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Ken Lee - знаете эту песню Mariah Carey? Вот и певица не знала что у нее эта песня есть! Покажу старшеклассникам первого сентября, пусть задумаются о важности изучения английского языка!



А вот как об этом узнала сама Мэрайа. И она замечательно реагирует!


Ещё можно воспитательный аспект затронуть: культура общения с человеком. Как не нужно себя вести (на примере барышни из жюри)

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Художник создает удивительные картины с помощью пишущей машинки. Видео сопровождается очень простым комментарием на английском, можно показывать уже класса с 6-7. Обязательно покажу на первом уроке, будем говорить у кого какие мечты.

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Второй иностранный язык стал обязательным предметом в российских школах 

источник - http://www.interfax-russia.ru/FarEast/main.asp?id=646949 


"Изучение школьниками второго иностранного языка с пятого класса прописано в новом образовательном стандарте, сообщил министр образования и науки РФ Дмитрий Ливанов в интервью "Российской газете", опубликованном во вторник.


"Хочу обратить внимание, что с 1 сентября пятые классы переходят на обучение по новому стандарту, где зафиксировано: второй иностранный язык является обязательным элементом школьной программы. Мы, правда, дали переходный период школам с учетом того, что к этому не все пока готовы", - заявил Д.Ливанов.


По его словам, в целом иностранные языки занимают достойное место в объеме школьной программы.


"Это не просто средство общения, но и средство развития памяти, интеллекта ребенка", - отметил министр.


Однако, как обратил внимание глава Минобрнауки, "проблема в том, что у регионов есть естественное желание на чем-то сэкономить".

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Всем заинтересованным в изучении английского языка!


Приглашаем посетить стенд издательства "Титул" - единственного в России издательства, специализирующегося на учебной и развивающей литературе по английскому языку! Вы сможете принять участие в презентациях новых книг, задать вопросы специалистам и приобрести литературу по ценам издательства.


ВДНХ, "XXVIII Московская Международная книжная выставка-ярмарка", 2 – 6 сентября 2015 года.
Павильон №75, стенд А7

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Мне показалось интересным почитать материалы по проблемам современного образования в Великобритании , о которых пишут британские источники например, The Telegraph о нехватке учителей математики и физики (основной путь  решения по-министерски - заказать их за морями).



Об изменении  продолжительности учебного дня школьников до 9 и снижении продолжительности  каникул с 13 до 7 недель:


Здесь информация о двукратном увеличении "неуспешных" школ, хотя одной из причин считают смену критериев оценки, слово "реформа" тоже там мелькает:



А тут  обнаружила интересную информацию о том, кто изобрел видеомагнитофон

http://rusplt.ru/sdelano-russkimi/belogvardeetselektronschik-17375.html .

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Интересный материал о санитарно-гигиенической стороне жизни в Англии  (история сантехнических устройств и причины их непопулярности практически до середины 19 в.).  как-то очень по-новому представляется теперь и светская жизнь  английского ( и не тлько) общества, знакомая нам по картинам и книгам классиков.  И на жизнь российского общества, всех его сословий, в плание бытового обустройства и гигиены теперь тоже  представление  другое - с большим плюсом.  Нам, точно, есть чем гордиться. Во всяком случае не протиаоречит фактам, приводимым и в литературе, и, например в недавно вышедшей серии  книг В. Мединского "Мифы о России", в частности  в книге "О русской грязи и вековой технической отсталости".

 Ну и еще можно найти применение  на уроках английского в качестве источника некоторой лексики, возможно.



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Интересный материал о санитарно-гигиенической стороне жизни в Англии  (история сантехнических устройств и причины их непопулярности практически до середины 19 в.).  как-то очень по-новому представляется теперь и светская жизнь  английского ( и не тлько) общества, знакомая нам по картинам и книгам классиков.  И на жизнь российского общества, всех его сословий, в плание бытового обустройства и гигиены теперь тоже  представление  другое - с большим плюсом.  Нам, точно, есть чем гордиться. Во всяком случае не протиаоречит фактам, приводимым и в литературе, и, например в недавно вышедшей серии  книг В. Мединского "Мифы о России", в частности  в книге "О русской грязи и вековой технической отсталости".

