Emerald color will send me good friend,

Who gives me in need his sure helping hand.


Спасибо большое!!! Да, олимпиада мне знакома, только наша школа никогда в ней не принимала участие. А вы можете дать ссылку на Вашу презентацию? Я скачал и просмотрел очень много и не помню, видел ли Вашу. Еще раз большое спасибо!!!

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There was a clever boy of Kokino school

Who behaved himself as a fool;

Till at last English teacher

Punished him for such feature.

That foolish talkative boy of the school.

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Написала вам ответ, похоже, вы оппонировали, вижу на главной тему - это лимерик? Прчесть ваш ответ не могу, что-то случилось с сетью. Если вы не против, завтра прдолжим. С уважением, Татьяна.

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Сеть заработала, сноска ЕЕ_2__Петрачкова_Т.Г.rar ( 573,48 килобайт ) на 30 странице. Удачи!

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Спасибо большое!!! :) Вы - настоящий друг!!!

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Здравствуйте, Владислав! Я - за творческое общение. Помогает в работе и стимулирует шаг вперёд. Приятно было пообщаться. Заглянула в Ваш профиль. Радует Ваш творческий энтузиазм. С уважением, Татьяна.



Russian people – they are lazy.

The Italians are crazy.

The British drink a lot of tea,

Cutting grass in the yards like a bee.

Santa Claus puts gifts in socks.

With food, coal ”First Step” knocks.

The Germans always like to work.

The Finns’re fond of climbing the rocks.

The French like eating tasty frogs.

The British make their way in smog.

Chukchi are in a hurry to hunt,

Catching reindeer but the Indians can’t.

Every people has special traits –

Something like and something hate.

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Здравствуйте, Татьяна!


Спасибо за прекрасные слова!!! Я просто без ума от Ваших стихов! :)

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Здравствуйте, Татьяна!


Спасибо за прекрасные слова!!! Я просто без ума от Ваших стихов! :)

Christmas Dream

Christmas is coming at last and very fast!

I am looking forward to getting my present. It's so pleasant!

My gifts are secret of course. Why? Because

I want to make a surprisel. Suprise is the best prize.

I want all to sing and play. Have fun the whole day.

I am expecting a white Christmas with snow. Snow above and below.

And I am expecting my dear Santa Clause. I know this legend is not false!

I will tell Santa Clause to be my guest on his way from East to West.

He will nod "Yes" and ask for a cup of tea. I will make him tea with a toffee.

Then Santa will travel on his own, but he will leave me his mobile phone

I will phone up North any time in the year. I am so happy. Christams is here!

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Christmas Dream

Christmas is coming at last and very fast!

I am looking forward to getting my present. It's so pleasant!

My gifts are secret of course. Why? Because

I want to make a surprisel. Suprise is the best prize.

I want all to sing and play. Have fun the whole day.

I am expecting a white Christmas with snow. Snow above and below.

And I am expecting my dear Santa Clause. I know this legend is not false!

I will tell Santa Clause to be my guest on his way from East to West.

He will nod "Yes" and ask for a cup of tea. I will make him tea with a toffee.

Then Santa will travel on his own, but he will leave me his mobile phone

I will phone up North any time in the year. I am so happy. Christams is here!


It`s a wonderful poem!!! :) Thank you very much, Radislav!!!

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It`s a wonderful poem!!! :) Thank you very much, Radislav!!!

Стихотворение Радислава Петровича


What is in the room of yours?

Table, windows and doors.

Ceiling, floor, and walls around.

Several windows can be found.

Pieces of furniture, chairs and tables,

DVD, TV, computer with cables.

Beautiful pictures on the wall,

And my flowers - I love them all!

Yes, besides there are my books,

And my clothes for better looks!


вдохновило меня на создание презентаций к урокам по теме "Дом.Квартира". Первая презентация уже готова. Она заканчивается этим стхотворением, а вторая будет снего начинаться. Во второй будут упражнения с лексикой по теме "Мебель в доме". Первую можно посмотреть http://rusedu.ru/detail_4769.html

а вторую сделаю на каникулах.

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