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Reading aloud is and has always been a problem to teach and learn, here is a part of the article on how to teach it:

Reading aloud is one of the most powerful techniques for improving students’ reading skills and keeping them engaged. It can be done by the teacher or by the students.

By reading the text aloud, the teacher provides a full support for struggling readers and makes the text more accessible for them. When students get to look at the text while listening to someone read it, they can process the information more effectively and understand how it should be read.

Reading aloud helps students develop language sense (as they hear the ways words are used, pronounced, and interpreted). A more knowledgeable other’s way of emphasizing and pausing at appropriate places shows students how punctuation and different sentence structures contribute to the meaning of the text.

When to read aloud:

1. When introducing texts with new or difficult concepts or language.

2. When you don’t have a copy of the text for every student in class (for example, an article from the morning paper or the latest magazine, or an individual book that only a teacher has).

3. When you want students to be engaged and their attention to be focused.

4. At the beginning (an opener) or at the end of the class (a wrap-up activity).

5. Once a week (for example, each Friday) to make it a special day for reading. This will help students to have a memorable experience.

If you’d like to know and experience more go to the site and explore.


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