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English For Pleasure

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Skyeng (Part 1)

Эх, давно не писал на форуме в блогах и вот все-таки решился написать несколько слов о моих попытках устроиться в компанию "Skyeng" на вакансии "Специалист по созданию учебных материалов" и "Учитель-методист - Kids". Оба раза, к сожалению, получились неудачными. Если у кого-то есть положительный опыт, то, пожалуйста, напишите в комментариях к посту.


08 сентября 2017 года (Пятница)


14.30 примерно, честно говоря, не помню, а отправленное письмо уже удалил, пишу на электронный адрес Skyeng, который указан на сайте study@skyeng.ru.


Спустя некоторое время (15.20) получаю ответ от HR- ассистента (HR-Assistant):

Добрый день!


Благодарим за проявленный интерес к нашей компании и позиции Специалист по созданию учебных материалов.


Данная вакансия предполагает выполнение тестового задания.



Срок выполнения тестового задания: 48 часов с момента получения данного письма.

К ответному письму просим прикрепить Ваше резюме.


Желаем Вам успехов!


Обратите, пожалуйста, внимание, что какие пункты в резюме нужно указать, не написано. Обычно некоторые работодатели говорят, что необходимо и, по их мнению, важно отразить в резюме.


09 сентября 2017 года (Суббота)


18.00 – приступаю к выполнению задания и в течение нескольких часов его выполняю. Поздно вечером (примерно после 00.00) отправляю ответным письмом на адрес HR-ассистента (HR-Assistant) с уведомлением о получении.


11 сентября 2017 года (Понедельник)


Утро, в пределах 11.00 – 12.00 (опять же отправленное письмо удалил и точно не помню время) пишу на адрес HR-ассистента (HR-Assistant) письмо, в котором спрашиваю о том, получили они мой материал или нет, так как уведомление не пришло.


13 сентября 2017 года (Среда)


09:31 – Приходит ответ от HR-ассистента (HR-Assistant):


Добрый день, Владислав! Ваше письмо получили. В течение текущей недели дадим Вам ответ! Хорошего Вам дня!


Обратите, пожалуйста, внимание, что до конца недели я получу ответ с результатом.


18 сентября 2017 года (Понедельник)


12.00 – Объявление результата:


Добрый день, Владислав!

Спасибо за интерес к нашей компании и проделанную работу.

К сожалению, на данный момент мы не готовы предложить Вам сотрудничество, поскольку приняли решение в пользу другого кандидата. Однако, мы сохранили Ваше резюме в нашей базе и обязательно вернемся к нему, если у нас откроется вакансия похожего профиля и Вам на тот момент будет интересно сотрудничество с нами.

Спасибо большое и всего наилучшего!


В ответ на это сообщение я поблагодарил HR-ассистента (HR-Assistant) за возможность пройти отбор и пожелал всего хорошего.


P.S.: Честно говоря, как-то странно. Обычно работодатели все равно указывают на недочеты или ошибки, которые были сделаны соискателем во время выполнения задания или прохождения собеседования, а в этом письме не было.



Once I happened to meet a girl on this forum. We began to write each other and our communication became a friendship. She became my virtual friend and I can`t imagine my day without talking with her. She helps me every time and also helps me to forget sorrow and pain of my workdays. She is a very trustful friend and I want her to know that:


I love you to fight for you if need be.

Enough to miss you when we are apart, no matter the distance and lenght of time.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you, be there when you need me or want me.

I don`t want to leave you or live without you.




Reading & Games for Kids

Storybooks and Games: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/

Free eBook Library from Oxford Owl for Home: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/

Reading Practice for Kids: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/reading-practice

English Reading Skills: https://www.englishclub.com/reading/

Activities for Children: https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/learning-english/parents-and-children/activities-for-children/



How to Use QR Codes in Your Lessons: https://skyteach.ru/2019/02/28/how-to-use-qr-codes-in-your-lessons/

QR Codes. Practical Ideas for Teens: https://skyteach.ru/2019/02/12/qr-codes-practical-ideas-for-teens/

Free Tool for Learning Opportunity - QR Code: https://skyteach.ru/2019/01/29/free-tool-for-learning-opportunity-qr-code/

QR Code Classroom Activities: https://www.teachstarter.com/us/blog/10-exciting-qr-code-activity-ideas-for-classroom-us/

10 Exciting QR Code Activities for Students: https://www.teachstarter.com/au/blog/10-exciting-qr-code-activity-ideas-for-classroom/



Pupil`s Works (Part 2)

My students from the 5th form wrote some poems today. They are in Russian, because it is very difficult for them to write in English. But I was very glad to get it.




