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Алексей Конобеев

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Все публикации пользователя Алексей Конобеев

  1. Daily English Challenge

    Challenge # 40 Which word in each list cannot collocate with the word in CAPITAL LETTERS? 1. difficulty, knowledge, opportunity, problem, need ARISE 2. have, need, draw, receive, pay, seek ATTENTION 3. attract, give, lose, feign, develop, excite INTEREST 4. an exam, a law, the time, judgement, control PASS 5. inflict, repair, take, assess, cause DAMAGE
  2. Daily English Challenge

    Ответы на Challenge # 39 - i I don’t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it. - g Sometimes I wake up grumpy; other times I let her sleep. - a When life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic. - h Doing nothing is hard, you never know when you're done. - c My wallet is like an onion. When I open it, it makes me cry. - e If you do a job too well, you’ll get stuck with it. - b If you can’t live without me, why aren’t you dead yet? - j All my life I've always wanted to be somebody. But I see now I should have been more specific. - d Hypochondria is the only disease I haven't got. - f I support your right to free speech, please respect my right not to be forced to listen to it.
  3. Вебинары в августе 2018

    Все видео вебинаров выкладываются здесь: https://www.youtube.com/user/Englishteachersru/videos. Запись вебинара про обучение переводу готова, завтра выложим на канале.
  4. Вебинары в августе 2018

    Мы готовим запись к размещению онлайн, постараемся завтра разместить ее на нашем YouTube-канале
  5. Daily English Challenge

    Challenge # 39. Match the beginnings and the endings of these sentences: Beginnings: I don’t suffer from insanity, .... Sometimes I wake up grumpy; other times .... When life gives you melons,... Doing nothing is hard, .... My wallet is like an onion. When I open it, .... If you do a job too well, . If you can’t live without me,... All my life I've always wanted to be somebody. But I see now .... Hypochondria is the only disease .... I support your right to free speech, please respect my right .... Endings:: a) you might be dyslexic. b ) why aren’t you dead yet? c) it makes me cry d) I haven't got e) you’ll get stuck with it f) not to be forced to listen to it g) I let her sleep h) you never know when you're done i) I enjoy every minute of it j) I should have been more specific
  6. Я понимаю, что книжками. К какому именно курсу Вас интересуют программы? "Титул" издаёт три курса: "Happy English.ru", "Millie - New Millennium English" и умирающий курс "Enjoy English", который скоро заканчивается. К какому именно из перечисленных курсов Вам нужны рабочие программы?
  7. Daily English Challenge

    Ответы на Challenge #38 1. The car broke down so we had to tow it to the garage. I dropped a hammer on my right foot and broke my toe. 2. How much is the train fare? I don't think that the low grade for such a brilliant answer was really fair. 3. There's been a thief in the boat, an oar is missing. These mountains have rich deposits of iron ore. 4. This shoe is lacking a sole. This poem lacks soul and spirit. 5. Do you come to this place often? Plaice is my favourite fish.
  8. Daily English Challenge

    Challenge # 38 Homophones Fill in the gaps in the following sentences. For each pair of sentences the words are homophones 1. The car broke down so we had to ______ it to the garage. I dropped a hammer on my right foot and broke my _________. 2. How much is the train ______? I don't think that the low grade for such a brillian answer was really _______. 3. There's been a thief in the boat, an _____ is missing. These mountains have rich deposits of iron ________. 4. This shoe is lacking a _______________. This poem lacks ______ and spirit. 5. Do you come to this ______ often? __________ is my favourite fish.
  9. Дорогие друзья! Не секрет, что все больше учителей начинают использовать игры на своих уроках со студентами всех возрастов. Кто-то использует готовые, кто-то делает свои. Игры теперь в тренде! Приглашаем вас принять участие в очередной игровой (на этот раз выездной) конференции Trendy English Games "Игры на уроках английского"! Новые форматы уроков, необычные задания, игры - готовые решения и просто вдохновение - вот, что вы получите на конференции! Вас ждут: доклады игротека мастер-классы посиделки у костра и квест в лесу Свое участие уже подтвердили Петр Степичев, Елена Сарнавская, Катерина Сташевская, Ольга Ваганова, команда QuestCase Анастасия Дощицина и Людмила Герасимова, конечно же StudyCraft во главе с Еленой Пересадой. Ссылка на регистрацию Trendy English Games - https://trendyenglish.ru/games?utm_source=partners&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Games_1_Titul
  10. Daily English Challenge

    Ответы наChallenge #37 1. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. - "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen 2. It was a bright cool day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. - "1984" by George Orwell 3. It was a pleasure to burn. - "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury 4. There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. - "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte 5. Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show. - "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens
  11. Daily English Challenge

    Challenge #37 Сегодня необычное задание, связанное не столько с владением языком, сколько со знанием англоязычной литературы. Match the first lines and the novels. The first lines: 1. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. 2. It was a bright cool day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. 3. It was a pleasure to burn. 4. There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. 5. Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show. Books: "1984" by George Orwell "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury
  12. Поздравления!

