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Межкультурная коммуникация - чему учить?

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Межкультурная коммуникация с легкой руки С.Г. Тер-Минасовой стала обиходным термином в методике. К тому же это интереснейшая отрасль знания, выходящая за пределы языка, и в то же время необходимая для полноценного общения с представителями других культур.

Не секрет, что в разных культурах одни и те же слова могут иметь совершенно разные оттенки значения, и просто переводить их с помощью словаря недостаточно - собеседник может понять вас совсем не так. Действительно, разве зима - это то же самое, что английская winter? Новый Год в России - это совсем не то, что унылый, сонный, спокойный New Year в Англии. Дом престарелых в России (не дай бог никому туда попасть) - это совсем не то же самое, что care home в США.

Но дело не только в словах и тех картинах, которые возникают перед внутренним взором говорящего. Жесты тоже сильно отличаются в разных странах и один и тот же жест может не просто быть неверно истолкован, а привести к очень нехорошей ситуации. Вот несколько примеров того, что означают некоторые популярные жесты:


Gesture: The "OK" (or "Rabbit", if you're making shadow animals on the wall)

What you think it means: "Everything's all good!"

What it means in Greece and Turkey: "You're a man, and you're attracted to other men".



Gesture: Hook 'em horns

What you think it means: "Rock on!"

What it means in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, and Colombia: "You're so dense you don't realize your wife is cheating on you". Often done behind a guy's back rather than to his face, this gesture's a popular insult at soccer matches.


Gesture: Beckoning arm wave

What you think it means: "Come here!"

What it means in Singapore: Death is coming. In the Philippines, however, it's a gesture fit only for dogs, and can actually land you in jail if you do it to a person.


А вот еще любопытные примеры из другой статьи:

Should you ever find yourself in an Iranian carpet souk and want to signal to the rug dealer that he's finally named a price you can agree on, please don't give him the thumbs-up. You'd actually be telling him where he could stick his offer, rather than the desired effect.

... Young boys can hold hands without comment in Australia, but grown men? It's probably a sign that they're partners, although traditional values being what they are, still not a common one. However, such Western views may represent a minority worldwide. It's quite unremarkable to see two male chums walking down the street holding hands, or arm in arm, in India and in Muslim and African lands.

... Arriving 10 minutes late to a dinner party or drinks bash is considered polite in Oz but it's actually rather modest by some countries' standards. An hour's lateness is standard in laidback Argentina. Even three hours would not be thought rude for some informal occasions. And which country in the world puts the most emphasis on turning up exactly on time? No prizes for guessing the likely candidate. It's Germany.


Еще любопытные значения жестов:

The Chin Flick (Belgium, France, Northern Italy, Tunisia): This means “get lost” (in more aggressive language). To perform this, you brush the hand under the chin in a forward flicking motion. It’s an insulting brush off people typically use in arguments.

...Five Fathers (Arab countries, Caribbean): This insult implies that you have a disgusting family upbringing. This is a particularly insulting gesture in Saudi Arabia. If you’re washing your hands (or are an antsy person) be careful of this gesture.

...Pepper Mill (Southern Italy): The pepper mill insinuates that a pesron is crazy. If you’re asking for more pepper at a restaurant, be careful!

...Cutis (India, Pakistan): This gesture means “I don’t care for you or your whole family,” basically. You could insult your foreign host’s entire family with this little movement. You could even be thrown out on the street.



Если значение жестов в разных странах вас заинтересовало, вы можете почитать о них и в других статьях:




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