 Ну и еще можно найти применение  на уроках английского в качестве источника некоторой лексики, возможно.



Очень интересная статья! Поразительно как людям потребовалось полторы тысячи лет после того, как канализация использовалась в Римской империи, создать канализацию в Лондоне. Я как-то рассказывал студентам о the Great Stink  - летом 1858 года запах, исходивший от Темзы, стал так силен, что люди начали падать в обморок, а парламенту приходилось прерывать работу несмотря на то, что окна, выходившие на реку, закрывали, а занавески пропитывали ароматическими смесями.

Вот что рассказывается об этом периоде в википедии:

In a letter to a friend, Dickens said: "I can certify that the offensive smells, even in that short whiff, have been of a most head-and-stomach-distending nature", while the social scientist and journalist George Godwin wrote that "in parts the deposit is more than six feet deep" on the Thames foreshore, and that "the whole of this is thickly impregnated with impure matter". In June 1858 the temperatures in the shade in London averaged in the mid-30s °C —rising to 48 °C  in the sun. Combined with an extended spell of dry weather, the level of the Thames dropped and raw effluent from the sewers remained on the banks of the river. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert attempted to take a pleasure cruise on the Thames, but returned to shore within a few minutes because the smell was so terrible. The press soon began calling the event "The Great Stink". 

By June the stench from the river had become so bad that business in Parliament was affected, and the curtains on the river side of the building were soaked in lime chloride to overcome the smell. The measure was not successful, and discussions were held about possibly moving the business of government to Oxford or St AlbansThe Examiner reported that Disraeli, on attending one of the committee rooms, left shortly afterwards with the other members of the committee, "with a mass of papers in one hand, and with his pocket handkerchief applied to his nose" because the smell was so bad.

At the height of the stink, between 200 and 250 tons of lime were being used near the mouths of the sewers that discharged into the Thames, and men were employed spreading lime onto the Thames foreshore at low tide; the cost was £1,500 per week. On 15 June Disraeli tabled the Metropolis Local Management Amendment Bill, a proposed amendment to the 1855 Act; in the opening debate he called the Thames "a Stygian pool, reeking with ineffable and intolerable horrors". The Bill put the responsibility to clear up the Thames on the MBW, and stated that "as far as may be possible" the sewerage outlets should not be within the boundaries of London; it also allowed the Board to borrow £3 million, which was to be repaid from a 3 pence levy on all London households for the next forty years.

А вот рассказ об этом периоде на видео.


И были люди, которые зарабатывали на жизнь благодаря ужасному состоянию лондонской канализации: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/quite-likely-the-worst-job-ever-319843/?no-ist


И еще интересная статья: http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2015/07/great-stink-1858/

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Латынь на каждый день

Juxta stationem hanc commorare, quaeso. — У остановки остановите, пожалуйста.
Mensa nummaria libera hic adest! — Свободная касса!
Vocatus tuus multum nobis interest. — Ваш звонок очень важен для нас.
Creditum in die petitionis sine pignore sponsioneque damus. — Кредит в день обращения без залога и поручительства.
Aurum, longivocem portabilem pretio magno redimam. — Куплю золото, мобильный. Дорого.
Omnia explicare possum. — Я все могу объяснить.
Heus, hic nos omnes in ordine sumus! — Эй, мы тут все в очереди!


И перевод на латынь нескольких популярных современных англоязычных фраз:


Vos profundus pinguis cocta potatoes cum illa? - Would you like fries with that?


Id venit partem in meos domos - It came apart in my hands



Cane mala, non biscoctus - Bad dog, no biscuit.


Nulliam prandium est - No such thing as a free lunch


Ex oriente lux. Ex occidente luxus. - From the East comes light. From the West luxury


Mendax mendax tuum braccare flagare - Liar, liar, pants on fire

Potentia vobiscum - May the force be with you.