    Примите и от меня поздравления и пожелания интересного и успешного года!
  13. Daily English Challenge

    Ответы на Challenge # 36: 1. as cool as a cucumber 2. as dead as a doornail 3. as regular as clockwork 4. as large as life 5. as sick as a parrot 6. as warm as toast 7. as fresh as a daisy 8. as dull as ditchwater 9. as hard as nails 10. as silent as the grave
  14. Уважаемые коллеги, издательство "Титул" по вашим предложениям начало выпускать электронные неадаптированные художественные книги. Это книги можно читать на планшетах и телефонах, но главное - к ним можно скачать аудиокниги, записанные носителями языка, то есть вы можете одновременно читать и слушать илипросто слушать аудиокнигу. Комплект электронная книга + аудиокнига стоит всего 50 рублей. Книги будут выходить в нескольких сериях: Titul Classics - классические художественные произведения, жемчужины мировой литературы, которые легко и интересно читать. Titul Junior Classics - произведения для детей и юношества, написанные простым языком, увлекательные истории о приключениях, дружбе, рассказы о животных и другие истории, коорые интересно и полезно читать подросткам. Titul Action - приключения, детективы, фантастика, классические рассказы ужасов. Titul Romance - повести и романы о любви, которые приятно читать летним днем или зимним вечером. Первые книги уже вышли: https://www.englishteachers.ru/shop/category/66
  15. Встречайте новую электронную книгу! Рассказы о приключениях короля Артура и рыцарей Круглого стола написаны доступным языком и предназначены для чтения школьниками и всеми, владеющими английским языком на уровнях В1-В2. Классические легенды повествуют о волшебнике Мерлине, злой фее Моргане и о борьбе рыцарей со злом, надвигающимся на древнее королевство Камелот. К книге прилагается аудиозапись всех текстов, сделанная носителями языка. https://www.englishteachers.ru/shop/ware/905/66 PART I. THE DRAWING OF THE SWORD. Long, long ago, after Uther Pendragon died, no king reigned in Britain, and every Knight hoped to seize the crown for himself. The country was like to fare ill when laws were broken on every side, and the corn which was to give bread to the poor was trodden underfoot, and there was none to bring the evildoer to justice. Then, when things were at their worst, came forth Merlin the magician, and fast he rode to the place where the Archbishop of Canterbury had his dwelling. They took counsel together, and agreed that all the lords and gentlemen of Britain should ride to London and meet on Christmas Day, now at hand, in the Great Church. So this was done. And on Christmas morning, as they left the church, they saw in the churchyard a large stone, and on it a bar of steel, and in the steel a naked sword was held, and about it was written in letters of gold, “Whoso pulleth out this sword is by right of birth King of England.” They marvelled at these words, and called for the Archbishop, and brought him into the place where the stone stood. Then those Knights who fain would be King took 2 firm hold of the hilt, and they tugged at the sword with all their might; but it never stirred. The Archbishop watched them in silence, but when they were faint from pulling he spoke: “The man is not here who shall lift out that sword, nor do I know where to find him. But this is my counsel—that two Knights be chosen, good and true men, to keep guard over the sword.” Thus it was done. But the lords and gentlemen-at-arms cried out that every man had a right to try to win the sword, and they decided that on New Year’s Day a tournament should be held, and any Knight who would, might enter the lists. So on New Year’s Day, the Knights, according to custom, went to hear service in the Great Church, and after it was over they met in the field to make ready for the tourney. Among them was a brave Knight called Sir Ector, who brought with him Sir Kay, his son, and Arthur, Kay’s foster-brother.
  16. Уважаемые коллеги, в августе выйдут из печати 15 книг инновационного комплекса для детей Tinkilinki. Мобильное приложение Tinkilinki доступно уже сегодня. Посмотрите видеоролик и узнайте как мобильное приложение поможет вам обучать детей английскому языку, его можно использовать как с дошкольниками, так и с учащимися начальной школы. А о книгах я расскажу вам в ближайшие дни.
  17. К какому именно курсу Вам нужны рабочие программы?
  18. Daily English Challenge

