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All in all, there are 8 airports in London: Biggin Hill, Gatwick, Heathrow, Luton, City, RAF Northolt, Southend and Stansted. But do you know how they got their names?


When you see a 'wick' or 'wich' on the end of a landlocked place name, it often denotes a market or some other form of trading settlement. Chiswick, for example, was probably a place that produced and sold cheese. It is an absolute delight, therefore to learn that Gatwick is thought to be Anglo-Saxon for 'goat farm'.  We say 'thought to' because the name isn't recorded until as late as 1241, long after the Norman conquest, when the 'de Gatwicks' were lording it over the area. Their adopted name is unmistakably Anglo-Saxon, however.


A small grassy airfield, one of the earliest in the London area, opened here in 1930 beside the sleepy hamlet of Heathrow. This settlement was first recorded in 1410 as La Hetherewe, meaning simply a row of houses on a heath. Sorry, bit boring that one. Move along.

Read more at https://londonist.com/2014/09/how-londons-airports-got-their-names

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