Мы знаем, что английский -

Родимый наш, не лишний!

А главное внутри

Та фраза - a,b,c,d,e!




Английский - самый важный

Его должен знать каждый

А кто его не знает,

Тот сам и погибает.




Сижу я на английском,

Учу словарные слова

Cat - bat, frog - dog -

Легкие слова.

И я выучу словечки, замудренные слегка

Я выучу английский!

Хоть это неспроста.




Английский, английский, английский dog и cat!

Знаю я английский и скажу вам bag

Английский мне хотелось,

Доучить бы до конца

Dog, bag, cat - вот то, что знаю я!




Английский должен знать каждый

Английский - очень важный.

Английский учат дети,

Дети все на свете.




Этот предмет никогда не понять,

Но все равно мы должны его знать.

Учитель английский, конечно же, знает

Мы бы тоже хотели, да "бы" мешает.




Пятый год учу английский

Он - самый лучший, хотя и скучный.

Он опыт нам дает большой,

Но кто-то там его не знает,

Тот будет в будущем смешной!


Pupil`s Work

The lesson in the 9th form is going and my pupil decided to dedicate me a poem about English language. I was very glad to get it, but it was pity that it was in Russian. I waited for an English one. Here it is:


Английский язык


Английский язык – он, как русский велик

Читаешь слова, учишь перевод

Только помню лишь одно: cat – это кот.

А знаете, кто такой Вальтер Скотт?

Наверняка, пока еще нет

С его дня смерти прошло более двух сот лет

Он был признанный писатель,

Гений и мечтатель.

А вот знаете, что такое апостроф?

Нет, не остров, а апостроф!

Он используется для притяжательного падежа образования,

Но все это понять для нас суровое наказание!

Это запятая вверху слова, проще говоря,

Но все эти сложные понятия, просто не для меня,

А также в английском много всего интересного

Для школьников сложного, но очень полезного!

Ладно, пойду учить английский,

А то уровень по нему совсем еще низкий!


My Summer Holidays

These summer holidays I dedicated to preparation for the Pedagogical Conference. This idea came to my mind when I saw the document from our Committee of Education by my school director. And also she suggested me to take part in it. I didn`t want, but at the last moment I agreed.

First of all, I thought about my topic. There were no ideas in my mind, everything about I thought was told some years ago or last year. I was searching for something new. The thoughts left my mind. Then I remembered my best friend, I asked him to help me with the topic. He agreed with pleasure. He suggested me some of themes and then I began to formulate my future topic of the report. After it my friend gave me some recommendations how and what I can write about. The main aim of my work was to make interesting my report in order to attract my listeners` attention.

My work began from the searching material in the Internet and books. It took one week to find an interesting and useful material. Then I had to print and read it carefully. After this work I began writing. In some days my report was ready and I sent it to my friend for reading. He sent me it back some days later with the list of recommendations what I must change in my report. My work continued and in some time I made a new verse of my report. Then I decided to make a presentation of some useful points of my report and I did it.

The work finished some days before the Conference. I had to connect with the Committee of Education. I rang, but that who was responsible for this work didn`t answer. This situation repeated every day. At last I found out that I wouldn`t take part in the Conference. Some other participants were chosen. I was so disappointed. I spent a lot of time for making report and also a lot of forces. But some minutes later I thought: “I can present my report on the English teachers` forum, isn`t it?


My Limericks

There was a young girl from Tambov,

Who spent most of her life at home.

But one day she met a young man from Bonn,

And decided to give him a corn.

That funny young girl from Tambov.




There was an old man from Tambov,

Who had so much time at days-off.

On Saturday he went to the theatre,

Because he got from his friend an invitation letter.

That famous old man from Tambov.




There was a young man from Bor,

Who one day got a letter from Pyat`Gor.