    Challenge # 36: Complete the similes using these words: Words: life, parrot, toast, cucumber, clockwork, grave, ditchwater, doornail, daisy, nails Similes: 1. as cool as a ____________________ 2. as dead as a __________________ 3. as regular as __________________ 4.as as large as _________________ 5.as sick as a ___________________ 6.as warm as ___________________ 7.as fresh as a __________________ 8. as dull as ____________________ 9. as hard as __________________ 10. as silent as the ____________
  19. Daily English Challenge

    Уважаемые коллеги, мы подвели итоги по результатам июля. Наибольшее количество правильных ответов дали: Stasy eggalina gus mirazh Marina Voloshko Победители получат по одно йэлектронной книге на свой выбор из категории https://www.englishteachers.ru/shop/category/66?page=1 Обратите внимание, что сегодня в данной категории появилось еще 6 новых книг. Просим победителей прислать название выбранной в качестве приза книги и ссылку на нее в интернет-магазине на connect@englishteachers.ru
  20. Daily English Challenge

    Ответы на Challenge # 34: scale на Challenge # 35: 1. The corporate party was extremely boring, we went out to a pub and talked shop all the time. 2. Wow, we've done a lot of work! Shall we call it a day? 3. The news that the new CEO is going to resign after only a month with us has come out of the blue. 4. He has not been doing much in class. He'd better pull his socks up if he wants to pass the exam. 5. I don't remember having ever met her, but the name certainly rings the bell.
  21. Барбара, старшая дочь в английской семье, проводит время в заботах о младших братьях и сестрах, помогая своей маме. Барбара чувствует себя совсем несчастной, когда тетя Энн, сестра покойного отца, собирается взять девочку с собой во Францию, где Барбаре предстоит изучать французский язык. Тетя славится непростым характером, и больше всего Барбаре хочется остаться дома. Забавные приключения Барбары и ее тети во Франции приводят к неожиданным и радостным событиям. Читайте электронную книгу или слушайте аудиозапись текста, сделанную носителями языка. https://www.englishteachers.ru/shop/ware/872/66 CHAPTER I. AUNT ANNE. Barbara entered the nursery with rather a worried look on her face. "Aunt Anne is coming to-morrow, children," she announced. "To-morrow!" exclaimed a fair-haired boy, rising from the window-seat. "Oh, I say, Barbe, that's really rather hard lines—in the holidays, too." "Just as we were preparing to have a really exciting time," sighed Frances, who was her brother's close companion and ally. "I know it's a little hard," Barbara said consolingly, sitting down beside them and taking one of the twins on her lap, while the other leaned up against her. "But you will all try to be good and nice to her, won't you? She went away with a bad opinion of us last time, and it worries mother. Besides, we mustn't forget that she was father's sister." "I can't think how she ever came to be," sighed Frances. "She's so dreadfully particular, and we always seem naughtier when she's here. But we'll make an effort, Barbara." "And you won't run away as soon as she speaks to you, Lucy?" Barbara went on, looking at the little girl in her lap. "It's rude, you know. You must try to talk nicely when she wants you to." "Yes;" and the child nodded. "Only she does seem to make a lot of concussions when she comes."
  22. Встречайте новую электронную книгу + аудиокнигу! “The hours of the morning between breakfast and lunch were the time which the inhabitants of Riseholme chiefly devoted to spying on each other.” Энергичная и бескомпромиссная мисс Эммелин Люкас, для близких друзей «королева Лючия», железной рукой управляет светской жизнью английской деревушки, пытаясь создать там подобие королевского двора и при этом морально уничтожая соперниц. Но не все ее попытки оказываются успешными. Познакомьтесь с яркими забавными персонажами комического романа «Королева Лючия» и погрузитесь в мир интриг сельской аристократии 1930-х годов. https://www.englishteachers.ru/shop/ware/901/66 Chapter ONE Though the sun was hot on this July morning Mrs Lucas preferred to cover the half-mile that lay between the station and her house on her own brisk feet, and sent on her maid and her luggage in the fly that her husband had ordered to meet her. After those four hours in the train a short walk would be pleasant, but, though she veiled it from her conscious mind, another motive, sub-consciously engineered, prompted her action. It would, of course, be universally known to all her friends in Riseholme that she was arriving today by the 12.26, and at that hour the village street would be sure to be full of them. They would see the fly with luggage draw up at the door of The Hurst, and nobody except her maid would get out. That would be an interesting thing for them: it would cause one of those little thrills of pleasant excitement and conjectural exercise which supplied Riseholme with its emotional daily bread. They would all wonder what had happened to her, whether she had been taken ill at the very last moment before leaving town and with her well-known fortitude and consideration for the feelings of others, had sent her maid on to assure her husband that he need not be anxious.
