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Long live the Queen

Britain is celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen. 4 days, lunch outside, events on the Thames and much more.

If you go to the official web site devoted to the Diamond Jubilee


you’ll find great stuff including this:

60 Facts about The Queen

Did you know...?

As at 1 January 2012:

1. The Queen is the second longest serving monarch. Only five other kings and queens in British history have reigned for 50 years or more. They are:

• Victoria (63 years)

• George III (59 years)

• Henry III (56 years)

• Edward III (50 years)

• James VI of Scotland (James I of England) (58 years)

2. The Queen is the fortieth monarch since William the Conqueror obtained the crown of England.

3. Since 1952 The Queen has given Royal Assent to more than 3,500 Acts of Parliament.

4. Over the reign, Her Majesty has given regular audiences to 12 Prime Ministers. They are:

• Winston Churchill 1951-55

• Sir Anthony Eden 1955-57

• Harold Macmillan 1957-63

• Sir Alec Douglas-Home 1963-64

• Harold Wilson 1964-70 and 1974-76

• Edward Heath 1970-74

• James Callaghan 1976-79

• Margaret Thatcher 1979-90

• John Major 1990-97

• Tony Blair 1997-2007

• Gordon Brown 2007-2010

• David Cameron 2010 - present

5. Tony Blair was the first Prime Minister to have been born during The Queen's reign. He was born in early May, 1953 - a month before the Coronation.


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Long live the Queen

Britain is celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen. 4 days, lunch outside, events on the Thames and much more.

If you go to the official web site devoted to the Diamond Jubilee


you’ll find great stuff including this:

60 Facts about The Queen

Did you know...?

As at 1 January 2012:

1. The Queen is the second longest serving monarch. Only five other kings and queens in British history have reigned for 50 years or more. They are:

• Victoria (63 years)

• George III (59 years)

• Henry III (56 years)

• Edward III (50 years)

• James VI of Scotland (James I of England) (58 years)

2. The Queen is the fortieth monarch since William the Conqueror obtained the crown of England.

3. Since 1952 The Queen has given Royal Assent to more than 3,500 Acts of Parliament.

4. Over the reign, Her Majesty has given regular audiences to 12 Prime Ministers. They are:

• Winston Churchill 1951-55

• Sir Anthony Eden 1955-57

• Harold Macmillan 1957-63

• Sir Alec Douglas-Home 1963-64

• Harold Wilson 1964-70 and 1974-76

• Edward Heath 1970-74

• James Callaghan 1976-79

• Margaret Thatcher 1979-90

• John Major 1990-97

• Tony Blair 1997-2007

• Gordon Brown 2007-2010

• David Cameron 2010 - present

5. Tony Blair was the first Prime Minister to have been born during The Queen's reign. He was born in early May, 1953 - a month before the Coronation.



Спасибо! Не знала факт про Тони Блэра. Очень забавно и полезно! :angry:

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Я написала поздравление королеве! Забавно! :)

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Я написала поздравление королеве! Забавно! :)

Если честно, у меня весь энтузиазм по поводу "королевских дел" на британских островах прошел в детстве. Мне нравится Елизавета Виндзор и я признаю, что британская монархия - это красивое зрелище. Но я столько слышал от англичан недоумений типа "зачем нам это", что постепенно начал и сам думать так же. Одна высокопоставленная чиновница из Лондона как-то сказал мне, что "вся королевская семья - это просто актеры, которые получили право на роли по наследству". Ну как бы "тень отца Гамлета" может играть только прямой родственник актера, который играл эту тень раньше. Да и сам муж королевы как-то сказал, что их семье нелегко всю жизнь жить в музее и быть-чем-то вроде экспонатов среди других музейных ценностей. Но 60 лет на троне - это красивый спектакль да и музей остается популярным.

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Да так-то оно так... Формальность, игра... Но и правда красиво и вызывает уважение.

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А вот видео с другого бриллиантового юбилея - королевы Виктории в 1897 году:


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А перед фейерверком принц Чарльз произнес интересную речь:



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Но далеко не везде в Британии люди праздновали юбилей:

The BBC's Queen's jubilee propaganda failed in Scotland


"The jubilee feels very different depending where you are in Britain. Ian Bell, Scotland's most articulate republican, wrote last week: "The monarch we are supposed to celebrate this odd weekend has no claim to the throne of Scotland. She is not, and has never been, my queen." Many feel the same. There's a problem with the story we are being told about Britain. The jubilee is meant more as a unifier than a pacifier, and the national broadcaster is entrusted with gushing appropriately, often when nothing is happening but a bout of rain-washed punting. But the project of British propagandising looks like falling apart under examination.


Who was celebrating? Officially, there were 9,500 street parties in England and Wales. But there were just 60 street parties in Scotland, and 20 of these were organised by the Orange Order, with funding from the Labour-controlled Glasgow city council. " http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/jun/05/bbc-jubilee-propagandising-failed-scotland?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Fcommentisfree%2Frss+%28Comment+is+free%29&utm_content=Google+Reader

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Thanks a lot.I have learnt much interesting and useful information about British monachy.

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"The monarch we are supposed to celebrate this odd weekend has no claim to the throne of Scotland. She is not, and has never been, my queen."

The eternal confrontation between the Scots and the English.

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The eternal confrontation between the Scots and the English.

Почитайте последний номер АИФ, очень интересная статья о королеве, не пожалеете.

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