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A synonym is a word or phrase that means something similar to another word. The words ‘big’ and ‘large’ are synonyms.


·  Baggage (n): gear, luggage

·  Balance (n): equity, harmony

·  Balcony (n): porch, terrace

·  Bald (adj): hairless

·  Ban (v): forbid, prohibit

·  Bandit (n): thief, robber

·  Bare (adj): naked

·  Bargain (n): agreement

·  Barrier (n): obstacle

·  Base (n): 1. Foundation, infrastructure; 2.headquarter

·  Basic (adj): elementary, essential, fundamental

·  Battle (n): combat; fighting, war

·  Bazaar (n): fair, marketplace

·  Beak (n): bill, snout

·  Bear (v): 1.accept, endure, tolerate; 2. Bring; 3. Produce

·  Beat (v): hit, strike

Phrasal verb is a phrase that consists of a main verb and preposition or a main verb and an adverb. For example: to get on (get+on); to ask after (ask+after). The meaning of a phrasal verb is different from the meaning of its main verb. Phrasal verbs often have several meanings.

  • Beam down (S): to transport someone or something immediately to a planet, using teleportation equipment (in science fiction). They beam down to the surface of a planet.
  • Bear on: (formal) to relate to something or to have an effect on it. We discussed issues bear on employee welfare.
  • Bear out (S): to demonstrate that someone is right or something is true. The evidence bears out this allegation. Several witnesses didn’t bear me out.
  • Bear up: to remain brave during a sad or difficult time. He didn’t bear up under the financial problems.
  • Bear with: to be patient with someone; listen to someone. If you will bear with me a moment, I’ll explain the rules.
  • Bear down on: to move forward towards someone or something in a threatening manner. A strange van bore down on my car.
  • Beat out: 1. to sound a rhythm by hitting a drum or other instrument. Hand drummers beat out a rhythm. 2. (S) to stop a fire by beating. They beat the flames out with a fire blanket.
  • Beat out of (S):  to hit someone to get something such as a  confession. The terrorists were not able to beat confession out of me.
  • Beat to (S): to arrive somewhere before someone else; to finish something more quickly. He always beats me to the finish line


  • Idioms

·  Buy time: to do something in order to have more time to achieve something

  Kill time: spend time by entertaining yourself or doing something that is interesting for you

·  Mark time: 1) to pass the time while you wait for the right opportunity 2) Military: March in one place

·  Time flies: time passes very quickly

·  Time after time (time and time again): very often; again and again

·  Time is money: time is valuable and used productively

·  Tell the time (Us tell time): to be able to read a clock or watch correctly

·  Bide your time: to wait patiently for the right moment to do something

·  Third time lucky (US third time is the charm): used when you are sure to succeed the third attempt because you have failed the previous two attempts

·  Have time to kill (have time on your hands): have nothing to do

·  Long time no see: I have not seen you for a long time

·  Once upon a time: once a long time ago, used to open fairy tales and folk tales

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впечатляет, спасибо: http://www.vocabularypage.com/2016/05/consonant-doubling-verbs.html

готово к употреблению: http://www.vocabularypage.com/p/synonyms.html

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