Spero nos familiares mansuros - I hope we'll still be friends.


Stercus accidit - Shit happens


Aspice quod felix attracsit - Look what the cat dragged in.


Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes - If you can read this, you're too educated


Magnus frater est vigilo vos - Big Brother is watching you

Adepto a vita - Get a life.

Mihi ignosce. Cum homine de cane debeo congredi. - Excuse me. I have to see a man about a dog.

Noli me vocare, ego te vocabo.- Don't call me, I'll call you.

Toro solanum tuberosum - Couch potato.

Abundant dulcibus vitiis.- Nobody's perfect.

Ventis secundis, tene cursum.- Go with the flow.

Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere. - If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum. - Don't you dare erase my hard disk.

Furnulum pani nolo. - I don't want a toaster.

Tace atque abi. - Shut up and go away.

Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari? - How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Prehende uxorem meam, sis!  - Take my wife, please!

Actus non facit reum nisi mens est rea. - I never intended to kill anybody.

Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat. - It's not the heat, it's the humidity.

Mellita, domi adsum. - Honey, I'm home.

Fac ut nemo me vocet. - Hold my calls.

Di! Ecce hora! Uxor mea me necabit! - God, look at the time! My wife will kill me!

Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem. - In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags.

Fac ut gaudeam. - Make my day.

Labia lege. - Read my lips.

Credo nos in fluctu eodem esse. - I think we're on the same wavelength.

Ante victoriam ne canas triumphum. - Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.


Apudne te vel me? - Your place or mine?


Da mihi sis crustum Etruscum cum omnibus in eo. - I'll have a pizza with everything on it.

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris. - If Caesar were alive, you'd be chained to an oar.

Quomodo cogis comas tuas sic videri? - How do you get your hair to do that?

Canis meus id comedit. - My dog ate it.

Feles mala! Cur cista non uteris? Stramentum novum in ea posui. - Bad kitty! Why don't you use the cat box? I put new litter in it.

Animadvertistine, ubicumque stes, fumum recta in faciem ferri? - Ever noticed how wherever you stand, the smoke goes right into your face?

Braccae illae virides cum subucula rosea et tunica Caledonia-quam elenganter concinnatur. - Those green pants go so well with that pink shirt and the plaid jacket.

Hocine bibo aut in eum digitos insero? - Do I drink this or stick my fingers in it?

Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur. - Oh! Was I speaking Latin again? Silly me. Sometimes it just sort of slips out.

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What’s in a Name? , так называется статья о том,что имя человека играет определенную роль в его судьбе.Показалось интересным поговорить с детьми об этом,можно предложить мини-исследование по этой теме. Ссылка: http://bigwords101.com/2015/blog/whats-in-a-name/



What about people? I think we all know that we can tell something about people from their names . . . and mostly in this post, I am talking about first names, rather than last names. Last names tell us a lot too. Often, but not always, they give us clues to the owner’s nationality or race. Goldberg? Probably Jewish. O’Connor? Probably Irish.  Himmelblau. Probably German. Rosetta. Probably Italian. Garcia. Probably Hispanic. Wong. Probably Chinese. Johnson. Maybe African-American. 



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 Интересная статья в Gardian на тему схожую с нашей практикой: отсутствие спецификаций к новым экзаменационным  материалам:



и Еще интересная статья в том же издании опять на тему, беспокоющую и нас:


“How many sentences should I write? How big should I draw the diagram? Should I write my own opinion?” These are some of the questions my students asked me this morning. Looking at that sample, you might assume they are in primary school, but you would be wrong. I teach a humanities subject in an “outstanding” sixth-form college in an affluent area. My students are bright, engaged and well-behaved, but there is something missing: they cannot think.

Secret Teacher: exams have left my students incapable of thinking


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YouTube will forever exist in the history books for the way it transformed the Internet, but here are a few weird yet lesser-known facts that you’ve probably never heard before.

5 Weird Facts You Didn’t Know About YouTube

The infographic  takes a deep look at selfie culture, starting with a look at the generations. Advantages and disadvantages of selfies.