  23. Коллеги, обучаете ли вы переводу? Я сам занимался устными переводами (включая синхронный), а также делал немало письменных переводов и склонен соглашаться с теми, кто определяет перевод как отдельный вид речевой деятельности, которому нужно обучать специально. Также я преподавал теорию и практику перевода в университете и знаком с рядом приемов для подготовки переводчиков. Сегодня нашел интересное интервью с Линн Виссон, переводчиком ООН, в котором она рассказывавет о своем опыте работы (22 года!) и особенностях работы переводчика: http://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/tag/speaking-my-language Lynn Visson is a teacher and writer, and was an interpreter at the United Nations for 22 years, interpreting French and Russian into English for politicians like former President Jimmy Carter. Speed is key when doing high-stakes interpreting with delegates and other notable figures, Visson tells Here & Now's Jeremy Hobson. "You have to be able to listen, immediately grasp what someone is saying, and put it into another language, and put it into grammatical sentences and full sentences," she says. "One of the worst things an interpreter can do is not finish a sentence." Interview Highlights On the difference between an interpreter and a translator "The difference — and a lot of people confuse this, even some interpreters and translators — is that with a translator, you give the person a written text in one language and the person will give you back a written text in another language. With an interpreter, you will speak to the person in one language and the person will really interpret that and speak in the other language. It's the difference between written and oral." On notable people she's had to interpret "Well I've done quite a few, not necessarily at the U.N. ... I interpreted for Boris Yeltsin when he was the president of Russia. He was quite easy because he spoke very slowly. I interpreted for Jimmy Carter when he was receiving a Russian Baptist minister, and Carter was quite easy to do because he had very good diction and spoke very clearly. And then there are all kinds of U.N. delegates — some of them go like bats out of hell at 100 miles an hour. And others realize that the interpreter needs time and they slow down. "You want to be sure that you're speaking in grammatical sentences, that you're using proper intonation. It is very difficult to listen to a monotone when somebody is not varying the sound of their voice ... because eventually, you'll lose your audience. And one thing when you train interpreters, you train them in the use of intonation, and intonation in the language into which they're interpreting, not from which they're working." On if there's a tendency to try to soften harsh language while interpreting "That happens, but that's not your job. Your job is to interpret what is actually being said, even though it may be very unpleasant, or it may be something that you personally find repulsive or disagree with. It's a bit like acting. There are plenty of great actors who act murderers, even though they'd never in their lives kill anybody." On situations when something just doesn't translate "I think every interpreter I know, every professional, has at some point been stumped. And anyone who tells you they haven't been is not telling the truth. What you learn is how to cope with it." On the importance of language learning "It's something the majority of Americans — I would add unfortunately — don't do. I wish there were more of it. I think there is far too little emphasis now on the learning of foreign languages. It's very useful, both in terms of thinking and learning the structure of other languages, and of course for travel and for getting to know people and for literature. Reading a translation is not the same thing as reading a book in the original."
  24. Как научить переводу

    Обязательно будем смотреть как обучать переводу на уроке, с чего начать и какие шаги будут эффективными. Пособия для школьников я не знаю, но мы посмотрим на примерах из книг для чтения и сборников стихов и песен для школьников.
  25. Как научить переводу

    Снгодня открываем регистрацию. на вебинары августа. Я поставил вебинар по переводу на 7 августа, тему назвало так: "Обучение переводу на уроках английского языка: онлайн-тренинг." Поговорим о том, почему перевод - это вид отдельный речевой деятельности, что такое "единица перевода", какие виды перевода бывают, почему для перевода недостаточно знать только значения слов, и какие приемы используют переводчики для перевода. Также попробуем некоторые приемы использовать во время вебинара (поэтому это и будет тренинг). В одном вебинаре всего не показать, так что это будет первый вебинар из серии, в следующих будем работать с конкретными приемами перевода и тренироваться. Подойдет такой план?