There was no matter,

What was written in the letter.

It was pleasant for young man from Bor.




There was a young man from Tambov,

Who had so rarely days-off,

But one week he had a weekend,

And he spent it so wicked.

That happy young man from Tambov.




There was one man from Moscow,

Who had a great sense of humor.

He wrote so best,

Spending time in the net.

That successful one man from Moscow.


When I was a student of the 5th course, I had to write compositions every week, because it was very important for my future exam. It was writing-practice. One of them I found in my notices some days ago.

Money Is A Root Of Evil


I can`t say that money is a root of evil. But in some aspects it is so. Every day we spend our money on food, clothing, for other things. We always feel need in it. Some people have a lot of them. They can allow themselves everything, what they want. They "throw it everywhere". To my mind, these people don`t know how to spend it rightly, usefully. People, like me, doctors, teachers are always in need of money. Sometimes we don`t know how to live till the next wage. When we get it, we must pay a part of them for our flat, for electricity, for central heating and so on. Sometimes we have debts, which we must, of course, pay. Finally, we come to conclusion that we have a little of them and begin taking it by somebody again.

I agree with the thoght that money is a root of evil. They bring us a lot of problems. Because of it we can change our relations with people. Now, I would like to tell you one incident. I had a friend, who thought only about money, especially, about big money. It was difficult for me to live with him in one room, in a hostel. When we had no money, he was very angry, he raised his voice, we quarreled with him. Sometimes I didn`t want to live with him, I wanted to move into another room, but it was impossible, because there were no free rooms. This boy had a girl-friend, who also couldn`t communicate with him, and, of course, because of his thoughts about money. He changed some jobs in order to earn more. He always forgot about his girl-friend, waiting for him. At last, he destroyed all relations with me and his girl-friend. The problem was money. Money was an important thing for him, not his friends.

As for me, I need money, like all people, but in not very big quantities. I don`t worry, when I have no money. Money is not very important thing for me. But, of course, I understand that without it we can`t live.



We all have been in love, at least one time. We love the feeling of being wanted, of being cared for, of being taken for just the way we are. There have been times when we believe that we are in love, but sometimes we seem that we fall out of it. There have been times when we love this feeling and after some time it seems to wear out.

So what love is actually? Is love wishing for someone always, wanting to be with someone? Can you love someone without the assurance that you may not be able to be with that person? I had been in love, when I was a schoolboy and when I spent more and more time with her, I realized what love is actually?

Love is a lot more than just wanting to be with that person. It is also more than just to be with that person forever. It is wishing for happiness. It is love to someone so much, that nothing can ever break this union. It is the trust that someone loves you more than anything else and you love someone more than anything else.

Love is waiting for the day when you are about to meet her but still not feeling bad when she can`t spend this time with you. Love is the trust that someone will never ever lie to you. Love is when someone doesn`t have to prove to you always that she loves you. That`s what she made me realize, that`s what my love to her is, and that`s what love is actually.

And what is love for you?

Continue the phrase, pleasе, love is…


Its age is about some thousands years. The imagination and elementary knowledge about the history can help to feel the depth of antiquity. Dance in Ancient India was a developed kind of art and took the special rule among cultural treasures. The excavation of Mohenjo-Daro is evidence of it. The image of girls-dancers in a little bronze plastic art is the evidence of the high status of the art of Indian Dance in those distant years.

This art was performed by Devadasi (“God`s servants”). The girls-dancers were called so, because they were dedicated to God. They were considered his earthy wives and were respected in this quality. Devadasi lived in temples.

The creator and the patron of the art of dancing in India is Shiva. He was one of the three great Gods of Hinduism. Dance was the form of prayer, ritualized gift to divinity and was developing only by temples for long centuries. It presented itself the religious dance drama. This art was closely connected with the temples` rituals and for the departure of the dance cult was erected the special construction near the main sanctuary of the temple. These altars for the gift of dance were called Nata Mandap and were presented itself the areas on the high pedestal, penciled under the roof. The highly sensitive décor of these constructions is still surprising. The fronts are decorated with the figures, poured in different poses of Indian dance. Some of the wonderful images were kept in the State of Gujarat and Modher, which are the source of inspiration of many performers.