The Selfie Habits Across Different Generations

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Интересная статья о реформе школьного образования в ФРГ:


 ‘Schooling is fresher, more orientated around students and their lives, influences and media consumption habits,’ says teacher Julia Döller. Photograph: Alamy

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British Council

Holly Young

Wednesday 25 November 201512.47 GMT Last modified on Wednesday 25 November 201514.42 GMT


In 2000, Germany experienced an uncomfortable reality check when the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) revealed disappointing results for performance and equality in its schools.

The country tested below average in maths, reading and science in theProgramme for International Assessment (Pisa) report – and received the unwanted accolade of having the most unequal education performance among the 43 countries examined .

The results were a blow to a country that prides itself on its strong literary tradition and belief in social equality. “Germany’s school system – and indeed the whole nation – was shocked by the first Pisa results of 2000,” says Christian Füeller, German author and commentator on education. “It revealed a broad group of ‘at risk’ students that could not properly read and were termed ‘functional illiterates’. This seemed to destroy any notions of being Goethe’s and Thomas Mann’s ‘kulturnation’ of thinkers and poets.”

Just over a decade later, Germany was celebrated in the same research. In 2012, it was one of just three countries surveyed by the OECD that reduced inequality while improving its math scores. The great “Pisa shock” led to what has now beencalled the “great turnaround” in German education. So, does Germany, with its complex and fragmented education system, and school days that have traditionally stopped at lunchtime, have a lesson or two to teach other countries?

A change of structure

While it is difficult to pinpoint the exact recipe for success, Miyako Ikeda, senior analyst on the Pisa team at the OECD, argues one of the most significant changes was structural reform of the secondary school system. The findings of 2000, which laid bare how far socio-economic background was tied to educational performance, added fuel to the argument that streaming children at the age of 10 didn’t work. The old system– where children moved into either a Gymnasium (for academic students), Realschule (for intermediary students), or Hauptschule (for the less academic) – was felt to be perpetuating inequality.

Several measures were taken to relax the system. These reforms included delaying the age when children are assigned to different secondary schools, combining Realschulen and Hauptschule, and introducing more comprehensive schools. “These measures have broken down the segregation between children set on academic paths and those on a vocational path. It has allowed children more flexibility in their learning and taken away a lot of stigma,” says Sascha Stollhans, tutor at the University of Nottingham and representative of theGerman Academic Exchange Service.

States closed Hauptschules, which were characterised as places for children with poor prospects, and created an alternative with a more positive learning environment, says Maria Lujan, department head of romance languages at theInternational School of Düsseldorf. “Merging with Realschulen also improves the employment prospects of those students,” she adds.

Offering more support to migrants

One of the most important lessons has also been to prioritise support for the lowest achievers, argues Ikeda. He says improvements in reading and maths were largely due to changes in this group.

A significant proportion of low performers in the Pisa report were migrants, and central to turning things around was improving their language skills. “Due to their poor German, foreign students are usually assigned to Hauptschulen,” says Lujan. The introduction of subsidised all-day schools and comprehensives that don’t segregate by ability provides more language support and scope for integration, she argues.

There has also been more encouragement for migrant families to send their children to kindergarten, Lujan adds. “In Germany kindergarten used to be a place in which children just played, but the Pisa results made us see that it’s an important link in the chain of education.”

Lujan says that the Pisa shock led to kindergarten pedagogy reforms and more development opportunities for teachers. “Language difficulties among students were also diagnosed as early as possible through the introduction of new tests,” she adds.

Unifying a fragmented system

“It is difficult to talk about the German education system because every state has its own,” says secondary teacher Julia Döller, describing the patchwork of policies and reforms in Germany’s decentralised structure. One of the key reforms post-Pisa was to standardise curricula and introduce national tests. “School books, the curriculum and teaching have all changed since the Pisa shock. Students are now preparing for standard tests,” says Döller, explaining how reforms have made lessons and teaching more focused.

