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урок-дискуссия в 10 классе

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Урок-дискуссия: "People's Relations.In Search of Happiness" (10 form)

Уровень: Upper-Intermediate

Задачи урока:

Учебные: развивать разговорные навыки (монологической и диалогической речи), и аудирования.

Развивающие : развивать способности к сравнению, умозаключению, обобщению, анализу, логичности; развивать

умения выражать своё отношение к обсуждаемому вопросу, выяснить и обсудить мнение и отношение собеседника к

обсуждаемому вопросу.

Воспитывающие: учить критически относиться к своему поведению, критически думать о своих семейных отношениях, уметь находить пути разрешения семейных конфликтов.



• индивидуальная работа (высказывание собственного мнения по проблеме)

• парная ( разные типы диалогов)

• групповая (работа в 2х рабочих группах)



наглядный материал (можно выбрать)

• "All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"( Leo Tolstoy, a Russian

writer 1828-1910)

• A house becomes a house with love inside ( a saying)

• "A good laugh is sunshine in a house " (W. Thackeray, an English writer 1811-1863)

• "Home is a place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in " (Robert Frost, an American poet 1874-


• "Happiness is good health and a bad memory " (Ingrid Bergman, a Swedish film actress)

• "Act as if you were already happy and that will tend to make you happy" (Dale Carnegie, an American self help


• "Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have " (Rabbi Hyman Schachtel, an American


• "All the miles of a hard road are worth a moment of true happiness " (Arnold Lobel, an American writer)

• "Happiness is a way station between too little and too much " (Channing Pollock, an American actress)

• Words of Wisdom:

Life is what you make of it

If you want to be happy for life, love what you do

The shortest distance between two people is a warm smile and a good laugh

Humour adds years to your life and life to your years

Men make house, women make homes (Мужчины создают дома, а женщины- домашний очаг)

• video "In Search of Happiness"{ Cutting Edge-video -intermediate/ upper-intermediate, Longman)


Раздаточный материал

• Role-play cards- Card 1 / Card 2 (для ролевой игры)

• Debate-cards (для модулированной ситуации)

• Discussion-cards (для групповой дискуссии)


Методическое содержание урока (подробно на сайте www.2spbg.ru-----Киреева Т.В.)

Ход урока

1. Warm-up Discussion


Т: Today we have a debate-lesson. Our subject is People's Relations. In Search of Happiness. Leo Tolstoy wrote in his famous "Anna Karenina" "All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way "

*T: What is a happy family in your opinion? (высказывание личного мнения -по 1 человеку от группы)

*Т: What does the 'home' mean to you? ( высказывание личного мнения -по 1 человеку от группы)


2. Main part.


• Discursive Talk

T: So, family is a group of people living in the same house. Some families are large, others are small.

*T: Is it good or bad to grow up in a large family?

1st group: You speak about the advantages of being an only child in the family.

2nd group: You speak about the disadvantages of being an only child in the family

(группы обдумывают ответ в течение 1 минуты, затем высказывают своё мнение)


• Opinion Talk

Т: So, if a family is a group of people, there are some problems in any family. Not only the Russian writer Turgenev was interested in the problem of "fathers and sons", every new generation has clashed face to face over such a problem. The flash of the conflict usually takes place, when the children are teenagers.

*T: What issues do you think cause conflicts between parents and children? How can we solve the problems?

( высказывание личного мнения -по 1-2-3 человека от группы)


• Role play ( диалог с обменом фактической информацией)

Т: Now I'd like you to role-play the situation. One student is a famous cinema star who is giving an interview. The second student is a reporter who is interested in her/his private life and asks her/him questions.


• Debate on a simulated situation ( диалог с обменом оценочной информацией)


• Discussion based on video "In Search of Happiness"

T: So , we've spoken about happy families , participating in social events, and we have one more issue "What is happiness?" Our next page of discussion is "In search of happiness". You're going to watch a short section of the video film and then answer some questions.


Discussion-cards (a group discussion)

• Which three things are mentioned as sources of happiness?

• Emma and Mark give examples of things that make people happy. Name the ones you hear.

 Being with your family

 Being with your friends

 Being popular with the opposite sex

 Walking in the countryside

 Listening to music

( Key: Being popular with the opposite sex, Walking in the countryside, Listening to music)


3. Conclusion. Homework

Think of these two questions: ( a 1-minute talk on each question)

• What makes you happy? Give your reasons.

• Do you think people's levels of happiness remain more or less the same throughout their lives?

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Урок-дискуссия: "People's Relations.In Search of Happiness" (10 form)

Уровень: Upper-Intermediate

Методическое содержание урока (подробно на сайте www.2spbg.ru-----Киреева Т.В

Уважаемая Татьяна Викторовна! Спасибо за представленные материалы: данный урок + методические рекомендации на сайте вашей гимназии. Ваш опыт будет полезен многим учителям!

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Уважаемая Татьяна Викторовна! Спасибо за представленные материалы: данный урок + методические рекомендации на сайте вашей гимназии. Ваш опыт будет полезен многим учителям!

Огромное спасибо! В год семьи, я думаю, полезно будет обратиться к теме непроходящих ценностей. Это очень необходимо сейчас молодым.

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