The new century of the history of Indian Classical Dance is connected with Islam. The art of dancing had some serious changes. The aesthetics of dance and virtuosity of performers` began valuing more than highly religious treatments of plots, holy for Indians. The dance drama began reminding the choreography in a clean view. Dance became the palatial entertainment.

With the beginning of the English colonization, the ancient art of dancing, praised Indian Gods and penetrated by the exquisitive erotic was practically forgotten.

And in the 20 century Indian Classical Dance, thanks to many dancers, was renewed. The pleiad of brilliant names, such as Uday Shankar, Balasarasvati, Ram Gopal and hundreds of dancers recreated this art for future generations.

It was the main points of the history of Indian Classical Dance.


Indian Cinema (Part 2)

Nowadays, Indian cinema is divided into “old” and “new” one. And a lot of followers of old Indian cinema watch “new” one, certain part of the Indian population put under boycott some films. It happens, because their favourites are acting in films a little now, or some favourite and well-known actors have already died. But they are not all differences of “old” and “new” Indian cinema. The main difference is that there are a lot of songs, more “clearance”, as I can say, in “old” films. There are a lot of blood, open scenes and so on in “new” Indian cinema. It is the reason of boycotts of inhabitants, old mode`s followers, of this country in some cases. The reason of these changes in Indian cinema is that Bollywood tweaks generally accepted Hollywood`s samples, in other words what must be without fail in the films.

A lot of people who doesn`t know the culture and traditions of India, I can ask, why did happen such changes. It is worth engrossing in the Indian history, where naked body or sari was taken off before a man was the shame. All these things in “old” Indian cinema were banned. Every film was checked before screen entry. On the contrary, the girls doesn`t wear sari in “new” films. They usually wear short skirts, topics and other clothes in such style. Because of it I called “old” Indian cinema clearer than “new” one.

There are a lot of dances in Indian cinema and it is the main difference from the other countries` films. Only some people know that a lot of feelings are expressed with the help of dance. The dancer’s movements are formed into words. Every girl was taught by nuts and bolts of such dances from her childhood. They can freely “speak, dancing. Dances was the main thing of girls` education. That is why there are a lot of dances in Indian cinema.


P.S. I wrote this article after watching some "new" films. I decided to compare them with the "old" ones, which I like



Indian Cinema

India is one of those countries, the modern art of which is rooted in the deep past. The cinema of India took the traditions of the national theatre, which has the strict canons. The line of possessing good qualities heroes, heroines and the character, which embodies evil must present in the plot. And the main part of each Indian film is music, songs and dances. The plot must be understood by all spectators: from bankers till the last beggar. It seems to be the spectator has a feeling that he plays a part in the film.

Every one of us read books by R.Kipling, the stories about Captain Nemo in our childhood. All these characters are from India. That is why there is no wonder that the Indian films appeared on the screens of many cinemas. They were immediately approved by spectators.

One after another came out such films as “The Tramp”, “Mr. 420”, affecting stories about love and fight with evil. The magic world of music, dances, bright colours, the world of tears and laughter, sorrow and joy, fails and victories conquered thousands people. Enormous queues for the tickets, full halls confirmed the success by the Soviet people.

India is the country of contrasts, where there are modern technologies and hand work. Temples and airports, big highways and winding mountain roads, the past and the present run into, creating that colouring, which can come in sight the play of imagination. Nevertheless, it is India. Probably, that is why the Indian films seem to be the fairy-tale for many people, but the art must reflect not only the reality, but also give the freedom of phantasy.


Starting learning English, every person must begin with the basics to grasp the English vocabulary. That means he or she must start with the alphabet, keeping it requires regular practice. According to your students` abilities you know where to start. Children will obviously have limited experience with the English vocabulary, and adult students might come to you with some prior knowledge. Instructions: 1) Ask students to pronounce the words from flash cards or presentations in Power Point you made if you have such possibility in your classroom. You can also ask them to read aloud the words from the books or from the cards. You should make it in order to determine whether to begin with basics.2) Teach the alphabet. Students must know to identify and pronounce each of the letters in the ABC before they can understand how they work together. The useful way of practicing is flash cards or cards the teacher made.3) Then put the letters together into basic, one-syllable word, for example, “it”, “is”, “in” and so on. This method can help your students get started before reading large words. Of course, flash cards or cards the teacher made are useful here also.4) At last, always practice the material. No language can your students learn quickly and easy. Test their knowledge every lesson. You can also use different games in teaching the English vocabulary. I think, this article is the most suitable for young teachers, university students, who have not big experience in their teaching career.