She also believes it has become more interactive - classes are a far cry from the lessons of rote learning that Döller remembers as a pupil in 1990s Bavaria. “Since 2000 [and the Pisa report] there is more focus on communication and teamwork,” she says. “Schooling is fresher, more orientated around students and their lives, influences and media consumption habits.” Ikeda also argues that teaching quality has, perhaps unsurprisingly, been key to Germany’s turnaround.

A little bit of monitoring, but not too much

A little bit of monitoring can go a long way. “One of the most striking differences between schooling in the UK and Germany is the level of monitoring,” says Stollhans. “While national curriculums and tests have been introduced since 2000, results are not published, there are no league tables, and so schools are not constantly worried about their reputation. It is less target driven,” he explains.

One of the key lessons of the German experience has been to ensure that monitoring is not excessive and does not inhibit the teachers’ creativity. “In Germany there is less pressure on teachers and pupils to perform. They can focus on the process of education rather than the result,” says Stollhans.

A different philosophy

At its heart, many see the turnaround in German education as being successful because it has negotiated change while maintaining its commitment to free, quality education. “You don’t have tuition fees in Germany and therefore students are not seen as customers,” argues Stollhans. “You can see that business attitude in UK schools when you look at the results-driven approach of things likeOfsted and the league tables.”

German educated Anja Abney, now researching education in the US, agrees there is something other countries can learn from the philosophy underpinning the German attitude to learning. “In Germany there is an awareness of letting children be children while they learn,” said Abney. “Teaching the whole person is much more what we do in Germany.”

And yet for some, the great “turnaround” still has some way to go. While the progress made since 2000 has been significant, Lujan believes that tackling what still remains of the “highly discriminatory and unfair” tracking system, is the final hurdle. “The educational system has gone from average to good. Now Germany needs to move from good to great. We still need to create a system in which every pupil is encouraged to try hard and succeed.”

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Интересная история о человеке, создавшем шрифт для лондонского метро

As ubiquitous as the black cab and the double-decker bus, so omnipresent in the city it is practically invisible, the London Underground typeface celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2016. To mark the centenary, a Sussex village, where this most metropolitan of lettering was dreamed up, is putting on a show.



“I hope you realise that I take every opportunity of proclaiming the fact that what the Monotype people call Gill Sans owes all its goodness to your Underground letter,” Gill wrote in a letter to Johnston later in life. “It is not altogether my fault that the exaggerated publicity value of my name makes the advertising world keen to call it by the name of Gill.”

Little did it bother Johnston, accidental creator of one of the world’s longest-lasting corporate identities, who was never one for the limelight. When asked to submit a biography for Who’s Who, he was characteristically to the point, listing only three achievements: “Studied pen shapes of letters in early MSS, British Museum, 1898-99. Teacher of the first classes in formal penmanship and lettering, LCC Central School, 1899-1912. Designed block letters based on classical Roman capital proportions (for London Electric Railways), 1916.” But what influential letters they would turn out to be.

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The most difficult words to pronounce in the English language revealed (from INDEPENDENT)


For almost two weeks, users of the online social platform reddit have been submitting what they consider to be “the hardest English word to pronounce”.

After more than 5,000 submissions, the message thread has become a fount of difficult vocabulary, with users from across the world sharing their favourites and personal experiences.

There are references to popular culture, some very creative tongue-twisters – and because of reddit’s points system, a rough consensus has emerged as to which are the hardest.

Here are the top 10

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The most difficult words to pronounce in the English language revealed (from INDEPENDENT)


For almost two weeks, users of the online social platform reddit have been submitting what they consider to be “the hardest English word to pronounce”.


After more than 5,000 submissions, the message thread has become a fount of difficult vocabulary, with users from across the world sharing their favourites and personal experiences.


There are references to popular culture, some very creative tongue-twisters – and because of reddit’s points system, a rough consensus has emerged as to which are the hardest.


Here are the top 10

очень интересно, особенно когда комментируют и носители языка, и иностранцы - оказывается, трудными им кажутся совсем разные слова!