How to Teach Grammar

Grammar is not the most exciting subject at English lessons, but it is very difficult and very important. Grammar used to be taught using a language book, learning about parts of speech and other subjects of the language, doing exercises. Now grammar is usually taught with writing, and it is taught through mini-lessons. It may also be taught in literature ways when teacher discuss with students how an author writes or character`s speech pattern. When you teach grammar with these methods, students are more likely to remember the grammar rules and apply them to their everyday life.Instructions:1. Assess your students before you teach any grammar. If they already know what a noun or verb is, and their importance in the sentence.2. Teach grammar points while reading the book in the class or the students are reading themselves. You can discuss with them how the authors use grammar in their writing. Point out if a character has a weird speech pattern and discuss it. Discuss why that character didn`t use proper grammar. These discussions will be more meaningful than doing exercises. 3. Practice punctuation, some other grammar rules, capitalization with spelling sentences. Ask students to practice these skills with spelling sentences. They will show you if students are applying the grammar rules they are learning, or if students need more instruction and practice.And now one advice:Don`t make grammar boring. If you approach it with dislike and boredom, so will your students. Incorporate grammar rules and lessons into other subjects to make it more interesting and fun!P.S: I found this material in my student notes, seeing this topic on our forum and, of course, I decided to write about it in my blog. I think that for some teachers this material will be useful. I try to use some of these instructions in my teaching career. I also try to make my grammar lessons fun, not boring. It is very important for me. But for my present situation at school it is very difficult, because some students have a very low motivation to learning English.


How to Learn Vocabulary

Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language. The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read; and the better you will be able to say what you want to when speaking or writing. Almost every day you hear or read many new English words. You can also find them in your dictionary. You can`t possibly learn all of these words, so you should choose the words, which are important for you, according to the subject you are studying. How to learn words: Once you have chosen which words to learn, you next have to decide how you are going to learn them. Here are a few ideas:• write the words in a notebook (with their translations or definitions) • write the words and definitions on small cards • say the words many times • put the words into different groups (you could use a graphic organizer) • make associations (in pictures or with other words) • ask someone to test you • use the words in your own speaking or writing Learning vocabulary by reading The way you learned very many of the words was by meeting them in the books and magazines you read. The context of a new word in a sentence or story was often enough for you to guess the meaning. Meeting the word again and again in your reading helped you learn it for use in your own speaking and writing. Doing lots of extra reading for pleasure – both fiction and non-fiction – is an excellent way to learn new English words, too. But choose books that you find quite easy to read. Difficult stories or texts that you struggle to understand will not help you to develop your vocabulary the natural way. But remember: to learn new words from reading you have to read a lot! The vocabulary you know can be divided into two groups - passive vocabulary and active vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contains all the words that you understand when you read or listen, but which you do not use (or cannot remember) in your own writing and speaking. Active vocabulary is all the words you understand, plus all the words that you can use yourself. Your active vocabulary, in English and your own language, is probably much smaller than your passive vocabulary. The more you work on learning a word, as suggested above, the more likely it is that it will become part of your active vocabulary.Things to know about the words you learn Usually the first things you learn about a new English word are what it means and its translation in your own language. But there are other things you need to find out before you can say that you know a word like a native speaker does. For example, you have to learn:• how it is spelled • how it is pronounced • how it is inflected (i.e. how it changes if it is a verb, noun or adjective) • other grammar information about it These ideas are from my own experience, when I taught my friend German. It was a difficult task to teach him, because he had no abilities to foreign languages. But he tried and then he was succeeded. Now he is living in Germany with his wife and he is very thankful to me.


How To Be Happy?

How to be happy? This is the question that most people in the world are looking for or try to answer it. Some say that it is money, because we can`t live without them. The other say that for them success and fame are two important factors to be happy. However, a lot of people don`t feel themselves happy even after gaining all these material things. That again brings us back to the question: How to be happy? The answer is not easy, because the word "happiness" cannot be described in a few words.

As for me, happiness is like a butterfly. The more I catch it the more it disappears. But when I pay attention to the other things, it comes and sits on my shoulder.


And what about you?


P.S.: Happiness Quotes - http://www.wisdomquotes.com/cat_happiness.html


Happy People

"Happy people... Happy people ... ..." - Anna repeated, pacing from corner to corner of her room. "Silly topic. Stupid essay. Zhanna Victorovna came up with the same. "Anna stopped and looked out the window."Happy People. Who are they? "Downstairs, she saw neighbours. "They can not be exactly poor," - thought Anna, looking at aunt Valya from a neighbouring flat. "She was always crying, always dissatisfied with something,swears at children and husband. Her screams bored around the house. "The girl continued to look at the neighbours` yard."Do not be sick like my uncle Bob. After a terrible diagnosis, he was drinking, divorced with his wife. His children don`t visit him. He only drinks, he drinks and drinks. ""So," - happily smiling, she ran to the desk, picked up the pen and opened the copybook."Happy people - people who have a lot of money that are healthy and that ...." - She thought for a moment - "beautiful." Completed this sentence, Anna set point."There`s the beginning. I can have a rest and run for ice-cream. If mum asks, I would say that ice-cream helps to think, without it essay will not be finished. "Anna grabbed her jacket and ran out of the house.Spring. The sun shines. All blooms. There are people everywhere."And I'm among the people. Someone of them should be happy. It is only necessary to find the man, look at him more closely and to describe him in my essay. Hooray! I am a genius! "- She thought.Sitting on the bench, she began closely examine the people."That one guy just must be happy." - Anna thought about the guy, just left his expensive foreign car. - "Young. Pretty rich. He must be happy. "She decided to take a closer look at him, to describe him in her essay. Suddenly they met views."Oh, the horror! Empty eyes. He looks at the world, but does not see it. He looks through it. No. He could not be happy. He's like a living dead. Hence, the presence of large amounts of money - this is not a sign of a happy man. Money. Money. How many of them to be happy. Probably a lot, but enough. Huge amounts of money consume your soul. And beauty? Beautiful people should be happy "Anna started to look into the crowd of beautiful people. And then she saw a beautiful girl who is clearly waiting for someone. In the distance she saw a guy with a bouquet of wild flowers. He walked toward the girl."She should be happy. She's beautiful and loved. Now they go together in a cafe "- Ann`s imagination quickly drew a picture in which happy lovers walk past her. But what is it? Beauty eyed guy look arrogant, contemptuous and took a bunch and threw it into the trash."How could she? He wholeheartedly gave her the bouquet. He loves her. "Anna tried to see the girl's eyes."Eyes. Her eyes are like glass. She is only a little. She was unhappy, but does not know it. So, beauty is also no guarantee of happiness. Beautiful and happy - this is not synonymous. "The girl began to look into the faces of passers-by. She did not look at any clothes, no matter the age. She looked into their eyes and tried to find a gleam of happiness."Happy People. Who are they? What are they? "



Handwriting: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Handwriting-691087

Free A - Z Handwriting Practice: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/FREE-A-Z-Handwriting-Practice-2016733

Handwriting Number Booklets: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Handwriting-Number-Booklets-s-1-10-1358599

Number Poem - Handwriting Without Tears Style: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Number-Poem-Handwriting-Without-Tears-Style-2542005

D'nealian Cursive Handwriting Alphabet Cards: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Dnealian-Cursive-Handwriting-Alphabet-Cards-666070




As we know, movement can be used to great effect to reinforce language at all levels. At primary level, I have great fun with parts of the body and instructions to make a very good gymnastics pause. Here are some elements I combine to make my own gym pause.


Head, shoulders, knees and toes…

Introduce the words from the song. Practice them by repeating and touching. Vary the volume of your repetition – sometimes loud like a scary gym instructor, sometimes quiet like a little mouse. Get pupils to touch the part of the body you say.

When you feel the pupils are well practiced, sing the “Head, shoulders, knees and toes…” song. As homework, ask pupils to teach the song to someone at home.