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What being bilingual does to your brain

Researchers say their study of babies shows that early childhood is the 'optimum time' to learn languages

The difference between the brains of bilingual and monolingual children can be seen as early as 11 months of age, a study has found.

Bilingual children showed more activity in areas of the brain related to 'executive function', which governs tasks such as problem-solving or shifting attention.

"Our results suggest that before they even start talking, babies raised in bilingual households are getting practice at tasks related to executive function," said Naja Ferjan Ramírez, the lead author of a paper about the study.

"This suggests that bilingualism shapes not only language development, but also cognitive development more generally."

In research published in the journal Developmental Science, researchers used an MEG machine to measure the magnetic fields produced by electrical currents in nerve cells in the brains of babies.

The study used 16 11-month-old babies, eight from English-only households and 8 from Spanish-English bilingual households.

They listened to an 18-minute stream of speech sounds - such as "da's" and "ta's" - which included sounds specific to English or Spanish.

When comparing the brain responses between monolingual and bilingual babies, the researchers saw an obvious difference in the brain regions associated with executive function.


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Всероссийский Конкурс для детей и педагогов 

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Всероссийский Конкурс для детей и педагогов 
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нет рабочей ссылки, открывается  поиск ы сети

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Мало того, что ссылки нет, так еще во всех разделах этот спам рекламный разместили.  :ph34r:  :blink:

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Удивительно то, что тему открыл новичок с 3-мя постами. Это как?

Эта тема была открыта в тренировочном разделе. там упрощенные настройки специально чтобы любой мог потренироваться. естественно, спам мы удалим. 

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Portrait horribilis: why it’s so hard to draw the Queen
The awkward portrait on Australia’s new five-dollar bill is just the latest unflattering depiction of Elizabeth II. Artists are falling foul of the fine line between regal myth and obvious lies

"That hesitance reflects a difficulty in portraying the monarch in a democratic age that has blighted representations of Queen Elizabeth II throughout her reign. Ages that were more authoritarian could afford to be much blunter in their portrayals of kings and queens. Portraits of Charles II, for instance, made no attempt to hide his thick eyebrows, poor complexion and almost satyr-like ugliness. Yet these unflattering images do not reveal republican discontent. On the contrary, Charles was so revered that people queued to be cured of scrofula by him – the king supposedly had a magic healing touch.


Not even the most passionate monarchist claims that Elizabeth II has a magic healing power. The modern monarchy is a decoration of the state, not a real ruler, and definitely not a mystical authority. So, portraitists have to work hard to pretend it is all the things it is not. Images can create a charismatic spell that would be ridiculed if you put it into words. Cecil Beaton’s coronation photographs of the Queen revel in medieval splendour, succumbing to delusions of mystical monarchy. Beaton’s picture works because it gives a camp hint that all this is a game, but one false step and a flattering portrait becomes a plain weird one; take Pietro Annigoni’s 1969 painting, which tries to make the Queen look like a military leader and ends up being slightly creepy.

It is a fine line between lending a modern monarch the magic of regal myth and telling obvious lies. As the Queen has got older that balance has got harder. The young woman who was crowned in 1953 was much easier to fit into fairytale fictions of royalty. More and more portraitists have tried to show the “real” Queen as she has aged, with less than happy results. Lucian Freud is one of the greatest British painters of all time, but his portrait of an unhappy Queen uneasily wearing the crown was not exactly a popular success. Profound realism or epic royal fail?


Probably the latter, because just as a modern Queen is not a magically healing Charles II, she is not King Lear either, and Freud probably took the job of portraying her too seriously. So did Dan Llywelyn Hall, a young Welsh painter who was accused of portraying the Queen like a Spitting Image puppet in 2013. These artists have taken on an impossible challenge. Brought up on a image of the Queen that was invented more than 60 years ago, we just won’t accept honest depictions of age as proper royal portraits."  

Вся статья: http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/shortcuts/2016/apr/12/portrait-horribilis-why-its-so-hard-to-draw-the-queen

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