When I see my pupils after the lessons, they remember this song and sing it for me. They also teach their friends. They sing it on the street, at home, by one word everywhere. They like it very much.


My school is the most different from educational institutions of town social mediums. It is situated in the village Bor of Borskoye country settlement, in Tikhvinsky region, Leningradskaya oblast, in 15 kilometers from a very famous town Tikhvin. The first historical record of settlement`s territory is connected with the 16th century. From the end of the 16th century the inhabitants of this territory were busy themselves with ore and tanning trade. There are a lot of historical monuments on the settlement`s territory: burial mounds in Ust`-Shomushka, Shomushka, Yalgino and etc. There was one of the biggest agricultural enterprises “Tikhvinskoye” in Leningradskaya oblast in70 – 80 of the 20th century, which produced animal husbandry and vegetable-growing production.

1730 inhabitants are living in eleven villages on the settlement`s territory now. 1297 inhabitants are living in Bor.

There are eleven private enterprises of timber industry and one of metal working. These enterprises don`t have enough working places.

There are some institutions of cultural and healthcare orientation: two libraries, two medical centers, secondary school with infant school, sport-cultural centers in Bor and in another villages of settlement`s territory. There is a branch of musical school by N.A.Rimskiy-Korsakov in Bor.

My school is founded in 1975. From 1991 till now it has the status of the secondary school. The kindergarten was joined to my school from the 1st of July 1991 according the Resolution of the Head of Administration of Municipal Education “Tikhvinsky region”. There is a museum of history and local lore “The Pages of the History of the Native Region” at school. It is the only in our region and it has the material about the participants of the local wars.

The school is functioning as an educational institute, where there are eleven forms and three infant groups. The school gathering consists of pupils, who live on the territory of Borskoye country settlement, to be exact, from villages Bor, Sarozha and Kaivaksa. The pupils from these villages go by school bus to school.

I studied at this school till the eleventh form. I am working at this school now and I like it very much.



Flashcards is a very good way to teach languages. They increase student talk time. They are quick and easy to use. Games with them are fun and motivated. Flashcards are now available all over the Internet. Just download and print. Some of them you can download here:1. http://www.eslflashcards.com/ - Free ESL Flashcards2. http://games2learnenglish.com/FlashCards/Learn_English_Flashcards.html - Free Flashcards 3. http://www.kids-pages.com/flashcards.htm?count=9 - Kids Pages - Flashcards4. http://alphabetsforkids.net/ - Alphabet for Kids 5. http://www.first-school.ws/theme/printables/flash-cards/numbers-shapes.htm - Flash Cards for Preschool and Kindergarten6. http://flashcardsflashcards.com/english-flash-cards/ - English Flashcards7. http://www.esl-kids.com/flashcards/alphabet.html - Free Flashcards8. http://www.eslkidslab.com/flashcards/index.html - Flashcards / Printable PDF Format9. http://bogglesworldesl.com/cards.htm - ESL Kids Flashcards10. http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/ru/category/interactive-types/flashcards - FlashcardsWe use flashcards as a review tool, as a "study" part of the lesson, when we present a new vocabulary for the topic. We also can use them as a fun and activating part of the lesson.Some tips of using flashcards and games you can see here: 1. http://www.flash-cards.zoomshare.com/1.html - Flashcard Games2. http://myeslcorner.blogspot.com/2008/10/ideas-to-use-flashcards-in-class.html - Using Flashcards in Class3. http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/articles/using-flash-cards-young-learners - Using Flashcards with Young Learners


Easter Videos

The Easter Holiday / Kids Story / Stories for Kindergarten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTs5VjtcUVc

Easter Traditions In Great Britain - ESL / ESOL video A1 - A2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD9mR2JinMo

Easter Traditions - ESL/ESOL/EFL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqod8RVRl50

The Resurrection: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Story of Easter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwYTNNidcjY

The Easter Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_E-3BqqeiU

Easter Eggs Hunting Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RYHImKgdG0

Peppa Pig And Friends Go On An Easter Egg Hunt!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqcMlmqLwAk

Peppa Pig Full Episodes - Easter Bunny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrNI1m5jBC4

Why Do We Celebrate Easter?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SRv32RRmWM


